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53592881 No.53592881 [Reply] [Original]

Meanwhile the median dude with a bachelors degree made 87k in 2022 compared to the median dude with just a high school diploma who made 50k lmfao. It’s a scam though!

>> No.53592893

college is a fucking scam and i have an undergrad in finance and a master in vocational rehabilitation its fucking worthless

>> No.53592921

College is not a scam if you do it correctly. That is, you either elitemaxx and go to an Ivy+ school or you go full stemcel. Those two put you on the path to significantly higher earnings. Some random shitty christian college that offers neither path is a scam, agreed.

>> No.53592934

It’s mega cope. 4chan tradecucks shilled trades on every board for years but they got absolutely humiliated when COVID came in and brought in the WFH revolution, which is precisely why they’ve been so quiet recently.
Tradecucks who were bragging about making 60k/year with no college debt are now seething as they see us make 6 figures to stay at home all day jacking off to JAV.

>> No.53592950

It's a scam in the sense that it shouldn't be as necessary or expansive as it is. But nonetheless, it's a zero-sum system and participation is the only way to beat it.

>> No.53593090

>Meanwhile the median dude with a bachelors degree made 87k in 2022

yeah and how much of that went to student loans and interest?

>> No.53593151

>at literally every institutional level men outearned women

>> No.53593171

Median student loans are around $20k with ~2% interest, so not a whole lot.

>> No.53593184

I'm a tradie that made $115k in the Midwest least year, $50 an hour. Enjoy your debt

>> No.53593186

The graph says nothing about how much you make in trades, you dumbfucks

>> No.53593215

I got my degree paid for with tax dollars

>> No.53593226

What debt? I paid it off in 1 year because I’m not a retard. I’m also in the Midwest making six figures but instead of ruining my back and knees shingling shekelberg’s house, I spend 2 hours a day “working” and the remaining 6 hours I play with my daughter/fuck my wife/ play videogames.

Enjoy waking up at 5 am to go and pour hot tar with Pablo and darshawniquis on Goldstein’s driveway tomorrow little laborcuck lmao.

>> No.53593241

It is a scam.

>Oh, you want to be a nurse? You need to take creative writing classes to earn credits.
>Oh, you want to work in Finance, or Accounting? You need to take Chinese ancient history class to earn credits.

People should be allowed to specialize in any field and only need to take the specific classes required in that field. Not a bunch of other shit, just to justify the jobs of a bunch of drugged-out, Left-Wing professors.

The closest college by me charges $140k just to get a Bachelors Degree in Finance and an Associates Degree in Buisness. And it's not even a "high-end" school like Harvard, or Yale.

Also, no shit people with degrees make more money. Corporations specifically filter people out by credentials. You HAVE to have a college degree to be an engineer, a doctor, a lawyer, a nurse, a financial planner, a bank manager, a teacher, etc.

Also, correlation doesn't equate to causation. Something you should've learned in high-school. People that go to college are more likely to be more aggressive in pursuing their goals, but that doesn't mean they have a higher iq, or are better workers. In fact, I know people that didn't go to college who are quite successful and I know absolute retards that went to college, who came out even more stupid than when they went in and they still don't do anything very significant.

>> No.53593282

That's literally the tiny percentage of millennials and zoomers that could actually find jobs.

>> No.53593291

I'm an electrician, I don't do any menial labor like that, keep projecting

>> No.53593311

> I'm an electrician,
Kek. Enjoy your destroyed back at 30 laborcuck.

>> No.53593342

You're deciphering the symptom and not the cause. Any idiot can go to college. Therefore you have to be _that much dumber_ to have not gone.

>> No.53593359

enjoy your blood clots, techuck

>> No.53593368

Sorry bro, but I have to agree with the neckbeard weeb fag. I’d take college over trade school any day.

I remember going to a McDonalds drive thru at 5am just to get a coffee and literally all the trucks ahead and behind me were tradesmen. One even had a “I am proud member of a carpenter union!” sticker on the bumper. They sounded all miserable and angry cause they have to do all the shit that no one else wants to do. Meanwhile, the college student they make fun of is back at their home fucking their wife and the WFH cs grad is still sleeping.

