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File: 180 KB, 1200x750, ODAmc3RyaXA9YWxs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53586980 No.53586980 [Reply] [Original]


what are some other ways to get into this market besides buying psychedelic stocks.

if you look at the marijuana industry there are tons of ways to make money there, like running a dispensary, growing weed, making edibles, giving THC cooking classes, developing proprietary strains, etc. i want to get on this trend somehow before it actually takes off. the weed industry is way too saturated now, but in the beginning there was huge money to be made there.

maybe people would use an app thats a guided trip assistant or something like that?

>> No.53587141
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Dude who cares just buy TRUFF and let wiz khalifa make you rich then you don't even have to do anything lol

Why would you want to do any actual work?

>> No.53587161

i dont want to just stare at a number on a screen anon i want to actually build something

>> No.53587163

> maybe people would use an app thats a guided trip assistant or something like that?
>t. Never taken psychedelics.

Any responsible user would have already researched in preparation. Or are you suggesting someone to be on their phone while actively tripping because that’s even more retarded

>> No.53587190
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people that trip in a therapeutic session wear a blindfold and headphones, or they have a person there to guide their trip

i imagine it would be much more enjoyable to do it at home with an app than some random person that you dont know in a clinic

>> No.53587225

Any other good mushroom stocks.
I'll throw in 500 to truff and forget about it.

>> No.53587263

How much TRUFF to make it

>> No.53587284


just buy $ASTS you niggers, its 1b right now and it will hit 50b rather soon

>> No.53587300

500 in truff
1k in asts

>> No.53587305

I looked through all of the psychedelic tickers yesterday and there aren't any other recreational shroom stocks. All the other "shroom stocks" are biotech companies that are trying to put it in pill form and they all have way higher market caps than TRUFF and can just go to zero and completely fail if they don't get FDA approval or if their drug doesn't sell. Those are risky as fuck and I think the upside is worse.

I'm actually astounded that there isn't even one other competitor for this.

>> No.53587340

I'm sure that's the kind of relaxing environment that's conducive to therapy.

>> No.53587361
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>I'm sure that's the kind of relaxing environment that's conducive to therapy.
yeah thats my point though. it would be much better to have an audio track or an app and do the therapy at home by yourself.

>> No.53587402

Looking back at weed stocks I feel like the companies that do best for this are the ones the sell the equipment to grow rather than the actual product.

That being said. I think mushrooms have a lot longer way to go than weed did maybe I'm wrong.

I dont even fuck around with stocks anymore. I just day trade 0dte spx with very low percentage of portfolio. But I'll throw 500-1k into some of these when I find them and let it sit as a longterm lotto.

>> No.53587420
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>That being said. I think mushrooms have a lot longer way to go than weed did maybe I'm wrong.
legalization is happening fast in multiple countries. they already have dispensaries operating in canada.

>> No.53587435

that stock has nothing to do with psychedelics. its a tech company.

>> No.53587454
File: 175 KB, 800x800, Let_Me_In.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so just truff? There must be more.

I'll throw 1k into truff in my roth next week. Fuck it.

>> No.53587521

TRUFF is the only one plus they have Bruce Linton and their market cap is practically nothing. Big difference between getting in at a $30m market cap compared to $300m. Gains are capped much harder at that point.

>> No.53587543

I ordered some of those mushroom microdose capsules that I saw in the other thread btw I'm excited to try those. I have actually been wanting to try it for a long time now.

>> No.53587552

how much did they cost?

>> No.53587580

Like $60 for enough that will last me like 6 months probably. Not even worth growing them myself at that price. It would probably cost me more.

>> No.53587650
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I wouldn’t invest in TRUFF. It’ll never be recreational OTC in America due to firearms being readily available. I promise you that and that’s the route they (truff) are going prioritizing recreational before medical. Think about it anon, All it would take is one ill-prepared person taking a hero dose with latent schizophrenia and a shooting spree to have that shit pulled off the market.

Since it will never be recreational in the states, I don’t think you’re going to have any provider willing to risk their license with someone remotely in an uncontrolled setting.
This is coming from someone who is a huge advocate of psychedelics as an alternative to other antidepressants.

Also, the government wants to divide and conquer. The last thing they want is people to have easy access to a substance that I truly believe has the capability to collectively unite people against them. Do you think big pharma is going to allow their 16 billion dollar annual antidepressant market be threatened by a drug that is infinitely superior in every facet?

>> No.53587689
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Anyone here done Ketamine infusions? My insurance might cover it and it'd be nice to see if its effective for depression.

>> No.53587709

They're set up in Canada with a big warehouse where they're already growing edible mushrooms there and ready to switch over. Also they are already growing and selling their product on the rec market in the Netherlands. Pot stocks mooned to multiple billions of dollar market caps just from Canada rec being made legal. TRUFF is $30m cap and wiz khalifa is gonna shill it on top.

>> No.53587720


>> No.53587746

Do I have to have a trip guide?
T. Never fucked with shrooms

>> No.53587761

I cannot imagine what kind of hopeless retarded loser would use a "trip app" to do mushrooms by themselves at home

>> No.53587778

No you dont

>> No.53587878

>Anyone here done Ketamine infusions?
i have always wanted to try ketamine. idk about infusions in a clinical setting. i would want to try the actual drug by myself first.

i think a lot of people might use it

>> No.53587915

A lot of zoomers are completely helpless without an app telling them what to do, he has a good idea with that.
Another one would be like Weedmaps, but they might already have "shroomMaps" taken so you'd have to come up with a good name, maybe instead of just exclusively dispensaries it shows you controlled trip therapy session places or what have you.
I'm gonna throw some gamble money at TRUFF, probably like 100 bucks, if it goes down to zero oh well if it starts taking off great I'll be an early adopter.

>> No.53587980

There are plenty of psych tech companies already making related apps and websites. Take a look at what they are doing first.

>> No.53587990
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This is the type of logic you see from someone that absolutely seethes as they watch something moon. By the time you realize it was a good idea the opportunity is already gone.

All these articles are from just the last week or so. This shit is moving fast everywhere. At the very least mushroom stocks will have a hype-driven run and afaik TRUFF is the only one. Thanks for confirming my suspicions that it's a good idea.

>> No.53588012

>Another one would be like Weedmaps, but they might already have "shroomMaps" taken so you'd have to come up with a good name, maybe instead of just exclusively dispensaries it shows you controlled trip therapy session places or what have you.
thats actually a good idea. they are decriminalizing it in a lot of areas and they will probably be sold on the streets before the make it to dispensaries.

>> No.53588013

Get a BS in chem and start researching and patenting new tryptamines

>> No.53588015

>edible mushrooms
Lot of clueless dolts in this thread. I tried. Yes you all should invest in TRUFF, ESPECIALLY in your Roth IRA.

>> No.53588037

edible mushrooms means non psychedelic ones like shitake and lions mane and stuff. idk why they call them that but thats the standard terminology i think

>> No.53588062

Why am I not allowed to gamble lol
If it's $100 that I'm okay going to zero then what's the problem
That's the fun in this
Have you ever heard of having fun?

>> No.53588093

>I promise you that and that’s the route they (truff) are going prioritizing recreational before medical.
They are going to be granted the first license from the government to supply legal clinics with their mushrooms. They already have the license in Canada I believe and are first in line to get approved in Oregon and some other states because they already have been growing them in the Netherlands for a long time and have been lobbying the right groups in those states.

>> No.53588096

sell spores. i think you can sell marijuana seeds and shit too legally. could be lucrative if you do it right.

