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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 834 KB, 1200x900, CEO of Ripple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53577835 No.53577835 [Reply] [Original]

No Previous
Meds Taken Edition
No shitcoins, No FLR,(redundancy I know)
Riddlers removed and replaced with legitimate sources.

Buy XRP on Uphold/CoinMetro/Bitrue/Kucoin[NY]
[for Bitrue send USDT or XLM and use XLM/XRP]
or on the XRP ledger https://xrptoolkit.com/trade
or on XUMM app (with USD IOUs from Bitstamp)

>XRP Ledger:
>XRP Charts:
>XSG Frenlist:


>The Myth of Market Cap:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - XUMM, Exodus or TrustWallet
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - https://pastebin.com/zFL8nJXd
DO NOT use Droplet wallet, it's a scam! and will steal your XRP

Only appropriate song for threading:

>> No.53577853

No more riddlers, no more flaggots.
I am a /biz/nessman and I want to USE XRP for it's intended purpose of cross border payments and instead of my current payments processors such as PayPal and banking institutions.

Shills have no chance. I forgot to add a link to the bible in OP but will next time.

>> No.53577865


>> No.53577936
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How high do you think xrp will go? I'm thinking $2 Q4 2023

>> No.53577952
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Hello friend
Pic related is the real average xrp holder.
We can finally let go. Stop pretending to be maladjusted.
We spent years working on ourselves. Reading the bible. Starting farms. And now we can be ourselves.
30 and 40 somethings with beautiful families.

>> No.53577961

I think it depends on if rates keep going up.
Ironically higher rates ends up with more printing to service the debt. Higher rates might actually send us up instead of down.

>> No.53578073

Based general best general
You have baked the standard op. throw a Christ is king in there , just a suggestion

>> No.53578087

I actually meant to do that and got hurried by my 5 year old son.
Future editions for sure.
The thread was definitely inspired by Christ.

>> No.53578237

Good man. There's good energy here , perhaps a thread disclaimer with a mythos that we are not to entertain the negative and purposely nieve/ do not reply to shills ?

Good works nonetheless, 2019/2020 vibes

>> No.53578950
File: 40 KB, 581x302, Tick tock SEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll probably have to run it a few times to collect ourselves again.
The article referenced in pic related.

>With the recent collapse of BlockFi and FTX, the regulation-by-enforcement approach of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) when it comes to crypto has been called into question by industry representatives, policymakers, and crypto consumers alike. The SEC continues to elevate its own quest for power over sound policy.

>On the heels of another crypto bankruptcy, did the self-proclaimed “top crypto cop” make things better or worse? Congress has the authority—and, more importantly, the responsibility to oversee the SEC.

These calls and articles appear to prepare and lay the groundwork. Fortune is not an unpopular publication.
Also no paywall.

>The SEC does not have free rein to make new laws and it does not have the expansive jurisdiction over crypto that it purports to have. Following the filing of criminal charges against FTX’s CEO by prosecutors, the SEC filed its own civil charges alleging that sophisticated equity investors in FTX were defrauded (that’s classic securities fraud), yet its press release continued to wrongly portray that it has broad authority over crypto.

>> No.53579393
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And don't forget Weitse paper wallet generator that lets you put your own magic into the generation.
I will add this to OP next time as well.

>> No.53580206
File: 2.13 MB, 4032x3024, liminal space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I support this WAGMI

>> No.53580236
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Thank you guys. Which btw does anyone in here have the links to wallet anon? That archive thread was very interesting. I cannot seem to find it in my bookmarks.

>> No.53580315

I stopped posting in the schizo threads after 2020.

XRP is a compounding slow growth long hold coin for generational wealth.

Based well-adjusted bros will be taking out interest free and tax free loans on their stacks in 2035. No selling just delegating xrp for banks to use and making money forever.

>> No.53580425

This seems a lot nicer than the other thread. I hope everyone has a good rest of their weekend.

>> No.53580519

you too

>> No.53580529

search wallet anon here >>/biz/

>> No.53580567


>> No.53580761 [DELETED] 

Found them. Here are the links to wallet anon threads:

>https://archived.moe/biz/thread/31248962 ID:AMuvezgC
>https://archived.moe/biz/thread/32295467 ID:Q3NHafJW
>https://archived.moe/biz/thread/32679144 ID:8C2qNZG9

>> No.53580787


>> No.53581217

I'm trying to imagine the full extent of overall sentiment there will be towards XRP if (when) Ripple wins.
I mean, if the ruling results in there being absolutely no regulatory risk and exchanges relist, this could really come hard and fast, right?

This probably kicks start alt season.

No schizo.

>> No.53581335

It won't be an "alt" season, it will be an instantaneous moon mission as speculation pushes it into the thousands overnight.

