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>> No.53607055
File: 154 KB, 1080x1220, IMG_20230206_192947_884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm buying TRUFF tomorrow because I saw it shilled hard here and it hasn't mooned yet. Everytime I see something shilled here it's already mooned. I'm going to buy this shit and then I'm going to join the shilling. I'm going to eat sleep and breathe this fucking stock until Wiz Khalifa makes me rich.

>> No.53607081

Coco coir and golden teacher spores. There, you now can make a $200k/year living with zero schooling.

You're welcome.

>> No.53607113

Is this fucking thing really going to moon? The only reason I'm considering buying this is because it will piss me off beyond belief if it moons after seeing you fucking faggots talk about this shit all week.

>> No.53607142

Isn't that a good reason though?
Do you remember the Shiba thread everyone ignored because it was gambling?

The crypto pump we just had was mainly meme stocks.

>> No.53607208
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yeah and the problem with shitcoins like shib is that by the time they hit the board its AFTER a bunch of scammy crypto pump crews have had their disgusting hands all over it, then and ONLY THEN do they post it here and if biz is lucky they can get a pump off their scraps. TRUFF is pristine and untouched by those filthy creatures. the pump has yet to occur.

also the fud against it is fucking retarded too

>> No.53607231

If this thing pulls a SHIB that would be legendary

>> No.53607265

I don't think shrooms should be legal, personally. I've done them a few times and definitely recognize that it could mess someone up bad

>> No.53607269

If this board were to come together on something for once and shill the fuck out of it we could all make a shit load of money since it's a small market cap

>> No.53607287

so can weed and alcohol. its a personal choice, people should have the option to do it if they please. the government should not be telling people what they can and cant do with their own body chemistry.

and besides, microdosing doesnt mess people up and thats something that can be highly beneficial especially with how many people have mental health issues nowadays

>> No.53607308

>if you make it "illegal" then it magically disappear
we should ban gun then right ?
I think the politician gods should ban poverty and being retarded too

>> No.53607311

I was gonna buy some of this today but I forgot. At least it didn't pump a bunch today. I'll probably grab it tomorrow.

>> No.53607343

Kek yeah that guy's argument is dumb

>I don't like it so other people shouldn't be able to take it

Everyone always wants to play god and tell people what they can and can't do. Well you know what? I don't like onions. I think we should ban all onions and throw people in jail for having them, because fuck you that's why

>> No.53607405


>> No.53607485


>> No.53607555
File: 69 KB, 1280x716, IMG_20230206_201128_854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>List of 50 pharma companies and 1 actual mushroom stock
You know what these psychedelic companies remind of? GreenGro Technologies. Never heard of it? Didn't think so. Well let me tell you a story. In 2014 there were quite a few of these pharma companies trying to turn cannabis into a pill or start different types of pharmaceutical businesses involving weed. They all had a nice pump in the beginning, exactly like what happened in 2020/2021 with MNMD and those other shitty psychedelic pharma plays. Those stocks never came back after that, because their business model is fucking retarded. A few years later in 2016 weed stocks went on a huge run and none of the biotechs went along for the ride. Only the recreational plays mooned. Pic related is the future of every single biotech listed on that site. There were many more of these, but they are all delisted and at $0 so I can't show you any of the others

Moral of the story - stick to the recreational side where there is actual money to be made.

>> No.53607579

TRUFF is quite literally the only psychedelic stock that actually exists. I've seen this entire story play out once before.

Biotech = cash grab

>> No.53607607
File: 73 KB, 1280x740, IMG_20230206_202215_593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one more that hasn't been delisted yet. Medical Marijuana Inc.

After it's pump with the rest of the biotech stocks it never reclaimed it's highs even during the big weed rush when all the MJ stocks were mooning

>> No.53607623

So should I buy TRUFF

>> No.53607633

I buy TRUFF because i like the stock
No I won't sell my TRUFF
You can't make me

>> No.53607663

TRUFF is the only good candidate in the entire sector and it has all the prime suspects in it that were behind the weed craze. Bruce Linton = moon pump

>> No.53607706

MNMD and the others are already fucked they arent coming back to their highs. they pretty much all ran out of money and dont have any revenue so any tiny pump in it and the company will do an offering and screw everyone over

>> No.53607735

that chart is fucking brutal btw lol imagine holding this stock during the big run in marijuana stocks and missing the entire thing because you thought people wanted to take a THC pill or whatever instead of smoking weed

>> No.53607805
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this is some pertinent info regarding TRUFF from the previous thread by the way

>> No.53607867

How much TRUFF to make it

>> No.53607889
File: 161 KB, 606x1280, IMG_20230206_204045_914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wiz Khalifa said that it's "gonna be dope".

Yeah, I bet. He got a bunch of TRUFF shares in exchange for the brand deal and he's going to pump the fuck out of it and dump on all of his followers lol. Sounds pretty fuckin "dope" to me.

