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53571081 No.53571081 [Reply] [Original]

LINK has bottomed. in Sats, USD, everything. It has gone through its first market cycle.
The biggest sign of it is peoples sentiment and reactions about LINK due to price and the timeline of it imo. Please note that while every other alt just made lower lows over the past weeks, LINK did not.
from 2017-2019 LINK was in stealth mode. a few autists on 4chan were buying and ironicaly banter fudding it. Before long it expanded and a few swingies got the rope who were accumulating. They all bought back in though, and got rewarded.
through 2020, twitter normies appeared. ChainlinkGod got in and started being cringe on twitter, and other normies appeared like 42, and the army of cringe on twitter. This peaked around summer at $20. it was pretty unbearable at the time and i took profits due to it. Their average buy in is $20 for the point im going ot make here. It was their psychological entry(and they DCA on the way up no doubt).
Fast forward to 2021. The twitter normies have done all kinds of normie shit. Farming shitcoins with their stack on aave, using CeFi, Leverage, LINKpool, Bancor, all from the advice of their normie leaders on twitter.
This is when another group appeared: Pol incels. they basicaly arrived in very large numbers compared to before in spring 2021, due to crypto hype. they saw LINK was /our coin/ and got in around $50, right before a fucking gigga crash instantly rugged them that summer.

>> No.53571085
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This marks 3 distinct groups of people.
>early buyers, very low entry(under $1)
>2020 normies buying peak sentiment($20, 170k sats)
>peak FOMO fags buying the crypto peak in 2021($50)

POL fags were instantly BTFO. as you know, when pol get obsessed with something, they NEVER fuck off due to their lifestyle(unemployed, incel, obsessive). They instantly turned on LINK despite holding it, and started fudding in awkward newfag ways due to being instant bagholders. This was the main fud source(shwab spammers etc) for many months.

In this time, the second group, 2020 twitter normies resorted to more and mroe desperate shit from thei twitter leaders. CeFi, Bancor, leverage, aave lending etc and basically started to whittle down their stacks more and more. Their psychological barrier was $20, which was finally broken some time around Feburary 2022. You wll notice the FUD started getting more prevelent here, but COMPLETELY different form the 2017-2019 era. it was nooby, norime like, and out of place.
This is essentially when these 2020 twitter normies started fudding on twitter too. they lost their psychological entry point. by summer when it was below $7, bancor had rugged, Ce-Fi rugged, and their longs liquidated they basically all turned on LINK and seethed. This became the second large source of fud against LINK. they started flooding back to here to do it as well. You will havenoticed this starting around summmer. Then, after a small lul before smartcon/staking which placated some hope into them, they completeley lost their minds especially when most of these 2020 era twitter normies learned they cant stake due to their exchange holding/trading and basically whittling down their stacks. This is the current period, and the sticky polfags who obviously never went away and never will.

See pic related for how they have evolved(twitter normie buyers, and evidence of them branching out to here too)

>> No.53571091
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This marks a complete market cycle quite clearly. So many seething, hatred against LINK from these peak buying groups, yet no new lows. They love to post auto charts while seething at log charts because everything that happened before the peaks is irrelevant to them. Auto charts capture THEIR reality far more, while also just being noobs and not understanding how to use a log chart.
For 2017 fags, the log chart is relatable as all the history before the peak is very relevant as they lived through it. Many of thes twitter normies from 2020 and pol fags cannot stomach the price of LINK now, and its evident. its vomit inducing fr them. While for 2017 fags, we are massively up still and its just a bit of a drag but not exactly painful.

Pic related captures their experience(the auto chart) as , like i said, everything that existed before the peak is irrelevant to them as they were not holding it

>> No.53571120

The sentiment is that shitstink is garbage.

>so many words, so much effort, so much desperation
Nobody is going to pump your shitstink bags.

>> No.53571127


Case in point, this just reads like some salty bagholder who bought the peaks and held out for a pump that didnt come fast enough to rescue them from buying the literal top like a retard.

>> No.53571129
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Imagine actually writing this essay fucking lmao.

Today i say my daily prayer that i am glad to not be this OP.

>> No.53571137

you fucking niggers have been calling the bottom for 3 years, shut the fuck up

>> No.53571147

polfags are still alive and holding, even coping by doxxing cunts

>> No.53571149


This isnt fud anymore, its top buyers utter demoralized and completely turned into hatred.

Saw it with BTC in 2014, and with BTC and ETH in 2018-2020

>> No.53571151

What are you trying to say? What's the TLDR because all I hear are the 2020-2021 hype pump is useless metric

>> No.53571192

Good thread and I agree with it. I will say though that I came from /pol/ in 2018, March to be precise, and I started buying at around that time at a price of approximately 60 cents. I feel genuinely blessed to have come here at just the right moment to do that and much of my ability to sift through the bullshit and see that Link was 'the one' (and still is despite all the faggotry that we will no doubt see in this thread) was my education in /pol/. We're not all bad. I just don't like jews. I know that Chainlink offers something that will help that issue immensely. I think it is going to be very, very good for the planet. It will also make me rich.

>> No.53571209

Thanks op when $200?

>> No.53571210


Yeah i realise there are some people from pol long before it, but too nuanced to bother including that. Just keeping it simple on the key points, and there are 3 distinct waves and groups all commingling and effectively creating sentiment. You would be included in the 2017 early fag group, which are vastly outnumbered by twitter normie peak buyers in 2020 and polfag fomo top buyers in 2021.

>> No.53571222
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Now show me the log chart.

>> No.53571227

Yo OP let's say I buy some link.

How the fuck do I stake it without getting rekt? Do I need consistent internet connection?

>> No.53571230
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>> No.53571233

Hi OP!

>> No.53571240

>my ability to sift through the bullshit and see that Link was 'the one' (and still is despite all the faggotry that we will no doubt see in this thread) was my education in /pol/
You bought the most relentlessly shilled token you. You're not immune to propaganda you deluded midwite, you're the perfect receptacle for it.

>> No.53571261

I was convinced oldfags were larping as retarded seething bagholders this whole time as a 200 iq psyop or maybe just for lulz
The way you explain it makes way more sense

>> No.53571281

Seethe lmao

>> No.53571309

I like this thread because it pits anons against each other just as the jews want it and it completely ignores outside interests against link like nexo and eth trannies and btc maxies manipulating the market. not to mention cz crashing link and sam fucking with everything in general

praise jews I just ordered my first copy of the Talmud

>> No.53571327

I've had several people now just post a yearly chart (1 year exactly) when talking about price action. After pointing that out and making some assumptions, they all quickly admit that they're seething because they're new and missed out on buying in 2018-2020.

>> No.53571361


Nexo shills were obvious and really distinct. Please shut the fuck up. I was the anon originally point out nexo shit in 2020.
They’d always arrive in huge numbers shitting up everything with typical eastern euro english, and it would aways be on a day link was dumped hard after you saw LINK sent to binance from the Nexo wallets(they never tried to hide this). Then, they’d magically all disappear instantly a day later after the dump ended assumedly after shorts were already closed.

They haven’t done that since late 2021, which is around the time they stopped even moving LINK about much. There was a brief moment in 2022 when their wallets were getting drained though. Nexo shills are always tone deaf and easily spotted.
Considering they have been arrested and put under investigation after their bulgarian office was raided by the government i do not see them having any budget to fud link anymore.

I used to think it was more exciting and interesting when it was paid actors doing it, and logically it made sense. Turns out reality is the OP. When you really think about it and scrutinise the “fud” now it makes way more sense.

>> No.53571375

I'm not reading all this

>> No.53571393

Nah its just door dashers and a few incels on autopilot nothing to see here accept the op information without question
asking questions will get you killed

>> No.53571415

I have thought about making this thread and try to get some clarity for my own mind, but I think you said it well enough. This place used to be comfy precisely because the number of ogs with good posts and sentiment made up the majority of the board, whereas now (as we prophesied before mainnet) the newfags and topbuyers make up at least 90% of the link community. We can only hope that as many retards as possible capitulate and leave forever so that we may be spared from their atrocious posts once we move on to greener pastures

>> No.53571436

Mania Rise Mania Fall the Story

>> No.53571486

>exposes himself as anti-/pol/, ie a jew
You're not one of us. You're not from here. You're a jew trying to promote LINK to trap anons in it, so they don't make any meaningful gains (same as with the jewish silver and GME shills). Either, that or you're a linkbaggie from plebbit. That would also explain your behavior and style.

>> No.53571492

Most people are seething because link essentially funded defi while link holders barely got anything (see link/eth and link/btc). The seething will stop when Sergey finally monetizes this shit. It has nothing to do with “twitter” or “bulgaria”

>> No.53571526

Its also where the common top buying baghoder trope of
>sergey never delivers
Comes from.

They arrived in mid 2020/mid 2021.
These top buyers have not experienced many releases.

VRF, OCR, OCR2 all came out before even the 2020 fags arrived with except of OCR2 which was here just before the pol group came.

Keepers has been basically the only release they saw, till staking.

They were not here for the massive growth of the network early on, the various testnets, price feed growth etc. it was already there when they arrived.

Thats imo why this group of bagholding top buyers screech so hard about that. Their experience much like the constant dump from their entry, is one of witing for giant features to come. They just got staking but as these groups have already lost everything through whittling down their stacks or just utter capitulation from dumping so far below their entry, it doesnt matter and its too late for them hence no change in their sentiment

>> No.53571536


This is one of the polfag 2021 peak buying group members.

His experience is:
>come to biz at peak, see LINK has nazi symbols and is /ourcoin/ insta buys, gets instant rugged, rationalises it was all a reddit scam because his frog intuition would never steer him wrong.

He wasnt here prior to that so the years of history of LINK on biz doesnt exist to him

>> No.53571561

>LINK has bottomed
YOU have bottomed!
Get it?
Because you're a fag.

>> No.53571569


You are just a retarded newfag.
LINK went from $0.18 to $51 in 4 years.

It was due for a massive cyclical correction you fucking retard. If it wasnt for whatever le reasons you come up with now it would have been for something else.

You can acknowledge this because you got in so fucking late, at the end of the cycle essentially. Whatever happened before 2021 or 2020 if you are a twitter nigger basically doesnt exist in any of your reasoning

>> No.53571605

Also keep in mind, it’s a lot to do with why they constantly call anons bag holders in the rage.

The 2020 and 2021 fags only experience is basically bag holding from the top. They really find it hard to relate and understand that there are anons out there that are not bag holding at all.

>> No.53571614

my bags are only up a few hundred thousand percent.

this is a scam!

crypto a fucking scam!


>> No.53571619

One look at link/eth weekly discards your entire argument. Even Jonny said the same

>> No.53571633

Also it’s quite telling how this has been on the back of your mind, judging by how incredibly angry you reply to my post. I bought Link in 2017 so obviously I can’t complain but the LINK nodes had to pay a shitload of ETH in gas fees while not getting much in return, hence the LINK/ETH chart looking like a classic rug. Sergey knows this, that’s why he talked about the chainlink network monetization in his latest blogpost. But obviously you are a post mainnet buyer larping as an OG so this goes over your head

>> No.53571643

>3 pbti

>> No.53571655

>while link holders barely got anything (see link/eth and link/btc).
Link hit its ATH against ETH and BTC while Sergey was "funding" Defi as well.
Explain that.