>> No.53581610

Coinbase might relist soon too.

>> No.53581625

That's shizo

>> No.53581717

Why does Elon avoid talking about XRP/Ripple?

>> No.53581905

Why would he talk about the actual NWO coin?
His smallhat lizard masters don't want that

>> No.53581929

Because he's waiting for the case to end, keep in mind Elon hates the SEC too

>> No.53581951

That would make me cum in my diaper
I would be able to swing so much easier

>> No.53581974

We will probably rocket to 3-4$ 100% serious

>> No.53582272

>100% serious
I don't believe you

>> No.53582361
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You can actually make this stuff up. I'm not so surprised at all.

>> No.53582405

It's a nice general you got here bro. Do you want someone to protect it for you? For like shitposters, chainlink baggies. I say you give me like 200XRP a week and i'll make sure this general can operate normally. It's like a win win situation.

>> No.53582416

>seething wheelchair symbol mad he's not getting enough attention in his own thread

>> No.53582420

Or perhaps someone is actually very happy I finally see the long awaited result after months of waiting. Hmmmmmm

>> No.53582437
File: 396 KB, 1165x1845, xrp122580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will actually add all the confirmed XRP graphs to this general soon. You could link them in the OP or something. Right now they are posted in the current active /xsg/ so gotta wait before that one archives before I can share them all here for you.

>> No.53582458
File: 96 KB, 658x667, xrpcbdc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basicly this thread is for all the stuff thats confirmed and then /xsg/ is for the speculative stuff more.

I like it. Good handling OP i can see how this is exactly what the XRP community on /biz/ needed

/XWAG/ = everything real and confirmed
/XSG/ = more speculative

yes I can see how this would work out

>> No.53582483
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dont let this 404 guys the XRP community needs this

>> No.53582489
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No speculation though only hard facts and confirmations

>> No.53582539

this is my plan. but 2035? I know it's hopium, but I was hoping the coming crash would mean the timeline advanced and then it would be generational by 2027. I'm more and more convinced of the USD to XRP debt erasure, especially since the stupid Trillion dollar coin keeps getting more and more popular, that's an even more naked gimmick than a money launder through a new reserve currency. Isn't that exactly what they do in places with Hyperinflation anyway? Zimbabwe paid off their domestic currency debts with USD.

>> No.53582562


>> No.53582584

where the secret confidential committee at

>> No.53582601

i am waging a spiritual war against the forces of darkness. i have been targeted with radiotronic weapons which have destroyed my ability to focus and may have given me cancer. i incarnated on this planet at this key time in history and found my way to XRP so that i may play a role in the post-collapse construction of the Kingdom of God on Earth. Much of Earth's population has been traumatized, dissociated and medicated into agreeing to accept demonic influence over their thoughts and behaviors, which can only be countered with prayerful creation of healthier environments and communities. I sincerely and unironically believe everything written in this post and will never willingly accept psychiatric medication intended to alter my brain chemistry.
t. an unapologetic member of the eternal Brotherhood of the Light who will use XRP as a lever to move the world and work together with other incarnated Agents of Compassion to usher in the Kingdom of God on Earth

>> No.53582608

whoops sorry, posted that in the wrong thread. Did you know Ripple's former Head of Global Banking was hired by SETL, the company providing the tech for the NY Federal Reserve's trial of a digital dollar?
>The U.S. dollar will be represented as tokens and settled through simulated central bank reserves on a shared multi-entity distributed ledger. The pilot will be conducted in a test environment and will use a technology provided by SETL and Digital Asset.

>> No.53582614
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>> No.53582662

based and xrpilled

>> No.53582775

Sooner or later, the "well adjusted" xrp holders turn to schizos.

>> No.53582866
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A balloon just flew over my house.

>> No.53582900


>> No.53582911

Hey guys since you are all well-adjusted here maybe you can give a serious answer to my question. What timeframe do you guys think we would be looking at in terms of when the SEC case might resolve? And what timeframe would be maybe expect to see bullish momentum in terms of the current value of a single XRP token? If you were to give a rough estimate on both these matters it would be really helpful. I have tried asking this in /xsg/ before but I never really get a good answer.

>> No.53582927
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>> No.53582935

2027, jury trial, SEC appeal and then the supreme court. We post this in every thread. Best time to buy will be at the end of the next bullrun, the price will drop as all the money will be pouring into Bitcoin, the true store of value.

>> No.53583043


>> No.53583407

thread name should be "/XSG classic/"

>> No.53583419
File: 60 KB, 960x796, 59CD1E13-E59A-468B-B97F-C6299BD0E39E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Riddlers removed
Kys nigger

>> No.53583496
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Posting in potentially historic thread. Hello, historians!