>> No.53607918


pretty much all celebrities are sell-outs. whether they do something like this, or they attach their name to some shitty sugary energy drink and shill it to all their kid followers. these guys are all out to make money. at least we will be selling into the pump instead of buying into it like retard #104525 from his instagram followers that thinks mushrooms are cool and decides to buy the top after seeing wiz khalifa push this

>> No.53607959
File: 143 KB, 1437x831, 1675732420290844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

define make it? idk man just throw some play money at it and see what happens. in the other thread we were comparing it to the beginning stages of CGC >>53606784

TRUFF would be coming up to the 1st pump in this scenario

>> No.53607971

It looks like the upside of this is a $1 price target so a potential 10x if that happens

>> No.53607992
File: 103 KB, 1437x751, 1675732460435085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CGC bars on top of TRUFF would look like this. obviously it doesnt have to happen exactly like this, and if it hits $2 on the first pump then i will probably sell and buy back

by the way i did not accurately fix the date portion of the chart, the timespan isnt to 2029. i made this in like 30 seconds

>> No.53608001

and the reason i am comparing it to CGC by the way is because it seems to be a similar series of events unfolding, plus the founder of CGC is the head chairman of the board of advisors for TRUFF and so far he is following the same playbook

>> No.53608045

Imagine if this thing actually hit $10 that would be crazy. I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility to be honest, I think CGC peaked at like an $8b market cap or something insane like that, and that was alongside other weed stocks also hitting billion+ dollar caps. TRUFF is at $30m right now. So the same cap that CGC had at the peak would be like a 270x

>> No.53608083

start a psychedelic church where you host ayahuasca and mushroom ceremonies

a very important thing is, you have to have good intentions and actually believe in what you are doing and care about the people you are helping or you will get absolutely fucked by the Great Magnet. but the world is in need of such places and will reward those who take on this kind of task. the moment is right for it.

>> No.53608101

if you have capital, invest in a private practice/community health center offering stuff like ketamine, psilocybin, cannabis or even breathwork healing and psychedelic integration services, basically buy the building and allow licensed therapists to lease space from you to run their mini-practices out of

>> No.53608120
File: 36 KB, 1453x765, bbbb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah its possible. the trend is obviously building but it hasnt exploded into a mania yet. theres a bunch of other legalization news coming out this year too that will probably push it over the edge. plus red light holland is positioned in every single place where it looks like legalization is coming. they already have the business in netherlands running, and then they have a legal shroom grow in canada (2 of them i think) and then they have red light oregon and i think something in colorado even maybe. they are the only ones that will have the government license to grow for those clinical program too because it takes a while to apply for those and get them granted. if people want to throw money at the sector then RLH is literally the only place you can invest in at the moment, there arent any competitors

>> No.53608129

>start a psychedelic church
i dont think you can do that in america yet even if you claim its for religious purposes. maybe in oregon you can im not sure.

>> No.53608132

I was gonna say that would literally be like a 200x from this point which would be absolute insanity

>> No.53608177

Yeah we'll see how it shakes out. Certainly worth a punt.

Yeah there's a big difference in being a fucking autist and getting in something at the very beginning stages when the market cap is still almost nothing like it is now, as opposed to being one of the "early" investors and getting in at a $200m market cap. That's what makes the difference between a 100x and a 10x. Good gains vs life changing gains

>> No.53608226

I went to a shroom dispensary in Toronto. It was pretty cool. It was pretty busy too, lots of customers.

>> No.53608283

MNMD gap fill play to $6 easy money

>> No.53608325

did they have news today? i actually bought some lotto ticket plays for that when it was in the gutter that are doing pretty nice. i only threw like 200 bucks at it though

>> No.53608351

MNMD and SPCE were the 2 options lotto tickets i bought because both of them got absolutely obliterated in the crash

>> No.53608353

I heard that they are in the will they/won't they phase where the government still raids the dispensary but it's not illegal so they can't actually prosecute anything it's just the government coming in and confiscating everything and leaving them to dry

>> No.53608366

lol reminds me of weed dispensaries. they used to do that shit all the time, it was basically like legal robbery

>> No.53608384

Hopefully truff doesn't start moving until Friday I want to put some in it

>> No.53608487
File: 30 KB, 800x418, IMG_20230206_212929_856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah there's a big difference in being a fucking autist and getting in something at the very beginning stages when the market cap is still almost nothing like it is now, as opposed to being one of the "early" investors and getting in at a $200m market cap. That's what makes the difference between a 100x and a 10x. Good gains vs life changing gains
You know what's funny there's some psychedelic ETF's that are out now and they all have medical trash in them. I don't think TRIP/TRUFF is in any of them. They're going to end up being the "early" investors once it's already in $100m+ cap territory and it's "safe" to buy.


