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53587903 No.53587903 [Reply] [Original]

What country is better for economic political stability in the next 50 years?

>> No.53587922


>> No.53588010

A non-western country, but the reason why the west is turning into a shithole is because of western people, so yeah no stay in your shithole faggot.

>> No.53588025

>implying anybody gives or will give a single fuck about germany ever again

>> No.53588090

Rentfree in all of your heads

>> No.53588098

USA, of course.
If the US goes down, Germany and all Western Europe would be conquered by China and Russia in the blink of an eye.
If Germany goes down, the US would barely feel it.

>> No.53588109

The one that was able to afford heating this winter

>> No.53588129
File: 953 KB, 1027x677, 1672006982199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American lack of self awareness is always funny

>> No.53588158


A good deal of responsibiliy is on the ruling class, Russia for example does not have an almost exclusive mercantile ruling class then they can make poor economic policies such as declaring war on Ukraine.

In majority of Europe, the ruling class are mostly the wealthy urbanites/business class, together with their media lackeys which does not care about anything else than GDP.

Immigration and race mixing was always pretty unpopular, I wouldn't say the majority were against it (especially after the brainwashing) but definitely in the beginning, they were.

>> No.53588525

So Germany then? -> >>53588129

>> No.53589287

USA, hands down.

In 10 year German pensioners will become an absolute democratic majority and loot the entire country. You better buckle up and pay that 70% income tax to finance boomer pensions.
Of course the smart youngens will say "fuck this this" and leave to Switzerland/Singapore/US, ironically giving the boomers even more power.

Or do you really think the boomers will say "yeah, lets step down a bit with the pensions or else no one will be left here"? Hah, never. Beware the eternal boomer.

>> No.53589321

Germany is a zombie. It is walking, moving, but its body is already rotting.

>> No.53589330

As if boomers have any say in it, already enough pensioners on welfare, not like all of them are loaded

>> No.53589340

>let me rage about Germany the thread?
Why are americans like that?

>> No.53589347

the germans will become so woke, they'll wrap around and invade France and Poland again for rejecting le wokism

>> No.53589356

posts keep getting worse and worse

>> No.53589405
File: 127 KB, 596x531, lwdotjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he thinks Germany will exist after WW3

>> No.53589410

Germany will not participate

>> No.53589445

Both countries are doomed unless they go full 1488 within the next 10-20 years. There is still enough latent racism in Germany because Germans are too autistic to believe race is a social construct, but the demographic decline there is worse, and everyone is poor. Americans are much more mindfucked by jewish bullshit, however it's still possible to make a lot of money here and you can escape niggers by going out to the country or gated neighborhoods. US would be better off collapsing and Germany would be better off invaded by Russia desu.

>> No.53589458

>everyone in Germany is poor
I really dont know in what world americans live sometimes

>> No.53589477

Both are doomed but taxrapistan is already done. USA will be okay for another couple of years

>> No.53589480

>west is turning into a shithole because fo western people
>written to you in english by an easterner who sought asylum in the west

>> No.53589485

Its really funny, everytime you talk to a German they think they are a wealthy country.

Fuck off Hans, your $50k net-salary job is a joke and that's why you all binge on aldi food and start looking chubby once you hit 20.

>> No.53589497
File: 65 KB, 556x604, 1535726398911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me tell you that you have no idea what you are babbling about.

>> No.53589526

U.S is literally the only country that can print trillions and not suffer hyperinflation.

Domestically speaking its a shitshow and will become Brazil 2.0 in 10 years or so. Germany at the very least has a culture and traditions that its population can bind together to.

>> No.53589539

none, there is a Micro Nova coming in the next 2 decades causing a total civilization reset worldwide.

>> No.53589566

Obviously USA. Germany is stagnating, with its demography either ageing or being sub-90 IQ replacement arab. It is deindustrializing, with its industries having to move out. Its basically dead. It wont even be the biggest economy in Europe in 20 years - that'll be the UK, and they'll both only just be in the top 10 of world economies, down from 3rd and 5th respectively at present. Germany is basically already dead.

