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File: 29 KB, 414x471, FoDuGJ0WYAQGYY_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53583130 No.53583130 [Reply] [Original]

Balloonn Edition

https://pastebin.com/F1yujtVq (embed)

>Stock Market Vocabulary
https://pastebin.com/VtnpN5iJ (embed)

>Risk Management
https://pastebin.com/sqJUcbjp (embed)

>Live Streams

>Educational Sites

>Options (do not trade these just because you read all these links)

>Free Charts


>Pre-Market Data and Live Data

>Boomer Investing 101

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) calculator



Previous: >>53578816

>> No.53583144

You DID pass the series 7 test right? If you can't even do that why are you wasting your time posting about stocks you don't understand?

>> No.53583153
File: 521 KB, 1106x1012, 1675490223507542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't beaten Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West on ultra difficulty
>he thinks he knows what he's doing when investing in AI and robotics
ngmi, this is investment advice, unironically

>> No.53583176

Worth playing? I know everyone raved about it but I have a hard time into single player games ever since competitive multiplayer games.

>> No.53583178
File: 1.80 MB, 1287x1800, 1655646725830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime and investing name a better combo

>> No.53583181
File: 116 KB, 736x991, anime_girl_enjoying_coffee_by_whitney_1990_ddi8u0m-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>He thinks I have money or brains to invest in ANYTHING.


>> No.53583191
File: 483 KB, 1920x1200, Fn46U2bWIAo4uzp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/smg/ and losing money.

>> No.53583203
File: 308 KB, 736x1112, FoABtQAaYAA1r2r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Its attention to detail is absolutely autistic. Ultra difficulty turns it into a simulation game. I would call it borderline educational in the same way that 2001: a Space Oddyssey was when it first came out.

>> No.53583219

BOIL is dropping to $4 today

>> No.53583235
File: 2.01 MB, 1280x1791, 1663123589170755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/a/posters on /smg/ actually win though

>> No.53583296

I have notifications for a different leveraged natgas product and I keep getting "new historical low" from the watchlist. Lmao.

>> No.53583333
File: 282 KB, 576x720, Butthurt Report form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys stalking these mining tickers

>> No.53583390

i took out 1/3 of my money from the brokers.

ive been buck broken...

>> No.53583411

thank you for playing

>> No.53583423
File: 714 KB, 998x1097, 1668292766362237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i took out 1/3 of my money from the brokers
put it back... or else

>> No.53583438

What should I buy my female broker for Valentines Day?

>> No.53583445

try to compose some sort of poem using symbols

>> No.53583446
File: 806 KB, 1920x1080, 1665527679671515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some poetry

>> No.53583454
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>> No.53583456
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CRT says that everything has inherent racism and I understand this is the thread where the white devils in charge of making the stock market rayciss hang out so what do you have to say for yourselves. Are you making it work? Is the market racist?

>> No.53583468

how do i buy to close if my parents made me short

>> No.53583470

What would you do if you had 100k?

>> No.53583471

How do you become a super employee?

>> No.53583476
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>> No.53583514

hookers and cocaine

>> No.53583542

My mum is looking to by alibaba, Intel and alphabet on trading212.
Is there a reason this isn't a good idea? The prices seem good as they've come down.

>> No.53583546

I would respond to this but the jannies hate people having fun so I have to stick to finance

>> No.53583577

I do have 100k.

>> No.53583587

i'd buy a lot stocks

>> No.53583592
File: 396 KB, 771x577, 1675542823480439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get her a Compartes chocolate box. I don't eat chocolate but I've heard from numerous reliable sources that women like them.

>> No.53583629

God I hate the weekend, so fucking boring.

>> No.53583699

Me too, and I dunno what to do with it

>> No.53583710

Then you should listen to this guy >>53583587

>> No.53583711

TASE is all red today

>> No.53583767


>> No.53583774
File: 73 KB, 604x654, 1675448859635428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I need a bank account to cash a check?

>> No.53583784

cash it outside

>> No.53583792

Where can I self test an equivalent for my own purpose?

>> No.53583799

nope. but it can cost you a fee, even if you're taking it to the same bank the check is from. you should open an account though if y
you don't have one already.
all you gotta do is walk in and say you'd like to open an account. the cute girls help you and all. mine send me a birthday card every year.

>> No.53583806

Is a US-China war bullish?

>> No.53583820

further restriction on tech sales to china is pretty bearish. nvda cant send advanced datacenter and AI cards to chyna anymore, the moment they ban even consumer grade stuff like your 3080s is when SOXS goes to the moon

>> No.53583831

lel, the series 7 doesn't really teach you how to invest or trade, only to the extent needed to talk to people about how markets work to provide financial services. it's more like knowing the rules and common strategies and other mechanics behind chess for example, but it won't make you a particularly good chess player, an introductory tutor at best

t. series 7 and series 63 haver

the finra website has example series 7 exams albeit they're rather limited in scope and functionality. other than that there are tons of series 7 prep material out there. you need to be sponsored by a firm to actually attempt it tho, but the SIE (a more rudimentary introductory prerequisite) is available for anyone

these are wonderful exams if you want to get a job in the field but not so much for personal investing

>> No.53583846

Yeah, aye ok. Just wanted to peek at the level of questions to see if my ego is valid.
Not sure if leaf version of these rules would be much different.
Lotta stuff to learn in these here markets, eh?