Look at how fucking dumb these people are. They took a boot to the fucking face with MindMed as their big holding already. And Johnson and Johnson? Why would you weigh down an ETF like this with a boomer stock like that? But at the end of the day, it's good that TRUFF isn't in these things yet because that means future demand. Getting in BEFORE these assholes is the key. Exit liquidity has to come from somewhere.

>> No.53608494

With how much I'm seeing it mentioned recently it's only a matter of time

>> No.53608513

They used to pull those fucking scams all over California. The feds would come in, smash the entire store up, steal your money and leave. Then they'd come back 6 months later and do it again. The government are the real criminals.

>> No.53608531

What's the time frame for the pump on this?

>> No.53608547

big pump probably in summer but its just starting to uptick off the bottom now

>> No.53608553

how do I buy TRUFF? it isn't listed on Coinbase

>> No.53608560

yeah those ETF's are such a joke dude

its a stock you fuckin retard

>> No.53608568


I THOUGHT IT WAS A COIN, sir please believe me sir, I... I didn't know

>> No.53608574

Jesus man get with the program

>> No.53608577



>> No.53608597

i looked it up on tradingview first so i didnt look retarded ill be honest i thought this was a coin too at the current price it kinda feels like it

>> No.53608626

Big volume the last few days on TRIP. Haven't seen that since last summer. If we break the summer highs there's going to be a lot more people that start to hop in.

>> No.53608628

you are correct to shame me

>> No.53608636

Which app requires the least verification/ fastest verification to start buying stocks? I’m American

>> No.53608649

i have both etrade and td ameritrade. i use etrade primarily. its your typical sign up process. name birth date blah blah blah. pretty straight forward

>> No.53608657

you will eventually want a stock account anyways. theres other opportunities besides whats on coinbase. crypto isnt always the hottest thing all the time.

>> No.53608676

Weed and alcohol don't hold a candle to what a bad shroom trip can do to someobdy anon. I personally think they should just be decriminalized and left at that, but there are a lot of unstable fucks out there who should NOT be doing shrooms. And I'm saying this as someone who has tripped dozens of times.

>> No.53608695

>Weed and alcohol don't hold a candle to what a bad shroom trip can do to someobdy anon.
do you have any idea how many people have had their lives completely ruined by alcohol? there are people on the streets literally shitting themselves homeless begging for $10 so they can buy some gut rot bottom shelf liquor. as far as having a bad trip? sure, but there are risks with everything. at that point we might as well make cars illegal because they are dangerous. do you have any idea what a bad car accident can do to somebody anon?

>> No.53608706

I can't believe there are still people in the year 2023 that think drugs should be illegal. I think it's fair to say by now that this little "experiment" of making them illegal has completely and utterly failed.

>> No.53608749

So you're pumping this now to dump in late spring. Gotcha. Will be buying some.

>> No.53608754
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As a recovered alcoholic i have to side with booze being the greater of the 3 evils mention...

>> No.53608759
File: 100 KB, 801x767, Jpow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small caps are starting to see some signs of life right now so maybe time to start scraping some shit off the sidewalk that looks like this

>> No.53608781

this thing will moon for the sole purpose of making the anon who posted about the shooting spree feel like a fucking moron

>> No.53608782

>there are a lot of unstable fucks out there who should NOT be doing shrooms
You don't need to be a mental wreck in order to get fucked up by a trip. It's enough to be unlucky. There's set and setting blablabla but you can only control a trip so much.

>> No.53608797

Have you ever had a bad trip? Have you ever tripped so hard that you completely lost touch with reality? I have and I was lucky to be in a safe space with responsible people who made sure I was okay. It's not the shrooms themselves, it's just that people who have subdued violent or self-destructive tendencies can go full throttle on them and do insane shit that can hurt themselves and others. I knew one dude who blew his head off on mushrooms and another guy who slashed apart his cock. People have driven cars off cliffs and blown their houses up on mushrooms.

It's not the shrooms themselves that are bad but the temporary psychosis they can induce can be extremely dangerous with the wrong people. It's not about dependency or long term health effects like with weed or alcohol, but the fact that unstable people can do completely unhinged shit that makes it dangerous.

This is also true. The one really bad trip I had on mushrooms was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. I thought for sure I had broken something in my mind and would be like that forever.

>> No.53608847
File: 224 KB, 574x434, headrest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I knew one dude who blew his head off on mushrooms and another guy who slashed apart his cock. People have driven cars off cliffs and blown their houses up on mushrooms.
>It's not the shrooms themselves that are bad but the temporary psychosis they can induce can be extremely dangerous with the wrong people.
the goys have noticed
activate the mushroom fud