>> No.53588110

that could be another good idea. spores have been legal in most states for years. it seems like most of the websites look like they are from 1999 and are kind of shitty. i bet if someone did it right they could kill the competition in that area.

>> No.53588123
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Lol, I did 2 fat lines that a friend brought over randomly before he went on vacation.

Kinda randomly just got home from work and we were chillin, me and my roommate and him. I remember all the sudden shit got fucking wild, had to sit down. Heavy visuals. I was present the whole time so I didn't khole. But I just remember all 3 of us were kinda chilling there trying to hold onto reality by remembering each other and what we were doing.

It was almost like immedietly taking you brain to a heavy acid trip peak for like 30 minutes. Shit was wild. I didn't get sick but my roommate did so that sucked for him. Can't say I'd recommend doing that much first time.

Definitely did the brain reset thing I like about psychs.

>> No.53588135

there’s good mush growing threads on >>>/diy/ and >>>/ck/

>> No.53588151

Bro what's 1k in my roth. I print money with spx 0dte.

It's actually the perfect place to put it

>> No.53588197


>> No.53588209

>Definitely did the brain reset thing I like about psychs.
thats interesting. i've never been able to get an accurate idea of what ketamine is like from peoples trip reports. guess i will just have to find out for myself.

>> No.53588227

It's very subjective. And the affects vary greatly with the dosage/quality.

>> No.53588248

how come people say that its a party drug? dont people do ket at raves and shit?

>> No.53588250


I dont fuck around with psychs that much anymore. Occasionally I'll trip acid. Now I sometimes just microdose shrooms, so small I don't feel anything noticeable. I find microdosing is very helpful overall for long term depression for myself

>> No.53588266
File: 2.77 MB, 498x272, F546F4D2-F998-49F2-AE9E-CEC91CEA46C9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen you faggot. I’m a huge advocate of mushrooms but you completely disregard any of the other issues I mentioned above. You aren’t ahead of the game. Judging by the links you posted I’d assume you found out about this potential market in the past month. I wanted to invest in psychedelics years ago because I personally know how beneficial they are to my mental health but I decided against it. I don’t know why I waste the time to try and steer you in the right direction but if you’re gonna take a chance on psychedelic stocks, look into literally any other non-recreational mushroom company and look into ones that are in late stages of clinical trials and take your pick.

Alternatively, go with your gut and put your money in TRUFF. In fact, I implore you to

>> No.53588279

>I find microdosing is very helpful overall for long term depression for myself
Depression is fake bro it's a trap created by your own mind. A self fulfilling prophecy.

That being said I do believe that microdosing is beneficial.

>> No.53588295

Man if someone is seething this hard over a microcap stock then it must be good lmao. Shit will moon just to piss this retard off.

>> No.53588324

They do. I have a group of friends that like to rave and go to edm shows. Doing small amounts of ket on top of acid or mushrooms has an interesting affect that only lasts as long as the ket lasts like 20-30 mins.

I find ket, especially taken that way increases visuals and also changes how you hear music.

Some people at edm shows end up taking too much ketamine and they are usually the ones you see lying on the ground or passed out or some shit. Taking that much at a show is not good because you'll lose control of the situation obviously.

Personally, ket is one I would take at home everytime or somewhere I'm familiar with. I dont particularly like going to raves anymore. Same with psychs, rather be at home or on a trail or skiing on lower doses. I dont like talking to people as much and like to think use it as a time for introspection and meditation.

I'm a software dev btw, not some hippy.

>> No.53588337

If you want to learn how to grow unironically go to Plebbit/Uncle Bens. Extremely simple to order your own spore syringes and grow your own once you do a few grows.

>> No.53588340
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>> No.53588343

I know its fake bro. I don't have it. I meant more if you're depressed about situations happening in your life you can't control.

It helps me kinda work through hard to think about topics and deal with them, pr learn about them. So I don't make the same mistakes in the future.

>> No.53588420

The fuck is this? A space company?

>> No.53588526

yeah AST SpaceMobile idk why he posted that. it looks like shit too.

>> No.53588542

Lol yeah fuck that shit.
Vaporware bullshit

>> No.53588596

What are your picks for exposure to this industry then?

>> No.53588606

you know what seems strange to me about ketamine? they say it helps with depression but the only people i have ever met irl that do ketamine are depressed people lol

>> No.53588631

Leddit unironically. Gay ass tech types eat that shit up.

>> No.53588634

Probably some $2m biotech scam that's nothing but a white paper. God forbid people want to buy the company that already is earning revenue and has all their ducks in a row and is aligned with all the right people.

>> No.53588675

reddit cant even tie their own shoes. they would almost certainly be interested in a guided trip app.

it could have a list of options of different audio tracks that guide you through dealing with different issues on your trip. PTSD, addiction, getting over loss, etc.

>> No.53588699

And even if that would go up my $100 goes much further with a TRUFF gamble, I literally just heard of them in this thread and after some basic research its a perfect gamble shot, such a low MC and yeah, they already bring in revenue and have connections in the industry.
If I'm gambling it's because I'm looking for a jackpot, all or nothing, not a 2x over a few years lol

>> No.53588713

This is so evil. It completely negates the purpose of doing it. Why open yourself up if you won't be open to th experience. It's like saying you're open-minded except for on certain issues.
I can't even hate the elites at this point except for the ones that lump me in with those cattle and/or worship the antichrist.

>> No.53588732

why would that be evil? going into a trip with the mindset of working through a certain issue. whats so wrong about that?

>> No.53588789

This is not a gamble it’s a guaranteed 5x with Wiz KHALIFA

>> No.53589040

Can anyone help a retard europoor buy some of this? It's my first time buying a stock just bought some ETFs in the past. Where do I trade this shit? It seems like its on the frankfurt stock exchange but maybe I could buy the us ticker TRUFF. Tell me a broker I can use in the EU that has this please I want to fomo into shrooms.

>> No.53589047

interactive brokers lets europoors buy US stocks

>> No.53589054


>> No.53589072


>> No.53589078

That nigger has like 10m shares he's going to pump the fuck out of it

>> No.53589165

Stop buying XMR and subtly shilling it with threads like this, I do not have enough yet, unironically stop

>> No.53589187

Fuck this shill thread, clearly someone is promoting their TRIP bags. Look at yesterday’s thread.
And today.

>> No.53589209

kek. xmr has been performing like ass for years. it sucked total ass in the previous bull run compared to pretty much everything else.

>> No.53589221


>followed by joerogan

What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.53589238

>Joe Rogan is popular and I hate him which makes me cool and unique

>> No.53589274


Spotted the Andrew Tate fan.

>> No.53589378

What does Joe Rogan have to do with andrew tate

>> No.53589533

There are literally dozens of psych companies doing a variety of things at a variety of stages. This industry is moving along faster than you think. Don't be closed minded and DYOR. This budding industry is much more than one company and anyone expecting quick gains is retarded. Nothing is happening for a few years at minimum.


>> No.53589561

I like both Rogan and Tate ama

>> No.53589582

Top 5 psych stocks.


>> No.53589667

You're opening yourself up to the universe and then trying to funnel that into a narrow hole of problems when some of the onsight might be that they're insignificant and don't matter, but you've framed the problem in such a way that you won't see that.

>> No.53589727

Lmao, pretty much the same. Pretty much the people that use it as a party drug. They're taking Molly and coke and using psychs every fucking rave.

No wonder you're depressed. Ket isn't going to help you with that.