>> No.53583902

i imagine the leaf one is similar, but different enough. remember that unlike other countries the US is a bottom-up kind of place, structurally speaking, so you have all these random side rules state-side and even municipal-side rather than everything on a blanket federal level. that was the whole idea behind the the 1933 securities act and 1934 exchange act (and 1940 investment company act) after the whole great depression thing, further updated by sarbanes-oxley in the 2000s and dodd-frank in the 2010s

before all that it was an absolute and utter clusterfuck of regional exchanges, bucket shops, and all kinds of financial shenanigans that would make the average crypto gambler blush

all i can really say when it comes to trading though, knowing the rules and knowing your history is nice, but the real teacher is from playing the game

>> No.53583904
File: 131 KB, 900x540, stocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


add this (or something like it) to the OP copypasta

>> No.53583948


>> No.53583997

It's bullish for China. Yes.

>> No.53584041

good morning sirs
my hands still smell like curry from ordering indian food last night

butter chicken and garlic naan waa tasty sirs

>> No.53584050

Only if you pick the right winner and can live through it

>> No.53584061

the bubble has popped, both literally and figuratively. only sell now.

>> No.53584068
File: 22 KB, 508x405, Fn_xbFEXkAEjjhl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retail is buying.

>> No.53584072

Ni hao

>> No.53584074
File: 199 KB, 1104x2048, Fn_3kxjXkAAv-oI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worse - they're buying calls.

>> No.53584197
File: 557 KB, 1992x2078, 1657287193320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, haha even
this rugpull will be beautiful

>> No.53584210
File: 194 KB, 446x375, Douki_LoveThis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>name a better combo
sorry anon but I can't

>> No.53584233

>Is a US-China war bullish?
Depends on how the US responds to an invasion of Taiwan

If the US pussies out, it's bullish for China beyond all belief

If the US intervenes and breaks up the naval assault, China goes back to being opium den slave status for the next hundred years

>> No.53584253
File: 54 KB, 591x226, NYT_editorial_literally_uses_the_Google_letter_argument.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's OK when they do it
why am I not surprised

as for your question I believe you can cash it at the bank that issued it if you do not have an account. but you should at least get something with a local bank it really is not that hard.

>> No.53584335
File: 196 KB, 639x620, 1663007724173251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullish for humanity? Yes, if we (the USA) win.

Bullish for the stock market? Hell no. This isn't like WWII where the axis needed massive cope bombers (Germany) or submarine aircraft carriers (Japan) to even think about striking the continental US. Modern weapons (even non-nuclear) are longer-ranged, faster, more precise, and more destructive than ever before. Our industrial production probably won't emerge unscathed and that means real economic losses. But with any luck, the Reds will have theirs completely glassed and the 3 Gorges popped to boot. Got to break a few eggs to make an omelette.

>> No.53584343
File: 489 KB, 860x672, Early life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What stocks are you guys buying Monday? Shill me something.

>> No.53584352

>not betting against a country that pisses and shits its pants over a meme balloon

>> No.53584423
File: 24 KB, 600x450, Biden_pointing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The commies would be screaming 2x as loud, maybe more, if we pulled the same shit. Biden is taking care to make sure we can't be cast as the aggressor in the inevitable propaganda battle, it may seem cumbersome but give it time. He may be clueless on domestic policy but he's got more experience fighting Cold Wars than most other people alive.

>> No.53584451
File: 71 KB, 900x629, 1671481983066528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only graph u ever need, BUY BUY BUY

>> No.53584462


>> No.53584479

honestly it's about time the USA felt what it's like to have your own country decimated by war

>> No.53584486
File: 51 KB, 149x540, Holding List 2023 - Till Death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden shoots down china's balloon. China's pissed. Just what we needed; more shat stirred up. Oh well, gotta distract the sheep from the fact the U.S is hurling towards a financial cliff (debt ceiling fight) somehow right? (Said cliff drop happens in June). But you know I've not forgotten; In fact I'm ready for cheapie bagging the closer it gets!

>> No.53584525
File: 289 KB, 454x378, Mebuki_concern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh boomer-san aren't you a gov employee? Will you still get paid if the USA defaults?

>> No.53584553

Retail = exit liquidity

>> No.53584576
File: 4 KB, 147x69, rothschilds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a single chink will ever land on US soil.

>> No.53584590

I'll still get paid. I'm a state gov employee. But they won't let the U.S default. Congress is many things but surely they aren't that stupid. The blow back from voters would be very bad on them (No more S.S payments, medicare,etc till they got it sorted out). No, they'll bicker, take it right to the edge (cheap stock bagging window), then they'll do a last second save.

>> No.53584619

No, I don't think I will.
This is not a charity fair.
I am your competition and I will take all your money.

>> No.53584632

anon shu tup. that balloon is a nothing burger, onions burger free leftover in highschool with no ketchup or cheese

>> No.53584633
File: 49 KB, 581x480, stock-market-crash-1929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Jpow speech at seemingly random event on Tuesday
>>calls investors the blackest gorilla nigger for not believing in "dis inflation" fight
>look over market

>> No.53584642


>> No.53584650

>I'm a state gov employee
ah OK you're probably fine then. who knows, maybe some states will have a better credit rating than the US gov after this all blows over...

>No, they'll bicker, take it right to the edge (cheap stock bagging window), then they'll do a last second save.
I agree with you this is probably what will happen, but in prior gov shutdowns federal employees were going unpaid weeks before the resolution of the crisis. SS not being paid would definitely lose a lot of elections though. Would be based if Yellen paid bondholders instead of SS as a warning shot to congress.

>> No.53584655

I don't think we are going to default but oh man if we did, lol. Bonds would become insolvent

>> No.53584677

anime goes better with suicide and investing goes better with enjoying a long and happy life.

>> No.53584700

one share of nisource, one share of green giant, and one share of ryder systems.

>> No.53584709

blue archive is /vg/ tho…

>> No.53584712
File: 120 KB, 629x809, 1674395077058212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me a retard n-word but wouldnt now be a great time to buy leveraged bond ETFs? The FED has been raising rates at the fastest pace ever, so if they overshoot they're going to cut rates at the fastest pace ever too, right? wouldnt this cause bond ETFs to go parabolic?

idk how shit was after 2008 because Im a zoomer. was it different back then?