>> No.53608914

stocks are gay

I started a mushroom farm, obviously not everyone can do this but it's a based job

agaracus and psilocybin growing methods are very similar and the big agaracus companies will probably just transfer over to that

as a small scale grower other than for personal use I don't believe you will be commercially viable, unless your company focuses on many different kinds of medicinal mushrooms, like turkey tail, lion's mane, cordecepts, oyster, shittake, and others, but as a small farm competing against the giants in something as easy as psilocybin exclusively is probably not a winning strategy, one good thing about it is, maybe you can charge a premium for freshness, or prepared teas or whatever that might not ship as well

since the entire west coast of america will be out of water in 10 years that also cripples some of the biggest mushroom farms in the industry, obviously growing something that needs water and temperate climate in the fucking desert is retarded

luckily psilocybin is also often still valuable dried, so you can store it for like a year in freezers, possibly people will want to be in touch with the person that grows so you have a local advantage there

everything is logistics to some extent so you could potentially still charge less than a company that has to ship it long distances

>> No.53608939

>The one really bad trip I had on mushrooms was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life.
Same. For me it was acid though. I had tripped a bunch of times on both acid and shrooms before, same set and setting as always, 200mcg. The trip itself wasn't even that bad, just incredibly intense but during the comedown I could immediately tell something went horribly wrong. it fucked me up beyond repair. Took me about a year to function normally again. I'm doing okay now but there's still residual symptoms of the trauma. My brain is low-key sperging out panic juice as I'm writing this lmao.

It's easy to think psychs are the greatest shit ever if you only ever have good experiences - I thought so too. But one bad experience is enough to scare you off of that shit for life. Some of my earlier trips were among the most incredible experiences I've had in my life but I haven't touched psychs since that last trip and don't think I'll ever will again.

That being said I don't mind seeing shrooms legalized/decriminalized. People should be able to make an informed choice. I do hate how how redditors think they're the holy grail or the cure for everything (microdoing meme) while downplaying the risks and downsides though.

>> No.53608966

Fidelity is great, I got approved next day when I opened my broker account a few years ago. My money went through pretty fast too.

>> No.53608991
File: 86 KB, 1280x698, IWM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if small caps leave the current range they are in and break to the upside we should see some huge runs in stocks like these. the climate seems right for it with most of retail still bearish and their cash sidelined. if you look at the small cap index overlayed with that stock you can see that the huge pumps always come when smalls are breaking out. the stock may be news driven but news has a more powerful effect when the entire index is moving. im not sure what happened with that little pump last summer, but if it was during a larger small cap move it would have gone much further. nows the time to start looking for plays like these or at least adding them to the watch list for when IWM breaks 200 and starts running. thats where the big money is made fast, like from ev stocks and shit during the last run. ill keep an eye on truff and grab a chunk as long as IWM breaks out and doesnt fail here.

if it is time for small cap season like i suspect it might be then this is going to run like it did on the last big pump in 2020, especially if they time it with news releases like you guys are saying.

>> No.53609012

Is there really anyway for normal people to break into this? Seems like we’d just get outplayed by dispensaries like what happened to legalized weed.

>> No.53609049

Fucking shills. Entire thread is mechanical.

>> No.53609055

no u
verification not required

>> No.53609062

the average person with the right things and capital can start a mushroom farm, it isn't impossible

>> No.53609069

everything is mechanical. dont you know about the machine elves faggot?

>> No.53609074

yea stockfaggotry is cringe but it is an interesting industry to talk about

>> No.53609188

Stocks are gay but I want money and this is only 10 cents
I'm poor and can afford 10 cents
Whats not to love?

>> No.53609299

the argument comparing the negatives of alcohol and weed or whatever legal shit, really doesnt hold up. nobody becomes an addict on their first beer or joint, it takes a while for the destructive habits to start ruining your life.
but it can only take the first trip to send some unstable fuck past irrevocable insanity and do some seriously fucked up shit.
should psychs be decriminalized? 100% absolutely. but making them easier for retarded people who dont know the first thing about these substances is a bad move. and >>53609012
said it, its going to be jewed from inception.

>> No.53609358
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If he can actually pull it off I will personally suck this guys dick

>> No.53609396

I think shrooms are powerful in a controlled environment like a therapy session, but they need legalization for that to happen so I think we'll see a full pendulum swing which is we go full legal, see some of the repercussions, and then swing back towards more control, and stop somewhere in the middle probably at controlled therapy sessions like I said

>> No.53609434

There's no way they could make it legal and then walk it back. You can't put the genie back in the bottle once it's out.

>> No.53609449

yeah thats pretty likely but the main takeaway is that this isnt a good investment, its an extremely sensitive FUD rollercoaster that could be stuck in the legal limbo for ages

>> No.53609475

They could easily apply regulations or steeper penalties for tripping in public. Run some negative headlines.
You underestimate the government, they will simply say "okay that's enough of that"
I think they have to go full legal due to npc pressure of not understanding what they are demanding be full legal lol

>> No.53609483

I like that people think don't want it now. If everyone thought it was great then it wouldn't be a good idea. Wait until the hype train rolls in and the media starts pushing it more and more. Most people need that positive press to tell them it's a good idea before they can accept it, but by then it's generally already too late to make money on. All of my best investments were things that people told me were absolutely retarded in the beginning when I bought them.