It's more so when you use it in your controlled environment and maybe meditate alone on it it could help. Idk I find microdosing shrooms or very low dose trips help me more than ket for myself.

>> No.53589770

I hold ATAI. But really this industry is a craps shoot.

>> No.53589947

>Looking back at weed stocks I feel like the companies that do best for this are the ones the sell the equipment to grow rather than the actual product.
There's a name for this phenomenon that goes all the way back to guys selling pickaxes during the Californian gold rush.

>> No.53589954

generally it's a good idea to have someone that you trust there with you. but if you're a hermit introvert, it might even be best to do it on your on. just my experience.

>> No.53590137


They're opening ketamine clinics all over now

>> No.53590155

Pickaxes and shovels

>> No.53590208

I've taken ketamine before but wasn't depressed so I can't tell you whether it works or not.
It is pretty enjoyable though

>> No.53590303

What are some good mushroom grow equipment stocks

>> No.53590866


>> No.53590894

what happened to all those people that were supposedly going to get rich from weed stocks

>> No.53590940

I actually don't even know what mass manufactured shroom warehouses would look like
In my house, I needed an aquarium and humidifier in terms of specific equipment, the other items like the bark cave not really soil stuff is already mass produced and I don't know if the shrrom industry would really be much probably just a blip, and there's probably already industrial sized aquariums so it would come down to which company would be manufacturing it for the shroom growers

>> No.53590993

Best trips I have on anything are always by myself. The only problem is that the experience can get overwhelming and if you aren't familiar with the feeling it the trip can get weird and hard to navigate. Ingrain in your brain that whatever happens is temporary and all should be good.

>> No.53591153

A lot of people did get rich from weed stocks
And then the hype came in and left a bunch of baggies

>> No.53591187

Also is wiz khalifa really in on TRUFF? If so that's literally a moonshot wtf why has nobody talked about this before??? It's fucking 8 cents

>> No.53591297


I have. Would recommend, no insurance coverage on my end but if you've done psychedelics you'll know what to expect.they sit you down in a chair and you listen to music or whatever it is you want to do.

Ultimate psychedelic experience is a hero's dose psilocybin in a sensory deprivation tank

>> No.53591379




they are doing the launch this month or next i believe. then they are going to have wiz shill the stock on his social media

>> No.53591406

>what happened to all those people that were supposedly going to get rich from weed stocks
a lot of people did get rich on weed stocks on the way up...then a lot of people lost money on the way down

same with crypto or anything else

>> No.53591588

Imma buy some truffies tomorrow. I need a 10x or I'm suing.

>> No.53591611

psychedelics will never be as big a business as marijuana. people can and do smoke weed all day every day or close to it. but almost nobody wants to "trip out" every day. it's like a once a month thing and only if you're really into it. after you've "tripped out" a few times the novelty wears off and you kind of lose interest.

>> No.53591616

>What is microdosing

>> No.53591711

It'll all be on the processing and medical service side.
Not the growing side unless you cator to retail consumers.
Plus growing them yourself is ridicoulously easy.
If you lack the ability to grow them yourself you should be very cautious in using them

>> No.53591755
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It's not that they are difficult to grow, it's that people would rather just buy them. Especially microdosing capsules that they can just buy and take easily like TRUFF makes.

>> No.53592012

do i have to live in the netherlands to buy this shit or what

>> No.53592027

You underestimate people
I knew a guy who spent his entire 20s tripping like every day
Is he dead now? Sure is, but that's a solid 15 years or so of him buying ounces of shrooms. People want to do drugs and some want to live fast and die hard.
I say sell it to them, they'll do it anyway.

>> No.53592039

TRUFF is on the Canadian exchange so you just pay currency transfer

>> No.53592052
File: 475 KB, 1080x1226, Screenshot_20230205_192353_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm buying TRUFF tomorrow because I saw it shilled hard here and it hasn't mooned yet. Everytime I see something shilled here it's already mooned. I'm going to buy this shit and then I'm going to join the shilling. I'm going to eat sleep and breathe this fucking stock until Wiz Khalifa makes me rich.

>> No.53592060

the ticker for the canadian side is TRIP. for the US its TRUFF.

>> No.53592069

Oh I didn't know that you can't even see TRIP on fidelity in US lol

>> No.53592250

Look at weed. Weed companies some how can't turn a profit with a far less regulated, easier to use (people can smoke during work, a trip needs a big block of time cut it for it) and less scary product. I can't imagine how on earth any recreational mushroom company is going to do anything but hemorrhage money for the next 3 decades.

>> No.53592259


>> No.53592368

Any britbongs know how to buy this?

Its not listed on HL

>> No.53592394

How much do people take a day when they micro dose?

>> No.53592424

i think you need to use interactive brokers to do it


>> No.53592437


its a big market

>> No.53592443

>How much do people take a day when they micro dose?


>> No.53592586

nice did it help with depression? not looking for a magic pill since i know those dont exist. i just need something to get my over those tough weeks. cant do shrooms because i dont have a sitter and also i think i have too much built up that if i were to have a bad trip, shit would really hit the fan and leave me fucked up for weeks.

>> No.53592591
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>$100 for a session, whatever that means
>$50 for microdosing
This shit is doomed to fail for many of the same reasons weed stocks can't turn profit; the price is higher than what it costs to get through "illegitimate" means. Idk about weed through a dealer vs a store, but I knew a guy who shroomed out of his mind, must have been at least once a month, and he told me it cost him 30-50 depending on how many grams he wanted. As the regulation and stigma goes away the laws will be kinder to home growers and police will care less about busting people's balls, like with weed, and street price falls. If this shit's double street price now, when these drugs will land you in a fuckton of hot water, then street price will fall double digit percentages as shrooms are decriminalized. Meanwhile the government will be taxing and regulating the hell out of official producers. The only possible way shroom companies could possibly take off is if there was
1) full legalization
2) borderline zero regulation
3) it's taxed at a very low rate

>> No.53592600

who cares it'll still pump just like weed stocks did. i dont give a fuck what happens after that lol

>> No.53592626

That's probably the right mindset. Buy before the hype peaks and don't buy any stocks "at a discount" because once they start to fall they're not going back up

>> No.53592656
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I like it. I have a good feeling about this.

>> No.53592663

yeah once the hype is over on something like that im out never to return

>> No.53592670

That's holistic healing shit purposely misleading chumps by using the "phrase micro dosing," not psychedelics.

>> No.53592680

it works though. it worked big time with CBD oil. even 80 year old grandmas and shit were taking that stuff. thats the kind of hype im looking for.

>> No.53592721
File: 31 KB, 1485x735, cvcvcv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

microdosing and shroom stocks will see a cycle like this

>> No.53592739
File: 36 KB, 1481x761, md.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually you can already see microdosing starting to build its base. this would be like the 2015 portion of the cbd oil chart

>> No.53592758

Interesting. I like it.

>> No.53592799

Ive done ket on 4 different occasions and the high was completely different each time.

>> No.53592982

>This shit is doomed to fail

Loser mindset. If you don't get it you never will.

>> No.53593135

really? the high changes? thats fucking weird.

>> No.53593175

Its like this guy said >>53588227 quality and dose plays a big part.

>> No.53593222

Jews fear the indoor P cubensis farmer.

Where does TRUFF trade? I can find a few other psych companies but not TRUFF.

Highly recommended to have someone you trust there the first time, just to watch you if nothing else.

>> No.53593238

Make an argument, fag

>> No.53593269

For you

>> No.53593305
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>staring at numbers on screen is not work

Do you know how much discipline it takes to let 60,000 dollars sit in a brokerage account and do nothing but accrue value over time?