>> No.53584713
File: 13 KB, 240x240, Pepe cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will take all your money.
Sorry to break it to you anon, but Moishe already took it.

>> No.53584715

intel is not worth $30 right now. no fucking way. tell her to sell puts dated end of 2023 or early 2024, strike of $20 or less. then don't even look.

>> No.53584716
File: 81 KB, 1080x1064, 1672327690194978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jury on musk's side

>> No.53584717

black tuesday type events happen every few years, but the modern market is too healthy to totally crash

>> No.53584725
File: 136 KB, 640x466, 1675509778072875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the US defense got literally btfo'd by a balloon anon
there is no hope left for the US

>> No.53584760

KOD and PREM looking good this year.

>> No.53584764
File: 21 KB, 423x392, spx2750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw both the original Lion King and original Toy Story in theatres

>> No.53584765


>> No.53584767

>China's pissed.
are you slow? they said it was a weather balloon. they already have spy satellites.
we were tracking it for days, we knew it was off course. NORAD can see shit like that hundreds of miles off the whole northern coasts of both alaska and canada, to the northeast and to the northwest for hundreds of miles as well.
literally nobody would have ever assumed it was anything but a weather balloon unless the media were allowed to report on it -- which they were: perfectly timed for secretary blinken to unilaterally decide not to go to a meeting with china to help reduce tensions between the countries.
and it was shot down well after it passed beyond the continental US so it wasn't an emergency of any kind. they were "allowed to finish spying."
not a single aspect of this was a power move. the biden administration looks weak, paranoid, and skittish to the whole world. if anything, china is laughing to themselves about it.

>> No.53584770

Imagine if we used the Jewish space laser and shot the chinkdam. Also buy POWW

>> No.53584793

actually no 1) it's late in the game for bonds 2) leverage is never good to use before a pullback of any kind. price direction does not matter, "risk off" will overwhelm you. leveraged institutions will deleverage first and you will be left holding the bag.
2008 was exactly like that: plenty of people thought it was time to buy, too early. the thesis was sound but derisking moved against them (until 2010-2011)

>> No.53584797

I saw Toy Story when movies were on those giant discs

>> No.53584816

I had a pirate VHS of toy story

>> No.53584838

Should I set up a bond ladder in my ira

>> No.53584870


Depends on your risk appetite. Bond ladders are typically conservative unless you load up on BB-graded bonds and lower. Not recommended for an IRA in that case

>> No.53584919

we have intraday -2 to +2% moves in a single session, there's nothing healthy about this market
VIX hitting 52w low this week (+ rising again), DXY pumping, yields going up, earnings+guidance bad and economic prints setting new records you need one (1) unexpected event, data print, or a "hawkish sentence" from Jpow for that matter to get massive volatility and sell pressure very fast (on current price levels)

>> No.53584978

I'm 90% stocks and have been wanting to keep adding bonds but never do. The 10% I have is AGG

>> No.53585024

Niiggers winning WW2 did nothing for humanity

>> No.53585035

you know what, i dont think ill sit here and lurk smg all day today. im confident in my investments and i have nothing to say about the financial markets that hasnt been said in this very thread. have a wonderful sunday gentlemen.

>> No.53585046

Holy shit! It was released on Laserdisc! The only place I saw laserdisc was in high school. No one I knew was wealthy enough to own one. I always thought it was really cool.

>> No.53585052
File: 92 KB, 896x1000, Chud cheers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a nice day lad.

>> No.53585059

you too. you should go to your local library and browse the magazine section for one hour at least.
take pictures of interesting articles and give /smg/ a nice .png map of the latest trends
i'd be willing to pay someone's public wallet for something that informative and condensed. preferably towards real nigga hours and with the /osg/ from /vg/

>> No.53585065
File: 293 KB, 1077x1332, 5353812B-6A6B-4F75-AB97-AF3CDFB68B5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have one fren

>> No.53585080
File: 159 KB, 545x632, 1675234049804145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already went to the gym. Might take a walk later t get some coffee. I have an excuse to lurk all day though. I haven't been to work in 3 weeks lol

>> No.53585126


Check out all of those movies, including Toy Story!

>> No.53585131

Glad to see that at least some anons here are not in a crippling depression.

>> No.53585148

same bro. Jurassic Park and Hook too

>> No.53585164

Because BABA is a CDR, you don't own anything, and their is delisting risk. INTC is a death spiraling shitco. >>53584715 premiums on INTC are pitiful.

>> No.53585167

Too cold to leave my home right now. I prefer to stay warm. Maybe later I will go put some piss bottles energy drink cans in the reverse vending machines at the supermarket. Every little bit helps.

>> No.53585176
File: 134 KB, 1299x1024, Screenshot 2023-02-05 100339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CM and BNS outperforming TD and RY so far this year
wow mean reversion meme for canadian banks actually working out
TD is only +5% YTD and RY is +7% YTD
as for BMO i only bought it so i'm not too exposed to the other 2 stooges, but it is still part of the three stooges

I still want to buy TD and RY though just to have a pretty collection of tickers in my portfolio, then I'll move on to US exposure because this is far too much home bias already

>> No.53585199

Coffee is for closers only anon.

>> No.53585215
File: 62 KB, 450x448, pestu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like pasta dishes, but I think I should cut carbs, so what should I replace the pasta with (besides shit, cocks and killing myself, obviously)

>> No.53585218

is this ai generated art where the person just fixes up the fingers

>> No.53585227

what are some good stocks if i want to retire early?