>> No.53609488

This is a terrible investment lol
Ride the wave
Ask questions later

>> No.53609501

I don't think people are going to be as irresponsible with psychs as you might think. Weed edibles were a similar story in the beginning, everyone thought that people would eat a bunch of it and go fucking crazy - which some did and there were news stories about it to be fair - but it was nothing like people were anticipating

>> No.53609513

>Wait until the hype train rolls in and the media starts pushing it more and more
man i dont think you realize just how little the average normalfag knows about psychedelics. they think its some kind of neuron killing dope that makes you jump out windows. and most conservatives are vehemently opposed to them from religious and DARE brainwashing

>> No.53609519

I call it a trade. I don't care what happens to this shit once I'm done with it lol. Worst case I take a small L on it. Low risk high reward for entries on it where it is right now

>> No.53609537

>most conservatives are vehemently opposed to them from religious and DARE brainwashing
Actually that's wrong. Conservatives are actively pushing for psychs because of the PTSD angle. A lot of republicans are actually pushing the bills. Look it up. These guys are all about treatment for vets and shit. It's not just the libtards that want it.

>> No.53609553

Here's a few examples




>> No.53609585
File: 641 KB, 735x734, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn dude how could it happen? You must have disregarded Set&Setting somewhere along your trip to have such a bad experience. If you care for good Set&Setting chances of having a bad trip are close to zero. I've had 3 bad trips so far and the last one was two years ago, didn't sleep the night before and watched a lot of porn. Just like you when coming down I realized something shitty is happening, then my head was flooded with frightening and nightmare-ish visuals for 3 hours straight that felt like three days, at least my friends were there to help me through it. Teached me a hard lesson, still getting anxiety thinking about it. Now I truly realized the importance of planning a trip and following the rules. Damn.

>> No.53609608

Is DMT the superior experience? Then it's only 15 minutes so if you're having a bad trip you don't have to sit through it for an eternity. I've never tried it but I've always wanted to.

>> No.53609642

DMT is one of the most intense psychedelic experiences possible. if youre doing it right time wont exist as a concept. i really hate to fearmonger but a bad DMT trip could feel like an actual eternity.
personally i have only ever had one bad trip, but that only stuck with me for a month or two.

>> No.53609655

How many times have you done it

>> No.53609688

yeah that was poorly worded. i meant psychs as a whole, my bad trip was with shrooms. i cant actually tell you what a bad dmt trip is like, thats just what ive heard from others.
this kind of shit is incredibly subjective to the point where i see minimal value in comparing experiences with other people because its not something that can really be put into words anyways.

>> No.53609737

>Is DMT the superior experience?
It's definitely the most intense psychedelic experience you can have so I haven't tried it yet out of respect and fear. But one is for sure, if you have a bad trip on DMT there's no way out, you WILL have to go through it until the trip ends.
This in itself might no be bad, we know from psychedelic therapy that bad trips occur as a result of suppressed emotions and memories rising up from the unconscious that your psyche tries to suppress. That's why it's important to go through the bad trip no matter what. You CAN end a bad trip by taking antipsychotics or benzodiazepines for example, but you have to account for the fact that by doing that you're not only interrupting the bad trip itself but also the digestive process of negative emotions and experiences that's taking place underneath the bad experience. This could make unprocessed suppressed emotions and experiences manifest themselves after the trip in different, often neurotic ways (e.g anxiety).
Tripping productively is not an easy topic and requires being well informed and prepared before you do it. But you also shouldn't overthink it. Psychs find you in life, not the other way around. If you're supposed to take them, you're gonna do it, maybe sooner maybe later.

>> No.53609840
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>You CAN end a bad trip by taking antipsychotics or benzodiazepines for example
I always make sure I have Xanax on standby when I take shrooms. That's the only thing that shit is actually good for is pressing the eject button on a trip.

>> No.53609860

>if youre doing it right time wont exist as a concept.
Yeah but time still passes and it's only 15 minutes. Pretty sure people don't get stuck in a time loop on DMT.

>> No.53609874
File: 187 KB, 828x1247, IMG_20230207_001314_015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup that's one thing people are always surprised me. The cuckservarives are on board with the legalization agenda for psychedelics, even some of the guys that are against weed.

>> No.53610005
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psychodelics are cool, food is cooler. bitch you'll be eating until you die. i have this whole world's market cornered. i am a legitimate threat.

>> No.53610022
File: 225 KB, 794x715, il_794xN.4001565072_f4xb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know that people sell all types of mushrooms on Etsy and make a ton of sales?

How difficult would it be to start a mushroom grow. All I need is basically a temp controlled greenhouse right? Mushroom farming literally sounds like the comfiest thing ever.


>> No.53610034

Did you know what you can eat mushrooms though?

>> No.53610080

This person is selling them for $15 for 10 grams too. I would slap an organic label on mine and tell people they are only sprayed with high mineral content spring water, grown in a high vibration positive environment, all that shit. I'll charge $29 for mine and people will eat it up too.