>> No.53593318

>Where does TRUFF trade? I can find a few other psych companies but not TRUFF.
what broker do you have? its OTC


in canada it trades under the symbol TRIP


>> No.53593327

the only broker that doesnt let you trade OTC stocks is robinhood because its fucking gay. nobody should be using robinhood anyways

if you dont live in the US then i think you need interactive brokers to trade US stocks

>> No.53593329

Actually, psychedelic therapy has shown to be extremely impactful on individuals. We have data of this going as far back as the 50s

>> No.53593330

we already know what they will look like retard. The process to grow cubensis is literally the same as most gourmet mushrooms like shitake or oyster mushrooms. There are already huge warehouses that do this.

Also using an aquarium is retarded as fuck. Just use grow bags or monotubs.

all the large mushroom growers use monotubs or grow bags, but mostly grow bags.

>> No.53593347
File: 670 KB, 1200x1600, FoEUc-QXwAAUz-J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the large mushroom growers use monotubs or grow bags, but mostly grow bags.
i thought monotubs were the most efficient way and had the biggest yield for personal growers?

this is what TRUFF's warehouses look like idk what they use.


>> No.53593349

None if you're doing it loser lmao. You can't even stop taking drugs

>> No.53593362
File: 134 KB, 416x466, 1675234045214605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychedelic experiences can be very jarring for people who don't know what they are getting themselves into, or, people with very weak personalities and very weak mentalities. This is terrible advice. There's a reason millennia ago shamans had to be used t guide people through their psychedelic experiences and why they were such a huge deal. If you don't treat this shit with respect it can and will fucking destroy you.

Tons of retard zoomers fucking around and finding out getting schizophrenia from eating 100 tabs of LSD in the modern age

>> No.53593366
File: 674 KB, 1200x1600, FnzlL9xXwAAVAKt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nevermind it looks like those are grow bags after they have taken them out. interesting.


>> No.53593374

It's already legalized in oregon, pretty much. This is not true. It's only a matter of time before the states capitulate on it like weed and then the federal government will start taking notice.

>> No.53593376

god that bitch is so hot

>> No.53593391

by the way how are they not getting contams doing it this way? how is that sterile enough for colonization?>>53593366

>> No.53593394

My friend Sarah, her brother died and she has become treatment resistance depressed and they finally put her on ketamine infusions and it's working great for her. It allows her to have some very personal emotional break through with professional psychologists and therapists. Good shit

>> No.53593482
File: 186 KB, 900x1200, MjN4a241MS5qcGc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just make sure they dont fall for the big pharma scam

>> No.53593517

It was on facebook last time I saw. I moved away from my home town andI haven't used facebook in 2 years so I have no idea now, but, that is last I saw.

>> No.53593535
File: 96 KB, 1080x355, 20230205_215313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53593909

they have different kinds of mushrooms in each one or what? how do you get different effects for microdoses

>> No.53594800

Guys please tell me how much I should put into TRUFF. It's already up 22%. If it's actually expected to take off by 2029, this shit could make me rich, right? I have $160k to my name, but I have no job. Should I just dump like $10k into it? That's a 330x at the current market cap.

>> No.53595004

How do I buy TRUFF?

>> No.53595064

r/ShroomStocks has 55k subs holy shit i gotta get on this.

>> No.53595246

should i wait until opening to see if it dips or just buy right now?

>> No.53595346

Bout to start my 3rd week and 5th dose tomorrow
I think it's helping, I'm going to six doses/trips and they say it truly breaks through depression at around 5 or 6 doses (how convenient for the clinic but I'm trying to keep an open mind), fucking expensive though these clinics are printing money

>> No.53596034


ketamine made me think a dead famous writer was attempting to communicate with me from beyond the grave via extremely cryptic means, such as his having orchestrated me taking the ketamine in the first place somehow, all so that I could receive his message, which by the way was of such importance that it was necessary to save the human race, and I forgot it immediately, and his ghostly machinations were all for nothing, and humanity is doomed. I haven't gotten over this experience. it was a year ago. ketamine is weird.

>> No.53596046

also I'm on mescaline right now. wen cactus stocks?

>> No.53596106

>You're opening yourself up to the universe
>This is what druggies actually believe is happening when they are fucking with their neurochemistry while on drugs
Fucking hell you really think your some kind of sage instead of a low ambition stoner don't you?

>> No.53596228


it does sort of "open you up" though, with regard to your senses and your emotions. this is borne out by the science. and technically the universe is all around us as well as within us. so it is in fact technically true that shrooms can "open yourself up to the universe". no need to seethe at another anon for simply stating the truth

>> No.53596256

PS every time you take a sip of alcohol you're "fucking with your neurochemistry," so enjoy your next beer anon

>> No.53596392

Nigger that anon was calling another dude evil for having a different opinion on how to enjoy getting high on shrooms - he deserved a to have his card called.

>> No.53596404


oh lol. I didn't read the whole convo. that's not cool.

goodnight sirs

>> No.53596496

So true man, it's not like weed is a plant or anything. Thank God we have professionals for that.

>> No.53596522

How many shootings every year involve alcohol? Now compare that to shootings involving fucking mushrooms acid.
Dummy up bud.

>> No.53596733

those things can last indefinitely if stored correctly i read

>> No.53597082
File: 484 KB, 666x666, 1644635903469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done DXM like 500 times or something by now.

>> No.53597221

do you know if she worked with a therapist/psychologist during the procedure? or had the procedure and shared your experience in a different session?

are the trips fun atleast? for me, it'd atleast be nice to know that i can walk away from a good and introspective experience. i really need some sort of reset at the very least. i think my insurance should cover most of it. not expecting my depression to go away, but i do need some sort of intervention. im also considering TRT.

>> No.53597323

I bought a couple MNMD $4c 1/17/25 a month ago, they are making money already

>> No.53597424

Bro I'm pretty sure it's just a drug that gets you high and makes you feel good and do some introspection. That's how it "cures depression". It's not physiological apart from that... Also I prefer dxm so much but ymmv

>> No.53597446

They must have HEPA filters out the ass

>> No.53597466
File: 85 KB, 512x512, 0FEA6AD8-4B54-4D1A-A140-439079AA1662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m longing this market

>> No.53597469

ATAI and Compass are the only ones you should be investing in.

t. lost 14k on shroom memestocks last year

>> No.53597476

Samefagging nigger made this thread he's been peppering the catalog with the bullshit for a week, same adderall nigger as well fucking mods do your god damn fucking job you lazy fucking niggers.

>> No.53597500

No DO NOT DO THIS. If you are going to yolo 10k into a shroom stock go for ATAI. Trust me. Their most recent clinical trial was a disappointment and the stock is currently taking a beating but they have a huge pipeline and hundreds of millions of dollars in cash as well as an 80 million dollar stake in Compass Pathways. Your best bet is either ATAI or Compass do not yolo 10k into a shroom penny stock.

>> No.53597515

Why don't you go buy a gun shove it up your ass and pull the fucking trigger until you've unloaded the entire clip you absolute fucking nigger.

>> No.53597527

12 billion! Wow, in 7 years years it'll be a whole 8% of apple. Think of the returns.

>> No.53597529

shut the fuck up and cool it with the negativitity. have sex

>> No.53597546

Why don't you eat out his rotten asshole when his bowels have spilled onto the floor you fucking nigger.