>> No.53593371

>any idiot can take out a loan
>therefore you have to be that much dumber to not take out that loan

>> No.53593384

Physical labor actually keeps you healthy. Sitting at the desk destroys you.

>> No.53593399

As a neet ive got to say watching you guys some here and argue about the best way of being a slave day in and day out is kind of bizarre.

>> No.53593403

Just fake the resume and credentials, i know a guy who did this and landed a job with nothing but a GED, fake being gay, and they didnt know his background, and was working the job for like 4 months before they found out he made it up, but they didn't fire his ass because he was trained and was getting shit done lmao

college is a scam

>> No.53593404

damn i wish i was getting paid that well. After taxes I'm only taking home ~3600/mo so 900/wee and I have a bachelor's degree. NGMI....

>> No.53593407

It really is funny too when you consider they are technically on the same team. The Jews really did a number on these goys

>> No.53593423

I sit at a desk for 2 hours a day while I do my actual work. Then I get paid to go to the gym, to go jogging or to go for a swim while “working” from home.
Keep coping laborcuck. I’m sure spending 8+ hours a day prostrated as you nail carpet to a floor is super healthy lmao.

>> No.53593432

just don't forge the degree. If that happens and you get caught you can get nailed for forgery. It's up in the air how illegal lying about your credentials is but frankly if you do a good job nobody is gonna care

>> No.53593498

More like
>take out loan to go to college
>spend your whole time getting wasted
>fail to graduate because you are a moron
>still have to pay tuition and pay back that loan.
Unfortunate. Numerous instances such as this.

>> No.53593564

so I guess Bill Gates would be that much richer if he didn't drop out huh?

>> No.53593616

I'm the exception I guess. I didn't go to college and I'm off this chart. I think if I had gone to college they would have taught me how to be a better wagie.

>> No.53595279

Post source.

>> No.53595322

Yeah, suprisingly the system wants you to stay inside of it. Good thing I know many zoomers that don't buy government's scams.

>> No.53596610

>pay for higher wages
lol, lmao stephen

>> No.53596741

Just go get a degree in Europe and come back with credentials and zero debt, kek.
t. Getting a BBA at a top 20 university for 15k a year including Visa and living costs

>> No.53596802

i make $100k and have $150k of student loans. they're all federal loans. i pay the minimum payments on an IDR plan. it's like $500/month. my $100k salary is about $75k after taxes and about $69k after student loan repayments. it's not a big deal. also my salary will continue to go up since i'm still early in my career. i'll likely be making $125-135k in another couple years.

>> No.53596830
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If college is such a good investment, why do you broke niggers beg for loan forgiveness?

>> No.53596833

>go to an Ivy+ schoo
You are a fucking retard. Nobody gives a shit about ivy league at anything other than PhD level. Most people are just genuinely naive and don't understand how to either look for jobs they qualify for or choose a degree they themselves know has nearly zero value in the jobs market. No one hiring right now gives a flaming fuck about the school you went to, only that you have a bachelor's, some experience, and some demonstrable related skills.

>> No.53596848

>t. Walmart cashier

>> No.53596858

those outcomes are not weighted by how much they paid in tuition, or how much total interest accrued against their college loan, or any other factor that would measure the cost of going to college.
college programs are not a scam, they are expensive, but if you are 1 in 100,000 then you can leverage them for a high initial salary straight out of college. since most people go into debt, what they make 5 or 10 years after graduating is not as important as what they make immediately after graduating. it has to be enough before even starting college for it to make sense.
the scam is simply that everyone is shoved into college even though the median is $87k -- which isn't high enough.
that means over half the people who went to college and "succeeded," didn't. and the dropouts aren't even counted here. college is a scam because "it's for everyone." it's not. the top 25th percentile, perhaps -- and populations should be heavily skewed towards "real jobs" i.e. engineering, public services like justice, forestry and firefighting, accounting, business administration, you name it. but definitely not everyone and very very few in writing, journalism, economics, the grab-bag of social sciences, languages, and so on.

>> No.53596961

I find it hilarious how people itt keep spouting the “college is a scam” shit when reality is so blatantly proving them wrong.