>> No.53610233

I bet those taste pretty good

>> No.53610431

you make one mistake and get someone sick and you are fucked

>> No.53610477

Lol dude what are you talking about. People sell food products all over the world. I swear people on this site are some of the biggest fucking retards in existence.

>> No.53610520

in the civilised world you generally have standards to meet when serving food. its generally not legal to sell food prepared in a private setting because private settings cannot be inspected by authorities and you re 100% liable for the condition of your product. so if you have a licensed farm that meets your duty of care then go nuts but encouraging people to grow fungus in their homes and selling them on etsy is fucking pants on head retarded

>> No.53611240

so whats the plan when to sell before 27th May or after?

>> No.53611278

Also the new alt-right angle is schizoid techno shaman which is pretty based. Fuck the Christlarpers, let's experience esoteric expanded consciousness and hang with ayys.

>> No.53611918

Probably just wait for the wiz khalifa thing to play out. The May thing is a rough timeline I think because their options and wiz khalifa being scheduled for the same time probably isn't a coincidence

>> No.53612191

yeah im just unsure if they are gonna dump their bags the day they can or if they are gonna start to get active at around 27th since then they can dump them whenever they want

>> No.53612692



>> No.53612805

Microdosing is all but confirmed to be a meme and acid tends to be more popular in general than shrooms despite them being equally available at this point.
I think there’s money to be made with TRUFF but more in the realm of 10x or 15x realistically, especially with the legalization being up in the air.
Maybe I’m way off but it simply wouldn’t be as big as weed

>> No.53612892

10x or 15x is not bad and i would be very happy with that

>> No.53614166

The market can remain retarded longer than you can remain rational.
The fundamentals don't matter if a hype cycle starts.
They only matter after the initial hype phase ends.

It's good to have targets and take profits on the way up however.

>> No.53614520

Stop pumping this shit you filthy fucking god damn black kike niggers I want it at 8c where it was the other day

Fucking black niggers

>> No.53614534


I wish I could do this without having it be considered a religion... man my autism is showing

>> No.53614557

All I want is 50k shares at 8c it's not that much to ask. Fucking niggers.

>> No.53614643

If was 8c for literally weeks before this there's no way it doesn't hit that again

>> No.53614769

you're probably not going to get 8c. its still under 10 its not that big of a deal

>> No.53615133

How do you buy TRUFF in the UK

>> No.53615234

interactive brokers

>> No.53615277

this is probably the way
a 10x or a 15x is very realistic out of this
maybe keep a few bags in the rare case it goes parabolic

>> No.53615331

Order filled 30k TRUFF. Let's go boys.

>> No.53615355

50k is what you need to make $100k by may

>> No.53615406

Is this really a 10x?
What's the likelihood it goes back to $.08? I wanna grab a fat stack of shroom stock

>> No.53615463

its possible that it hits 8c again. hard to say. its not like theres a huge difference between 8 and 9 in the long run anyways. fill half at 9 and half at 8 if it gets there

>> No.53615464

its dogecoin for drug users, easy 10,000x if you shut your brain off and activate the normie 3rd eye

>> No.53615478

>its dogecoin for drug users

>> No.53615514

Not too sure, but your mom is a professional at selling her MUFF so go ask her.

>> No.53615535

Ive never done drugs in my life but if it's a dogecoin for druggies that actually sounds legit

>> No.53616445

It was the same set and setting as always. Alone at home, cleaned my room before, got coomfy, prepared some stuff to do while tripping. It always worked until it didn't.

>If you care for good Set&Setting chances of having a bad trip are close to zero.

If you actually believe this you're seriously underestimating psychedelics. You can and should minimize the risk but in the end you're not in control while tripping. The drugs take control of (You).

>> No.53616499

just have some alprazolam so you can cancel the trip if you need to

>> No.53616512

>we know from psychedelic therapy that bad trips occur as a result of suppressed emotions and memories rising up from the unconscious that your psyche tries to suppress. That's why it's important to go through the bad trip no matter what.


>> No.53617082

He might be onto something there actually

>> No.53617264

What are the financial implications of normal people tripping?
Can Nancy and Bill handle it?

>> No.53618222

I just bought

What am I in for?

>> No.53618758

how does a trillion dollars sounds

>> No.53619902

lol the stock options expiration guy was right. wiz khalifa summer 2023


at least now we know what to expect. is it really this easy?

>> No.53619925

i feel like maybe we should just stop talking about this stock completely so that not too many people find out about it

>> No.53619981


wiz put that promo teaser on his stories but luckily he didnt mention red light holland or anything yet and nobody knows what hes talking about yet anyways

>> No.53619996

so may 27th is when their stock options are able to be executed, so i suspect that the full marketing campaign and release will be pretty shortly after that

>> No.53620071

Looks like the Wiz IG story just links to mistercap.com which doesn't say anything really. Just a blank template as of now. Only people that already know about it would even realize it's linked to TRUFF. I don't think the team would risk pumping the stock before they can get their payday on it.

