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53577702 No.53577702 [Reply] [Original]

Just a reminder that our forefathers started a revolution and outright war over a tax on tea and playing cards, yet the modern shabbos goy american happily pays 40%+ of every single paycheck to a government that provides him with no help or support.

>> No.53577715

The Liberal Utopia we dreamed of bros, its finally here...

>> No.53577729
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If they were starving, there wouldn't be so many of them.

>> No.53577734
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>> No.53577744

This is some 1970s dystopia movie shit.
We're living in it

>> No.53577774

Ok go do something about it

>> No.53577779

Feel bad for the starving homeless. But it's pretty funny ngl

>> No.53577792

>those junkies would be baristas if not for that robocafe!
I hate libshits so much it's unreal

>> No.53577810

based and redpilled

get to work, hobos

>> No.53577859

>yet the modern shabbos goy american happily pays 40%+ of every single paycheck to a government that provides him with no help or support.

like 45% of american tax filers pay $0 in federal income tax. i make $100k and pay ~12% to federal income. my overall effective tax rate, between federal income/payroll/state/local is ~24%. it's a scam but it's nowhere near that bad.

>> No.53577888

If you have a low state income tax they rape you on property taxes

>> No.53577893

>starving jobless homeless
they should just become robots and work at the coffee shop

>> No.53577925

You're not adding the tax the business you work for pays, sales tax, home owner tax, all the taxes you pay but don't see easily add up to over 50% of your income

>> No.53577943

i think it depends. i live in pennsylvania, 3.07% flat state income tax. property taxes are only bad in and around the cities. my parents live in the sticks and pay ~0.8% of their property's fair market value in property tax each year. i live in the suburbs of philly and it's more like 1.7% to 2.0%.

>> No.53577982


>> No.53577989

Yeah, it's not outright extortion on the smallest peasant like it is in Europe where you get taxed 90% of your net worth just for existing.

>> No.53578011

How can we profit from this?

>> No.53578023

Only Texas is like this really. Arizona has a flat 2.5 income rate and average property relax rate is like 0.5%

>> No.53578027

Society managed to build roads, houses, railways with taxes in the past.

Now with record tax takes they can't deliver even those basics of life.

>> No.53578029

Thats silly. In Germany you pay 33% tax on 100k income

>> No.53578051

I'm mainly referring to VAT, which adds up fast.

>> No.53578063

+ gives housing / no questions asked money to niggers and refugees

>> No.53578071

* economic refugees

>> No.53578077
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>> No.53578108
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Looks like she's been on a 'we eat' streak for 20 years

>> No.53578148

Uh, wow, I can't even. Railroads are bad for the environment, home ownership is unnecessary in our modern global economy, and we need that money to fund the war in Russia and bail out hedge funds you Chud.

Move to communist China if you don't like freedom

>> No.53578765

They free food, free money, and free housing from the local government.


>> No.53579642
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>> No.53579679

the majority of homeless people don't want help or refuse to play by the basic rules of a place that would help them like a homeless shelter or job program, because those things require them to you know, not bring drugs into the shelter, not steal from other bums, not attack other bums etc.

the owner of that coffee shop could walk out right there and offer them $30 an hour jobs and not one of those people would stick around longer than a week

>> No.53579689

So a pub or caffe or in this case a fucking vending machine

>> No.53579700

>fully robotic coffeeshop
tell the homeless to go inside, theres no employee telling them no lmao

>> No.53579704

>Railroads are bad for the environment
Compared to trucks trains are much more efficient and less polluting.

>> No.53579716

Literally no one in California is starving. Everything is free here. If it’s not, you just steal it. Same thing.
t. Californian for 38 years.

>> No.53579719

Homeless are piece of shit freeloader subhumans fuck em to hell. Literal just used as props by Jews to pull at your heart strings to justify more taxation and socialism

>> No.53580119
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You wont do shit, fat boy.

>> No.53580134
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It's like barely 10 percent for me and I duck the IRS all day every day.
The IRS cannot do shit about it.

>> No.53580148

>If they were starving, there wouldn't be so many of them.
Not how that works dumb ass.
Can you come up with any other word to use? Try to be like vaguely creative.

>> No.53580226

I volunteered with a homeless outreach program a few years ago. I'm not shitting you when I say that most of them were homeless by choice. They didn't want a mortgage, a job, or responsibilities outside of finding more meth

>> No.53580634

>our forefathers
>the modern shabbos goy
are you american or not? your post is contradictory lmao
or did you just want to make another twitter cap thread like a fucking spambot faggot?

>> No.53580860

dont you even dare

>> No.53580912

Why do poor retards keep staying in these overpriced, overcrowded shitholes instead of moving to some backwater where they'd be way better off financially?

