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53581986 No.53581986 [Reply] [Original]

I was too lazy to do it on my own, the place ended up selling 55% under asking (from 230k to 125k). The chart is literally worse than a PnD, if people collectively decide to overpaying for everything (cars, food, houses) then the economy crashes but poors don't have anything to lose in the first place. It's like a century long game of chicken between poors and jews.

>> No.53582585

the economic numbers don't make sense. there are so many indicators of a troublesome economy ahead. yet, I can see a recession not being that bad. the kikes will just keep printing money.

I live in lafayette indiana, and the housing got so fucked. I don't know if it's going to go down. Purdue is increasing the costs of everything, and illinios bastards keep moving here.

>> No.53582598

Real estate will 100% crash.

Sales volume is already crashing and that is a leading indicator for a price crash, happens every time.

>> No.53582609

The realtor wouldn't put in the offer? Make sure you review bomb them. What an outrage. Some halfway who sat through an 8 hour course at a community college to get "licensed" after they failed at all other avenues of gainful employment should be delighted to be at your service, not pushing back on you, the guy with cash in hand.

>> No.53582698
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what percent of a drop do you think? I don't think we are ever going back to pre pandemic. inflation isn't going away. Millennials are a huge demographic that is coming to age.

I think a drop, but I am trying to figure out when to buy, and when to try and time the market.

People haven't been paying student loans for like 3 fucking years. It's a bunch of fucking horseshit.

I really think the auto market is the canary in the coal mine, and I am starting to really hear about some fucked up warning signs. Massive amounts of people under water. Repos are really picking up.

>> No.53582707

we need a return to 2013 levels bros

>> No.53582713

50-70% depending on where you live.

People think it's impossible, which is the ultimate top signal.

>> No.53582714


So anon from 4chan who doesn't wear shoes sees a fucking bubble but the rest of the world doesnt?

>> No.53582721
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>50-70% depending on where you live.


>> No.53582734

>rest of the world
You ignoring that the rest of the world is switching from USD and rich Americans are using other countries as the vacation home?

>> No.53583599

Fuck you faggot. You back water hillbilly rednecks are racist and would rather live in filth and shit then share with newcomers. Indiana is a shithole and you fuckers refuse to let people make it better. You get mad at investors who are saving your broken state

>> No.53583612

Haha. New York/ Californian detected. We don't want you in Boston either homo. Stay where you are and roll around in the shit pen you've created.

>> No.53583641

>please let us enrich your stat with our culture
>no don't pay attention to the circumstances of my flight to your state i dindu nuffin
if you think your moving somewhere will improve the place you are moving to then you are the reason your "home" turned to shit

>> No.53583651

I used to be a legit homeless. One of the only funny things about it is not having to worry about losing anything more.

>> No.53584584

back to plebbit faggot. your incoherent babble only makes you look retarded

>> No.53584602

prices were fair until september 2020. i just want a return to normalcy. it's absurd how i could have bought a nice house in 2020, but 3 years later i would be lucky to afford a crap shack near niggers.

>> No.53584603

Retard alert

>> No.53584624

A lot of people would sell, but they literally can't afford to rent.
There isn't enough supply for rent, and the population is growing (Bienvenidos everyone) and Canada is going to bring in 500,000 immigrants over the next few years literally just to prop up housing.

>> No.53584652

We put in an offering $30000 under asking and they straight up refused it. Talking to the realtor it seemed like they actually expected a bidding war and $20000-30000 over because their neighbours got that in august. No one else has bid on it and it's been out for months. When will these mongoids realize they need to adjust their expectations?

>> No.53584693

We won’t. We will wait until the next pump to sell. Stocks can go to zero; real estate doesn’t. Wait long enough and I’ll sell for whatever I want. You rentoids can keep seething on 4chan about it.
Btw my pet rentoids just paid for my 3rd house

>> No.53584708

if you own a house outright, the cash flow saving from not paying rent is a huge after tax income boost.

>> No.53584744

Egalitarian nigger detected.
Fuck thyneself to death.

>> No.53584795

if you have documentation of all that you should look into suing the shit out of that realtor. I dont know if they actually have any legal liability but it sounds like they might

>> No.53584819

Fire your agent

>> No.53584823

lmao its about 30 years too late to try to stop california and new york fags from gentrifying boston. boston has been lost for a while now.

>> No.53584837

is it even possible to live in boston without being blue blood, old money rich? i work remotely for a very large company with a HQ ~1 hour from boston. i couldn't imagine living in that region on the salary they pay us.

>> No.53584851
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>> No.53584856

He isnt talking about people like you regard. Hes talking about the regards who probably inherited the property and think they hit a jackpot. Real estate is due for a huge correction. Im also a landlord but im hedging.

>> No.53584857

at this point probably not. even southie and east boston are expensive as fuck. maybe if you want to live in certain parts of dorchester or mattapan, im not sure though because i havent looked for like 3 years. even in 2019 dorchester was starting to get expensive

>> No.53584867

I live 10 minutes outside of Boston. It’s doable but it sucks

>> No.53584875

report the realtor to their firm and to the real estate licensing board. they have a fiduciary duty to present all offers to their clients.

>> No.53584903

What are you doing to hedge?

>> No.53584906

Realtors have a baked-in conflict of interest.

>> No.53584940

That just means inflation and rents will go higher.
All this immigration is INFLATIONARY. They will lie and tell you that they reduce labor cost and therefore will reduce inflation but they are driving the excessseemand on everything. Rates are going to keep going higher and the government is going to steal your retirement to pay the interest on the debt

>> No.53584959

It's out for sale for a reason, tardbrain. they need money and need to sell. no one will pay what they want so they'll have to sell cheaper. that means your property will also go down in value lmao

>> No.53584973

Here in Boston, we call everything from Gloucester to Worcester Boston. I don't know what happens out in Springfield though. Fuck actual Boston. City is gay. Was decent for a long time, even after everything else sucked. They even had segregated projects right up until the 90's. Our democrats used to secretly hate fags and blacks. Idk what happened. Now we have a lesbian governor and a retarded americanized chink girl mayor.

I moved to fucking Maine.

>> No.53584987

Make sure to report them to the state board.

>> No.53584989
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>Fuck you faggot. You back water hillbilly rednecks are racist and would rather live in filth and shit then share with newcomers. Indiana is a shithole and you fuckers refuse to let people make it better. You get mad at investors who are saving your broken state

>> No.53585128

>what percent of a drop do you think?
Gen X has around 5% of wealth and those that come after have less. Do with this information what you will

>> No.53585196

Why are you bidding in these conditions

>> No.53585237

he's probably looking at another 10-20% rent KIKE. many such cases when it comes to jew landlords.

>> No.53585330

these are great conditions

>> No.53585377

That real estate agent was working against you, you fire them immediately if they don't do what you ask.
First house i bought, we did same, the agent was aghast, but did it anyways, the property was in probate and they took the offer.88r0h

>> No.53585425

Try Rhode Island. It’s underrated and lives way better than the Boston metro area. It’s quite comfy here.

>> No.53585442

>Was decent for a long time, even after everything else sucked.
Menino was a good mayor. After he left it was downhill from there.

>> No.53585454

>the place ended up selling 55% under asking
Is this a good move if i'm offering cash?

>> No.53585484

Checked and this. OP You need to get a good real estate agent (female), you call her and say it this amount and hang up.

>> No.53585499


>> No.53585501

how are the gun laws? have you ever seen sam hyde or nick rochefort irl?

>> No.53585531

>have you ever seen 2 kikes?
Yes anon, I've seen quiet a few kikes in my lifetime

>> No.53585540
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