>> No.53597578


>> No.53597641

id literally knock you out irl so clam the fuck down

>> No.53597951

TRUFF is starting to move a bit

Buy now or forever hold your peace

>> No.53598047

meh >>53598033
somebody just found an low liquidity shitequity, eq. of crypto shitcoins and tries to bait anons

>> No.53598062

should I drop $10k on truff rn?? or more?

>> No.53598066

>ATAI and Compass are the only ones you should be investing in.
>t. lost 14k on shroom memestocks last year

Not bad advice. Both are Peter Thiel backed and will most likely be the among the industry leaders when all this shakes out.

>> No.53598374


>> No.53598487

Be careful don't market buy all at once it's thin and there are no sellers. You'll have to chip away to fill your bags at this point.

>> No.53598499
File: 601 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230206_104402_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting into spores, cultures and even the growing supplies side like grains and subtrates.
Id be willing to pay someone to spruce up my site and or help get some custom packaging for my orders, YourSpores.org
Currently in the process of making a custom logo so i can have holo stickers made and sent out with every order.

@YourSpores on IG

>> No.53598552

That's awesome. What's the best strain to grow that has good yield and potency? Looking to get into this new hobby

>> No.53598601

all of you should go fuck yourselves

>> No.53598728
File: 759 KB, 1126x1500, Photo_1672321154741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id highly recommend hillbilly, the variety seen in the photo.
Can hook you up with an LC syringe, $15 shipped so long as you allow me to share your photos whenever you're done, tagging you if you'd like.

That goes for anyone else as well.

>> No.53598741

You're right ATAI sucks and they should go fuck themselves


>> No.53598750

Never heard of that strain. They look like GT's?

>> No.53598815

i bought a little bit this morning

kek you are on biz fucktard do you expect people not to shill their bags? what is it that you DO expect to happen here?

>dont talk about psychedelic stocks in the post about psychedelics

sure thing buddy go seethe on pol or some shit faggot

>> No.53598865

who the fuck said it had anything to do with psychadelics? did you ever consider that, you as a human being, should fuck off and stop shitting up this board with your boring ass stocks. no one cares about stocks. this is a crypto board. take your stupid shit to plebbit. cock sucking bitch.

>> No.53598868
File: 354 KB, 768x1020, Photo_1662300718896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant, the first one shown, second one is from Golden Teachers yeah.
Hill billy's produce thick, heavy and large capped fruits.

>> No.53598922
File: 67 KB, 1437x751, TRIP_2023-02-06_10-15-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is a crypto board
>business and finance
you do realize that other things exist in the world of finance besides your shitty coins that are down -90% right

>> No.53599120

yeah, low cap low liq penny stock scams xD

>> No.53599153

low cap low liq is exactly what you want if wiz khalifa is gonna shill it. go buy AAPL instead though, im sure you will get rich off that

>> No.53599167

those are some fat little fuckers. they look like albino penis envy

>> No.53599257

>Id be willing to pay someone to spruce up my site and or help get some custom packaging for my orders, YourSpores.org
and yeah your website is incredibly fucking ugly by the way. literally one of the worst i have ever seen in my life. the background clashes with everything on the page.

telling you this as a fren

>> No.53599259
File: 553 KB, 1280x1280, Photo_1673527751182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got it right, these are in fact APE, we stock quite a variety of different genetics.

>> No.53599265

you're right anon

>> No.53599293

also try accepting crypto. people like that stuff.

>> No.53599314
File: 529 KB, 1170x1560, Photo_1662399774852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah not the most tech savvy guy, and IK it looks very basic, almost scammy in a way why I ask if someone was interested in help spruce it up bc it definitely needs work.

>> No.53599343
File: 1.01 MB, 2340x1080, Photo_1675133787234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On IG have mentioned taking crypto but only as a P2P basis, like say cashapp, dont know how I'd setup a crypto payment system on the website.

>> No.53599389

you could probably pay some pajeet on fiverr to make a good website for you for next to nothing. just make it super clean with as little text on the page as possible with an easy interface.


something like this but even cleaner. even that site has too much text and clutter on it.

just a list of the products with the price and add to cart button, and then if you click you get more pics and description of it

>> No.53599443

Thanks for the input, never thought about fivver/pajeet route, id be willing to send you a free syringe for the input.

>> No.53599597

This. Keep it straightforward and super clean. Less is more. And get rid of the atrocious background image.

>> No.53599627
File: 112 KB, 1080x398, Screenshot_20230206_110008_TradingView.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TRUFF is pushing nicely this morning. I was able to get a 20k fill around 9c.

>> No.53599641

>You underestimate people
>I knew a guy who spent his entire 20s tripping like every day
>Is he dead now? Sure is, but that's a solid 15 years or so of him buying ounces of shrooms. People want to do drugs and some want to live fast and die hard.
>I say sell it to them, they'll do it anyway.
Your one dead acquaintance doesn't make a market though right?
It's about *enough* people going out and doing that, not just you hearing of some guy lol

>> No.53599819
File: 97 KB, 1079x345, 1675655782980739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're forgetting about microdosing though. People take those everyday and it's a big market. The trend is still growing too, and that's while it's still illegal.

>> No.53599839
File: 294 KB, 1080x2177, Screenshot_20230206_111536_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the trend for microdosing. When this is legal it's going to be a massive market.

>> No.53599954

I know a ton of people that would be interested in trying microdosing if it were legal. I would definitely try it myself. I see a huge boom coming in that industry for sure.

>> No.53599979

What if you have no fren for tripsit, asking 4 a fren..

>> No.53600109

Yeah I feel like people underestimate just how much people like their drugs. This is the equivalent to buying weed stocks early on imo. I’m debating dropping $10k on this stock.

>> No.53600202
File: 105 KB, 606x1280, IMG_20230206_114047_028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of the team members have stock options that expire on May 27th of this year and they have all their big releases timed around then. They're releaaing a bunch of products and shit between now and then, and that's also when they are going to have wiz khalifa shill it to all his followers it I believe. About 40m on IG and Twitter, and 50m on FB. People are already starting to catch on now. I think it'll break highs easily this summer. $2 is a good price target I think. A 40x from here in 3 months isn't too shabby.

The CEO also made some insider buys about a month ago.

>> No.53600256

nice work anon this is good shit

>> No.53600339

Based. I think I'll drop 2.5k on it and see if can turn it into 100k. Seems like it's worth a punt. Chart looks like a good entry.

>> No.53600388
File: 121 KB, 1437x831, truff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chart looks like a good entry.
thats the funny part to me that people is that people itt getting mad about shilling but it hasnt even pumped yet lol. its not like they are trying to dump bags on anyone, it genuinely looks like a good buy. the only argument against it i have seen is people like this >>53587650 saying that its trash because mushrooms are going to make people go crazy and commit mass shootings or whatever. thats literally retarded.

>> No.53600400
File: 149 KB, 618x915, 6d2ba0d4888f697aa6159466a9300c23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>World to become SO FUCKED by by 2029, people will be spending $12 BILLION on cope drugs. Fucking everyones psyche more, and making the world even more fucked.
oh great

>> No.53600401

>people is that people itt getting mad
also fuck off i havent had my coffee yet

>> No.53600422

at least its better than some big pharma trash. the natural stuff is always better than whatever bullshit they are pushing. theres a reason why the human brain has receptors in it that give us those effects from shrooms. if it wasnt evolutionary beneficial to have that reaction then we wouldnt have it.

>> No.53600469

These guys are going to want to pump it to execute those options for sure. Good catch.

>> No.53600505

Do you think this will hit 8 or 9 cents again?

