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53600600 No.53600600 [Reply] [Original]

>make it in 10 years
>can’t even buy a cool car anymore because they’ve all been replaced by EV’s

What’s the point bros… I need to be rich NOW in order to get my dream car it’s gay af

>> No.53600813

Everything is so gay right now.

SUVs and electric cars ffs. I just want to buy classic sedan.

>> No.53600850
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you still have some time, and the used car market even after EVs are the only new cars made. but at the same time, EV and hybrid performance cars are going to be faster than gas-only.

>> No.53600864

You can get a 997 carrera S for like 40k.
Or just buy a fireblade or R1 for 5k and get better performance.

>> No.53600960

Do you imagine all old cars will magically evaporate as people buy more EVs?

>> No.53601215

Could be worse. Imagine the poor bastard who makes it the day before the WEF implements their own nothing and be happy policy. And since they checked his posts and had a few gamer moments, his normie social credit score has been dropped by twenty goodboy points meaning he’s been demoted from cricket crunch to roach munch.

>> No.53601353

Are you at all surprised? The boomers have had their fun in the 5.0 v8's and now decided to push green cars for us younger generations, because we're not allowed fun and an easy life like them.

>> No.53601365

My GTS is finally coming in this week, been waiting for a year.

>> No.53601376

they're faster but they're gay

>> No.53601691

Fucking this.
Boomers enjoyed cool cars, smoking in pubs and lack of CCTV fucking everywhere and decided than once they got older those things are now bad and not allowed.

Boomers are fucking scum.

>> No.53601814

A boomer worked part time during the summer and bought himself a cool car from that alone at the age of 19, you work an entire decade to MAYBE afford a car that you actually want and then don't even drive it because you can't afford the risk of damaging it.

Thanks for playing.

>> No.53601853

yes, you got shafted by the previous generations. The question is what are you going to do about it? Apart from crying about how terrible you have it on anonymous online forum that is.

>> No.53601878

Fuck am I meant to do
You spend all your time working just to afford to live

>> No.53601879

I don't like cars. Not American tho, but still in a culture where men really like to jizz over their cars.

>> No.53602332
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>> No.53602447

I'll let on a lil secret anon. Those EVs you are talking about absolutely destroy ICEs. I've been in /o/ for a while and they fear the EV gang approaching the street racing meetup.
You may cry about the lack of (sexy) noises from EVs but the numbers don't lie.

>> No.53602490

They're no good for rural application. EVs are part of the push to gather up all of humanity into urban centers.

>> No.53604238

>are going to be faster than gas-only.
1) this means nothing when it still takes a human to actually step on the pedal and go after reading the flow of traffic, and nobody who buys EVs is a fast driver 2) they're remotely "upgraded" by the manufacturer, you are going to have speed limits enforced directly into your car's computer by government as soon as they make up the laws they need to commandeer those functions
they're cuckmobiles, period

>> No.53604264

he has it backwards. JDM cars are for fags. mustangs are just a normie car.
as a bizraeli, i drive a v8 jaguar.

>> No.53604327

The cheap and reliable cars from the 80's and 90's largely got wiped out by cash for clunkers.

>> No.53604328


I have a Tesla which is a cool car but I would still rather have a Porsche 911. We’re not just talking raw 0-60 performance but handling matters too, and a Porsche is a bigger flex than a Tesla

>> No.53604413

kek, ICE cuck cope

>> No.53604899
File: 522 KB, 1915x1280, 997-GT3-clean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking worse than just that anon. Your dream car, my dream car and everyone's dream car spanning decades ago are all being scooped up by rich faggots and by the time we make it a 997 gt3 in mint condition will cost well over a $1M maybe even $2M! This is for a car that cost $150k brand new in 2010!!

All that free money in the greatest bullrun the last decade made these alreaady rich fucks even more rich and now that the supply of everything cool from cars, to land is shrinking, they know they can get even richer by buying shit now at highs and holding for use the future suckers to 10x them.

I could have made it in 2017 bullrun and I'd have my gt3 for $100k...

It's fucking over.