>> No.53589569
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As for Aldi and Lidl. They are near you too

>> No.53589586

>It wont even be the biggest economy in Europe in 20 years - that'll be the UK
One uninformed post after the other
I think only Germany attracts that kind of posts

>> No.53589591

What a fucking joke

>> No.53589595

U.K is gonna become like Children of Men in 20 years

>> No.53589606

That’s the U.S currently

>> No.53589625

ITT thirdies coping about west

West will eventually wake up but china and russia are looking at imminent collapse

>> No.53589670

is this a serious question? i wipe my ass with the euro. i blow my nose with the euro.

>> No.53589789

Why didn't you kill Merkel then? If you want to save your country you need to stop the replacement migration, otherwise you're just coping.
>inb4 it's happening in Amerikkka too
Yeah but only after the glowies literally couped the government in 2020 with their gay nigger color revolution. Germans haven't done shit for years despite skyrocketing crime.
t. knew the Germany before 2015 migration crisis and was disgusted when I went back after that (still am, way too many niggers)

>> No.53589805

Germany doesn't understand that URANIUM
us the FUTURE
germany is NGMI

>> No.53589814

In 20 years, kids will laugh at the idea that Germany was once known for producing cars and not having windmills plastered throughout the entire country.

>> No.53589829

Is there any point in argueing with a rabic nutcase such as you?

>> No.53589890

Bot ?

>> No.53589894
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Yes just explain how you will just DOUBLE the payments you make to boomers by 2050 without youngens fleeing your country.

>> No.53589908

Are you trying to justify your own treason?

>> No.53589912

I've been living in germany for the last 3 years and the country is just beyond fucked. Not even the most insane cunt would bet on this place to have anything resembling a future. I could go on at length about how retarded it is, but the population pyramid and the fact that 20 million people are on welfare is a good start

>> No.53589922

>the fact that 20 million people are on welfare is a good start
Yeah, that you're full of shit

>> No.53589936

I will soon become a passport mountain jew and make a petition to built a wall between us and Germany.

>> No.53589942

Noone cares, traitor

>> No.53589963
File: 126 KB, 1372x540, Screenshot 2023-02-05 at 23.12.37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok, and now add hartz IV recipients. I will let you google that one buddy!

Sorry hans, your shithole is going down the tubes

>> No.53589977

Pension isnt welfare, nigger
Go back to wherever you come to see what a shthole looks like

>> No.53590014

Yeah it is -- it's a direct pension system -- it's paid for out of taxes of the currently working population directly, lol.

What happens when those immigrants leave and claim their pension payments back? This isn't money the government has, it's coming out of your paycheck lmao

I love your naivety though. FYI -- i'm claiming full welfare. thank you for your service

>> No.53590033

We can always not pay you, what are you gonna do, be upset? lol

>> No.53590057

US is no longer a *white* country, Non hispanic whites barely make up 57% of population, and if we discount the 60+ boomers with one leg in the grave, that count comes down to around 52%, this number will go below 50% within half a decade or so. Over 4M such immigrants have arrived since Biden took over.

>> No.53590058

German here and i doubt that this country will exist in 50 years lmao. Also USA will lose it's prime pole position. China and India will be far ahead of them.

>> No.53590062

>my ponzi scheme isn't going to destroy the country because... because...