>> No.53600524

It has to at least pull back to 9c. I don't think it will just skyrocket straight up from here.

>> No.53600542

>It has to at least pull back to 9c
it doesnt HAVE to do anything. if you want an entry at 9c then set a bid there and see if you get it. nobody can tell you for sure.

>> No.53600543

I'd have a guide. You never know it might just last forever

>> No.53600570


>> No.53600581

i get what you mean but natural selection is not a perfect process generating flawless results. also genes are complicated, a gene that does one thing may also do another seemingly unrelated thing somewhere else. some people are deathly allergic to peanuts, or seafood, there is no devolutionary beneficial reason to puke yourself to death after accidentally eating an otherwise harmless source of protein. basically you're oversimplifying things.

>> No.53600631

DONT let druggies lure you into their shitty world.

There is a reason every drug addict you see is a poor criminal psychotic loser.
>but muh 30 minutes of ecstasy
and now your ability to enjoy normal life rekt forever.

>> No.53600664

Then try the tripapp(tm)

Actually just going it alone is key. Terrance McKenna talked about it. Of course get some guidance first if you must, someone you've developed trust with on /x/ perhaps if you have no irl frens.

>> No.53600762
File: 129 KB, 1280x1234, Shroomsbtc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about this chart was bugging the shit out of me like I had seen it before on something else. Finally figured it out - it looks exactly like the bottom of the 2015 BTC cycle. Makes sense too, it's an emerging market that's just starting to heat up with all the legalization stuff going on around the world but not many people have taken notice yet.

Damn nice find

>> No.53600789

based. thats pretty uncanny. bullish.


the ceo just posted this. their warehouse in canada looks fucking humongous.

>> No.53600940

Damn that's a lot of substrate

Ahhhhhh stop making me fomo it was 9.5c this morning I should have bought then.

>> No.53600989

Did you see what he posted there new one is going to be double the size.


Are these guys planning on supplying the entire planet with mushrooms or what?

>> No.53601092

yeah 65,000 sq ft. pretty big facility.

>> No.53601286
File: 752 KB, 1080x1879, Screenshot_20230205_214113_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm buying TRUFF tomorrow because I saw it shilled hard here and it hasn't mooned yet. Everytime I see something shilled here it's already mooned. I'm going to buy this shit and then I'm going to join the shilling. I'm going to eat sleep and breathe this fucking stock until Wiz Khalifa makes me rich.

>> No.53601363

alright schizo we get it, you're buying truff tomorrow

>> No.53601555


>> No.53601667

looks like any other shitcoin

>> No.53601718
File: 89 KB, 1280x645, IMG_20230206_131831_725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for saving my chart schizo. TRUFF is making a nice rounding bottom. Over an entire years worth of accumulation. 13c is the trigger level for that zone, and then it should move pretty quick to the next resistance level at 30c. Flag on that level and then head for the highs. Once the initial breakout at 13c happens a lot of TA pros (tm) will probably start to jump on it. I don't use TA for muh MACD and RSI, I only use it to see where other analysts will probably show up. 13c break will bring some volume for sure. There is some short interest on this stock and that's most likely where a pool of stops is placed on this.

Very interesting thanks for sharing.

>> No.53602031
File: 69 KB, 907x625, IMG_20230206_134159_668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another thing to note is that small caps are most likely going to outperform the market in general. Getting into a small cap like this where there aren't any competitors and that's going to be constantly blasted by good news with articles about legalization efforts coming out every other day is probably one of the best bets you can make right now. The more I look into this the more I like it.

>> No.53602127
File: 102 KB, 1437x831, MNMD_2023-02-06_13-52-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MNMD looks like it wants to gap fill bros. this whole sector looks good right now.

>> No.53602251

I'm going to grab a small bag for shits and giggles. If it moons I'm going to take the profits and put it into MATIC.

>> No.53602278

>Of course get some guidance first if you must, someone you've developed trust with on /x/ perhaps if you have no irl frens.
Are you suggesting letting some crazy person from the paranormal board on 4chin be your trip guide? That's much crazier than using an app.

>> No.53602599
File: 317 KB, 795x1079, ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started microdosing 150mg every other day a few weeks ago. So far I like it.

>> No.53602700

that looks pretty dank. i quit smoking years ago.

>> No.53603450

TRUFF bid filled just over 9c. It pays to be patient.

>> No.53603826

Magazine, dipshit.

>> No.53603977

Yeah they have psychedelic threads semi regularly with good info. I never considered amanita or psilocybin for medicinal use/microdosing until being persuaded by an /x/ schizo. Not ashamed to admit that because I genuinely think that approach can help some anons.

>> No.53604019

>Nazi ID tag

Doesn't amanita make you sick? Those are the Super Mario red mushrooms with white spots that Santa Claus is supposedly based on right?

>> No.53604029

Guys this is a long-term hold. Probably like a literal decade. Once the US legalizes psilocybin, it's actually a medicinal game changer. Buy now during the fire sale or lock yourself out of generational wealth.

>> No.53604144
File: 64 KB, 679x903, 61WZGcRMkLL._AC_UX679_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol dumbass. This is not a decade long hold, just like weed stonks weren't either. You sell the pump on the way up during the mania as legalization hype peaks and never look back. If you would have bought CGC in the beginning like where TRUFF is now, and then held the entire time you would have seen yourself become a millionaire and then watched it disappear back to your original investment on the way down after the hype died.

Decade long hold lmao retard

>> No.53604156

Mental health, fungi with good properties, start importing the Chinese/Japanese fungi Ganoderma because only their fungi has all the capabilities but be aware of who sells it

>> No.53604181
File: 319 KB, 1080x2177, Screenshot_20230206_155331_TradingView.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant for >>53604029 (You)

>> No.53604223
File: 276 KB, 1080x2177, Screenshot_20230206_155617_TradingView.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This went from $1 to $60. Imagine getting a 60x and then saying "ah well ya know, it's a decade long hold so I'm not gonna sell"

>> No.53604385
File: 77 KB, 900x576, 151-1516022_iphone-eyes-emoji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53605010
File: 325 KB, 112x112, 1660186621522968.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does a burger buy truff

>> No.53605295

By opening your broker typing in TRUFF and then clicking buy...

>> No.53605580
File: 15 KB, 498x399, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53605666

stocks are retarded

I started a mushroom farm recently

the beauty of it is everyone will rush into the magic industry, but that will leave fewer food producers, there are many mushrooms that you can grow for profit, it's still an emerging fields where a lot of scientific discovery will be made

and it's based and redpilled to run a farm

>> No.53605781

also for the uninformed about the bags, slash blocksnot in bags

the blocks you see above are shittake blocks

they start in a bag and then you take them out for whatever reason

they take like 8 weeks to grow

>> No.53605842

>I started a mushroom farm recently
what are you growing?