>> No.53620113

yeah luckily the website doesnt say shit

>> No.53620147

Bro no fucking way holy shit this is actually going to pump wtf

>> No.53620248

>so may 27th is when their stock options are able to be executed, so i suspect that the full marketing campaign and release will be pretty shortly after that
That's funny. I bet they thought they were super slick and then some retards on 4chan found it and uncovered their plan within a day. It's obviously not a coincidence that they have all this stuff planned around the time they get their stock

>> No.53620276
File: 133 KB, 1200x800, cGc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wizDD ID on a post talking about 4chan doing DD on wiz khalifa stock pump
holy fuck that is a sign from the gods if ever saw one. we are going to make it big from this.

>> No.53620296
File: 61 KB, 713x611, pepe-cig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao holy shit that's incredible. I guess I am obligated to yolo this shit now.

>> No.53620327
File: 563 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230207-155553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here before I go I just read picrel (from October 2022)
Turns out Red Light not only plans on selling mushrooms but they do plan on selling growkits (AKA personal grow equipment) which goes along with what that other anon was saying earlier in the thread about finding company that's involved with the grow and warehouse process.
Seems like TRUFF is as they say, setting all of their ducks in row, so when legalization inevitably comes, they will be placed to immediately begin taking profits.
After research on this it's wild nobody is talking about it. Must be butthurt fags who bought at 40 cents and took a beating over the past year. That being said, the chart shows a bottom formation into a breakout identical to other charts that have broken. I do not believe this 10 cent bottom will ever be tested again as we close in on May when all of the insiders want those options to print.

>> No.53620367

Which platforms is TRUFF on? Don't see it on Robinhood or Uphold.

>> No.53620380

they actually are already selling their psychedelic shrooms in the netherlands and they are already selling growkits in canada in major grocery store chains.

i had no idea they had a huge distribution plan set up for this and for the wiz khalifa stuff though. thats fucking huge. this shit is gonna go wild lol

>> No.53620396

robinhood is literally the only broker that wont let you buy OTC stocks. you have to get etrade, td ameritrade, fidelity, interactive brokers, etc. something like that

robinhood is trash anyways you shouldnt be using that shit

>> No.53620436

It's a Canadian stock and apparently RH doesn't have a Canadian broker connection or something, someone else mentioned that RH doesn't have it but I've never used RH so idk
Fidelity, TD Ameritrade, E Trade, etc
U should use traditional brokers like that anyway, during the GME squeeze remember RH locked everyone out from executing their calls, but fidelity and etc were allowing people to get massive gains without a single hitch.

>> No.53620448

its TRIP in canada, TRUFF on otc exchange in america. different stock tickers but same company

>> No.53620453

Oh is that what it is I didn't know I figured they just didn't list Canadian stocks lmao

>> No.53620455

its not that the company is based in canada thats the problem, its that robinhood doesnt allow their users to trade OTC stocks

>> No.53620486

Isn't may 27th the expiry? Which means that's the last day to cash the options out or am I missing something?

>> No.53620505

Even after legalization, I don't see this being everyone's cup of tea. It's very different from depressants like alcohol and weed. No doubt profitable, but probably not as profitable as weed.

>> No.53620541

I don't think I'd ever do shrooms even after legalization but I'm down to profit off the hype

>> No.53620543

thats a good point you might be right actually and they have to execute them before that date. ill look into how it works

>> No.53620604

I think what the speculation is is that they will start the marketing very shortly before that execution date and after they get huge profits from that, they will continue rolling the marketing campaign through the summer so those higher strikes later in the fall can be executed with profit as well.

>> No.53620657

ok i think i get how it works. so the expiry date is may 27th and they have the option to buy the corresponding amount of shares at a price of $0.06. they want to make sure that when they get the shares that the stock price is much higher so that they can be in huge profit. when they do get the options granted, it will show up on the insider filings report so will we know when they are getting ready and have their shares at the ready

>> No.53620659

Isn't it like a normal option when they have the right to exercise it before expiry?

Also what's is stopping them from making new calls after those expire?

The timing may be good enough for an initial pump but they will plan at least a second pump after that.
They may not have expected the 2022 bear market would last so long and would have needed 3 more month for a perfect execution.

There is an earnings announcement on the 1st of March, which they could use to start the initial hype if they do a marketing campaign at the same time.

>> No.53620693

>There is an earnings announcement on the 1st of March
yeah you're right they could start building the hype up long before may. i think they do have a lot of stuff planned between now and then, but summer 2023 is when it says the mister caps marketing is happening and i think thats going to be their big play that gets them massive exposure

>> No.53620733

So would this mean they plan to make the real pump after they exercise their rights to buy stocks from their option?
If the options can be converted into real stocks then they have no time limit.