>> No.53590069

In last 10 years, 13M immigrants/refugees moved to Germany, around 9M people emigrated, 7.5M children were born and 9M died, thus a net gain of around 3M people happened.
The migrants who are coming are simply not filling the needs of Germany’s high-skill economy.
Germany is unsuccessful at attracting labor migrants. The paper writes, “Labor migrants currently only make up one in 10 new arrivals to Germany, those migrants who are working often work in low-skilled and low-paying jobs that require the state to continue paying out welfare benefits.
Of the 800,000 working-age Syrians and Afghans who arrived during the 2015 migrant crisis, only a third of them actually have a tax-paying job.
Only around one-third of Germany’s Syrian migrants have graduated high school or technical school.
A training program was started in western Germany for 25 young refugees to become nurses and medical assistants, Only three of them graduated from the 4½ year program, In a second, shorter program, about one-third of the candidates reached the end. The project is now on hold. Another refugee signed an apprenticeship contract but didn’t show up after the first day.
Meanwhile, Half of German businesses say they are cutting back their operations or relocating abroad because they can’t find enough workers, specially since the ukrainian war earlier this year, due to energy costs rising tremendously, a lot Industries have decided to relocate to China.
Berlin is planning to introduce a points-based immigration system modeled on Australia’s or Canada’s next year, hoping to woo better-qualified foreigners, but migration experts are skeptical. Even if it succeeds, Germany will likely continue to receive large numbers of asylum seekers it can’t employ, who will fill the ranks of welfare recipients or boost crime statistics.

>> No.53590080

what? You are paying me. lmao. the only thing i'm still upset about is that i'm still here.

>> No.53590088

Everything is a ponzi scheme.
Are you twelve years old?

>> No.53590095

> China
Yes, but not for long, they are facing demographic collapse to.
> India
No, it's basically Africa.

>> No.53590099

As a skilled migrant there is absolutely no fucking reason to be in Germany unless you've failed out of the US/canada/Australia. Even France is a better bet for you.

High tax, shit food, weird people, chronic insurance obsession and bad healthcare.

>> No.53590102

China's wet markets
India's open defecation

>> No.53590112

Within 2 decades, US will be basically Brazil

>> No.53590124

The things with you niggers is, you dont even believe your own shit.
On one hand you claim the country is going broke on the other hand you think you will get paid.
You just feel inferior when you immigrate to Germany, thats all there is.
Just go back to your shithole, noone will care

>> No.53590136

? I'm white and from the first world. I earned in the top 5pc of german incomes (it's not even that much). Your country sucks bro my condolences.

>> No.53590142

>I'm white
So am I. Your point?

>> No.53590144

US is turning into Brazil. There will be flavelas in 10 years

>> No.53590145

This guy gets it. USA will be a barely sovereign dysfunctional shithole, or possibly broken up into 2-3 shitholes. Germany will be a resource stripped slave labor colony owned by either Turkey or Russia. Boomers in both countries will die fat and happy still believing they were the greatest generation to ever live.

>> No.53590151

>Your country sucks bro my condolences.
Not worse than yours, or you wouldnt be here, nigger

>> No.53590154

>f the US goes down, Germany and all Western Europe would be conquered by China and Russia in the blink of an eye.
Hmmm.. and that is bad because?
Europeans have a much better chance of surviving with russians and Chinese than with Americans.
From America the only thing that will come going forward is niggerism.

>> No.53590167

i moved here to fuck your women

>> No.53590173

Same with the US and it's 50% non white population

>> No.53590174

Yeah sure

>> No.53590177
File: 904 KB, 4096x4096, 1675629743415924 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note that despite having 1.4B population only around 85M Jeets come under Middle to High Income class, these are the Jeets that generally move abroad, as you can see sub replacement fertility rate is catching fast.

>> No.53590189


>> No.53590198

I got more pussy in germany than my entire previous life. I don't think they like German men. I think they perceive you as weak and unromantic.

>> No.53590200

>Germany is stagnating, with its demography either ageing or being sub-90 IQ replacement arab
Have you looked at america?

>> No.53590215

You really sound like a nigger

>> No.53590223
File: 184 KB, 740x971, 1675629846394727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

India isn't a homogenous country, Like Africa it's very Tribal, there are ethnic and linguistic differences, and then there is caste system. Average IQ is 82.

>> No.53590229

The difference is the german state is obligated to pay all of it's citizens a living wage regardless of employment. The US just warehouses them on the tenderloin.

>> No.53590243

Russia maybe, but China actively promotes that shit to destabilize Western countries. The global dark age is coming and there's no way to stop it.

>> No.53590247

>germany has UBI
Really? I never heard about this.