>> No.53585230

zoodles. oodles of em even.

>> No.53585249

eat pussy for every meal

>> No.53585267
File: 442 KB, 900x900, 20076347_front_a06_@2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy fibre supplements for now unironically
too much carbs is bad for ur shits but it's hard to change ur diet

just drinking a cup once or twice daily is easy though, lowers your cholesterols, makes u shit clean where sometimes ur tissue wipes come out clean, etc etc
get the generic version of whatever psyllium fiber u have in ur place so it's 30% cheaper for the same shit
and it's literally just fiber supplements so it's safe long-term, unlike prune juice or something it doesn't take gross

>> No.53585279

just buy the etf
and if this is for retirement, because of it being an ira, go for the longest bonds possible until you hit boomer age

>> No.53585288

Options trading on SPY

>> No.53585305

this is my fun pick right now, hoping it goes 2x by end of year for my LEAPS
it'll be a substantial boost for my TFSA if it works out then i can collect divvies tax-free and be closer to becoming a NEET

>> No.53585317

I'm counting on UONE. Profitable Black media company that is constantly looking for ways to expand and innovate (I say this based on their hiring history + product portfolio changes). With $250m marketcap it has tons of upside I think. And with growing goblin population in US I think their target audience will also keep expanding.
From the outside it looks like a boring company, which is an advantage that Peter Lynch talked about. The more boring your investment, the higher the chance that you are early since other investors haven't caught up on it yet.
Just please remember that I'm a depressed retard and I'm most likely wrong about everything.

>> No.53585319
File: 85 KB, 931x445, Screenshot 2023-02-05 102026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops i forgot my screenshot lel

>> No.53585321

Really? I wouldn't imagine you could get a lot of returns off that, though. Doesn't that follow the market pretty closely.

>> No.53585328

when you're an investor, they let you do it. you can do anything. hit the CEO up on their personal email. you can do anything.

>> No.53585358

Looks like JXN, I hold it too, bought it at $30.

>> No.53585387
File: 847 KB, 2048x2048, 1672497888233558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F or E

>> No.53585492
File: 104 KB, 677x1305, stocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ran out of money. Payday isnt until 3 weeks time. Need to grind more money and fast. I cant let the portfolio stagnate for a day longer!

>> No.53585514

Zoodles. Noodles made out of zucchini. Also there are noodles called "miracle noodles" that are low carb

>> No.53585519



Also, anon, your micro bags....You are doing it wrong.

>> No.53585530

How much did you have to pay in fees for all that?

>> No.53585538

jesus fuck dude just buy voo at this rate

>> No.53585544

fractional shares are a meme
probably betting on free money if the deal closes

>> No.53585555

i refuse to accept anyone on /biz/ still pays to trade

>> No.53585568
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, 680-maxresdefault-1-1280x720-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two weeks

>> No.53585582

None. no fees below £2000 then its 0.7% fee on deposits thereafter.

>> No.53585584

I just thought of the most liquid stock off the top of my head and applied the most volatile way to make money off it.

>> No.53585585

>Chick bought multiple MacBooks to multi screen
lol, lmao even

>> No.53585588

i know some people who trade via their bank, paying insane fucking fees

>> No.53585602

i'm actually worried it makes us look as aggressive as north korea. we really are regarded in that manner and it's a blindside effect of our accumulative reactions to past events that've affected us most.
all the black lives matter and trans flag filters on our metas didn't mean 'we care' to china. it meant 'we're exactly THIS scared of our government'.

>> No.53585610
File: 79 KB, 574x574, 1670248824122314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the YTM of a bond is like 5% and the maturity of the bond is in 3 months from today, do I really get the 5% of are there some bullshit extra costs hidden somewhere. Because I cant imagine that its this easy.

>> No.53585650

i hate zoomers so much its unreal. saw one wearing JNCOs yesterday. my culture is not your costume.

>> No.53585677


>> No.53585711

You are without a doubt the dumbest motherfuck on this *board*, and that's including the pajeets. I say that as a fellow Brit, sadly. Stop posting and stop using a trip you vain little zoomer homosexual. I want to use your head like a football.

>> No.53585755

yes it is that easy, welcome to the world before boomers turned on quantitative easing and drove interest rates to 0%

(yields are all based on years so your 3 month will return 1.25%, only 5% if you bought another and another and held them 4 times over for 12 months)

>> No.53585768

holy fucking shit

>> No.53585782

You sound mentally stable

>> No.53585816

>>>53585711 (You)
>You sound mentally stable
Says the dumb cunt buying fractional shares of nokia

>> No.53585851

>series 7

>> No.53585853
File: 79 KB, 500x700, 15415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying fractional shares of nokia

I love this place sometimes, man

>> No.53585864
File: 180 KB, 664x598, 1670877093270668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53585877


bloody monday, spread the word

>> No.53585879

So many people butthurt because anon has a green portfolio. No matter what people post, you will always look for ways to make them as miserable as you are I guess. In this case it's fractional shares.

>> No.53585891

E is my type. Otherwise maybe H

>> No.53585903
File: 66 KB, 644x644, 1672175019989520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No matter what people post, you will always look for ways to make them as miserable as you are

>> No.53585913
File: 443 KB, 1280x720, NOKNOKNOK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont talk shit about NOK

>> No.53585918

>retail is buying
Lmao retail outperformed institutions in 2020

>> No.53585955
File: 1006 KB, 1000x1414, 530ffe658e0bcb9eef11f9ca862a91cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. I likecdips makes betting on america all the easier.

>> No.53585958

I want to do E (forcibly).

>> No.53585965
File: 75 KB, 1099x1059, 934145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E is literally a child you pedos

>> No.53585974

It's not just the fractional shares that are the problem...
Of course we're going to knock the fool down. Tbh it would be better to do what you're suggesting and clap him on the back and let him fuck up. Retards will only learn through pain.

