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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53577673 No.53577673 [Reply] [Original]

How high will VRA go?

>> No.53577805

Maybe around $0.05 or so in a bullrun.

>> No.53577833


Looks like it’s headed there now

>> No.53577847

Higher than that. Eth whales are in this thing more than anything other than Shib. So I’d say 30c. 20c safely. The bullrun is here btw.

>> No.53577871


I saw that on Twitter. How many months of pumping do you think?

>> No.53577967

I believe 2 year bullrun. That’s me. I’m probably in the great minority. But all signs point to golden bullrun.

>> No.53577969

2 more years

>> No.53577974

See. There ya go. With periods of crabbing and a blowoff top. EVERYTHING is going to atleast 10x. Atleast.

>> No.53578163


I hope so lads, things are looking strong

>> No.53578359

I've been warning this board for a long time. You're missing out a true gem. The fanbase of this coin in Twitter is massive. It's going to explode violently sooner or later.

>> No.53578372


Australians are obsessed with this coin. It’s a meme over here with it being on coinspot

>> No.53578390

Post proof

>> No.53578435
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>> No.53578469
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Featured in Forbes recently

>> No.53578523

>It's going to explode violently sooner or later.
It will explode the moment it gets listed in a top tier exchange. It's a potential 1B coin.

>> No.53578583

Also, it's the low cap with the biggest volume. It's like a pressure cooker. Connect the dots ;-)

>> No.53578717

i wondered when this would start getting mentioned here. 100x from here is not out of the question if bitcoin keeps grinding higher this year. whales have packed their bags

>> No.53578732


>> No.53578830


If we get a tier 1 listing and the project keeps growing it’s plausible

>> No.53578871
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>100x from here is not out of the question

First of all you're out of your fucking mind and I would recommend you to zoom out. It couldnt reach 9c in peak bull season

>> No.53578908
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And second of all I would recommend you to do some further research and perhaps read the whitepaper

Verasity claims that views on Twitch and Youtube are often faked by bots. Their "solution" is an intrusive media player that scans your computer and makes you click on random shit every now and then to prove a human is actually watching. Not only is this a bad project overall, the token is also not needed. Tl;dr is twitter/tiktok faggots are pushing this shitcoin on newfags

>> No.53578975 [DELETED] 

lmfao same shit that was said in early 21.
You fags aren't even trying. VRA is a shitty scam.

>> No.53579048

What do you lads think the suicide and make it stack is?

>> No.53579068


have fun staying poor

>> No.53579148

>What do you lads think the suicide and make it stack is?
I'd recommend to avoid it altogether at this point
>have fun staying poor
Have fun holding the bag when the music stops

>> No.53579243

>I'd recommend to avoid it altogether at this point
Already have a 500k stack which I got cheap. No real harm can be done by seeing how high she can run.

>> No.53579269

Sure I guess
Well again it couldnt reach 9c in peak bull and the product is still as useless as ever.
I would recommend you to take your full initial out right now and sell the rest if it ever reaches 4-5c again

>> No.53579322 [DELETED] 

this baggie cope kek

>> No.53579436

I made 100k on shib. I know it’s easier for you “muh fundamental” retards to understand, but not everyone who has coins you don’t is a bag holder and actually have an exit strategy.

Cope harder incel autist.

>> No.53579751

VRA insider, AMA. Really.

>> No.53579773

Difference here was no product shipped. This bull we have a fully operational product with customers. Check the recent announcements. Since then VRA got Amazon Ads partner status, onboarded real customers, have payments app to release, and the team exploded

>> No.53579786

Funny I've read this EXACT comment in the archives so many times,
>'Their "solution" is an intrusive media player that scans your computer and makes you click on random shit every now and then to prove a human is actually watching.'
I guess you're a shill for a competitor. Opinion discarded. Anons search for that exact phrase in the archives, this guys a piece of shit shiller for XCAD kek. Thats not how VRA works at all.

>> No.53579819

>Difference here was no product shipped. This bull we have a fully operational product with customers

First of all you're not in a bull market dummy. It's only a bull market when the price of BTC surpasses it's previous ATH, which is 69k

And as for VRA and it's "product", again it's a shit product. So they claim to have this cool video player that can detect whether or not a bot or human is watching the content.
Fine, intergrate it to youtube and Twitch codex. Token (and crypto as a whole) not needed.
Don't fall for normie hype anon, deep down every knows this shitcoin is fucking useless

>> No.53579821 [DELETED] 

literal redit-tier post.
KYS, nigger.

>> No.53579824

What do you consider the suicide and make it stack?

>> No.53579832 [DELETED] 

>lied about partnership with Tencent
>same with Razor
>same with Amazon
>constantly shady about tokenomics and pissed off a lot of people
>this time its different guies
k fag jew.
No one other than the bots on this thread and jeets fall for your gaynigger redit scam.

>> No.53579835

Have sex.