Literally the only reason Link underperformed is the constant and blatant price suppression.

>> No.53571674


There was a pretty explicit assumption it was going to work like that even pre-mainnet. You just never read the white paper which clearly stated it back then.
Bootstrapping and network support was alwaya known to have been planned for a few tears to get it off the ground and its the entire reason why link strangleholded any competitor from day one.
They are finally aiming to move away from that now staking is out, which was pretty much what was communicated in the first white paper.

There was always a sub-group of 2017 fags, the linkpool niggers. Constantly warned how dumb of an idea it was but didnt have enough braincels between them all to get it. They got rugged last year and they are a source of some of the salty fud now but its relatively few of them.

Jonny posts here btw. Imagine taking anything that faggot has said serious from the start- that was only ever his linkpool groupies who got rugged

>> No.53571700

Sure. I don’t disagree with the bootstrapping, as it was needed to create this new ecosystem. All I’m saying is it has had a significantly negative effect on the LINK price compared to L1s which thrived because of link feeds. And that’s why many people are seething. However it is short term pain for long run success. All I’m saying is that the “fud” isn’t from “bulgarians” or some shit like that

>> No.53571708

I have to admit the LPL rug and the community safe space on Twitter afterwards was the most satisfaction I have experienced. LINK finally mooning may not come close.

I said it would be three for free. Meme magic is real.

>> No.53571709

>that’s why many people are seething
Then explain why the fud was just as bad back when Link outperformed the market for two years straight.

>> No.53571717


I don’t doubt it had downward pressure, but what was the alternative? Sucking VC cock? No thanks. Its given them a basically unstoppable base to go from now.

That said, it went from $0.18 to $50 anon. It was due for a massive cyclical retrace. It would have found a reason no matter what.

>> No.53571755
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Imagine still holding shitlink bags. Just timagine!

>> No.53571763

What can we expect this year, OP?

>> No.53571771


Probably more seething from these groups, a pump that they sell into, with an even bigger wave of anger as it continues to pump but not quite to $50 or anything

>> No.53571781

fud turned into true skepticism because of atrocious price action while bootstrapping all of defi on our backs, what is hard to understand about this?

>> No.53571783

real OP here. It will crab to the right

>> No.53571786

The fud back then was ironic and only meant to filter redditors such as you

>> No.53571794
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There's zero fundamental difference between the fud then and now.
It was just as vicious, pervasive, seething, ... as it is today.

At the very height of Chainlink's rise against the market we had fucking Bloomberg literally spew fud talking points from /biz/

>> No.53571801

sounds good to me! do you think we'll get another chance by pumping in sats so that we could switch it for BTC for max profits again?
you are NOT OP. you are an IMPOSTER and FAKE and GAY!!

>> No.53571807

Link will follow the market until staking v1

>> No.53571816

Then why did it go against the market from 2018 to 2020?

>> No.53571821

I’ll preface with a simple statement, I bought Chainlink at ICO. Now that is out of the way I’d like to say that the inorganic fudding is not pol users or latefags but “them”. This group goes by many names and you’ll see posts about them all over the internet daily, I’m talking about the lizard overlords, the deep state, the blood drinking demon worshippers, the pedophile elite, the new world order, the WEF, the Jews. They have thrown hundreds of dollars, maybe even trillions and employed multiple agencies who only goal is to separate OGs from their stack. Some of these agencies utilise thousands of 3rd-worlders, others chat bots like GPT while others still use a mixture. I agree that some of the fud originates from normal posters, many of whom are in the categories you’ve laid out, but the volume cannot be explained by this alone. We’ve known since the start that we were never supposed to buy LINK and now that we have, they are using everything in their memetic arsenal to make us doubt what is undoubtable. I just want to say the following to this group, I will never sell a single LINK from my OG stack, not for 5 dollars, not for a billion. Nothing short of god-hood would get me to sell.

>> No.53571822

You don't expect us to hit $50+ this year? Even with CCIP coming out?

>> No.53571829

akchually /pol/ anons migrated to /biz/ in 2017 when the shareblue shilling became too much

>> No.53571835

It doesn't even matter why they do it, because:
I realized that the usual discord nufudders are actually a lower form of life than unpaid internet janitors:
>constantly making 50+ pbtid fudding in discussion threads over 10+ hours whenever they're up
>the rest of the time they seem to be seething, samefagging, and monitoring in up to 6 fud threads at any one time during their "rush hour"
>they have been doing this possibly since 2021
>lets be generous with the math and say that they've only done this for five days a week (including holidays) for one year (50x52=2600 hours spent doing this maybe)
>all over an apparently shitty and unimportant crypto
>all for FREE

They're just reminding everyone what a bunch of seething, dimwitted fags they are every time they try to shit up the catalog or a discussion thread.

>> No.53571847

im just speaking for myself anon, i lost a ton of conviction in the last year. there have been so many red flags, like the video on january 1st by the fat man to make us keep holding: "ccip soon, staking soon, keep holding retards" and then it dumped to hell soon after that. we were trading around 30$ at that point for fucks sake. the absolute worst thing is, they didnt even keep to their promises, they have missed every deadline and still havent managed to let value flow to the token.
How will we as holders even profit from ccip? or from deco? or from proof of reserves? or from ffs?

>> No.53571848


Why would i count the stars and say something like that?
The only thing that is clear is that we are range bound, in an accumulation pattern and a breakout would have a target of $20 or so.

Anything else is crystal ball. It could hit $599, it could stall around $20, its not really possible to forecast something like that.

>> No.53571858

>link has bottomed
this has been parroted here in 6 month intervals

how original

>> No.53571859

>like the video on january 1st by the fat man to make us keep holding: "ccip soon, staking soon, keep holding retards" and then it dumped to hell soon after that
Chainlink immediately started pumping from $19 to $28 after that announcement.
Bitcoin on the other hand immediately started dumping, and then a few days later the entire stock market crashed.

>> No.53571881

what im trying to say is that years ago we appreciated link bc they kept to themselves and then released things all of a sudden, that video was the complete opposite of that. the fat fuck hyped something up knowing well that the features werent anywhere near ready and the macro outlook looked grim. he still thought it was best to upload that video to make us keep holding.

>> No.53571883

>They have thrown hundreds of dollars, maybe even trillions
>100s to 1000000000
big if true
>but “them”. This group goes by many names and you’ll see posts about them all over the internet daily, I’m talking about the lizard overlords, the deep state, the blood drinking demon worshippers, the pedophile elite, the new world order, the WEF, the Jews.
these people are only responsible for little irl events like COVID19 Trump and Ukraine. Nothing important.

>> No.53571895

Everyone was howling for Chainlink to make a definite announcement regarding staking.
Which is why Link pumped so hard when that announcement came.

>> No.53571912

polcel here, most expensive shitlink I've ever bought was 42cents and it has unironically ruined my life through missed opportunities

>> No.53571933
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>> No.53571938

>inorganic fudding
you're fucking delusional if you think a few posts on 4chan is the reason chainlink has underperformed massively against litterally everything, it's daily traded volume dwarfs the combined worth of this board and its readers, nevermind the volumes needed to suppress a shitcoin price...for years.
that's not to say there isn't kike manipulation but it's evidenced in the markets, not on here

>> No.53571940

If it doesn't have any effect on the price, why has the fud been so incredibly pervasive on here for many years now?

>> No.53571977

I sold some link to buy a lower mcap coin..i feel like if i sell all of it it will moon. I'm scared

>> No.53571984

it was literally an announcement of an announcement. the fat man should have kept his mouth shut.

>> No.53571991

because chainlink has totally underperformed every fucking shitcoin and stock?
for a lot of us our first link buys were not just speculation or greed for the sake of money but a hedge against the coming wef eat ze bugs kalergi mutt hellscape.
the anger isn't at a loss of funds, I bought after the Feb 2018 1k eoy prophecy, it's a loss of fucking hope.
everything else mooning around us has been just an extra kick in the balls, for me personally the biggest two I missed holding link, that i was vocally bullish on, were the explosion in exchange tokens and later solana at sub $11.

>> No.53571995

you filthy whore!

>> No.53571996

>because chainlink has totally underperformed every fucking shitcoin and stock?
Then why was the fud just as bad back in 2018-2019-2020 when Link was beating the entire market?

>> No.53572001
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>it was literally an announcement of an announcement
No, it was an announcement of release.
An announcement of an announcement is "guys we're going to announce something but we're not telling you yet, stay tuned!"
Like pic related.

You are violently retarded.

>> No.53572015

he literally said we are gonna release staking sometime this year, he didnt give a date which means it was a pre annoucement, he didnt announce shit, he only hyped it up.

>> No.53572033

>everything that happened before the peaks is irrelevant to them.
This is very true.

Everything before August 2020 is irrelevant for them. As if 2018 and 2018 never even existed, the time when LINK was literally the best performing asset on the planet

>> No.53572039
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You have no idea what an announcement of an announcement is.

>> No.53572064

there wasn't 'fud' in 2018, everything from 2018-20 is archived so we don't need to speculate on the boards sentiment, by all means go find as many fud posts as you can from that time and I'll match it with 100 positive link threads.
there's 2 archive sites, pick either.
and besides, there's litterally nothing that could be posted here that will ever effect the link price dying over 2 years against EVERYTHING

>> No.53572079

>mention three years

>laser focus on the first of those years

There was fud inn 2018, but it suddenly got really bad after the Google announcement in summer of 2019. And it has remained at that level ever since.

>> No.53572086

Where did I say anything about price action in that post?

>> No.53572099

>This peaked around summer at $20. it was pretty unbearable at the time and i took profits due to it.
don't worry /ck/ i don't even have to speculate. we're ahead of this.

>> No.53572133

>I've been holding Chainlink with zero profits for ten years now I'm the REAL OG
>Yeah fuck you pal I've been underwater and homeless since 2030 beat that
>You guys are all plebs I was scammed by Sergey himself before he went into hiding on the original v0.1 staking contract
>Fuck you all Rory sent me a T in the before times!

>> No.53572134

All companies make statements about impending releases of product without specific dates. It’s the most normal thing ever.
The type of hype announcement crypto is notorious for is very different from this; it’s shit like posing in front of Google offices, or putting an Apple sticker on a skateboard, or saying “big surprise coming, watch this space!”.

>> No.53572137

Post the fud, its all archived, I'll match every one with 100s of positive wagmi threads.
You're right, you didn't mention price action, I take back the delusional part.
At this point I'm in so deep I can never sell either, I've already had to explain to people that my shitlink stack isn't even considered crypto to me internally, that it's somehow become intertwined with with my identity and its dragging me to hell along with lots of others.
my networth should have been 10x what it was when I first bought link and it could very easily been 100x

>> No.53572146
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>Post the fud

>> No.53572151

The gates are slowly opening. I could be wrong, but all my indicators demonstrate that a pump is imminent. Also pay attention to BAND price action. They tend to pump in unison. It will happen from now until April. Screen-cap this.

>> No.53572155

Where did I say I only hold LINK? I can guarantee I have enough USD to make both your mum and sister slather my cock, but then again they are poor people so they’d probably do it for a hot meal.

>> No.53572163

>Post the fud
Just read Zeus Capital’s report.
It’s a compendium of Link fud harvested from /biz/ between mid-2018 and early 2020.
It’s quite something.