>> No.53590259

It's called Hartz IV you can look it up. Also if you have worked for 2 years you are entitled to 60 percent of your salary paid by the govt for 1 year regardless of citizenship

all economies are ponzis, but some are ponzier than others.

>> No.53590266

Germany needs Germans. Not shit skins like you.

>> No.53590279

We have unemployment benefits. Hes just exaggarating, because hes frustrated for some reason

>> No.53590285

Bro all the germans are on pension. 25 percent of you (not including dilution for immigrants) are out of the work force. That's why you're begging for people to come to the country. But keep voting AfD - the inevitable conclusion will be taking away grandpas pension

>> No.53590289

They basically have unofficial UBI system for refugees. These afghans, syrians and iraqis don't work lmao see here >>53590069

>> No.53590294

No, it's jews.

>> No.53590295

Don't you think german unemployment is essentially UBI? To me it is insane. I know multiple people who barely work/go on and off welfare

It's for ev

>> No.53590297

Of course we will vote AFD. Any problem?

>> No.53590307

lidl is worth it :D

>> No.53590308

Germany has one of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe

>> No.53590318

No i literally don't care - i'm leaving and taking my pension with me with the rest of the brain drain

I get it, you're in a tough spot, if i were german i'd be frustrated too but at this point you need to choose between euthenizing the old people or mass immigration - and the problem is those old people can vote

>> No.53590327

The Future of Europe - depopulated, impoverished and primitive

>> No.53590328

OK, you can stop posting then. Deal?

>> No.53590338

That's sad if it's true because the 2023 unemployment for germany (official) is over 5 percent

>> No.53590340

Yeah, not really. Europe has 700 million people

>> No.53590349

The US has like 3 percent. Whats your point? Do you just like to hear yourself talk?

>> No.53590360

So you have double the rate of the US? bro, get a grip

>> No.53590371

2% is not a big difference

>> No.53590383

Doesn't matter how many Gorillion people you have, They are old and sterile. Median age in Germany is like 45, Just look at marriage and fertility rates. That 700 million is a bubble about to pop off.

>> No.53590382

Tiktok is literally owned by the chinks and the CN version promotes marriage, patriotism, and fitness.

>> No.53590394

Thats almost the whole first world, anon

>> No.53590422

yup, the East Asian countries have it even worse.

>> No.53590430

my god this is some vocational school level thinking. here is the population of the usa

>> No.53590450
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>> No.53590459

>7 years out of date

>> No.53590475

He just hates Germany for some reason. He might be a kike

>> No.53590497
File: 87 KB, 1000x583, Population_Pyramid_Germany_2021_(CIA_World_Factbook).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here is germany

Even if you assume there were 0 births and immigrations in the last 7 years, one of these charts is still MUCH better than the other lmfao

there's so much delusion in this thread that is solved by a simple google. Germany's population crisis is japan tier

I just regret moving here and wish someone had told me about this before i came. Wasted years.

>> No.53590517

Nah, you're just some miserable nigger larping on the internet

>> No.53590530

lmao. cope and seethe hans

>> No.53590544

Neck yourself, kike

>> No.53590620

What caused this? It's like the US baby boom except they just finished losing a war and half of them became communists.

>> No.53590664
File: 22 KB, 640x480, images (66).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch this, Native Germans are literally minority in youngest age group

>> No.53590675

Thats not what that graph says you dumbfuck

>> No.53590688

fucking nazi, shouldn't they jail you for posting this?

>> No.53590698

It's pretty clear, unless you have 80IQ comprehension.

>> No.53590716

No its not, you retarded dumbfuck

>> No.53590725

Ooof, that's bad. USA/Canada/Australia are really in the driver's seat for the West--Europe is absolutely demographically fucked.

Look at Italy, for example--their economy is basically a giant subsidy from young migrants to old pensioners. Fucking boomers I stg.