>> No.53579839


Reddit beat /biz/ in the previous bull run. While everyone here was yelling to sell Doge below 5 cents kek

>> No.53579840 [DELETED] 

yup redit as I said.
>next is: touch grass

>> No.53579879

It's not a video player, it's an entire advertising stack that can be integrated by any publisher. Are you so retarded that you think twitch and youtube are the only sites on the internet? VRA tokens powers the adstack. I told you I'm an insider. You have no idea whats coming. But honestly, I don't give a fuck, stay poor. You're obviously either a paid shill or you sold the bottom because you use the same exact reply on all VRA threads like a sad virgin.

>> No.53579883

>Funny I've read this EXACT comment in the archives so many times,
I would assume that was me every single time, as I apparently am the only person on /biz/ to have ever read their whitepaper. Hell I bet even you have never read their fucking whitepaper
>I guess you're a shill for a competitor. Opinion discarded
Not at all. In fact I honestly couldnt name you a single coin out there that has a similar use case
>Anons search for that exact phrase in the archives, this guys a piece of shit shiller for XCAD kek. Thats not how VRA works at all

I don't know XCAD and wouldnt recommend for anyone to buy either shitcoins. Again the only reason why I post in VRA threads is I have read the whitepaper a long time ago and came to the conclusion it was vaporware thrash so I warn anons about it
Same as I did with Lition, Rubic, PNK, and various other shitcoins that I see being shilled here

>> No.53579945
File: 256 KB, 1922x2158, shitshiller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah of course, totally not a paid fudder. You've just been making the same posts since last June like some sad perma-virgin while VRA has one of the best comebacks of any altcoin and top social engagement. Who hurt you anon?

>> No.53579966

>VRA tokens powers the adstack. I told you I'm an insider. You have no idea whats coming
LMAO kill yourself you dumb baggie nigger

>> No.53580002

You mad I called you out bro? Sitting on /biz/ since last June at least fudding VRA? You get booted out of Verawallet cus you're an amerifat or something? Is your name Astral? Theres literally no comeback that can dispute your post history, VRA living in your head rent free you onions boy.
>Nooooo its just a heckin' intrusive media player stop pumping reeeeeee

>> No.53580025

>Yeah of course, totally not a paid fudder
Nobody "pays me" to fud a coin you dumb schizo
>You've just been making the same posts since last June
Well to be honest there aren't that many threads about VRA, and I do spend a lot of time here, so yes you're likely to see me in one of those threads because again, I have fully read their whitepaper and I'm familiar with their (poor) product
>Who hurt you anon?
Good question. Ersdl maybe?

>> No.53580037
File: 146 KB, 955x960, C2A69310-E5B6-4723-A44D-80C5F0ADE5FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I think we might lose a zero soon

>> No.53580050

i bought 35k of these ages ago, gimme $ already

>> No.53580066

Look at you back tracking because you got called out. If you actually typed out all those replies individually for free then that's even sadder, honestly mate lol I think plenty of coins are shitcoins but I don't sit in thread after thread writing the same thing like some fucking autist. You clearly either got burnt or sold the bottom. I feel sorry for you.

>> No.53580071
File: 604 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210804-034450_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You mad I called you out bro? Sitting on /biz/ since last June at least fudding VRA?
No, I'm not mad at all. I've been here since 2017 and I think I read the verasity whitepaper in early 2020. There really aren't that many VRA threads, so it's not like I'm actively warning people not to buy this coin
>You get booted out of Verawallet cus you're an amerifat or something? Is your name Astral? Theres literally no comeback that can dispute your post history, VRA living in your head rent free you onions boy
As I've told you, I've never owned any VRA. Not interested (after reading their whitepaper)

>> No.53580097


>> No.53580117

I bought 40k just before the pump today. wagmi.

>> No.53580126

>If you actually typed out all those replies individually for free then that's even sadder, honestly mate lol I think plenty of coins are shitcoins but I don't sit in thread after thread writing the same thing like some fucking autist. You clearly either got burnt or sold the bottom. I feel sorry for you

You know those people that make WFH threads bragging about making 200k a year for doing a 15min zoom call and coding for 30mins, only to spend the rest or the day playing vidya, jerking off and whatnot? Well you are currently replying to one of those anons
Don't feel bad for me brother

>> No.53580141

This fighting is bullish as fuck

>> No.53580159

Are you trying to flex about having a pathetic coomer existence devoid of any meaning? Sad. Gonna stop replying to you now, feel genuinely bad for you, sitting replying to every VRA thread you find with the same bullshit and wanking into your boxer shorts. Fucking cuck.