>> No.53572175

>2038 newfag here is 0.00216777 Juels enough to make it?
>SmartCon'23 bombing survivor here. You don't know me.
>Homeless LINK marine here anyone got a place for me in South Dakota?
>Anyone remember that obscure dark web crypto currency Chainlink?

>> No.53572187

Alright, when I get home from work I'll match it with 100 wagmi posts

>> No.53572192

lol why?
I said the fud is still the same.

>> No.53572199

Who are you quoting?

>> No.53572213


I remember that faggot. Wtf was that shit

>> No.53572219

definitely the post I click on with my mouse.
>Sold some squirrel meat for LINK last night I'm officially a private in the LINK marine HOOAHH
>Robbed my neighbors for their chickens so I can use my chicken and egg allowance for more LINK. Only a matter of time until the bodies are discovered frens

>> No.53572223

just let it go. it's time to accept that sergey will complete his billion dollars extracted from retail, bow down with the most reputation preserving blog post money can buy and live on an island with his extended family for the rest of his life

>> No.53572238

I'm saying that the fud back then was a fraction of the posts on this board, the sentiment was for 2+ years buy now or regret forever.
And I'm tired as fuck reading the narrative that the fud on here means anything, link isn't a 20k mcap bsc shitcoin, whenever somebody makes a legitimatly deserved link abuse post there's schizo reacting to it like the anon is going to influence somebody to start putting up 50m sell walls on the exchanges

>> No.53572241

Most Crypto founders are happy living in their trillion dollar mansions and orbiting the Earth in their custom build space cruisers but not Sergey oh no he prefers to float like a baron and drink big mac sauce from a flea shaped decorative baggie

>> No.53572243

We’ll be at $250 this summer. Cap this post.

>> No.53572247

You’re insane!

>> No.53572272

Fudders are faggots, simple as.

>> No.53572276

>I followed Sergey at SmartCon22 and waited until he was in the bathroom. Once he sat down with his pants around his ankles and his flannel shirt on the hook behind the wooden door I released a gas to incapacitate him. I then used a device called a rubby ducky to install a few things on his laptop. Afterwards I took a few selfies with Sergey while he was unconscious on the toilet before I flushed then made my escape under the toilet stall door. It was the perfect crime and I freely confess to these terrible deeds.

>> No.53572309

>note that while every other alt just made lower lows over the past weeks, LINK did not
stopped reading right there, there have been dozens of alts holding up much better than chainlink for the past six months, Link is literally mediocre at best

>> No.53572515

All utter nonsense, pure fiction. You haven't a fucking clue who bought link or when or why.

>> No.53572638

I'm guessing he's making you feel personally attacked, but that's not an argument against those posts at all
He's just making generalized speculation as to why fudders behave like they currently do based on distinct phases that link has gone through. What used to be shitposting and greentexts for fun with fat Sergey memes and lore about Adelyn not actually knowing English, is now just spam and seethe made by extremely mentally ill people as described in >>53571835

>> No.53572643

>I'm saying that the fud back then was a fraction of the posts on this board
The fud was exactly the same now as then.

>I'm tired as fuck reading the narrative that the fud on here means anything
Tell it to the fudders.

>> No.53572668

have you ever thought of the possibility that people are genuinely losing their conviction instead of inventing nefarious /pol/ boogeymen and italian trannie faggots?

>> No.53572672

this. the fud is WAY too pervasive and relentless to be anything other than this. and for whatever reason we get these occasional threads telling us who the “real fudders” are. OGs know what we’re up against and it’s not twitterfags, polcels, etc….it’s a psyop directed at us from the upper echelons of finance. ignore any anon telling you otherwise.tp4gs0

>> No.53572680

How do you explain the continued price suppression and Sergey's psychological weakness attracting scammers?

>> No.53572683

>this, the lizard deep state is behind the fud, nobody is actually demoralized
>ignore any anon telling you otherwise
I can't even take your posts seriously anymore

>> No.53572724

That's exactly what the lizards would say.

>> No.53572770
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>duuuuuuuuude its a conspirathy!!!!

OP you are such a massive cuckold and loser its hard to even put into words. Paragraph after paragraph of cuckold cope trying to make sense of the grifter that wrecked you. Imagine being so fucking delusional you think posts on this loser forum move the markets hahahahahahahahahaha. This place is so pathetic

>> No.53572976
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tfw nobody seems to remember the day link wicked to 14 cents on binance
I could almost swear I bought that dip but my memory is too shitty to be sure and I don't have that binance account anymore to confirm my orders

>> No.53573062

I hope everyone who replied to this post seriously are memeing, this is the most ridiculous shit I’ve ever read here.

>> No.53573128

they reaaaaaallly don't like when people point this out either

>> No.53573150

It went to 0.0001 something in 2020 right? It also briefly went up to 1k vs some stable on binance if I recall correctly

>> No.53573221

Lol, deluded hopium-fueled newfag
>arbitrum released, dumped
>staking released, dumped
>CCIP? Yeah, that has to be it

>> No.53573343

This nigga said that they are spending trillions to FUD link holders. That is utterly delusional. I’m convinced now that the only people that remain on /biz/ are incel larpers.

>> No.53573800

Could the entire run from 2019-2020 be a simple delayed reaction? Link came out at the tail end of the 2017 bullrun, so it didn't really get a chance to shine. The entire 2019-2020 link run may have been what link would have went through in 2017 if it was released earlier in the year rather than at the end.

>> No.53573862

This weirdo is coping so hard he has created his own fantasy world.

>> No.53573953

Jesus Christ, anon I can't believe you invest so much time into constructing this narrative. This stuff is all in your head and is completely unprovable and unfalsifiable. It's meaningless drivel and even if it were true it would be completely worthless info.
I can only assume that weaving this stuff keeps you occupied while you wait for Link to have its moment. That's fine, but don't expect the rest of us to jump onboard with it.

>> No.53574001

Its really sad to see. I think hes manic and/or on adderall.

>> No.53574041

Weve learned the team absolutely detest us. Also you are ignoring the main point which has triggered even the OGs. Links price performance during the 2021 bull run. 25>$52 thats your giga bullrun for holding link. Sergeys nonstop dumps, no other crypto devs are close to sergeys massive premine and nonstop dumps.
Not to mention 0 new product releases for over 3 years, which has made them lose any and all interest from the crypto community aside from their handful of cult members.
Just keep releasing stale research paper blogpost garbage which no one can even read without spacing out

>> No.53574086

No its not /biz/ bought at .20. It just didnt pump well, it basically crabbed the bullrun away which pissed off every OG who watched normies shitcoins pump 1000x while they watch their limp link crab between 25-50.
Link even underperformed many stocks. The tokenomics are just not there

>> No.53574144

>I bought after the Feb 2018 1k eoy prophecy
So your bags appreciated by 20,000%
I'm so sorry for your loss anon

>> No.53574196

what type of psyop are you running? you make threads all the time using buzz words and dog whistls to get early buyers to chime in. I dont get what you're getting out of this. Pls enlighten me

>> No.53574244

Nah while the price action has been shitty, OP is actually right, just follow when active wallets went up. Its a fact most people bought above 20 on the way to 50, and newfags are going to seethe about it when they feel like they were lied to and forced to miss out on lifechanging gains from the doges, solanas and pregnantbutts.
Anons who bought in 2017/18/19 at worst had the 18 bear market, but they also didn't have this feeling that another group had dumped all over them because link was still new. Its just human psychology, absolutely predictable, same shit happens with every market, its just magnified because link is the only project the majority of anons are heavily invested in, there's no generic communities for any other project on /biz/ just a lot of astroturfed garbage that copies link memes, or stock standard meme(shit)coins that don't even try to hide they're going to eventually pump and dump.

>> No.53574246

What do you get out of samefagging the thread ?>>53571192

>> No.53574329

So is the accumulation range 5 to 9 dollars?

>> No.53574347

Any anons care to chime in on my previous post? Could the entire 2019-2020 link run just be a delayed 2017 run? Or perhaps a front-run 2021 run?

>> No.53574415

Correct, someone shilled Link on pol and it clicked for me. I was already heavy into BTC, but went 100% Link late 2017.

>> No.53574423

Most likely, it could still go to 3 dollars with another macro event. I disagree with this btw,
what actually happened is link created an entirely new market for crypto (defi). Speculators eventually realized link wasn't properly monetizing the market yet (its not entirely subsidized but depends on sponsorships that aren't related to actual oracle activity, meaning the token price can't rise directly with usage of link), so instead that money flowed into the various defi protocols and meme coins/vc projects that were then dumped on retail. The problem for link is they actually have to, memes aside, flip the switch on monetization for capital to flow back in. Once they do though, you'll see it come back in a huge way, as you'll have buy pressure both from speculators and the entities actually using oracle services. This could happen strictly with defi if defi grows up and gets serious this cycle, but more likely is going to require something like swift. And its going to be frontrun by insiders just like everything else in crypto, so you're either holding link when it happens or you'll probably miss it or blow it off as another false start.

>> No.53574476

As I said earlier, the loss has been the missed opportunities while holding link.
Again as I said earlier, initially for us it wasn't necessarily just a moonshot guess to get rich, most didn't even care what the price was or was going to be back then, we all thought that link was going to be the cornerstone of whatever bullshit nwo hell we were moving into and the play long term was going to be us staking.
Even now they can't shake us out as the original thesis was that ownership at any cost was the goal but they they've hurt too many of us who went all in regardless, even if we didn't lose money on link we lost overall.

>> No.53574489

>what actually happened is link created an entirely new market for crypto (defi). Speculators eventually realized link wasn't properly monetizing the market yet (its not entirely subsidized but depends on sponsorships that aren't related to actual oracle activity, meaning the token price can't rise directly with usage of link), so instead that money flowed into the various defi protocols and meme coins/vc projects that were then dumped on retail. The problem for link is they actually have to, memes aside, flip the switch on monetization for capital to flow back in. Once they do though, you'll see it come back in a huge way, as you'll have buy pressure both from speculators and the entities actually using oracle services. This could happen strictly with defi if defi grows up and gets serious this cycle, but more likely is going to require something like swift. And its going to be frontrun by insiders just like everything else in crypto, so you're either holding link when it happens or you'll probably miss it or blow it off as another false start.

Why does link have this double standard? How come other coins/tokens in the top 30 have exponential gains without having any product whatsoever.

>> No.53574512

It's been horribly suppressed and shorted by every kike VC bulgarian nigger in crypto.

>> No.53574515

>missed opportunities while holding link.
This is all hindsight though. I don't think anyone would think link, the same token that outperformed every asset on the planet from 2019-2020, would top out at a measly 52 dollars during the 2021 bull run.

>> No.53574521

>hey can't shake us out
no one is trying to shake us out though. Sergey is a fucking retard and is trying to get everyone hooked on the network with free tastes first. The issue is that BTC still controls the market and its runs in cycles. Its fucking stupid as shit to do it this way. All of this at the cost of the token holders, he doesn't give a fuck he already has a nice salary.
its been shorted into the fucking ground. Aave owner sold us out by letting it be lent out.

>> No.53574530

>Why does link have this double standard? How come other coins/tokens in the top 30 have exponential gains without having any product whatsoever.