>> No.53590741

You cant even read a simple graph, you stupid motherfucker.
Unfortunately the internet is full of brainlets liek you

>> No.53590742

So you need to look at the light blue and red as summing to the dark blue, not as the light blue stacking on the red. It's bad graph design but >>53590675 is right

>> No.53590758
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Always amusing to read the silly nonsense here

>> No.53590793
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>69 posts out of 117 are by 1 (one) ID

>> No.53590833

the brainlet economically illiterate hapooner poltard take

>> No.53590843
File: 343 KB, 647x1031, 1651872978491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a seething yuropoor, any mention of america has a chance of sending them one spiraling like this

>> No.53590864

fucking kek

>> No.53590913

It is. If red bark bigger than ligh blue than there more migrants then natives.

>> No.53590924

Stop talking to me you retarded nigger

>> No.53590926

>red bark
red bar

>> No.53590992
File: 518 KB, 796x1024, 1627401163205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

germany ? are you serious ?

>> No.53591004

Thats France

>> No.53591013

The indians moving are mostly well-educated Brahmins--literally the ones you'd want lmfao.

>> No.53591024

Sure, Rajeet

>> No.53591026
File: 1.96 MB, 540x960, 1627609095251.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who care about homeless dying in the steet. go back on reddit

>> No.53591050
File: 169 KB, 861x924, 6135189646486153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>India isn't
stop reading

>> No.53591073
File: 641 KB, 700x441, aL1pQRz_700bwp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know. Germany=EU same policies...mass imigration. no nuclear...everybody using one solar panel for whole EU...all going to shit but don t have gerrmany funny pic...EU is dogshit

>> No.53591096
File: 86 KB, 1296x796, -1x-1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just some third world shitskin payed to troll on the internet.
Noone gives a fuck what you have to say

>> No.53591116
File: 110 KB, 920x658, png-transparent-sound-euphonium-character-anime-others-face-cg-artwork-black-hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, at least in the US, absolutely blows compared to the other options we have. It tries to fill a niche that doesn't exist. Also, needing a quarter to use their carts is borderline absurd. We don't have Lidl here so I can't comment on them.

>> No.53591130
File: 12 KB, 210x295, 160045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aldi* damn autocorrect

>> No.53591145
File: 781 KB, 556x604, 1535726398911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, thats why its the fastest growing grocery store in the US. And also the third largest.


>Aldi was the fastest-growing grocery chain in the United States in 2021 in terms of both the number of new stores it opened and the square footage those locations took up

>Aldi’s rapid growth in recent years has made it the nation’s third-largest grocer by store count, with only Kroger and Walmart ahead

>> No.53591203

Warm weather exporting LNG for which they paid 3 times the price. you country is shit. simple. thx your leader https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/23/world/europe/schroder-germany-russia-gas-ukraine-war-energy.html

>> No.53591212

Y-y-y-our country is shit!!!

Ok nigger

>> No.53591481
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 1674189562497698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest what's the percentage ethnic germans that vote for right wing, anti immigration parties?

>> No.53591519

Noone cares, nigger

>> No.53591544

I care that's why I'm asking, stop acting like an autistic teenager

>> No.53591552

Neck yourself. Or look it up.
Stop being obsessed with our country

>> No.53591577

Have sex, cunt

>> No.53591578

This. Fpbp Op and 140 useless fucking posts. They're so far behind socially and developmentally but the tech and the fact that so many countries rely on them gives will give them explosive growth. Sad

>> No.53591585

i love that the only rebuttal you have is that germany has a popular discount supermarket chain

something truly went wrong here

>> No.53591598

Do you still larp as an immigrant here, nigger?

>> No.53593286

None of the three

>> No.53593594
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>> No.53593744

You’re technically right about the graph, but that anon is right about native Germans. “Migrant origin” means that at least one of the parents of said person or that person themselves does not have the German citizenship, that’s it. So in other words a Turk or a Syrian couple can move to Germany, get naturalized, get citizenship, and have a kid on German soil, and that kid will be considered a person without migrant background. If you consider how much and how long immigration has been occurring, the under 18 demographic is absolutely minority German