No, it’s not rare to leverage your degree into a high wage. These are median numbers, not averages. The “rare” examples make much more.
No, it’s not hard or crippling to deal with debt. The numbers are the total workforce at every level of their career - meaning you can expect that number to rise as you get older, much more so than in unskilled or trade labour which tops off much earlier and much lower.

>> No.53596964

The problem, like with so many other things, is that the we're still operating under a boomer mindset. College used to be extremely affordable in the 70s, etc. Now it's an enormous investment and most young people don't have a solid grasp on just how much debt they acrue because of it. What needs to happen is the companies that whine about not having qualified candidates need to start financing the education of prospective workers themselves and have this education include specific job related skills with the express intention of bringing those people into the company as employees once said education is complete. No, college isn't for everyone, because most people literally aren't intelligent enough to succeed, and that's fine. There's other opportunities for average people, but you can't expect the average person to perform well in intellectually demanding higher education, yet right now we do expect that and all we get is a lot of dropouts.

>> No.53596984
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For most people it is.

>> No.53596996

>Some random shitty christian college
The people complaining about student loan debt they can never repay didn't go to some random shitty christian college and I'm not sure where you got the idea that they did.

>> No.53597029

This chart includes boomers who got into the job market easily and also have other income sources due to being born in an economically easy time and nogs who couldn't go, so variance is probably misleading. I'd be interesting in seeing a graph of only young graduates of college vs trade school.

>> No.53597058

It’s a big cope by tradies. Truth is if you go stem you should easily be making $100k a year 5 years in.

>> No.53597066

Found the communications major

>> No.53597144

in this day in age, all you need is certifications. I've moved to six figs off getting my associates then through my professional year letting my company pay for things like my PMP cert and HR cert because they have this program called professional development. once you get pst the 5-8 year mark on experience degrees hardly matter. Experience and certs and proof of work matter way more

>> No.53597159

that's because men don't gestate small humans inside them for 9 months
The high performing women who don't have kids only underperform men marginally; there's not that much in it. Though, we do still outperform women even when corrected for reproductive factors and a win's a win.

>> No.53597187

the whole economy is a scam, the fact that some poor dude delivering packages all day long earns ~10% of what I earn sitting behind my computer and mostly browsing memes is a fucking joke
can't wait for a revolution despite me being the guy they'll behead first

>> No.53597211

you are assuming people are at their desks all day. ya some are but many work out before, during, or after work. have had many meetings with managers who were walking their dog. now I do get less steps than when I would go into the office because I took transit and made 2 or 3 transfers on the train depending on day which was a good bit of walking. but I just make up for it by playing more basketball and treadmilling at the gym

>> No.53597447

What about generalists? I can code, cnc, do carpentry and trim carpentry, masonry, art, electronics, hydraulics, pneumatics, database, office shit, arborist, mfg. I speak a couple languages. In theory, skilled labor such as myself should be able to shoe in anywhere, but fucking filtered by hr and actual children and criminals. Real world experience means nothing these days. If it's not seo-ready you are fucked. I messed up, bad, anons. Coming up on 50 years old, having been rekt and starting over like 6 times.

>> No.53597484

>I'm an electrician
>I don't do menial labor
Pick one cope poster.

>> No.53598161

Being a “generalists” is useless in a first world country because the standards have advanced to pretty much only require specialists.
Why would someone hire you as a translator when they could get a better one who devoted themselves to only language and translation? Same with a programmer or mason. Your “inter-discipline insights” are wasted in most avenues of the industrial world.

>> No.53598200

No bro you must go to trade school and ruin your body for half the pay all while lessening your lifespan substantially

>> No.53598204

They don't give a shit about your college, they care about experience and not having to train your broke ass.

Fake it until you make it, make up the credentials and experience, and you will get in with desperate employers.

Friend has done this, and so have I, and then i just use the real experience to build a solid resume.

>> No.53598281
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good morning tradies!

>> No.53598291
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lol, lmao

>> No.53598472

WFH, 27 and I make 64/Hr. Tradies are cucks.

>> No.53599032

>t. Burger King flipper
Dude, if someone goes to Stanford or Duke or Penn, etc, and tries even a little they're easily in line for top banking/consulting jobs coming straight out of undergrad (and law schools/med schools are notably prestige whores as well). It's a simple fact of the world, you absolute dumbfuck.

