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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 401 KB, 1125x1937, F7762B2D-8CBF-47D9-9641-40FF0387A452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53591126 No.53591126 [Reply] [Original]

There’s this weird meme that everyone is poor or the average worker makes like $28,000 or something. I won’t speculate on where it comes from, but the reality is people make more money than you think.

>lol bro you just live in a shithole coastal fag city, come to the Midwest bro! You can live like a king on 50k!

Redpill: Even in flyover nothingville Omaha, Nebraska, 2/3 of workers make MORE than $75,000. 1 out of every 10 individuals that work in Omaha make more than $150,000.

People are making a LOT more money than you think. Six figures isn’t even 80th percentile anymore in Nebraska lmfao.

No, this isn’t household data, this is individual income.

>> No.53591482

This is retarded

>> No.53592249


>> No.53592268

Explains why there aren’t mass riots due to inflation. Everyone can afford it.

>> No.53592282
File: 495 KB, 302x168, Bidensmile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit. The average income is laughably low

>Per capita income in past 12 months ;: $35,189


>> No.53592291

This includes people who don't work, like the massive amount of boomer retirees. People who actually work are paid pretty well.

>> No.53592292
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Yeah, right
See: >>53592282

>> No.53592300

Cope more chud. The economy is booming and everyone that contributes to the economy is reaping the rewards.

>> No.53592303

Unemployment is low, you numbnut

>> No.53592305

Unemployment is calculated as a part of the labor force, not as a part of the total population. The labor force doesn't include retirees, etc.

>> No.53592315
File: 52 KB, 978x598, changes in part and full time workers feb 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont let the facts hit you in your face

>> No.53592362

As a tax accountant who sees more than a thousand returns a year, I can comfortably say OP is retarded. 6 figures is highly remote and most high percentile earners swim in transient debt for their businesses. The average wage and average wagie is barely richer than your average vietnamese rice farmer with cost-of-living and inflation factored in, that and their spending habits are atrocious

>> No.53592373

Per capita income =/= individual income distribution.

Individual income percentiles are found among people with incomes, per capita income is the sum total of all income by the entire population (includes children, retirees, disabled, unemployed etc.)

If you’re working and making only 35k you’re actually near the bottom of the income distribution, not the middle. This isn’t even complicated.

>> No.53592386

>For the year 2020, the U.S. Census Bureau estimates that the median annual earnings for all workers (aged 15 and over) was $41,535

>> No.53592397

Average household income is over $100k due to both working. But most people are in debt with student loans, auto loans, mortgages, and cell phone payments. So how wealthy are these people really if the housing market goes under and they lose all that equity?

>> No.53592416

>U.S. real median household income reached $63,688 in January 2019

>> No.53592441

You are the stupidest person I have ever seen on /biz/ I truly mean that. I work with people's tax returns and the overwhelmingly majority of full time workers I see are making between 28k to 45k. About 10% of the people I meet are making more than that and less than 1/3 of those are making 6 figures.

>> No.53592469

Oh look, the “everyone makes 9 dollars an hour and can’t afford shoes!” shill shows up with the same scripted response, don’t want people making 50k to know they’re actually poor as fuck huh.


>> No.53592474
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Meh. Nobody is addressing the elephant in the room which is the investing craze. There's a lot of money just sitting in space being traded on phone apps. If you need money, you sell and pay shit off like bills, car notes, rent, etc. No problem. There's only a small fraction of retards who are trading and aren't paying their rent and are just biding time until they are legally removed off premises or leveraging with way more than they can afford to fuck with. This is also why there is inflation because there's a mass influx of investing and not enough economic spending on material goods, especially on the congested tech market. Cheaper bundling of goods and services is the only way any corporation is going to succeed from hereon

>> No.53592507

For the year 2020, the U.S. Census Bureau estimates that the median annual earnings for all workers (aged 15 and over) was $41,535

>> No.53592551
File: 245 KB, 1125x1111, 205501C8-216B-467D-A7CA-FD410B92B28A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median weekly income (including overtime, commission and tips) for full-time workers (excluding those who are self-employed) in America was $1,041 as of the second quarter of 2022. If that rate persists for the entire year, that would equal $54,132 a year.


>> No.53592589

Is it before or after taxes?

>> No.53592597

>lets exclude everyone I dont like and then I still only get to 50k

>> No.53592621

Your point being? For most jobs, 50k makes sense. Most people just aren't that useful to society, sorry.

>> No.53592693

If you’re working full time and making 50k you’re average, not doing amazing, literally just average or probably below.

>> No.53592714

Which one of you two niggers is OP?

>> No.53592726

>just trust the government goy

>> No.53592786

I am

>> No.53592810
File: 1.05 MB, 1024x644, FE3BF033-6E9A-4DF7-BE49-45A189A2B3D8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NH has higher median income than MA

>> No.53592843
File: 14 KB, 720x312, income percentile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah im average

i could push myself to make more but i have an easy job with good hours (fri-sun off) and bought a house already so it is what it is

>> No.53592905

>16-19 year old median income is $31000
So the median for a 16-19 year old is working 2000 hours/year at $15.50/hour?

Yeah that's logical, I believe it lmao

>> No.53592973
File: 997 KB, 1125x1543, 13421036-DBA5-4088-9F73-0264929F3011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes? It’s not 1981 anymore, Target starts their cart pushers at 15 dollars an hour, it’s almost impossible to find a job that even pays minimum wage anymore. The median 20 something makes 50k and is poor because 50k is an absolutely horrible wage in 2023.

>> No.53593168

I pay 16 year olds $17/hr to basically do nothing

>> No.53593212

From my experience working in a call center in which I had access to sensitive financial data. I can confirm, most people are broke.

>> No.53593270

Yes but that is offset by how many of you don't work at all. Losers.

>> No.53593288

The whole thread is about how its not true and OP is full of shit

>> No.53593299

It's 70K medium and 63k median.

>> No.53593356

i hope someone catches you

>> No.53593435

How much the average worker earns doesn't matter as much as how much the average worker pisses away their income with retarded spending habits and general financial illiteracy.

Even if everyone's income doubled in real value, the distribution of people living paycheck to paycheck is going to basically be the same