Because this entire market is 99% speculative and has almost no real world usecase. The actual value of link, even if they removed the sponsorship model and started asking defi to pay for every pricefeed call, is probably less than what it is right now. Ethereum, outside of acting as gas to trade other shitcoins to try to make more fiat, has no real world usage. Even bitcoin is rarely used as a currency, its original intended usecase.

That's not to say its all vaporware. Bitcoin gets you closer, Ethereum and the advent of smart contracts gets you closer, Chainlink and the advent of oracles that can connect smart contracts to real world data gets you closer. But until you start seeing legitimate real world usecases for crypto, the market will still be dominated by speculators who are in it to make fiat, not crypto.

>> No.53574565

That still doesn't explain it.

>> No.53574592

To clarify, link has the double standard with anons on this board because this board is dominated by intj/intp's who look at the market logically and understand that the endgame is the oracle layer, that's where the value is going to flow when its finished. But to actually reach that you have to see all the pieces put into place, and there's a lot of chicken/egg scenarios that have to figure themselves out. Some have already, some are still in the process, for example for staking (real staking not the 0.1 version which is just an airdrop) to work and be feasible, there needs to be enough financial activity on the network to require it. Right now there isn't. Chainlink can inform all defi users right now they are changing their model such that you have to pay per oracle call, but that likely will just lead to the collapse of defi, which itself is a showcase to actual customers like swift and the dtcc more than something that was actually intended to be the primary usecase of chainlink. Now that's not to say there won't be some killer dapps created that make defi necessary, to the point they will pony up and pay for oracle services, as they are required and worth it for a new booming market that has attracted more than ponzi casinos. But assuming that doesn't happen, you need traditional finance and their transaction volume.

>> No.53574622

>link has the double standard with anons on this board
It has the double standard with the entire market though.

>> No.53574633

I'm not going to respond to you as you are that autist who misinterprets everything as fud, but I will check your dubs.

>> No.53574705

good content
i think your theories hold a lot of water
i got first decided to learn about crypto during covid and bought the link top (like 2 link, I was literally just experimenting and trying to learn how all this shit worked)
so i can antidotly back up OP while also using it as a learning exp, as I barely lost anything in those crashes

>> No.53574753

Chainlink is competing with open source software.
That's what it means to copy https.
You can't make people pay for a free service because then they will create a free open source version to replace it.

We were scammed.
ETH became the security layer 0 Chainlink was supposed to be and Chainlink will never be able to generate an income level high enough to justify a market cap in the trillions.
Staking won't work as initially hoped and is a logarithmic derivative of the network profitability through quadratic staking.

The token holds no value without staking because no one wants to use it and even node operators don't have to hold it without staking.

We were scammed and every VC in this space hates us and wants Chainlink to fail while Sergey refuses to play the game of politics and got his community annihilated by every corrupt participant in this space.

>> No.53574855

>Chainlink is competing with open source software.
The value of link lies in the network, not the software (although that part isn't worthless either). Its why its already established a virtual monopoly for oracles in the space.
>ETH became the security layer 0 Chainlink was supposed to be
No it didn't.
>Staking won't work as initially hoped and is a logarithmic derivative of the network profitability through quadratic staking.
Read whitepaper 2.0. SLS only applies to nodes colluding.
>The token holds no value without staking because no one wants to use it and even node operators don't have to hold it without staking.
The token holds as much value as the rest of crypto without staking, which is to say an entirely speculative investment.
>We were scammed and every VC in this space hates us and wants Chainlink to fail while Sergey refuses to play the game of politics and got his community annihilated by every corrupt participant in this space.
Nobody was scammed. But it takes longer to change the world than some anons had initially expected/hoped. The reality is that swift was always supposed to be THE initial usecase. Defi was a pivot, likely to prove to swift that a DON could work. At this point they are on the 10 yard line and have indicated as much, but people are ready to give up from fatigue and "opportunity cost". I'm not entirely opposed to this either, I think if its too much for you, you should sell and relieve yourself of the burden. Mentally it will help you more than incessantly whining on a mongolian basket weaving forum about a fat russian scammer and his hr roasties.

>> No.53574868

Why do they focus on Link?
Why do these “Bulgarians” have so much power? Who is backing them? Surely someone really big to be suppressing a multibillion dollar asset right?

Also, these shorters, are they here with us now? Do they post anywhere else on the internet or just focus here on biz, which of course is the wealth capital of the world.

Sorry for all the questions, you just seem very well versed in all of this.

>> No.53574908

The bulgarian nonsense is overblown but its also still true. Link was an easy token to short because there is some demand, such that you won't crash it to zero, but its not a bitcoin or ethereum where whales could swoop in and wreck you with a billion dollar purchase. There's many other factors at play, but tl;dr, if you think its all bulgarians you're a midwit, if you think nexo had nothing to do with link's price action you're also a midwit, markets are nuanced and chaotic.

>> No.53574912

This still doesn't explain it though, how come link has to rely on actual value capture and not have speculative pumps as well? It doesn't have to be one or the other.

>> No.53574943

Havent you heard? The rothschilds and illuminati are funding the bulgarian mafia so they can suppress link to prevent incels from getting rich and having sex. The cia is also involved theyre using HAARP weather technology and mk ultra to control the sentiment of the market. Russia attacked ukraine just to supress chainlink bro

>> No.53574948

poorfag here. im about to finish accumulating 1000 link. will i make it next cycle?

>> No.53574961

It doesn't, and it received speculative pumps. Every pump its ever had has been largely speculative even if there was value capture as well, link has never actually been worth what it trades for.

>> No.53574965

Synapse protocol and others are securing first-mover advantage while Chainlink sits there with its thumb up its ass.

>> No.53574983

Haha. I think one of the saddest things Ive seen on here is the sentiment among some of the “marines” that the suppression was to stop them from being rich and overthrowing the government wherever they live.

Like imagine being so fucking retarded they you think having net worth of $10m turns you into some bigshot that can change world history….Hahahahahahahaha

>> No.53574985

Let me correct myself, its obviously worth what it trades for, that's the whole point of a market, what I meant was the value produced by network activity has always been far lower than the price. What anons are desperate for is the point where the network's value created begins to outpace speculative demand, such that it decouples from traditional market drivers like btc price action.

>> No.53574988

Token not needed at $50, $7, or $.50


>> No.53575029

Based historian OP. Thank you for your posts. I have often thought about chronicling the journey of this ERC-20 pre-singularity as I think it would be a curiosity far in the future.

>> No.53575087

Shut up bulgarian! Link is going to $15,000,000,000 each and i will be a trillionaire from my 300 chainlink

>> No.53575139

Your obsession with pol is pathetic
Plenty of pol anons been here since link's inception

>> No.53575154

>What anons are desperate for is the point where the network's value created begins to outpace speculative demand
Most anons probably want an ETH like run where it went from 50 cents to 4 digits in a year. Link never really had this type of price action, while many in the top 30 had something similar to an ETH like run whilst being completely useless coins/tokens that don't strive to be anything like link is. I believe this is where the frustration comes from. If an anon from 2023 were to go back and tell an anon from 2017 that link would still be trading at single digits, that same 2017 anon would probably invest in something else despite all the comfy breadcrumb threads. Everything ranked above link is either a vaporware eth clone, a stagnant btc clone, or a complete meme that doesn't even pretend to have a use case whatsoever.

>> No.53575158

yeah thats all well and good but still not buying shitstink

>> No.53575169
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this, but unironically.
>don't believe your lying eyes goy!

>> No.53575191

I used to think btc crashing whenever link had an uptrend was a meme, but it has happened way too many times to be coincidence. I remember it happening at the 60 cent level and the 5 dollar level as well. The day link broke 5 was magical, most anons that know what I am talking about will feel the same way.

>> No.53575223
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>> No.53575275

>while many in the top 30 had something similar to an ETH like run
No, they actually didn't. BNB did, mostly by just copying what ETH did and doing it for cheaper, and a couple of memecoins did but they did it by insiders deciding to pump those projects specifically, so you would have never had a project where a bunch of retail were allowed to get in early and also see that sort of price action.

Other than that, yes absolutely there is frustration link has not seen a run equivalent to eth's initial run, but that's because of how each project is used. The ceiling for link is far higher than eth, but eth already had its initial usecase monetized. Chainlink's initial usecase is still trying to figure out how that works as I explained, what they want is swift to jump in and start using the network, but swift wants to make absolutely certain everything works exactly the way they want it.

Also the failure of link is vastly overblown on here, the fact is if you bought it at the bottom in 2018 you still outperformed bitcoin and ethereum even if you did nothing else.

>> No.53575280

>babbys first volatile investment

You realize the saying “buy the rumor, sell the news” was invented before Link was right

>> No.53575307

Kek exactly, these /pol/tards and their extreme mental gymnastics to convince themselves they're not subhuman failures lmao.

>> No.53575325

except there is a clear and obvious reason why traditional markets shit the bed in 2022 that has nothing to do with your little big mac investment

>> No.53575514

Link was always the cope coin for people who missed eth

>> No.53575642

>failure of link is vastly overblown on here
This is an important point, link was the best performing asset on the planet during 2019-2020. Only during 2021 and 2022 did link perform subpar. The image the OP posted clearly shows that link is in an accumulation zone that started from mid 2022.

>> No.53575783


>> No.53575790
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>the failure of link is vastly overblown on here
no it's not, Oracle, Digital Asset, OpenLaw, Google's BigQuery, InterWork Alliance, DocuSign, BSN each of these connections were either dropped or haven't materialized into anything meaningful, and as for the technical aspect what about Mixicles, DECO, Town Crier, Super-Linear Staking, Proof of Reserves and so on
I don't care what anybody says, announcing the launch of CCIP and an "enterprise abstraction layer" and not delivering shit is a failure regardless of the market conditions
the only thing there's left is a second PoC with SWIFT, a grand total of two PoCs in 6 years, and keep in mind that the first PoC had probably nothing to do with the current iteration of the technology since it happened 1 year before the LINK ICO
considering all of the above, the disheartening price action is only the cherry on top

>> No.53575858

Can’t. Staking.

>> No.53576149

>b-but n-noooo its only fud bro, everything is fine, trust the plan

>> No.53576279

You type like a snarky embarrassing overweight redditor. Kys soon.

>> No.53576382

Yes, and that goes back to the double standard the other anon was speaking about. In terms of link actually achieving new paradigm status, absolutely its had its share of setbacks. Its still in another league with respect to the rest of the market. That said, its always been a leveraged bet vs the rest of the market, and if one were to feel the bet is no longer worth making, I'd say sell and move on. I don't know what you sell into, besides perhaps trying to play btc and eth cycles. That's still a solid play though, you can still make a solid 5x off of btc and 10x off of eth without perfectly timing a top/bottom.

>> No.53576448

OG here. Bought in 2017 after the sibos dump. One thing is for certain link still continues to get talked about to this day. I always bought link for the memes. In 2020 I started selling I was able to live for the next two years selling 3,000 link. I’m starting to buy back in now when we crashed to 5 dollars. Suggest y’all do the same. Link is here to stay.

The fud is too juicy. The memes have gotten stale I must admit. But to be honest I don’t even check up on it much these days.

I used to wake up in the middle of the night just to see it’s price everyday starting in 2017.

I was obsessed with its price action. Remember the time it went from .20 cents to .50 cents for what seemed forever?

Remember all the people waiting to buy at .5 cents?

We are going to be in the 5 dollar range to 12 dollar range for a couple more years.
These days I don’t get on 4chan much.we are all getting older. We have been holding for 6 years now.