>> No.53585987

Then E it is

>> No.53586032

Did they? Because they took on heaps of leverage or something?

>> No.53586033

So far he seems to be doing ok.
> Of course we're going to knock the fool down
> we
Speak for yourself. But I guess if you said "(...) I'm going to knock the fool down" you would sound too much like psycho even for your own standards.

>> No.53586039 [DELETED] 

I don't like this

>> No.53586044
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>> No.53586050
File: 152 KB, 1500x1062, 9e16a5dd3b6ffc5ff942701078c9dd71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B is clearly the correct choice marry her an never need to consult 4chan for investment advice again.

>> No.53586055

You shoulda just put all that in meta.

>> No.53586057
File: 142 KB, 800x616, hicho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happens with DRIP too
and no, i will not apologize for having $200k in dividend stocks

>> No.53586068

Easily said after the fact. If everyone knew it was going to blow up 30% a few days ago everyone woulda bought it

>> No.53586070

J. And this is a roll thread, see ya in 3 days!
It’s j you asshat

>> No.53586086

I bought Meta stocks at around $100 per share. Sold it for a loss because around $90 because I thought it would continue to go down. HAHAHA!

>> No.53586106 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 1250x1396, m_miller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the chink balloon was destroyed

lol, lmao even. and will this be china's final warning? the 5445647867 final warning? what effect will this have on the markets? A nothingburger like usual? I'm waiting for real market conditions to take place like I don't know, a black fucking swan in the housing market where derivatives basically forced the fucking market to be margin called. Gold schizoiods, bear schizoids, the march of the american corporation is CONSTANT.

supported by stupid niggers who constantly get into finance contracts with apple and most mobile providers to get phones for "free" (65464 payments of 5.99)
still used by boomers and they own insta and snap (USED BY ZOOMERS, THE NEW GENERATION OF COMPLETE CONSOOOMERS)
dumb millenial women and niggers still use this

and that's my ted talk. fuck niggers, fuck the jews, fuck kikes. As far as my political affliiations, I'm an enviromentalist who believes that useless people destroy biodiversity and should be shot for it
a facist enviromentalist

africa should be turned into a giant zoo and the people that live there shot

>> No.53586107

>and no, i will not apologize for having $200k in dividend stocks
based. growth is a meme

>> No.53586122
File: 104 KB, 562x582, FoHvPjsXkAEH8x5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your ability to decipher this chart will determine if you will be able to make it or not.

>> No.53586123

Pussy gel (provided she has a pussy).

>> No.53586129

I've done that. That's nothing to laugh at. Sometimes you need that extra $2 for gas or even bread. After you spend the rest of your $3000/month on bills and shit

>> No.53586133
File: 22 KB, 266x374, BalloonFightnesboxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WW3 over a fucking party favor

>> No.53586134

What was the ticker for the pussy gel juice baggie shilled a year ago?

>> No.53586149

Does this mean my 186 sqqq put runes 16 dollar put is going back up to 168? Are stocks in free fall Monday? Am I blessed by /smg/ patron saint Timothy dexter?

>> No.53586206

I think it was EVFM, but I'm not 100% sure

>> No.53586207
File: 5 KB, 795x35, economical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53586388

Bruh you must be Chinese or the pajeet. It had a fucking data center attached to it the size of a city bus. You don't ever let the Chinese government get away with that shit.

All the way across our country? And they came through Canada. Should have Trudeau's head on a stick. Foreign leader, fuck him I'll threaten that bitch.

Market's continue to go UP unless acted upon.

>> No.53586405

can you actually make heavy money with stocks or is it all a meme

t. crypto and /biz/owner fag looking to shit away some cash

>> No.53586436


>> No.53586484

Will my ford ranger survive my amateur mechanic work?

>> No.53586500

What are you doing?

>> No.53586501

crypto is red, will monday be red as well?

>> No.53586502

Lol. Wage price spiral. Stagflation. What's that roaring in the distance?

>> No.53586504
File: 2.51 MB, 1920x1079, B9D2BB7F-9AC3-4C45-A319-4AAA25393725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically should otc penny stocks be removed from smg?
They’re always fucken scams.
Typically crypto jeets leaking into smg and getting bullied out.

>> No.53586508
File: 31 KB, 769x838, FoN0kPtWYAEFBB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. You probably won't though. Just put it in an index fund and forget about it.

>> No.53586523

Smg, I need help. I need to make some $ in the next year.
$30k Ethereum, $30k bitfarms, 15k SOXL. How do I redo my portfolio to make $300k?

>> No.53586540

Just leave it. Stop micromanaging your assets. Or pull it all out and place it in JEPI for the dividends

>> No.53586548

Why do people ask these stupid questions?
Are scamshitcoins a mental illness?

>> No.53586550

Of course

The balloon incident will sink Asian markets. Gains overseas YTD are built on China reopening. Stocks are set to reverse hard tomorrow.

>> No.53586554

Nah, it’s a shame ough lesson that must be learned by incessant new fans who think they are better than everyone else. Once they fall for it, they either leave or become part of the herd

>> No.53586557

I mean what do you want me to say, your entire portfolio depends on crypto baring Soxl. I’m not a crypto expert.

>> No.53586562

Why? Because It's smg, you fucking retard. I'm asking fellow retards like you

>> No.53586574

Oh, I forgot I have $10k in JEPQ and SCHD

>> No.53586576

I dont trade scamshitcoins
Isnt there a indian shitcoin forum you can fuck off to

>> No.53586578
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>> No.53586582
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Blue Devil Head Gasket Sealer for second time. Need the truck to survive long enough for me to move. Though I think ai might have found part of the problem while draining so I could fill it. Looks like the bracket holding the lower radiator hoses up came loose so one of them is wearing against the bumper. Either way have a major leak anyway since coolant is boiling in the overflow tank and blowing the lid from the pressure.