>> No.53605875

obviously agaracus or white button don't grow in bags they roll out bails of hay with chicken manure etc, that are pre pasturized

I would expect most psilocybin operations would use the same techiniques agarucus farms use and not the method that the bag farms use

basically psilocybin grows well on manure, and can be grown in a largely similar if not identically way and in the same conditions as agaracus from my understanding

so I would expect to see the big agaracus farms switch over to magic in some cases, maybe raising the prices of agaracus and making other mushrooms more viable for the consumer as a gourmet option

not to say that you can't grow psilocybin in bags, from my understanding rye would be an option for smaller farms

it will be fascinating to see the price when everything shakes out though, a lb of dried psilo for like 100 bucks maybe

there shouldn't be any shortage of it floating around

>> No.53605889

oyster but in the future, lion's mane, and possibly shiitake

>> No.53605907

i buy the four sigmatic mushroom powder mix that has:

lions mane

it would be really cool to grow those and make my own blend so that i dont have to buy mass produced old bullshit from them

>> No.53605917

i heard that lions mane is pretty difficult to grow

>> No.53605939

it won't colonize for shit in my building at 50 degrees, so there's a hint

I've tried a few times, definitely not made for winter conditions but should be fine when my building is 60 degrees

>> No.53605940

This is seriously the perfect stock for a hype train to move on
It's actual pennies so any poorfag can buy a bunch of em, super low market cap, the upside potential is insane.
Realistically could hit 20 cents in the near future and could exceed a dollar for a really good 10x after the hype train leaves the station
On top of the fact that once it takes off it will be difficult to crash back down to these numbers, when the market cap rises significantly there's no turning back.

I just find it funny that the next potential 10x is a tradFi stock, crypto is so irrelevant right now it's insane.

>> No.53605947
File: 537 KB, 1261x728, bvbvb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then again that psychedelic stock sells pre-made grow kits for lions mane that you just mist and you dont have to do anything, so it must not be that difficult

whats interesting is that i grew cubes years back and one of the main things was being super careful about making sure the environment is sterile so that you dont get any contams. i have no idea how these grow bags dont get contaminated.

>> No.53605951

yea with the medicinal mushroom slant, they might become more popular as supplements, and I consider that an option for my business in the future

>> No.53605962

they have a filter patch on them

>> No.53605969

forgot site https://happycaps.ca/

filter patch?

>> No.53605985
File: 367 KB, 2048x1024, TIER_MUSHROOMS-01_2048x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it says the hardest one to grow is the shittake. i would have thought that would be the easiest for some reason

>> No.53605997

yea like a 0.2 micron filter, I don't know about that specific company but that's how most mushrooms are grown

>> No.53606005

shittake takes like 8 weeks to colonize and the conditions must be right

oyster takes like 2 weeks at 60 to 70 degrees

>> No.53606010

Alright. I'll throw 10k in fuck it.

Anyone buy any today?

>> No.53606036

yeah i think its going to moon sooner than later. hype is just building now, lots of legalization news coming out of many places all at once

interesting. the most difficult part of the entire thing when i grew cubes years back was just finding all the materials honestly. i did the ultra noob method (BRF cakes)

did 10 or 12 cakes, i think i yielded about 300g over the course of ~5 flushes iirc

>> No.53606065

>a lb of dried psilo for like 100 bucks maybe
and yeah im assuming they will just cost the same amount as any other type of mushroom. they are already down to about 800/lb on the US black market. maybe they will charge a bit of a premium on them or the government will tax the shit out of them though. it still costs more to buy weed in the shops then it does on the black market now, especially in places like illinois.

>> No.53606068

I've done some calculations on what growing psilocybin in my setup might result in profitwise, and I have a relatively small operation

it would be like 30k a week lol at darknet market prices

the easier something is to grow though you expect prices to drop substantially when legalized

>> No.53606072

I didn't today but I'll be watching tomorrow for an entry point
Wish I saw this thread earlier, I know something like this can go to zero but I might be willing to stick a little more of my neck out given the context of an emerging industry with zero publicly traded competitiors

>> No.53606087

yea, a home grow will probably always be ideal financially

depends on if the regulator tyrants will allow that

>> No.53606097

yeah even in the past few years prices have dropped significantly. 1lb of golden teachers on the black market used to go for 1200-1600ish. prices have basically been cut in half now, and theres a huge variety of different strains available now. (i know they arent called strains btw, i just dont know what the correct term is for it)

>> No.53606102

From Chainlink bag holders to mushroom sellers.
What a trip /biz/ was, but I will take anything if I can forget about the betrayals.

Crypto has too much attention from too many corrupt market manipulators who spy /biz/ to make anything useful, but stocks are relatively ignored by them because they would all go to jail with their unsophisticated stop loss hunting and price manipulation if they attempted to reproduce it with a regulated market.

Compared to trading the crypto market trading boomer stocks is easier.

>> No.53606108

I call them strains and I know some growers do as well

>> No.53606120

i think this guy is really onto something here >>53600202
the team members are going to be looking for a huge payday when those stock options are able to be executed, and it does appear that the company has all of their big releases scheduled to hit around that time as well

>> No.53606126

yeah i just recall the fags on shroomery throwing a hissy fit whenever someone called them strains

>> No.53606172

basically the way it will work is that everyone who knew about it and was smart enough to buy in before hand + the team will be unloading on all of wiz khalifas idiot followers during the pump when they cluelessly rush in to buy the pump in what they think is the next hot sector

>> No.53606219

The issue I see is that it took more than a year for CGC to reach its ATH however it started with a billion market cap.
Reaching a billion market cap with a low 50 million market cap would be an almost x20 from current price and may be reached by May with the right conditions.
It will be important to take profits around May, but it may be worth it to keep a smaller bag to hold for 1 year in case it pumps more after hat.

We will have to see how the people in the company act.
Do they only plan a quick pump and dump or will they double down later?

>> No.53606251

>however it started with a billion market cap.
CGC did not start with a billion market cap. it was called TWEED in the beginning and was about $20m-$30m cap somewhere around there, and they changed the name to CGC. also they did a shit load of offerings when the stock was worth a lot and diluted the fuck out of the shares. thats why its $1b cap at this price but it wasnt anything near that pre-pump at the same price

>Do they only plan a quick pump and dump or will they double down later?
nah these guys are true believers, they want to make the company a success --- that being said, they are human and are definitely going to be looking for a sweet payday on this wiz khalifa shit when their options are due

>> No.53606275

I'll probably buy close to 2500 shares, hoping for a 9c entry but if I gotta go to $250 that's okay, I've lost 1k in Vegas before so this going bad would be nothing
If it does a 10x could easily take profits and keep some in the game just in case it really is THE shroom stock to buy

>> No.53606277

by the way the guy who created CGC is named bruce linton and he is the chairman of the advisory board for TRUFF. they are most likely going to run the same exact playbook as he did on CGC.


>> No.53606281

one of the problems I have with this stock is what I mentioned earlier in >>53605875

basically agaracus farms will be in a better position to take advantage of legalization

and not gourmet mushroom farms that grow shittake in bags

obviously hype matters, and bubbles form but for all the fags in here that think this is an ironclad play from fundamentals, I would tell you maybe just invest in a big mushroom company that grows button and portabella instead

>> No.53606296

>basically agaracus farms will be in a better position to take advantage of legalization
the play here is not based on the fundamentals of their growing methods or future revenue - its on the hype driven pump when speculation runs hot due to legalization and shit like what happened in the weed sector

>> No.53606301

but to be honest I don't really know the intricacies of psilocybin vs agaricus other than generally the same or a similar substrate can be used, and generally they'll both grow at 60 to 70 degrees

maybe I'm wrong but generally I think I'm right here

>> No.53606303

this is literally the only recreational mushroom stock that even exists right now btw

>> No.53606310

yeah none of that will even matter for this

>> No.53606314

ye I guess, but I just kind of want to put this out there for people who really don't know shit about mushrooms, and think it's ironclad

>> No.53606329

possibly, I mean shib and grumpy taught me a bit about bubbles

>> No.53606356
File: 163 KB, 1200x800, YW5vcHkuanBn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the other interesting thing to point out is that during the weed run there were quite a few different companies. TLRY, CGC, CRON, ACB...quite a few for the money to be spread around in. for this, theres literally only just this one stock...and the fact that the kingpin of the weed stock pump bruce linton is involved in it tells me all i need to know really lol

this fucker made 100s of millions of dollars on the weed hype and he wants to relive his glory days with this shit

>> No.53606374

ye, I'll probably buy some as well, why not at this point

meme magic is powerful

>> No.53606398

>meme magic is powerful

all this mushroom talk is making me want to pick up the growing hobby again. i think im going to grab some spores and take another crack at it. i enjoyed it when i did it, not sure why i stopped.