>> No.53604961

>be faster than gas-only

Who gives a shit about 0-60 times? Ohh right fake car guys. I need to hear the engine fucking roar you faggot. Nobody gives a shit about 1s 0-60! What the fuck is so fun about that? What's fun is downshifting and hearing the engine sound like God of Thunder at a red light. What's fun is downshifting and hitting a curve and accelerating once you've straightened your wheels. What's fun is being able to roll into corners at high fucking speeds!

Fucking pajeets just want to race in a straight line like a bunch of drag racing homos

>> No.53605475

hate to say it but the novelty of a nice fast car will wear off in a year or two, tops, and women don't really give a shit as much as you think they would.

>> No.53605570

Shut up stupid. You were never a car guy faggot. No one cares that it didnt get you laid. Go ride a roller coaster if you yell "weeeee" while going fast.

>> No.53606011

I can guarantee that sound of reeveing flat 6 engine, open rooftop, warm summer breeze is something that you will look forward season after season. And women? you wont impress them with specs- but all they love the excitement of riding it wildly with their partner.

And isnt the experiences, what really matters in life?

>> No.53606049

exotics aren't going away in our lifetimes lmao girls will wet themselves at any guy with one for the next 500 years, ev or not
porsche are hard with girls though theyre too common and look too boring, unless its like a green gt3 with a spoiler the size of my dick, then we're talking

>> No.53606221

>unless its like a green gt3 with a spoiler the size of my dick

Bs. Gt3 you buy for track/fun not girls. The seats are uncomfortable, it's too agressive for daily rides with girls. (even if, you will attract mostly noveau rich bimbos with mental issues).

Just spend 5x less like a smart man and a get a lovely 981 boxter/ jaguar f-type v8 >2017 and youre already set to impress 99% of women population except russian/dubai thots, which you dont want anyway.

>> No.53606232

>smoking in pubs
Why are you so stupid you think smoking is a good thing and sticking it to the man by doing?

>> No.53606274

1. Relaxes you
2. Boost your testosterone
3. Makes you look cool af

>> No.53606291

Best response I've heard yet to this basic bitch-ass question

>> No.53606307

65,000 hellcat engines sold


>> No.53606315
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>> No.53606335

>t. slow car owner
go drive your miata on some TWISTY CANYON ROADS! bro

>> No.53606342

It's the fact that there wasn't a fucking Karen breathing down your neck to follow orders in an all adult establishment
I don't smoke but I've always been an avid supporter of smoking in bars, it's an adult establishment where adults go to relax and wind down.
>B..but im an adult who doesn't like smoking at bars!
Then don't go, or pick a bar that doesn't have smoking, bars with non smoking existed before 2006 just because the customer base of that bar preferred it. The fact that you as a business owner are FORCED to tell your paying customers they lack the freedom to smoke in your establishment based on government policy is, as the negros say, WHACK

>> No.53606383

no ones talking about the electromagentic radiation from electric cars when they are turned on or being charged.
get an EMR reader and stand next to one and you realize that they are destroying genetic quality and health. the conspiratorial would say this is occurring for malthusian objectives but fact checkers would insist its just a 'coincidence'

>> No.53606396

Sports cars are just cope for people who are scared of motorbikes.

>> No.53607290

It just sucks that someone else will not see you and crash into you with no warning, no matter how good of a rider you are.

>> No.53608623

I agree a little to this but motos are not comfortable. Even in a sports car I can relax, I can drift mentally. Can't do that on a death machine. Also after I read 2 arms, 1 head blog from that biker who became a paraplegic I nope'd out of bikes.

Fuck that shit. Giving myself a life of hell sentence because a brainlet npc wage slave blasting pop rap doesnt check their mirrors or hear the bike's engine.

My legacy is too important to let that scenario play out.

>> No.53610513

>Gives cancer to everyone else in the pub who think you're an absolute wanker

>> No.53610541
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anon they have an annual original Ford incline climbing competition. your dream car will be around for a while. i serve a guy who i think used to work for Studebaker that competes, has an old bourbon county plate on his, drinks Guinness Blonde.