>> No.53580172

dude prob got liquidated kek

>> No.53580216
File: 443 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20230204-212841_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people think it is, because looking back at 2018, I have no doubts some anons actually fudded their Chainlink bags on purpose to accumulate for cheap
The reality here is much different however, as the other guy I'm arguing with shamelessly claimed to be an insider, while deep down we all know he's just your average shitcoin shiller looking for retards to pump his bags. Also this shitty coin is pumped as fuck
If you wanna buy at those levels, fine, but don't cry about being a bagholder when the music stops
That was my last reply ITT btw. I was perhaps hoping you nigger shillers would have read the wp and we'd have some sort of debate perhaps. Maybe one day if stumble upon some VRA shillers that actually reae the wp for their worthless shitcoin

>> No.53580228
File: 118 KB, 657x1245, IMG_20230204_232629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My metaverse bag , I'm holding it for a long time now ,Render is My Best bet long term.

>> No.53580240

being autistic here but VRA has a 10b supply and MATIC has an 8b supply and the prices are:

VRA = 0.008
MATIC = 1.26

so you could see VRA reaching near $1 if its got its shit together in current market

>> No.53580243

Holy shit you actually are proud of living a sad and meaningless life. Fuck me now I just feel sorry for you.

>> No.53580254

I don't use leverage and have never ownee VRA, again I just happened to have read their whitepaper and am a good guy so advise people not to buy it.
People that lurk biz are often very dumb. Like paying $40 for a single fucking chainlink, 70 cents for a rubic, etc... I'm one of the few good guys left in this shithole

>> No.53580270

"Everyone believe me im a good guy"....coomer anon, good guys don't go around telling others they are a good guy. The autism is strong in this one.

>> No.53580298

>My metaverse bag , I'm holding it for a long time now
Define how VRA is part of your "metaverse bag", considering its product is nothing more than an intrusive media player to check whether a human or a bot is watching an ad
>being autistic here but VRA has a 10b supply and MATIC has an 8b supply and the prices are:
>VRA = 0.008
>MATIC = 1.26
>so you could see VRA reaching near $1 if its got its shit together in current market
You are indeed very autistic for comparing 2 coins with drastically different use cases. Just keep in mind VRA couldnt reach 9 cents in peak bull while BTC was 69k. That's all you need to know really
I meant to say I have money and all the time in the world to reply to niggers such as yourself. But hey it's saturday night, what is a cool guy like you doing on 4chan, shouldnt you be out at the club with your crew getting your dick sucked by hot zoomies my nigger*

>> No.53580311

Wtf is with all this seething over a coin you don't even hold? lmfao

>> No.53580316

>Just keep in mind VRA couldnt reach 9 cents in peak bull while BTC was 69k. That's all you need to know really
still a potential 9x here so thats not bad

>> No.53580333

>'This will be my last post ITT'
>Posts again ITT
Anon... I...

>> No.53580338

Do you even know the definition of "seething" ? The only people seething here are the ones holding bags of VRA and seeing someone knowledgeable about their coins and saying it's shit.
Just scroll back up and read their replies, they all insult me while I'm very calm

>> No.53580348

Yes sometimes I lie and post some more... what can I say

>> No.53580365 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 380x214, 1675479889345057[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah bro very bullish
>pic related, this thread and VRA.

>> No.53580387

Kek, says the 14pbtid spaz with delusions of grandeur. Anyone who claims to be “one of the few good guys left in this shithole“ is very likely the exact opposite. Lmfao.

>> No.53580413

>Anyone who claims to be “one of the few good guys left in this shithole“ is very likely the exact opposite. Lmfao.

That is usually the case, you are right. But these ''fake good guys'' usually shill something and I'm not shilling shit
As for my post count, you're not my daddy

>> No.53580420

Your brain is so frazzled from being a degenerate coomer all you can do is post on /biz/ with sticky hands you massive cuck

>> No.53580448

Here we go again with personal insults and assumptions, why don't we go back to talking about VRA? Have you read their whitepaper anon?

>> No.53580498

I don't give a fuck about vra I just read your posts on the first page and thought I'd troll you because you're a seething faggot coomer. Is that your hand you posted holding those banknotes above? Looks like a neckbeards limp wrist.

>> No.53580583

>I don't give a fuck about vra I just read your posts on the first page and thought I'd troll you
I see. Well enjoy this (you) I guess, you sure got me and know me well

>> No.53580591


You seem lonely

>> No.53580666

>Here we go again with personal insults and assumptions, why don't we go back to talking about VRA? Have you read their whitepaper anon?

>> No.53581232

How's VRA and YouTube going to work together? Surely YouTube loves selling ads and getting bots to watch them, or am I getting it all wrong.

>> No.53581279

We pumping

>> No.53581847


youtube will be fiercely against vra
but those who advertise on youtube will demand integration
youtube will have no choice but to comply
vra is the third party watchdog making sure advertisers get their monies worth

that said, vra is still in its early stages
its a great idea, but more development is needed
thats why I think this pump wont last, but im holding my 1million sui stack just in case

>> No.53582295

Any big advertising firms B2B stuff going on?

>> No.53582572

Next leg up is happening VRA chads

>> No.53582592


I’m not ready for this. Was hoping to accumulate 5 million of these. Fuck I got so close

>> No.53583021
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How heavy are your bags?

>> No.53584433

150k tokens