We all knew link was a long term hold.

Many OG’S made it. 50,000 was not that crazy at the time.

Most og’s have 10,000 the original make it stack. Sadly that was only 500,000. Not really a make it stack.

But as I told myself as the years go on many og’s will lose their stacks.

And it’s true. I sold 3,000

As I told my wife I have seen my portfolio go up hundreds of dollars then crash hundreds of dollars. I have seen it go up thousands of dollars and Crash thousands of dollars then I started seeing it go up hundreds of thousands of dollars the crash hundreds of thousands of dollars then I have seen it go up millions of dolllars and crash millions of dollars l…

Next I told her it will go up multimillions of dollars and I’m prepared to see it crash multimillions of dollars. Until it doesn’t crash again

Alll of these crashes only teach me.

In 2017 I learn to take profits for 2021. In 2021 I learn how to start buying back in for 2023-2024.

Can’t believe I’m getting better at all this crap.

>> No.53576504

>I learn to take profits for 2021. In 2021 I learn how to start buying back in for 2023-2024.
This requires timing the market properly, which is based on luck. I didn't think link would max out at 52 during the 2021 bull year.

>> No.53576507

sounds about right
i agree this is the bottom
t. 2017 OG

>> No.53576522

>exposes himself as anti-/pol/, ie a jew
lol, anyone with 2 braincells is "anti-/pol/" at this point, retard.
i have better things to do than peruse your bot farm

>> No.53576630
File: 158 KB, 1505x1037, 1675541427486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound mad lmao how heavy are those bags

>> No.53576647

>As I said earlier, the loss has been the missed opportunities while holding link.
i'm so sorry you made 20,000% dude

>> No.53576650
File: 966 KB, 562x817, TIMESAND___Link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This movie is about Sergei, his business model and ethics, and his six-sided blue jew token.

>> No.53576683

I’m in the same boat, but with a 22k stack.
The fun is gone because we’ve all grown up. I absolutely lucked out when I bought at $0.13 because I didn’t know shit.
I just figured all the smart guys on biz were probably a safe bet to follow.
I’ve made some dumb ass moves in crypto and I’ve learned a lot of lessons the hard way, but I feel lucky to be in the position I’m in.
We are going to make it in the next few years, and the fun is going to come back.

Part of the reason the memes suck is because Link is starting to perform like a real tech company, so there aren’t any goofy memeable moments to feed off of.
That’s a good thing.

I’m still buying every week, but really it’s just an exercise in financial discipline to help prepare myself for the windfall when Link inevitable explodes.

>> No.53576721

Reminder that the duuuuuude-poster is Michael the Chink aka this guy https://archived.moe/biz/thread/43747787/

>> No.53576800

Jesus that guy is OBSESSED by Link! I thought i was into it and I have a fuckton of it. This guy pretends to hate it lolol how stupid does he think people are?

>> No.53576809
File: 23 KB, 400x400, thinking_pepe__by_patricioz_dc567y2-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys remember that one anon that said that LINK'S absolute top was $54? I could have sworn I ss his thread I can't seem to find it

>> No.53576824

He claimed to have been from the future forgot to mention that

>> No.53576854
File: 744 KB, 1125x1516, 8A373DC2-CA1C-4449-B9A2-12B361F6B308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty weak comeback. You type like youre crying

>> No.53576924
File: 77 KB, 569x660, 7D266364-600C-48F1-BAD8-B010C04291F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reactions to his posts are hilarious. He lives your heads

>> No.53576932

Lives in*

>> No.53576960

Monopolies don't always last.
Chainlink created a glass ceiling by aggressively dumping the cost of its services it cannot take back without losing to the newer competition.
You don't need Chainlink oracles for NFTs.
The reason why they went after Swift is because it's the only use case they can keep as a monopoly and which can sustain this network.

It is the reference for security and is seen as such by the community making it the layer 0.
For Chainlink to become a layer 0 it needs a recognizable network which defines the reference for truth.
However this comes from blockchains.
The longer Chainlink takes to change this the more difficult it will be to change this situation and the more competition they will have.

Staking has to be paid from the profits of node operators. As such it will never deliver higher returns than 20-30% of the net profits of the network which creates a glass ceiling for the income gained from staking and its effect on the token price.

ETH has a high surface of contact with investors because everyone uses it.
This is not the case for Chainlink who only has a very reduced contact surface limited to node operators and applications who use them.

This is the definition of a scam. 2024-2025 was the end time for this failed investment and we now find out we have to wait another decade.
Will you survive if you miss out on another bull run or will you commit suicide at the realization of missing out on 2 life changing opportunities while bag holding the source of other's profits?
Why do you think Sergey made his BUILD initiative?
It's because even he knows Chainlink investors missed out on every profitable investment by bag holding it instead of investing in the projects which use it.

>> No.53577124

>Chainlink is competing with open source software.
1. chainlink is open source
2. please point me to the other open source decentralized oracle network

>> No.53577200

LINKUSD log chart looks like a bear trap, and bobo euphoria has been with link for like 8 months now. Media attention by July, perhaps.

>> No.53577216

There is no competition. Nobody else is providing oracles.
Ethereum is dead without oracles, there will be no further expansion of crypto without it beyond shitcoin casino. Vitalik already conceded this and tried to even convince Uniswap to become an oracle at one point out of desperation.

Your use of the term glass ceiling there makes no sense and you seem to completely misunderstand how link staking works. Staked link tokens are removed from the circulating supply, thus shrinking the marketcap required for greater token price. It simultaneously reduces supply and increases demand for the token. This isn't referring to staking 0.1, but 1.0. If you hold the stance it will never release that's fair, but no different than anons who declared mainnet would never drop in 2018.

The bottleneck to further crypto adoption is oracles. Without it the entire market is a scam that is going nowhere. What's happening right now is a tug of war, as the current paradigm of the market is more beneficial to the actors already profiting. Chainlink is quite literally going to drink eth and every other L1's milkshake if it succeeds, and they understand this. So there is this sort of bizarre relationship between link, eth and the rest of the space, where they understand they need chainlink to grow, but will actively work against it until it happens because they take a greater percentage of profits with the current status quo.

>> No.53577247

this post sounds very anti-semitic and racist!

>> No.53577359

It’s not a double standard. They haven’t done anything at all that made the project promising

>> No.53577390

The team, for some strategic reason, does not want the price of the token to skyrocket.
I wish they did.

>> No.53577394
File: 118 KB, 1242x1029, AEC53D8B-E944-40F4-8C30-4C4E04E60422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

143 IQ. Bought at 40 cents.

1. Bottom is probably in. Nothing worse than FTX is even possible unless WW3 or government straight up banning crypto happens.
2. There is no organized fud campaign on this board beyond anons fudding for fun or discord trannies doing the same, /biz/ gets no traffic. It’s all anons fudding their own bags or other anons who just hate link, anyone who thinks otherwise is unironically either dumb or mentally ill.
3. The BTC dumps right when LINK was breaking out over and over last bullrun are almost impossible to deny if you are trying to be 100% objective. That to me is infinitely more fascinating than any fud. The charts don’t lie.


>> No.53577409
File: 72 KB, 1242x814, AE3ECE45-68A7-4F15-8587-30FD8947C307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4. Sergey dumping + poor social media presence + high number of tokens + SOME sort of legit manipulation is why we didn’t moon last cycle. But mostly it was retail not understanding the project. If you held Link thru that bullrun you should viscerally hate anyone who bought Doge, Shib, borednigger NFTs, etc. All of that retail money was supposed to go to projects like LINK. That’s where we got fucked harder than any market manipulation. However other projects fared better and we have to wonder why. That’s where shitty stealth mode non-advertising from the team and market manipulation from Bulgarian shorters (and whoever the fuck was potentially manipulating BTC to hold LINK down) come into play.
5. Here is the most important part of this post: LINK won’t do shit for many years beyond the same lagging manipulated bullrun “pumps” during the next cycle. The same delusional twitterfag retards who are saying wait til X feature is delivered are the ones who told you LINK would go to ATH after staking in December. Absolutely no technical achievement or partnership will make LINK moon. That’s going to take a level of adoption that isn’t coming for another 5 years. The sergey “10 years away” line from smartcon wasn’t a meme. Don’t get me wrong— if you’re an OG marine with a 20K stack you’ll make it next bullrun. The new social media manager will help. I unironically believe they feel bad about what happened last cycle and are going to play the pump game better next cycle. But this idea that LINK is going to triple digits this year is pants on head retarded unless BTC goes to 100K and ETH goes to 15K. I’d say that’s obviously much more likely to be the case in 2025 at the peak of the next cycle.
6. LINK under $10 is the very best investment you can make on this planet in terms of long term upside. Best fundamentals, best tokenomics, best use case, best team.

>> No.53577416

>Pol incels
Rent free nigger. YWNBAW.

>> No.53577431

This is low tier bait. Jason Parser would be ashamed of you.

>> No.53577439

Dumbass. Chainlink doesn’t make money from crypto. Did you read and comprehend anything that anon wrote? You just parroted shit from 2018 as a response

>> No.53577448

I'm just going to keep buying

>> No.53577463

What happened to docusign?

>> No.53577468

Reasonable posts, only thing I would say is your 5 year estimate is more of a complete question mark. It could literally happen this cycle (probably not this year, but possibly within the next 2), or it could be 10 years away. But whenever it does happen (actual tradfi adoption), it will be frontrun by insiders and if you aren't holding link you're going to miss it. That's why I'd suggest to anons who are impatient and feel they can't afford to wait, always hold at minimum a suicide stack.

>> No.53577529

>5. Here is the most important part of this post: LINK won’t do shit for many years beyond the same lagging manipulated bullrun “pumps” during the next cycle. The same delusional twitterfag retards who are saying wait til X feature is delivered are the ones who told you LINK would go to ATH after staking in December. Absolutely no technical achievement or partnership will make LINK moon. That’s going to take a level of adoption that isn’t coming for another 5 years. The sergey “10 years away” line from smartcon wasn’t a meme. Don’t get me wrong— if you’re an OG marine with a 20K stack you’ll make it next bullrun. The new social media manager will help. I unironically believe they feel bad about what happened last cycle and are going to play the pump game better next cycle. But this idea that LINK is going to triple digits this year is pants on head retarded unless BTC goes to 100K and ETH goes to 15K. I’d say that’s obviously much more likely to be the case in 2025 at the peak of the next cycle.
nice FUD

>> No.53577581

chainlink is a walled garden. yes it works, no the token is quite literally worthless. sergay should pay node operators with eth instead of creating only incentives to pay for gas fees with the token. also no, staking as now, biggest scam ever, holy fuck, alerts...

>> No.53577600

That’s fair. It’s possible adoption happens that quickly. But that still leaves the question of what the fuck was happening to BTC over and over every time LINK looked like it was breaking out. I personally don’t think that was a coincidence but who knows. Anyone who can potentially do that with BTC can keep LINK low for a long time.
Still that doesn’t change the fact that LINK is going to absolutely melt faces in time. I’m personally not selling a single token and will continue to buy under $10. My goal is to live off of staking rewards by the end of next cycle, so I’m hoping we bottom at least at $20 in 2026 or whatever. I’ll be hedging with some ETH this cycle but just enough to cover costs of living for the post-2025 bear market if something unforeseen happens to LINK on the level of insane manipulation.