>> No.53586585

I was jus there but your mom's onlyfans pics are all over that thread and it's making me puke

>> No.53586589

Yeah, you really sound like a shitskin

>> No.53586593

>Morgan Stanley would never lie to readers

>> No.53586595
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>balloon incident

>> No.53586598
File: 57 KB, 657x695, 1675543958401587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My plan is to pick the 4 best preforming index funds and hide them away in my roth IRA

Then I want to pick 4 of the best preforming ETF's and hide them away in my traditional IRA
Then in my individual account I want to pick 4 of the best preforming stocks, some companies that are more obscure that I used to work for that are listed, or, ones I currently work for
And then with the remainder I want to do options and forex.

Should take about 10 years to divide 120,000 dollars between 8 stocks.
I should have 10k in the best preforming 8 stocks in my portfolio, and 40k to just dick around with on options and forex.

I think it's a solid plan

>> No.53586616

is the balon real or a distraction?

>> No.53586617

I'm not though, just a random nigga trying to see what you idiots are buying maybe I can make some $, gnamsayin?

>> No.53586619

Coinbase predictions EOW. Go.

>> No.53586624

The real balloons were the friends we made along the trade

>> No.53586631

Im not a gearhead so my retarded option is probably going to be lifting that bracket up and zip tieing it for now once it finishes idling and its cold again.

>> No.53586642

I'm changing my head gaskets this spring. Chris fix on jewtube has a ford ranger you could check out

>> No.53586652

Just finished snaking my tub's drain. Why blow 100+ for a plumber to do it when I can do it myself cheaper. (Exact same snake they use can be had for $30 at WMT) Snake busts up the clog then you pour boiling water down it to flush out the loose bits/soap scum/hair. (Also never never put coffee grounds or grease down a kitchen sink, your just asking for trouble)

>> No.53586663

Bofa deez nuts

>> No.53586665

Not something I am looking to do. The truck is pretty well worn at this point. Just need it to survive while closing on a house and moving.

>> No.53586688

It's real but it's actually a Finnish balloon.

>> No.53586706

>Le bankers are always lying when bearish and honest when bullish!
Being a permabull must be fun, you start from the point of view that line must go up and then look for reasons to justify it.

>> No.53586722
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>> No.53586737

I'll be larping as a delusional permabull in the next thread, too lazy to change IDs right now. If you didn't realize it yet, most of the over the top permabulls in /smg/ are just bobos shitposting.

>> No.53586749

Changing a head gasket is a fucking nightmare. Years ago I blew a head gasket in my Ford escort and the shop told me it was totaled and wanted to replace the whole engine, they then offered me $100 to junk which is when I knew they were greasy fucking Jews so I declined. My dad ended up buying some weird miracle product you dumped in your engine and it was supposed to seal up the gasket or something. I don't know what that shit was, but that car ran for 2 years after that before the engine finally died.

>> No.53586750

Post your short positions.

>> No.53586753
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Just the facts

>> No.53586767
File: 265 KB, 2160x1620, 90698297-1E21-421F-825C-B2EAF4F2BD1C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>time in

>> No.53586776

Oh no. Oh no no no no.

>> No.53586779
File: 83 KB, 652x511, 1646714187202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wake me up when it gets below 20k

>> No.53586784

Why do permabulls think you can't be bearish if you're not gambling on options, or even worse, shorting? Literally just hold cash and or treasuries and wait for a proper price to buy in, timing the market with shorts or puts is almost impossible to do consistently.

>> No.53586800
File: 64 KB, 460x215, BF121C3C-F725-466D-9C0E-CE295AB86088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weekend smg has been convinced the world will end since 2018. The DJIA is down like 5% since this “bear market” started. Incredible.

>> No.53586821

>it's not even under 2.5%

Lmfao. No matter how much you zoom in the chart it wont make it any worse than it actually is anon.

>> No.53586835

I feel like I picked the worst time to put some money into YINN last week

>> No.53586842


>> No.53586848
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>b-bro pleaseeeee! I-I'll suck your dick for a soft landing! Come on man

>> No.53586849
File: 76 KB, 1200x600, EB248470-D935-4EEF-92E3-CBB2F8AEEEA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

J’s the future fatty, right?

>> No.53586867

Head gasket sealer. Blue devil is a premium product with good action. Other head gasket sealers usually have particulates that gunk up your engine and stop up the heater core. Their product does not. Wont save coolant in the oil. My head gasket is primarily leaking to the radiator which is backfilling it with hot exhaust that pushes coolant out and airlocks it.

>> No.53586875
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Anons your participation needed, post opinions and habbenings

Global Hyperinflation General /GHG/ >>>/pol/414981205

>> No.53586893

Amazing that the shit works. Saved me thousands and thousands in repairs. It definitely felt like "as seen on tv" promises but damnit it delivered.

>> No.53586900

Literally the entire point of these rate hikes and no pivot is to avoid hyperinflation. Pivotniggers are the only people who unironically want and expect hyperinflation.

>> No.53586903

Which fighter jet did we use to get it, and was a woman the pilot?

>> No.53586905

Who knows, it would be idiotic for the bugmen to send a spy balloon when they have decent enough spy satellites already, but the bugmen really are petty enough to do exactly that just to “show American weak, China strong”

>> No.53586909

i have a moral issue with stocks that dont pay dividends. when tsla gets to 250 i'm selling and putting it all in mercedes-benz.

>> No.53586914

Have they decided yet whether the market will go up or down this week?