>> No.53599064

I've never met someone who went to an actually good school who's that saddled with debt. Usually it's a shitty private school they went to because "zomg it's in NY" like Fordham or Brooklyn College, or some rando christian school that doesn't have any kind of influence in the jobs market

>> No.53599096

My college art degree did not help me get my wfh job you tard.

>> No.53599365
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>> No.53599369

Median student loans around 2%? Are you retarded sir?

>> No.53599400

God, the amount of girls with Khazar milkers I knew in college was amazing. I lived with two my sophomore year--11/10, would do again.

>> No.53599447

this is true that those coming from top universities have it easier right out of school, but so long as you get your foot in the door and have a few years of experience, you can parlay that into that same (or better) job the fresh ivy leage grad got. the degree only really matters for those first entry level years. just get certs and/or develop cool stuff and you'll be on equal footing as any top uni grad

>> No.53599455

None of that even means anything.
All that matters when it comes to earnings is the job type and yes some jobs require muh "education".

>> No.53599516
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>>53599400 (checked)
Patience with the largess of milkers is running out.

>> No.53599549

Rich people can afford to go to university. What amazing insight.

>> No.53599889

Post body or keep coping you fat fuck lol, no one here believes your little larp

>> No.53599923

I have a UK stem PHD and i would kill to earn $50k.

>> No.53602039

wow so you dont think people can workout and wfh at the same time? who is really coping lol

>> No.53603899


it's more about: people that are capable of getting those degrees are usually people that are more capable of being successful in life and earning money.

not always - but those are the percentages.

>> No.53604722

Thats cool, now do the chart for those under 45.

>> No.53604814

It is a scam though, its just that most people are fucking retarded so its a self perpetuating system of retards. At least it was until debt started going to shit and tuition to the moon. For example doc friend took up way too much debt and time for getting in. Trucker friend surpassed both of us in less time and he got lucky with investments. It will take doc friend a new position and 10 years of catch up to even come close to trucker friend networth. I lol a bit because I also am in similar state to trucker friend then just get sad bc many are in the same state as doc friend.

>> No.53604900

>paying 100k to have a chance at getting a job that's 50k starting with a pay ceiling of 80k after 10 years is a scam
Yes unironically, you absolute retard.

>> No.53604907

he average student loan debt is 37,000


Student loan rates are not 2% current rates for undergrad federal loans start at at 4.99% and can get to 7.99%


Assuming the student planned to pay off their debt in 10 years, at a 4.99% rate, that would mean they would pay a total of 46,000 or 244 a month.

The average starting salary for a college graduate on my city of Seattle is 41,000.

A carpenter apprentice in Seattle starts at 50,000 and has no debt unlike the entry level college employee.

Assuming he wasnt a retard, if he simply loved like an entry level employee for 19 years he would amass a mi inum of 90,000 additional savings the college educated drone would have.

>tfw i have two college degrees so you cant seethe that im a traddie cuck

>> No.53604927

>the average earns 87k
Holy shit that's awful then, because the average 27 year old with a college degree only earns 47k

Your graph is literally just showing how badly boomers mog you, for zero debt.

>> No.53604943

No you fucking retard, jobs literally don't hire you without the degree. What the fuck how are we still on this level of "muh smarty people" meme.

>> No.53604971

Exception Id like you to meet the rule

>> No.53605026

Anon, making shit up in your head doesnt make it true.

Here's the thing. I met plenty of college educated guys in the trades. Their either go to college while working or went into the trad when they saw how worthless their degree was. Granted, theh were all in management so supers or managing foremen and making 90 to 150k.

>> No.53605059

>No, it’s not rare to leverage your degree into a high wage

The numbers say otherwise

>> No.53605114
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lmao wut? Destroyed from what? Electricity? How?

>> No.53605137

not him, but post body faggot. Not some musclebod on google that I'll reverse search.

>> No.53605188

With that level of thinking you’re better off finishing concrete anon. Leave the thinking to others

>> No.53605317

If you WFH and aren't preparing yourself for the inevitable layoffs after the companies you work for figure out they can get AI to do your job for free, you're ngmi.