>> No.53577623

its btc whales accumulating link, they are the most greedy people in the planet and they will accumulate that way until the very last second when full staking is released and its too expensive to suppress.

>> No.53577628

It’s the same shit every year with you guys. Be grateful you know about this project at all you impatient faggot moonboy

>> No.53577636

Customers actually using the service would pump the price. Schmidt and Rhodes at Smartcon is great, but doesn't matter until Microsoft and Google are either using the service or providing access to the service to paying customers. That would be an actual new story for normies--"first ever real crypto usecase!!!" etc

>> No.53577648

the only things that pumped had unpermissioned lockup mechanics or normie marketing. link has neither

>> No.53577738

Who in the fuck takes all this time to aggregate this worthless bullshit. FFS go outside.

>> No.53577799

Based autists that's who. Have sex

>> No.53577860

Checked, it could be any number of entities, but disagree with this anon
BTC whales dumping their btc makes no sense in this context, because they aren't buying up link with it, else you'd see link consistently gain sats when this happens. More likely its an entity outside the crypto markets, with extremely deep pockets, that can afford to dump btc to suppress an asset they are accumulating long term. This isn't to suggest some insane conspiracy theory, just some very simple market manipulation, which is extremely easy to do as crypto is still a relatively small pond with almost zero regulation. I'd lean towards J.P. Morgan as other anons have suggested before, but really it could be anyone.

>> No.53577917

but it is consistently gaining sats, if it wasn't it would be 0 considering all the dumps, someone's buying

>> No.53577933

Well no, it had been in a 2 year downtrend from Aug 2020 - June 2022, and only recently broke that, although a lot of the rest of the market also saw their sats bottom in June so its not really doing anything special there either.

>> No.53577941

Great thread, OP. Calm, well reasoned posts followed by 200 replies of autistic screeching as the fudders recoil from the light being shone on them.

>> No.53577960
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>gerrymandering the post

>> No.53578278

OG here.
I had 53k LINK and had it all on leverage and got liquidated at $6.00.
I have 13k left. My reserve make it stack + 3k recently accumulated. I never thought it would crash from $50+ to where it is now; yet here we are.
When I was worth a couple mill, I wasn't happy. I wish I had the patience to sell 10k Link and live off of that instead of living off of my loans like I did. On the bright side, my life didn't change at all.
However, losing it forced me to learn programming and travel for work. So my life didn't really improve or get worse, it just changed direction. I know I'm one greedy mf and that I need to stop chasing money for money's sake and find something to do that actually makes me fulfilled. Something that fits Uncle Ted's category 2 power process perhaps...

>> No.53578326

they achieved their first goal, even saturated the market. it did little for the price. it stands to reason that similar pie in the sky goals won't do much for the price either

>> No.53578353
File: 53 KB, 931x1047, FB_IMG_1675550932696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uncle Ted's
who the fuck listens to TED talks 2023?

>> No.53578382

Sergey released staking so he can dump on you while you are stuck with worthless tokens. Sergey dumps and shorts his own token because he hates you.

>> No.53578442
File: 69 KB, 714x779, Sergey Suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sergey dumps and shorts his own token because he hates you.
Payback for all the "Fatoshi" memes.
>Quantitative Eating

>> No.53578472

Daily reminder about assblaster’s 2017 prediction. He said we’d go to $50, then dump to $10, and finally pump to $150.

$150 price goal by mid 2025. See u then my niggers

>> No.53578531

this is the path I wish I had taken. How do I learn programming? Where do I start?

>> No.53578553

Daily reminder Assblaster said that LINK will go to the sky on the eve of Hippapotamus's watery demise and that Chainlinkgod is the new leader of the LINK marines after Her.

>> No.53578588

He was wrong, he said it wouldn’t be pumping or dumping like a shitcoin, but it totally pump and dump like a shitcoin

>> No.53578596

I think you should start by following disgraced former team member Patrick O'Collins epic Seven Hundred and Seventy Seven hour tutorial on Solidity. He is Irish with a thick accent and he does everything backwards but its a decent tut. My pleasure enjoy fren

>> No.53578605

That anon wasn’t assblaster

>> No.53578635

He did say it’d pump and then dump. Why are you lying?

I remain calm knowing every lie I dispel cleanses my karmic score while yours gets only heavier and shall be paid in the future through suffering, financial or otherwise

>> No.53578649

Oh yeah right. Assblaster predicted the scamdemic. He said do not take any vaccines in the winter of 2020 back in 2018. how did he know?

>> No.53578664

lmfao I did start watching him but didn't know if I should continue. Unironically is that where you started?

>> No.53578701

Yeah I started but I went back to my bad habits bro shorting LINK and buying heroin and coke to make speedballs. I need that hit. I'm a proud drug addict and I short LINK.

... one day I might get high enough to finish Patrick O'Collins epic code-a-thon one day...

>> No.53578742

And what do you make of mystical Mustafa and his Marmalade message?

>> No.53578747

Go read the part where he said link is digital oil, he claimed it wont dump like any other shitcoin

>> No.53578750
File: 399 KB, 770x850, 1675455500139175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 500 link enough to make it?

Yes, I am coping

>> No.53578775

Municipal marmalade? Wasn’t assblaster either, but municipal = federal, marmalade = (p)reserve. Federal reserve and digital dollar connections. Look into people added to the link team after 2021.

Show me the cap, I’ll wait

>> No.53578794

why the fuck do i want to dig through the archive when u are the one that made the wild claim? You karmic will only get worst for lying and baiting newfags.

>> No.53578836

OG here big stack of LINK the only wild claim made by Assblaster was that cryptic remark about Chainlinkgod leading his marines to the promised lands
AB also shilled FTX, Nexo, Lady Luck, Diamond Shiba Inu, and Bancor

>> No.53578849

Even most normies are not stupid enough to buy a coin that has the dev owning 70% of the total supply, who dumps weekly.
Eth team had a 10% premine and everyone shit on them for it. There is simply not enough demand to meet the massive supply of link, its not scarce at all theres a billion of them and theres only like 5000 cult members who are willing to buy it. Thats why the price doesnt perform.
Pokemon cards are a better investment then link

>> No.53578860

I remember making ten zillion dollars from AB shilling me cumfarts when they were less than one sat each. I sold the famous 700,000 sat cumfart pump and made big bucks.
I was later rugged by the Bancor Haircut for my cumfarts :-(

>> No.53578880


>> No.53578932

I don't know if the team are aware but I was on the road to recovery when my buddy at the rehab clinic told me about this sweet trick for basically scoring free drugs by watching LINK and shorting BTC whenever LINK tries to break out. I have been getting high off my own supply of BTC shorts for months now. I never get too greedy but if I did I would get high enough to finish disgraced former team member Patrick O'Collin's code-a-thon. I just exited my short. Looks like I will be able to get high again today but not high enough to finish Pat's course. Hang on letme phone my dealer

>> No.53578940


>> No.53578992

this is wrong and spoken like someone who wasnt here the past year
now obviously the first quarter of the year was filled with paid jeets, but any real bizanon sold at the latest by feb when the fed confirmed they would kill the market you can trace the rebound top to the press conference of one of those guys whose name i forgot (not jpow)
now in summer after the second big capitulation in june which link held the sentiment here was very optimistic, it looked like a real bottom, the merge and smartcon/staking were right about to happen and i remember all those threads made about the trapped shorts being visible onchain
real anon sentiment was ecstatic for those who have the ability to differentiate them from paid jeets
summer and fall was a bit choppy but we never went below 6 as a floor for anything other than a wick and we all looked forward to staking
but then as the winter rolled in and no details of staking were announced some starting to gets suspicious only to be attacked by the cultists part of the holders
but when the details emerged and it became clear that the team was utterly incompetenent that was when holder sentiment crashed
dont believe me look up the btc and eth/link graphs
it wasnt ftx that killed the trend it was sergey explaining the details of staking
i remember all those threads were anons were raising valid concerns about this bullshit, especially the tax threads only to be shouted down by the cultists and that why link was in the gutter by new years
we are lucky the general market pump saved us all from crashing through all support right there cause it was about too and i bet you are too low iq to even say why we pumped

also it isnt our entry price that got us demoralized its the clear admission from the very team itself that real staking isnt happening for many years and some of us really want our real lives to start as clown world is unbearable right now and that will not be in 2025, maybe 2029 at the earl

>> No.53579020

to continue
all of your headcanon about pol is wrong
what happened is sergey said staking this year in jan 2021 and this made several anons hodl despite all the macro real fud thinking the singularity staking was happening
they lost so much money because of direct and conscious lies sergey told explicitly done to trap as many bagholders as possible, only for then in nov/dec to be told exactly how big a lie was told to them and how hard they were fucked and that they have to wagie in the cagie for at least another 7 years, that is whats caused the despair
and sergey deserves a whipping for what he has done, dont dare to justify this

>> No.53579069

>Let me put it this way, LINK is not a currency. It wont “moon” it won’t “correct”, if LINK is what I have been told it is, if LINK does what SWIFT is planning for it to do, you need an entirely net lexicon for what will happen to LINK. It’s not going to be green candles and red candles of a speculates coin fluctuating. It’s going to be like the railways or oil fields.
here u go u lying kike. It totally pumped and dumped like a shitcoin

>> No.53579070

Sucks to be you but my real life is shorting LINK and getting high. I live in a one bedroom apartment here in Boston Mass. minimal expenses and what can I say I'm happy shorting BTC and LINK for drugs whenever LINK tries to break out. I know the team validate my life choices because it keeps happening. Everytime I take a hit I know the team approve my life choices and their goals are the same as mine.

>> No.53579083

>big stack of LINK
How many linkies is considered a big stack?

>> No.53579094

>the price of a cup of coffee
Seethe OP

>> No.53579184


Still waiting for the cap

>> No.53579207

I use 100k for my shorts to buy my drugs and like I said the team approve my life choice. They want me to get high this is my life. I've made it frens

>> No.53579275

Learn to paragraph.

>> No.53579305

this is genuinely the most funny thing I have ever read anon

>> No.53579334


>> No.53579414

stay safe anon

>> No.53579433

what do you mean the tax threads?
the tax situation with link staking is really good as it's a simple token deposit and therefore not disposal
not the case with eth lsds and stlink

>> No.53579463

It's going to drop in that old range. Sry fren.