>> No.53586932
File: 8 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you know there is a fetish for balloons ?

>> No.53586948

Its great for older vehicles not worth a full repair.

>> No.53586964


>> No.53586994
File: 22 KB, 500x371, 1571617398024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The market is literally going to bottom at 3200 isn't it?

>> No.53587003

this. anons wanting a pivot don't realize that yes their stocks will go up but will ultimately be worthless when you factor in the inflation

>> No.53587037

we are as aggressive as north korea.

>> No.53587054

I thought that was kari from mythbusters and it did make me horny for a sec

>> No.53587057

The US is the open enemy of Europe at this point

>> No.53587064
File: 94 KB, 600x398, 1673917437346419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Market showed TSLA 190 and 200 puts for this week at market close on Friday. I wonder with the lawsuit info if TSLA will pump?

>> No.53587085
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lmao I forgot about the assfucking on Friday.

>> No.53587095
File: 253 KB, 1500x1000, old-oil-poured-into-kitchen-sink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my problem

>> No.53587096

BOILsers... how much longer do we dump?

>> No.53587099
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>> No.53587117

f 22

>> No.53587157
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>> No.53587180
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>> No.53587183
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>> No.53587194

What happened?

>> No.53587211

Bofa deez nuts

>> No.53587261
File: 375 KB, 1024x768, 123345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Futures, at this time of day? At this day of the week?

>> No.53587266

Futures won’t open for 4 hours or so

>> No.53587268
File: 1.33 MB, 320x238, ricflair-flop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You'll never make it.

>> No.53587279
File: 2.36 MB, 480x852, 1663853817722686.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally nothing, futures don't open for hours this is just a normal tradition on Sundays.

>> No.53587289

stupid mumu

>> No.53587297

Localized entirely within an online pajeet sewer for shitcoin scams?

>> No.53587306

I'm about to run to the local (small business) market and purchase ingredients to make an egg sandwich to celebrate the price of bitcoin falling below $23,000. I'm undecided between using a brioche bun or bagel. Thoughts?

>> No.53587316

Once Cheniere(LNG) opens back up its terminal it should cause a rise in price of LNG contracts. However, those are currently pricing in it resuming operation by July pushing prices back up to $3 per mmbtu

>> No.53587322

>buying eggs

>> No.53587330

>Imagine posting on /smg/ at 5am on Sunday morning
Definitely ngmi

>> No.53587348

12 eggs are more valuable than 7 US dollars. Just my opinion.

>> No.53587353
File: 2.89 MB, 545x875, 1674766541639719.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pretty much spent a full 24 hours here yesterday and I don't even feel the tiniest bit of shame.

>> No.53587358
File: 621 KB, 699x1000, BFB25484-2788-44A8-A8B5-8E89D6294012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weekend smg used to be a place to talk about stocks, not a doomer circle jerk for dumb newfags.

>> No.53587360

If you use a bagel, won't the egg salad fall out through the hole in the middle?

>> No.53587379

Don't put rice down the drain either

>> No.53587383

this reminds me of this


Pewds is doing his part. Are you?

>> No.53587396
File: 56 KB, 638x610, ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not egg salad, just an egg sandwich. something like this

>> No.53587397

Is there much to talk about when everything moves together and buying or selling is based on the Fed saying "BUY/SELL Stocks now"?
No need to watch the game, just the refs.

>> No.53587404
File: 228 KB, 890x736, 378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mercedes has a P/E of 5!
And a high dividend.
Basically a no brainer

>> No.53587418

Is that shawarma girl

>> No.53587436

I dunno, anon, that runny yolk could still spill out through the hole. Brioche is the more conservative pick for your portfolio.

>> No.53587447
File: 2.75 MB, 650x850, 1673617579064364.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a name chud. It's Selena the goblina.

>> No.53587452

was the dividend they put out to make up for 2020 and 2021 or is that something you expect to continue, also are the ADR fees attached to the dividend or do they do a flat X cents per share per year?

>> No.53587453
File: 279 KB, 2116x350, A597EA70-CCC4-420E-BC95-D5970C48C601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are the people giving you financial advice

>> No.53587458

Ford and General Motors have low P/E ratios too, are you also excited about them?

>> No.53587461

I was leaning Brioche initially. I'll go that route

>> No.53587486

I'm not in my 30s yet I've got time

>> No.53587494

Wherever i go i must chud. Thanks for catching me up

>> No.53587505

They will pay 5€ per share this year too
Mercedes has great EVs

>> No.53587523

I hope to God this doesn't turn out to be the only a2a kill by the f22 before retirement. I don't want the raptor be memed like that

>> No.53587526
File: 296 KB, 528x1471, E0CEE875-E68E-4850-BA45-27CF78C8E2AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hilton CEO Chris Nassetta says selling his black Porsche 944 was the best financial decision he ever made.

>That’s because buying it in the first place was his worst. He was in his 20s and fresh off a breakup when he saw the sleek model in a used car lot near his home in Arlington, Virginia. He had a third party ensure the car and the deal were legitimate, then paid $20,000 for it, taking out a loan to cover part of the cost.

>“It nearly broke me,” Nassetta, 60, tells CNBC Make It. “I spent all my money on that stupid car.”

>In retrospect, it was a bad decision from the start, Nassetta says: He was only making $17,000 per year at the time. Almost immediately, he had to spend an additional $2,000 on a new steering rack — and the car’s problems only got worse from there.

>The Porsche was “riddled with problems I couldn’t afford,” Nassetta says.

>Today, a Porsche 944 can be worth upwards of $30,000, depending on the year and condition, according to car valuation site Kelley Blue Book. But Nassetta sold his car just 18 months after buying it, and maintains it was his worst spending mistake — and the last sports car he’ll ever own.