>> No.53606495

>Crypto has too much attention from too many corrupt market manipulators who spy /biz/ to make anything useful, but stocks are relatively ignored by them because they would all go to jail with their unsophisticated stop loss hunting and price manipulation if they attempted to reproduce it with a regulated market.
Exactly dude. This fucking shithole has spy bots crawling all over it and collecting the number of times a shitcoin ticker is mentioned and reporting it back to people to analyze the data. That's why whenever any shitcoin is mentioned here it's already too late. But with stock tickers they don't even know what to do with those and the data isn't collected. That's probably the only real alpha you can get on this shitty board anymore because people have to manually find it and then look at it yourself. That's how this board used to be when LINK was first being shilled in 2017. LINK unironically ruined this board for crypto because once people saw that biz found out about it first and it mooned, that's when the bots were deployed. Fuck all that bullshit, TRUFF reminds me of the good old days before the board got raped.

>> No.53606500

At what point did the stock dilution start in the company history?
Is there a way to see this on a chart?

I wouldn't trust these guys with my money if it was an investment kek
It feels like they all need a therapy, but that's what makes it a gambling hype bet.

By the way it seems we may be getting a bear market bounce on those other stocks too.
The timing seems perfect as it could be used to attract the attention of the normie hype train looking for a small cap bet with a lower price.

>> No.53606526

Got tired of tripping like me and didn’t want to ruin it. It’s sacred.

>> No.53606590
File: 140 KB, 1437x831, CGC_2023-02-06_18-55-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At what point did the stock dilution start in the company history?
>Is there a way to see this on a chart?
im not sure where you can find the data for when they did offerings and diluted the shares, but if my memory serves they did 2 humongous offerings on these 2 spikes at the top

the TRUFF ceo said on twitter recently that they arent looking to do any offerings anytime soon because they dont need money so thats good we dont have to worry about getting fucked if it starts to pump

>> No.53606597

I wanted to have a more private board they couldn't easily spy and infiltrate but the invasion of normies made me give up on the idea and look for an escape on twitter.
/biz/ should have made a private group before it attracted attention.
This may be the final good bet we get from it.

I miss the old /biz/

>> No.53606657

>I miss the old /biz/
Yeah it's a shame really. None of these newfags even know what this board used to be like. The memes back then were so much better too, nowadays people just slap a shitcoin logo on some THOT's ass and post it.

Ahhh the good ol' glory days. We didn't even know how good we had it.

>> No.53606665



>> No.53606672

They will probably still do an offering if it pumps to a similar size but we are far from this and they have options to sell for this year.
If this company is reproducing a similar pattern it may have a few years of growth after the initial hype train ends followed by a facing reality phase.
This would give an opportunity for 2 trades.
One until May, and a second one once there is some form of correction or accumulation patern after that.
If they dilute the shares again it will be an easy exit signal.

>> No.53606739
File: 68 KB, 570x856, lnni69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from what I understand you can buy the spores or seed kits for psychedelic mushrooms, because they're either legal or a legal grey area iirc. After that you grow them yourself which is apparently pretty easy and then just sell them on the dark web and accept monero.

My name's Jerry, I'm an intern for the FBI, just trying to help out.

>> No.53606784
File: 145 KB, 1437x831, CGC_2023-02-06_19-09-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They will probably still do an offering if it pumps to a similar size but we are far from this and they have options to sell for this year.
>If this company is reproducing a similar pattern it may have a few years of growth after the initial hype train ends followed by a facing reality phase.
>This would give an opportunity for 2 trades.
>One until May, and a second one once there is some form of correction or accumulation patern after that.
>If they dilute the shares again it will be an easy exit signal.
yeah thats exactly what i was thinking. so in CGC in pic related this would be the first pump in May, and then a correction. and then a consolidation and then the 2nd pump. maybe a 3rd one but i honestly wouldnt even stick around for that, that seems like it may be pushing it and i would have already made out like a bandit

>> No.53606792
File: 103 KB, 1437x751, TRUFF_2023-02-06_19-12-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so putting the CGC bar patterns on TRUFF, we might get something like this. obviously it doesnt have to happen the exact way, but just brainstorming for what might happen

>> No.53606801

and also it wouldnt go into 2029, i didnt adjust the bars for the dates correctly. the price axis is about in line with what i would expect though if we get something similar to cgc

>> No.53606850

also once they hit $2 they are going to apply to list on the nasdaq like CGC did around that same time too. so i could see that initial pump this summer, apply for the listing and we get that consolidation, and then we start pumping out on the listing for the next leg up

>> No.53606973
File: 89 KB, 1521x938, CGC_2023-02-07_02-28-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If it went similar it would have a -50-70% dump after the initial nasdaq registration followed by a new accumulation pattern at half of its initial price, a breakout and then another mini accumulation on higher volumes before the 2nd pump.

>> No.53607064


>> No.53607107
File: 92 KB, 1533x944, CGC_2023-02-07_02-39-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or it could be like this which was before the second pump.
It still got a -50% correction after a strong initial pump.

It will be important to take profits on the way up.

>> No.53607133

i was thinking the first pump will be the one where cgc wicked to 14 bucks

>> No.53607318

Yeah I got it mixed up.
They had an earnings news with a +350% surprise 2 days before that wick followed by a 3 day dump to -50% from the close before the newer accumulation pattern started.
It took 1 year before the second pump started after the initial pump.

They have an announcement on the 1st of March by the way, but this may be a bit short for them to start a pump or they need to start shilling soon.

>> No.53607345

The next earnings announcement would be in July which is too late for their stock options.
How are they planning to do this?
They won't be able to use their earnings for the initial pump and will need to shill quickly after that.

>> No.53607379

How do I buy TRUFF stock in Australia?

>> No.53607554

Yeah and it definitely can if it's not prepared the right way. But it's totally legal. For medicinal purposes it's only for microdosing. The tl;dr is get a good source for some dried amanita, lemon tek it (retards will say this has no effect but it helps convert the ibotenic acid into muscimol) and simmer (don't boil) for about 20 minutes after. Also you don't want to use very much. In fact PLEASE don't, don't fuck around with this mushroom doing personal experiments, they call it the king for a reason. I've never macrodosed with it, I usually just do the above to 1/4-1/2 a gram and make tea from it.

Ignore the studies about ibotenic acid and muscimol, all conventional medicine really. They're just injecting these chemicals directly into the brains of mice and forcing them to suffer and die in agonizing ways. Reminds me of that retard who tried to shoot up psilocybin and it fucked up his entire circulatory system, for life iirc.

Anyway microdosing amanita helps with insomnia, ADHD, 'tism and a bunch of other conditions anecdotally. I think it changes metabolism even as I'm hungry all the time and still getting leaner and stronger, after cutting since December I hit a major plateau physically and mentally until I started trying microdosing this. This is probably how Vikings took it in the past for gains, Mario and Luigi too.

>> No.53607689

threads going to fall off the catalog
