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53580460 No.53580460 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone biztards debate this?
1. What if Chainlink helped Swift building gpiLink tech is true but they built another version shadowfork. I mean they don’t really care about decentralization( Eric Schmidt quoted they want CeDe not Dece tech bc they want to know where the problem is).
Isn’t fail-over nodes in web2 the same result?
2.Swift was invited to smartcon just to prove that “hey we built a perfect tech that banks could copycat them and you should use our product for DeFi apps”. What if sergay will only care about DeFi?

>> No.53580534
File: 496 KB, 1125x1179, 2FF998D9-269F-495F-8C13-C66DF69F662D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would trust your instincts. Slavs like Sergey have zero remorse about scamming people. I live in NYC and have plenty of exposure to his type. In before

>muh fud

Yeah yeah but I also own a sui stack bc if they can pull off what theyre trying to do, my kids’ kids will never work again. I give that about 5% chance but it never hurts to dream. Fuck it

>> No.53580587

>but what if, in fantasyland, there was a shadowfork and sergey betrayed?

I'll do even better OP
Can "anyone biztards" debate this?
1. What if Chainlink was a project infiltrated and backdoored by CCP when Adelyn joined and they're going to take down SWIFT with exploits once they move over?

2. Eric Schmidt zeroed in on Chainlink so that he could rug Sergey and the entire project and disappear to a private island or compound to live out the rest of his days in luxury

If "anyone biztards" can't debunk this then I'm right and it's a scam going to 0

Also someone has to debunk this post which is definitely not the OP samefagging

>> No.53582033

zomg just sold stack this was the thread won't everyone join me please

>> No.53582073
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>> No.53582087

>What if Chainlink was a project infiltrated and backdoored by CCP when Adelyn joined and they're going to take down SWIFT with exploits once they move over?
how are the chainlink x china blockchain projects going?

>> No.53582102


>> No.53582107
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>> No.53582142
File: 45 KB, 534x1152, IMG_20230204_175851_702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the point, that doesn't solve anything, a token-bound ecosystem has to be bootstrapped to produce the required economic security, they would have to go down the same path CLabs has with LINK but with another new token.

>> No.53582255

Fucking Chad O'Rourke at it again smdh. I wish Jason Parser would kick his ass.

>> No.53582403

How come Sergey dumps to pay his employees? If the tokens are going to be $1000eoy, why doesn't he just give them tokens instead?

Do the employees not want the tokens?

>> No.53582408

The ultimate betrayal is likely gonna happen, the consequences inevitably instead

>> No.53583485

Yes my thought is they would go for their own token which works the same way link token is doing except it’s their party and you can’t join them.

>> No.53583497
File: 966 KB, 562x817, TIMESAND___Link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This movie is about Sergei, his business model and ethics, and his six-sided blue jew token.

>> No.53584025

I bet 90% of the employees don't even.knoe what their company is doing. It's all a front to look legitimate anyway. If they don't do this, they can't keep the billion dollars of investor money because they made it selling an unregistered security

>> No.53584310

why do people keep posting that film here? it's supposed to be shit. does biz like it?

>> No.53584320

Brings me back, thanks OP

>> No.53585477

I know Jason Parser and he intentionally embellishes the truth to make things look worse for ChainLink than they really are. He knows for a fact that most of that tweet is half truths, because i have personally called him out on it and he was unable to defend his claims. I dont know what his motivation is, as i doubt he is being paid to post, but he knows he is lying most of the time. Take that for what it is.