>Sports cars are both a popular purchase and a common regret. Ex-NBA star Dwyane Wade, for example, told Men’s Health in 2020 that the best financial advice he’d ever received was “to get rid of about 16 cars.”

>One of those cars was a $6,000 per month Maybach that Wade said he rarely, if ever, drove. He eventually sold the entire collection, he added, keeping one Audi Q8.>Since 2007, Nassetta has driven something more practical: a four-door Lexus sedan he bought just after landing the top role at Hilton. The well-loved family car was new when Nassetta purchased it, and has stood the test of time: In the 16 years he’s owned the car, he’s put 115,000 miles on it, he estimates.


>> No.53587527


>> No.53587534
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>> No.53587533

>he doesn't know about premarket futures

>> No.53587545
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x720, 1419044633369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheniere is nat gas?! I thought they were another oil pipeline company! No wonder I am down so much on it! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.53587551


>> No.53587562
File: 285 KB, 849x569, Hitler in einem Mercedes Benz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noone is buying your chink shit, Chang

>> No.53587566

official pre-futures presents theme song


>> No.53587578

>zooms out: -44%
So much better, wow!

>> No.53587598

They alone are something like 50% of the international shipping capacity for LNG and they have been shut down since summer last year. Their planet is slowly coming back online after that fire. Once that happens it will push up LNG prices as more gets shipped to Europe to close the gap between Henry Hub (2.5$) and Dutch ($17)

>> No.53587600
File: 1.23 MB, 2000x1425, 1670143023692113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning /smg/ sirs. I have completed my weekend tasks and chores. Laundry done. Provisions stocked. I want to see more red this week.
>I ask for critique on my art/writing and got it

>> No.53587609
File: 114 KB, 1024x683, biden-ford-electric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ford has an electric pickup truck and one expert is excited.

>> No.53587629

I boughted it because I saw it at the Astro's stadium and it sounds like that cat. The good news is I haven't boughted any since it was at 175 so I can still DCA effectively.

>> No.53587679

I love the bot finance articles that are like "so and so insider or this hedge fund bought X amount of shares in Company ABC" and the cost of the number of shares is the same order of magnitude or less than the number of shares you own. Like who gives a fuck somebody threw a couple thousand dollars at this thing?

>> No.53587719

haha, he looks so happy

>> No.53587724

>the entire market and every sector of the economy shed 50% of its gains from 2020


Keep reaching bobo.

>> No.53587732

Stocks trade on supply and demand, so knowing who holds the supply is useful.

>> No.53587740

I am kind of surprised that BTC having equivalent performance to stocks doesn't actually bother you crypto people more.

>> No.53587759
File: 26 KB, 361x432, 3E857330-17CC-40E9-9ED9-2EDF86CDC5D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bobos coping with crypto in smg
Bottom signal

>> No.53587768

there has to be a threshold though between marginal and meaningful amounts of holdings. Like if someone was buying 1% of the float I would understand.

>> No.53587783

the electric pickup is cool but its honestly so powerful & so heavy that i feel like its dangerous to have that much acceleration without any safeguards from an autopilot system lol

as long as it has lidar autobraking it'll be fine...probably...i fear some grannies are gonna get squashed though

>> No.53587798

bitcoin is like 10% of my portfolio. I have more in XMR than bitcoin but I don't invest in any other "crypto" currencies.I thought bitocoin out preformed the market from march of last year?

>> No.53587802

have you seen the tow range on it? It's pathetic, I've seen reviewers saying they got maybe 70 miles, it's a "truck" that you can't even use for it's intended purpose.

>> No.53587807

crypto = risk on / risk off gauge

>> No.53587825
File: 313 KB, 2040x1728, World-plugin-vehicle-sales-top-brands-January-September-2022-Cleantechnica-chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ford only sells half as many EVs as Mercedes

>> No.53587834
File: 308 KB, 1200x1200, F15303DA-1551-4679-BFF9-4C49D7B6BE81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao... once more people find out how useless and pathetic EV’s are it’s goi g to be hilarious. Pride is the only reason Tesla owners don’t talk more shit about how terrible EV’s are and when someone finds out how garbage EV’s are they won’t have any problems talking shit about some GM or Ford shit box EV

>> No.53587868


>> No.53587877

What is wrong with EV's? I know asking you guys might be bias but I was thinking about getting one. What is your honest opinion?

>> No.53587893

>Before you hitch an Airstream to your electric truck and set out to circumnavigate the country, you need to understand this: With the largest available battery pack, a fully charged 2022 Ford F-150 Lightning electric truck has less energy onboard than a regular F-150 with four gallons of gas in its tank.

>Consider how far a combustion-powered F-150 would tow at max capacity on four gallons of regular unleaded. Thirty five miles? Maybe 40 if you drive slowly?

>> No.53588191

thats because tesla have 300+ mile range lol - and while battery capacity does decay a bit over time, its not like a cellphone that goes dead, the tesla batteries plateau at about 80% capacity on average

the mercedes ones have good range too but they dont have fast charging stations so enjoy waiting 6 hrs every 300 miles if you want to take a road trip

supercharger gang. 40 min charge every 200 miles = only 40/240 minutes spent charging during a road trip, which isnt nothing but honestly its healthy to stretch your legs anyway

once you sync up your pee cycle and master powernapping during the charge, you can basically drive forever

>> No.53588230

my aunt has a nissan leaf that she uses a lot b/c she does a lot of in-town driving (visiting nurse), she says it saves her like $10-15 a day in gas and basically pays for its own monthly payments, and her husband has a truck so they use that for longer trips

but if youre just gonna have one car and you want an ev its basically tesla or nothing if you plan to ever go more than like 100 miles in a day