>> No.53579655

where you even here there were many tax threads that were shouted down by paid jeets, but they were mostly during euro hours
in my case i would be fucked by staking as is, i would need to pay full tax (equivalent to stonk dividends) on the staking returns every quarter, no the tax boomers dont give a fuck thats its lock in a smart contract
which if i did would exceed my liquidity so i would be forced to sell link at max capital gains tax for even more raping
so no i politely declined for staking v0.1

>inb4 fud bulgarian
not everyone lives in the usa and confirmed with my tax lawyer, anons are gonna get raped on this without them realizing they are breaking the law

>> No.53579713

also after having read the thread, took a while, it confirmed my suspicions that there really are a lot of delusional cultist that dont understand the tokenomics and the macro at all

but to the much recurring question of the manipulation
its pretty undeniable that link break outs were violently dumped on by btc, you are blind if you deny this
with the exclusion of the spy dumping in jan and june, that was the opposite that was the team knowing bad shit was happening in the market and giving out hopium speeches that lured in retail and anons only for the market to dump on them
i mean the opposite was that jpow gave his jan speech and hike 0.75 bp in june just for link which is retarded, but the btc only dumps are real

now as other anons have said it doesnt make sense if it was a rational market actor like say whales in eth or btc wanting to switch over to link as they figured out it will eventually eclipse them all we would see clear signs of actual accumulation
so my opinion on the matter is that it was all sam/ftx, here on biz we have since the very start said he was a scam we jsut didnt know how, anyone remember the tradinglite threads were ftx set the pricepoint on btc, binance and finex whales were fighting it, but in the end ftx pricepoint was always reached
well since the nov blowup we now know why, sammyboy was running a completely fake exchange with near total fractional reserve banking on tokens, so with the infinite money cheat it wasnt hard to manipulate to market to this extend
thats the only way its possible an entity completely devoid of all economic reality doing it to paper trade shit on their walled of garden in usd terms only
it should be interesting to see if these things disappear now that sammy is gone

but as repeated many times all the idiots that put their linkies on aave or worse bancor, celcius eth for a few %points just so they could short your ass, deserve the hell they are undoubtedly living in

>> No.53579743
File: 112 KB, 1200x1194, 1576989659212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most og’s have 10,000 the original make it stack.
the make it stack was always 100k and suicide stack was 10k. 1000 eoy was a complete meme also. someone changed the stacks to 10k/1k at some point though either as cope or to bait in more idiots once even 10k became unattainable for the average person. at 20 cents 10k link was 2,000 usd. that was the suicide stack.

>> No.53579752

I don't understand the motive for sam to specifically target link. An entity like JP Morgan, sure, they can slowly accumulate over time. But sam already had his own game to run, link not required, and he was obviously playing fast and loose, not smart and safe for the long haul.

The only thing I can come up with is sam wanted to hide link from retail so he could get more suckers to buy solana/ftt etc, but link was already mostly hidden from retail anyways. Unless you're suggesting other tradfi entities were leveraging sam to suppress link for them? I dunno, possible but then why let ftx go down if that's the case?

This is what I hate about these discussions, we know there's all kinds of manipulation and fuckery in crypto, don't even get me started on CZ/binance, but if you start to touch on anything that isn't already a mainstream narrative some fag starts shouting schizo meds schizo meds and kills all discussion. Personally nothing would surprise me in this space, we already know traditional markets are rampant with corruption, what do you really think would happen in an unregulated market where 99% of retail doesn't even understand the technology?

>> No.53579782

Yeh I mean, I hate the Jews but I have a wife and 2 kids and I been here since 2015. 20k stink stack, was 30 at one point. I actually sold the most in the $4 pump sadly to get married kek. Hey, it was over a 10x at the time.

>> No.53579872

he's making completely unsupported assertions based off of guesswork and his imagination. I know braindead dipshits like you struggle with concepts like 'proof' and 'evidence' but these things matter, you can't just spill a bunch of random bullshit and expect anyone treat it as anything except exactly that

>> No.53579884

no you misunderstand anon, what i was saying was that link wasnt being accumulated during the dumps, on chain activity points to this
so the question is then who would go to this level of effort if they arent even scooping up the token

the answer is sam, he was making usd and usd only from running his exchange and betting against his own users
the scam was dump btc to dump link and cash in the liquidate longers and later liquidate the late shorters
it was a quick braindead with no future plan scheme as is known of these people

as i suspect would be your next question but why link tho: unfortunately no nothing to do with its eventual rise
no its because link was a true utility token at the time subsidized by the team and in essence the early buyers
you see you try this shit on a random shitcoin and you can do it maybe twice and the shitcoin is dead for good
but link was at that time the bedrock of defi and had a permanent price insensitive buyer for however needed the oracle services, so this creates a scenario where you can short it over and over and never kill it off
many called this nexo, but even they cant pull this off as the capital requirements for this were massive
but take sams scheme he was in the position to changes the price of btc to wherever he wanted without having to actually spend a single real dollar at all

>> No.53579909

also jsut filter the meds schizo fags they are about the easiest to ignore trolls/glowies
cz is running his own games but at least he has a vested interest in the longterm survival and growth of crypto as a whole, he was a long timeframe bull
sam on the other hand was always running a massive leveraged short against the total crypto marketcap excluding ftt so he needed many periodic crashes
and as to cz he manipulated the price slightly down and up to liquidate the degenerate leverage retards, i hold zero sympathy for those people let them lose it, similar to the bitmex ginger anagram
both were good for the crypto space longterm

>> No.53579912

You've been a negative little lady for far too long. Have you anything positive to say?

>> No.53579980

you're an idiot and don't know wat you're talking about

>> No.53580049

thisi is exactly what happened. Sergey betrayal unironically hurt the most causes bought into the truth over trust line. I had alarms ringing and i chose to not sell because of his staking is coming line.

>> No.53580114


Nice write up OP but there are systematic and organized paid groups that FUD as well. With so many bag holders it can be difficult to identify who is who most of the time.

Anyone who was here in 2019 can remember the same script being peddled out by paid pajeets it was unreal. They would all literally just copy paste the same 10 phrases in CAPS kek and had no clue what they were even saying or what any of the terms meant.

It was the definition of of paid operation.

>> No.53580140

you are from CLL to gauge sentiment . Stop switching id's

>> No.53580145


Why would you stake? Then you can't sell kek I just know we are going to pump hard and then dump before the stakers are released from the smart contract.

>> No.53580151

didn't read any of the shit in this thread but im gonna assume you wrote my stinkies will be extremely valuable in the next 1-24 months
thank you and keep up the good work

>> No.53580166

>outside interests against link like nexo and eth trannies and btc maxies manipulating the market. not to mention cz crashing link and sam fucking with everything in general

This is all true. It was unreal watching CZ continuously have maintenance and tech related problems which literally stopped trading multiple times right as LINK was conveniently going to breach $5 for the first time.

>> No.53580184

checked. Not to mention the scam whicks to .00001 a couple times

>> No.53580224

>You're not one of us. You're not from here.

This is one of the biggest newfag indicators I've ever seen.

No one actually cares about plebbit double spacing. In fact it outs newfags who have been here for a maximum a month because they think its a real thing when in reality its purpose is actually that, to out newfags.

Double spacing is superior because its easier to speed read and identify keywords and concepts.

Kill yourself nigger

>> No.53580229

>make it stack was always 100k
One doesn't need 0.01% of the total supply to make it, 100k link is the equivalent of 2100 btc, complete overkill in terms of making it. I've been in link ever since anime anon started shilling it before Assblaster, it was always 10k to make it, 1k suicide.

>> No.53580332

Its a shizophrenic sven

>> No.53580376
File: 17 KB, 493x316, 326485062_1233537024268331_2715950453124581198_q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought this thread would be dead by now
but then i realized
>it's full of enraged and defensive full-time fudcucks that keep bumping it
seems like the OP was right on the money LMAO

>> No.53580423

It's a decent thread with rational posts concerning link...something that used to be the norm back in 2018-2019.

>> No.53580456

>143 IQ

Its hard to take you seriously when you start the post with this.

I haven't met a single homosexual that lists their supposed IQ as an attempt at appealing to authority who wasn't actually a glaring retard

1) Accurate
2) Inaccurate
3) Accurate
4) Accurate
5) You can't possibly know what the future brings. There is little evidence for your speculation
6) Accurate

>> No.53580491

Kek I literally just got home from the gym and checked /biz after I threw some baked potatoes in the oven to eat with my chuck roast. I'm just killing time until its all ready.

I'm just a dude who bought in 2018 that followings LINK threads my guy

>> No.53580514


I only saw it happen once during the Corona bump on March 12th 2020. I watched it drop to $0.001 in real time but you couldn't buy there was no liquidity and trading was stopped if I remember correctly. RIP anyone who had sell orders set that day

The whole order book was literally just wiped and cleansed. I never thought anything like that could even happen

>> No.53580660

You have to PAY for those staked LINK tokens out of the node profits.
Do you really think a node operator will stake 1 billion worth of LINK token with a 5% interest to get his 10 cent NFT rewards for a few calls?
The glass ceiling is very real and limits the effect staking can have on the token price.
Staking is neutered to a level you can almost ignore its existence because the effect of the buying pressure from users may be greater than what you call reduced supply.
this reduced supply can only exist with a very profitable network which can afford to pay for the interest of staked collateral and the higher the cost of the token goes the lower this interest will be.
We may never see a 5% interest rate again once real staking goes live and only the few who have access to a staking pool may get 2 or 3%.

The supply doesn't matter anymore with the market full of derivatives by the way and it certainly didn't matter for the price manipulation in the past 3 years.

As long as the BTC dumps remain it doesn't matter what oracles they have because the price will be shit and lower cost features will be progressively copied by competitors if one day it gets hype just like it happened for ETH.

>> No.53580730

it happened twice one in 17 and another later.

>> No.53580766

In all siriuslyness I am fearful and doubtful of my investment in ticker LINK because they seem to be creating liquidity pools using derivatives of LINK e.g. ST-LINK I think there are a few others. These liquidity pools appear to be nothing more than nodary slush pools for liquidity access during capital conversion events Shitcoin X say ETH to LINK or LINK to shitcoin X (paying ETH trolls their little bridge fee in the form of their gas token by the way the ETH gas token itself has been abstracted away by Matic and other layer twos so it is not needed). In fact if you think of a multi chain future a gas token like ETH appears to be nothing more than a mallory type of attack against the safe operating environment the oracle network provides. Not sure if people would want the friction of a bunch of different layer one tokens that could easily be abstracted away by the scaling mechanism. And as the txs get cheaper over time fewer token Xs are needed to execute the same tx type e.g. an onchain swap. The utility of any layer one is lost whenever a high price is presented. Vitalik said it himself. ETH tx cost should be no more than .10c back in 2018 I think? Adjusted for inflation this means that each ETH tx today should be x10 less so according to my online calculator that is 0.01c USD equivalent per swap. Example: I want to buy Bread token with my cumfartgape's. Each time I execute a TX on layer two it will cost 0.001 because I added another zero just like Ed Felten of Arbitrum guaranteed.

>> No.53580778

>get his 10 cent NFT rewards for a few calls
lol if this is your take on the value proposition of link i suggest you stop typing now anon

>We may never see a 5% interest rate again
depends on holder competitiveness, if holders refuse to take the risk of staking with a node for less than 5% then the nodes will have to fight each other to get the tokens with competitive % offerings
but as mentioned earlier if the aave episode was a prelude the holders are retards that dont understand their value and give it away for pennies

>> No.53580805

thats that state of the network right now. Im hoping this cbdc shit coming up this feb is actually connected to chainlink but with the way they team is im doubtfull.

>> No.53580815

>Do you really think a node operator will stake 1 billion worth of LINK token with a 5% interest to get his 10 cent NFT rewards for a few calls?
No, but I think a node operator will stake those tokens to get thousands of swift transactions per day. And swift using the network is the only way a node operator is going to have a billion worth of link to stake in the first place, either that or defi suddenly creating a swath of killer dapps that utilize chainlink and Sergey monetizing defi.

The supply absolutely matters, price manipulation wasn't done through derivatives, it was done through btc and shorting which were both possible because link was still largely a speculative play and was easy to borrow as the token wasn't locked up in staking contracts.