>> No.53580975
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California has safety nets for every retarded people out there. Every homeless person in san francisco, and i mean every single one, is either a meth addicted junkie or has severe schizophrenia and should be in a hospital for life.
You have no idea how bad these people are. They chose this life

>> No.53581766


We used to have insane asylums where we housed these types and kept them off the streets.

>> No.53582636
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You talking shit fren? Or is it apparently one of those voices things that every hobo has?

>> No.53582642

>you don't want to pay $1500 a month to live around niggers? Take this patient to the infirmary he is clearly delusional

>> No.53582646

>Not how that works dumb ass.
thats exactly how it works, they arnt starving they are just degenerates with degenerate habits

>> No.53582663

I left society to buy degenerate link
You sold your degenerate link to live in society
Who's the real nigger here?

>> No.53582675

Honkaloids are weak and conquered because of Cuckstianity. Allowed every kind of kikery, faggotry and degeneracy so they thought why not allow ourselves to become tax/debt slaves too? At least Israel will survive!

>> No.53582694

In Canada the shelters here let them take drugs inside and even provide drugs for the homeless

>> No.53582745
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>> No.53582805

>Just a reminder that our forefathers started a revolution and outright war over a tax on tea
Moreover it was a 3-pence-per-pound tax on tea. Was like a 5% increase.
Nowaday we get raped left and right with endless jewish fees and 45% taxes and we don't even blink an eye. We even get to pay the VAT on the tax itself for some products.

>> No.53582809

The most degenerate parts of the world are the least religious ones.

>> No.53582857


lmfao i was talking to my Russian immigrant friend and my eyes fell into my sockets and shat out of my ass when he told me they pay 13% flat tax on income and like <1% property tax. That's fucking it. Americans are literally bigger goy's than commies. I have to pay medicaid and SSI tax on top of federal, state, city, and municipality tax, around 30-40%, knowing fully well that by the time I get my SS, inflation will have killed it stone dead - I'll be living in the streets, and not to mention that for all this tax I pay my roads look like that of a 3rd world country. Homeless niggers and veterans everywhere, jesus christ the USA is a fucking disaster. OP is 100% right. inb4 muh go live in russia or come live in republican rural oklahoma instead if you're so unhappy, FUCK OFF, that's not the point. The point is that it should not be like this in the first place you fucking goy

>> No.53582858
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>like it is in Europe where you get taxed 90% of your net worth just for existing.
It's truly unsufferable. You can live anymore. Gas at the station is taxed at 85%. Ciggies at 90%. You can't afford anything.
If it wasn't for internet providing virtually free entertainment to the poorfags, the (((system))) would have been toppled a long time ago already. Median salary over here is 1500€/mo. Pay the rent of your miserable condo + car insurance + gas + electricity + internet/phone bill + food, which all are mandatory to just exist, and you are left with 10 bux at best at EOM. At worse, you already are in the red by the 24th day.

Most my friends in their 30s don't have a single penny invested to their name. They may not be the best dealing with money, but by no mean they are living an extravagant lifestyle. At best their yearly vacation will be 200 miles away and they will use their car to go there. And once there, it wont be hotel + restaurant every night. It will be camping + cheap stuff at the food truck. Yet, their boomie parents who were doing the same jobs already had a home + kids + 2 cars back in the days.

>> No.53582860

I'm thinking about joining them honestly

>> No.53582914

>Oaahhh may Gawuhd, when Pooootin gon le Youkrajin liv???? Wui beta sen som moar armo.. WHUUT DHA FU Chaina spayin on

>> No.53582937

don't forget the most important tax, an inflation tax levied on all through the ballooning government debt

>> No.53582952
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Based, pootin really is a big fag for sending chinese balloons to harrass fat people on the other side of the planet.

>> No.53583451

>13% flat tax
There is a reason it's a shithole. All the countries where people dont pay taxes are shitholes

>> No.53583484

>.t hasn't been in any tax paradise who make their wealth on offering REAL services in return for money.
>(residents and customers also pay a tax)

>> No.53583507

Those tax paradises only function because there are the only ones out there and therefore attract capital. They would die if every country on earth would remove taxes

>> No.53583520
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Cuckstianity is worshipped as a serious endevour by hypocritic anti violence faggots who at the same time turn the other cheek to violence and believe in "le might of the meek, muh shlomo chosen" and literal pacifism on a planet where every resource is severely limited.

While every other religion encourages people to kill people, cut off heads or go blow themelves up for (insert god) if something goes against their book(which sounds "barbaric" to the midwit but is actually pretty effective) kek.

>> No.53583552

Taxes will never be removed

Ofc those countries have a niche just like every normal business.

>> No.53583575

3rd world immigration aside, funny how the scandinavian countries with high taxes have always been in the top 5 of countries with the happiest people.

>> No.53583634

>doesn’t include Medicare and Social Security
Yeah bud, you make $100k