>> No.53620793

yeah so like this dude executed some of his options to buy 250,000 shares at a price of $0.06 which he paid $15,000 for

>If the options can be converted into real stocks then they have no time limit.
thats true. there are other guys on there have higher strike prices like the guy with 1m options at $0.38c that expire on march 18, 2023

but the entire team that has theirs at $0.06 and a may expiry will most likely want to make sure that the stock price is well above that since they have to spend their own money to execute those. at least when they do start to execute them we will know that they are getting their ducks in a row to potentially take some profits on a pump

>> No.53620801

the guy that has the $0.38 march expiry date might just get fucked btw unless it pumps pretty big before then

>> No.53620861

I think the goal here is to simply get in before all of the marketing hype begins, I don't think anyone really knows WHEN it will pump, just that current insider positioning indicates a beneficial desire for a pump in the very near future.
And the fact that this is clearly the bottom for TRUFF regardless of any hype. An easy 3x/4x in the most boring case scenario.

>> No.53620907

If they believe the stock will pump later it won't matter too much what the price is as they may have regulations preventing them from buying their own stocks when they want.
Don't they have rules saying they can't sell or buy for 30 days after an earnings announcement for example?

At that point it would make more sense for him to buy the stocks directly on the market but I don't understand the roles for insider trading.

By the way isn't 250000 stocks per person a low number for these people?
Can they really only afford $15k to gamble on their own stocks?

With something like this they should be going all in.
How easy is it for them to buy stocks on their own?

>> No.53620954

the ceo did buy some on the market about a month ago and another guy Brad Lamb (idk his position in the company) put in what looks like a total of about $100k to buy shares on the market last year.

i think the team has other holdings but they have a lock-up period. not completely sure. i'll see if i can find out. i guess it does't matter that much. this >>53620861 is more in line with whats going on i think

>> No.53620958

The irony is that I saw a similar buying signal on their previous company last week.
The complete sector is going to have a pump in the next months.

>> No.53621022
File: 11 KB, 1205x75, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forgot to attach the pic for this btw

>> No.53621104
File: 140 KB, 1200x800, the-saga-of-wiz-khalifa-ep-stream-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bullish

>> No.53621729

Wiz IG story posted an hour ago. The MisterCap IG account has 11.7k followers currently. Monitoring to see if that number increases over the next few days.

>> No.53621994

I mean you can read it up if you don't believe me Anon, just trying to help

>> No.53622183

Alternatively you can just use guided meditation or revisit your past to release your traumatic emotions for the same results and less risk, but it seems the TikTok generation forgot how to do something which takes effort and some willpower.

>> No.53623003

Might make a script tomorrow that tracks large movements of followers to indicate increased interest

>> No.53623099

still cant believe that id

>> No.53623793
File: 73 KB, 1280x706, TRUFF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking good fellas. This shits going to absolutely fly once everything comes together on it.

>> No.53623837

it could start mooning pretty hard in march already. they will probably drop some news with the earnings report. or it could even start now with so many people watching it

>> No.53623925

Wizards, what meme lines have you divined?
What's our target price?

>> No.53624138
File: 67 KB, 1280x666, TRIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just throw the first CGC pump next to it and you have yourself a roadmap. Major pump starts in May. Sounds about right with what they have lined up too. Badabing badaboom. History is your friend.

Key levels are last summer high, 24 and 38. On the Canadian pair. For the US paid just throw the same levels on over TRUFF

>> No.53624165

You seriously can't ask for a better breakout indicator on a graph then that

>> No.53624172

How much TRUFF to make it

>> No.53624307

Looking like at a minimum 3x already in the most conservative scenario
10x is very possible by mid spring
If the hype train rolls, it could very well be a 100x, or more
The fact that this could go parabolic like an altcoin is going to be very appealing as more people start to notice.
Look at this thread even, people who are all in crypto and don't touch stocks see this and say "oh yeah 10 cents that's something I can fuck with what app do I need to download".
And even better, this stock was already somewhat shilled during the last bull, and even just after that tiny shilling it blew up to $0.40, and that initial pump also allows us to land the TA that other anons in here shared, without that initial shilling pump, this chart doesn't look nearly as good.
I'm not all in but I am going to put what would typically be an unsafe amount in to this penny stock. The fundamentals are seriously just too strong to not notice.

>> No.53624440
File: 116 KB, 1080x1339, Screenshot_20230207-210508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can even make an upward trend line with the Google trends on the search term, last spike was 2021, next spike is literally imminent and will clearly surpass the last one

>> No.53624455


make sure you guys sign up to the emails so we know right away when they send some shit out about this

>> No.53624855

A 3x minimum isn't a bad worse case scenario

>> No.53626874

the company i'm working for made some iced tea that has 1g of psilocybin. i was lucky enough to try it myself, got me feeling pretty wavy ngl. not sure if i would consume it regularly though. they're just waiting for it to get legalized in california before hitting the stores.