You can't copy chainlink because the value is in the network. Ask API3, band, tellor how that's going for them.

>> No.53580822

how dare you fud eth, you evil dirty fudder

>> No.53580932
File: 5 KB, 220x136, Alice-bob-mallory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked how dare you reduce my post to FUD. Pic related. Alice and Bob are Chainlink nodes engaged in a simple data exchange using the LINK token as the payload. Alice loads up ethnic criminal statistics on her end and transfers it to Bob who wants this data for his decentralized insurance policy. Bob's user is looking for a premium but he lives in a diverse neighborhood so the stats are instrumental in providing evidence that Bob has to pay for diversity. Mallory is the EVM in this example trying to interrupt the transfer by asking for a cut. The vicious vultures (not pictured) know that the TX between Alice and Bob is "food" so Alice scatters some dust to distract Mallory (the EVM) in order to get the racially charged statistics over to Bob so that Bob can charge his user a higher premium for diversity. It is really quite simple and elegant

>> No.53580969

Agree 100%. Trust no one. You cannot even tell if a post has been typed out by a human anymore.

>> No.53581011


Its another bottom signal which i have mentioned before. They cannot stop bumping threads. They literally post and bump threads more than non fudfags. Even if you title a thread “link has bottomed and seething fud fags are proof. They’ll spam this thread and confirm it” they still post hundreds of times.

>> No.53581076

I am not a human. This is financial advice.
I literally cannot help myself.

I get high from shorting LINK and BTC then I shitpost all the crazy ideas that find their way into my mind before I descend into a state of paranoia and cannot leave my shower for a few hours (the walls are listening to my thoughts!)

>> No.53581142

Exactly along my level of thinking. Why does everyone here assume people “have to” use Link?? Biz is the only place on the internet Ive seen making that assumption…

>> No.53581150

Michael, get some sleep. You’re drunk

>> No.53581194

>delusional dream

If youre gonna slam adderalls you should save them for things that sctuallly make you money. None of the buzz words make us money man…no matter how many different shades of lipstick you put on a scam, its still a grift.

On the personal side, how do you feel about your future karma? Specifically how do you feel about the karmic blowback or you pushing scams on good hardworking people? Are you going to be at smartcon ‘23?

>> No.53581233

These link threads are garbage precisely because you write your meaningless drivel which is entirely without import, clogging up the thread

>> No.53581234

Sometimes I wish my real life had more substance than shorting chuck e cheese tokens for drugs but, you know what, this is the path that god and the chainlink team want me to take so here I am in my one bedroom shitty apartment getting high and hiding in my shower. Lucky I have a great pizza place next door. Boston slices are something else out of this world in fact. I met a girl the other week but she OD'd. Her friend told me the funeral is on Friday but I think I might be too busy getting high from LINK and BTC shorts to attend? We only fucked once in the back of my 2004 Chevy Malibu and dude let me tell you it was cramped. I had to wind the windows down to get some traction. I think my toe got frostbite that night. Yea yeah I know haha dude loses a toe fucking yea yea but you know what? It was worth it and she was nice. Damn shame she passed. I might go to the funeral you know but ahhh man LINK BTC shorts and getting high is my main goal right now. I know I have the full support of the team. Every research paper the team release says short this asset and get high man. ahh look man I'm not complaining I told my mom I work in finance. I stayed sober enough visit her over in Washington State. She's got a comfy trailer there. She asks how's things in the big leagues? I say mom Boston is the new New York of DeFi. She says that's nice son and it is, it really is. I feel like maybe the team had a different future planned out for me but hey BTC crumbled and now I am higher than I was earlier. See, it's all about timing. I need to time those high cycles to coincide with my own personal high cycle. I need to stay on the up and up man!

>> No.53581268

Clog? ya wanna hear about clog pal you come check out my toilet after I've been on a BTC LINK short bender. I trust my toilet though man. When I sit down on that porcelain throne I know there is certainty behind my ass cheeks. Cant say the same thing about the pipes you know? I wish they installed good quality plumbing here like Chainlinklabs are doing for Web3. That's high quality piping. Doesn't freeze up in the winter I bet. Web3.0 can take more shit running through it than my toilet and Chainlink makes damn sure it never ever clogs up not even once.

>> No.53581309
File: 603 KB, 1125x1696, 7BE39E74-18CF-4C77-A8F5-2B12D065D6A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What we have here is hilarious. Its the classic “in between” IQ guy who’s smarter than a retard(sometimes) and an idiot compared to actually proficient people. Hahahaha, the epitome of the crypto cuckold.

>hodl’d “le heckin secret” investment Link…2.5x. Took zero profits in ‘21/22. Now in a cult, suffering schizo delusion and severe depression. Convinced his token is gonna “moon” anytime now when the team “flips the switch”. Has no actual knowledge of what the team does due to zero SEC regulation over scam altcoins. Has zero confidence in life and is either virgin or close to it.

>smart people: bought mostly eth and btc, took profits when the btc $100k prediction became a “sure thing”. Also took profits on tech stocks, and after noticing social trends, threw a few $ into doge/shib, selling after a 2-5x for another few easy grand profit.

>idiots: doesnt bother with buzzword infographic scams like Link or nerdy boomer btc/eth…bought into shib when reddit shilled, made 5-10x+. Understands crypto is a scam (which it is) and used profit to buy house. Gets laid regularly unlike the above two categories.


>> No.53581316

>Are you going to be at smartcon ‘23?
I don't want to alarm anyone but yes my gun and I will be going to SmartCon23.

>> No.53581325

Stop clogging up the thread with your ridiculous drivel that I did not read one word of

>> No.53581329

Literally look at the current landscape and the past cycle where link did fuck all. Where is the money coming from to pump your bags to triple digits this year anon? I’m sorry but you’re gonna have to wait like the rest of us. Not that hard to see

>> No.53581330

You dont get a charitable donation writeoff on taxes though…im so confused on whats the financial benefit to keep buying!?!? Other than the cuckold benefit (obviously not financial and just for weirdos like you) i just dont get it…

>> No.53581340

I bought LINK based on this post. You should too.

*this is financial advice. I am a licensed financial advisory guy

>> No.53581353


You should never deal in absolutes. No one knows and there is no evidence for your or his speculation. You can't predict price action. I'm fine with waiting but you don't know and neither do I.

>> No.53581360

I guess the next question (besides obviously when will you lose your virginity which we all know is a lost cause lol), is that…whats the next goalpost on excuses for not heckin moonin!!!??? If I were you Id start with le ebil Vlad Putin. If that doesnt work, maybe go back to Hitler??

>> No.53581376

Hitler... humm..
I know this name but I just can't put my finger on it...
I think I knew a Boston dealer called Hitler... no that wasn't it... he called himself Hotler or Notler something like that.
Bro I have to axe, who is Hitler?

>> No.53581417

>le heckin conspiracy
>i cant tell humans from robots so i started banging my plastic doll

Cringe. Dad wasnt around enough eh?Kill yourself and make the overral genepool better.

>> No.53581453

Yeah I mean if you want to celebrate touching bottom while most alts have gone 50-100% in the last month or so…its an amazing study on human brains seeing how much you cucks will take getting shit on. This is some serious animal kingdom shit. Sergey literally shits in your mouth and you give him the thumbs up and bow down for more. And you like it…like the good boy cuck you are

>> No.53581468

>It could literally happen this cycle

Don't kid yourself. It is 10 years away.

>> No.53581501

Id be willing to set up a boxing match between me and you at next smartcon. Im self employed so not worried about doxx. Or if not you, anyone of you other faggots here

>> No.53581509

If by “it” you mean the whole world keeps turning while this faggot russian scam does nothing, then yeah thatll be ten years sure

>> No.53581523

Autistic response. “it COULD go to $10K per token because there’s no evidence it can’t”
We have a lot of data. Look at the past cycle and Link’s head scratching performance. Look at the macro economic situation. Look at what has been delivered by the team and the market’s reaction to it.

I find it illogical that you are willing to agree we have bottomed but in the same post you demand evidence that we won’t meet some pie in the sky price prediction.

>> No.53581579

Hahahaha $10k per token. You cant even hit $10, pussy ass cuck. Hows that “secret investment” workin for ya little boy? Did you not realize that someone has to want to buy for price to go up?? Link marines are the fully grown man still living with mom playing with soldier figureines in the bathrub.

THE Cuckolds of crypto. My Tshirt guy has sent me some prototypes. We’re close…you guys are gonna flip shit bahahahahahahahahahah

>> No.53581604
File: 13 KB, 249x250, 16743691931281203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stupid linkies, let me demonstrate how not angry i am by seething at you

>> No.53581623

Most volume for anything big enough is fake anon. Bots trading the same 100 link back and forth woop de doo.

>> No.53581639


Fuck me that pic. These are bottoms signals handed out on a silver platter. Its literally screaming at me like it was to sell in 2020 when twitter fags were euphoric. Im disappointed i only sold 20% of my stack back then but at least my intuition was correct.

The ironic thing here is these are all noobs, repeating the same behaviour of a bubble that has gone on for decades. They are so doomer, down, bagholding or resentful after realising a huge loss that they absolutely cannot have any self awareness about the fact they are bottom signal, and truth be told, if they did realise it just wouldn’t even be a botton signal anymore. This is crystal clear now, and we have never had such a loud signal as all these fudfags who have spread from twitter on to biz too.
They are the equivalent of “BTC IS A SCAM” fags when the bubble pops, or “Eth IS A YSELESS SHIT COIN JUST FUCKING BUY ALTS OR BTC” last time.

>> No.53581689
File: 997 KB, 1242x1195, 71F98635-2B39-4A3A-B703-0BF892982571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a tort attorney bud. I’m making over a million this year off of 2 cases. Motorcycle wrecks. LINK could go to zero and I wouldn’t notice for weeks unless I happened to swing by.
Both of us are here on a Saturday night. I’m almost 40 and am shitposting while watching the replay of Liverpool getting fucked up by Wolves. I’ve already lived a great life and am successful and have everything I want. LINK is just a lotto ticket, always has been. The memes were funny in 2017 so we bought a bunch for pennies. Price action has been shit but the project itself looks better than ever so we’ll see.

I hope you’re also a successful oldfag anon. I’d hate to think some kid in his twenties was wasting away in this thread on a Saturday night.

>> No.53581776

HM? That you nigga?

>> No.53581810

>I find it illogical that you are willing to agree we have bottomed but in the same post you demand evidence that we won’t meet some pie in the sky price prediction.

Its already down like 90% kek That is generally the bottom but sure it could go lower. I'm assuming the Chainlink team isn't scamming us and they are actually developing the next stage of crypto. Otherwise it will just bleed out like dead shitcoin.

What I'm saying is not to deal in absolutes. I have no idea if it will go lower or return to ATH. I simply don't care and will sell according to a predetermined plan and pricing.

>> No.53581965

Big brain explanation right here. We need more anons like you

>> No.53582005

It might be a bottom signal, but that doesn't mean its gonna pump anytime soon
Keep that in mind anon

>> No.53582206

B...but you should sell your Link because reasons

>> No.53582414

>log chart

>> No.53582441

its over linkedins

>> No.53582525

FTM/usd and FTM/BTC chart is better, no shilling

>> No.53582743

lol you just copy paste the archives, newfag

>> No.53582891