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File: 85 KB, 625x470, 64D7B569-763E-44D5-9004-F3771B81FEF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53576781 No.53576781 [Reply] [Original]

Prices are up 60% (or more) since 2019 and interest rate increases haven’t lowered them at all, yes, even in Nebraska

>> No.53576797


>> No.53576848

Dude just move to San Francisco. I read a gawker piece the other day about twenty year olds who make 200k a year just posting memes for Google LOL.

Your generation has it so easy, but all you do is complain that you're not handed a house. Just man up and rent a cheap apartment for $200 a month or whatever cheap housing goes for in San Fran and then save up for a few years. That's what your parents and grandparents did.

>> No.53576869

Prices don't correct overnight. Give it another year or two.

>> No.53576876
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>hes not buying prime real estate in cities before their zestimate goes up and is priced out of abandoned heroin dens in zombie hoods

ngmi. No wonder flippers are dabbing on biz all the time.

>> No.53576886

trolling aside, it's like that everywhere. my rural hometown in pennsyltucky is similar, like $200k for a livable house.

>> No.53576983
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>uh uuuh I need muh safe neighborhood
>no I wont live in a place with gunshots and dealers, I need muh nintendo and 4chan posting comfy den
>is literally getting finance mogged by heroin junkies appreciating assets

Dave ramsey cant force you to put your rice beans and piss jug budget on real estate yet you flush it all away on dogcoins.

>> No.53576985

Rural Ohio checking in. Something still standing can be had for around 150k but you're gonna be driving over an hour to get to work and our wages are low. Shits fucked.

>t. 10 year experience mechanical engineer living in his mom's basement

>> No.53576996

fags from the coasts came and ruined everything

>> No.53577014

How's the internet out there tho? I work remote

>> No.53577016

Upper middle grade bait

>> No.53577037

This is what I keep telling people that say "BRO JUST MOVE TOTHE MIDWEST"
home prices are up EVERYWHERE. there's no escape unless you live in the absolute shittiest, grossest, grimiest places with no opportunities, social life, or anything pleasant or redeeming about it at all. Anywhere that's even half way decently livable has gone up and will take years to come down, if they ever do.

>> No.53577049

not him but i'm guessing it's very bad. my parents get 8/1 mbps DSL that drops several times a week and goes completely offline for a few days once or twice a year. it's like that in most rural areas: shithole ISPs like Frontier buying up dead local ISPs and refusing to upgrade the infrastructure.

>> No.53577067

How the fuck does this even happen in the US, it's 2023

>> No.53577107
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>nooo I'm afraid of the city, I'll get muggedarino
zestimate stacy is going to sleep with chad flipper in the hood in their future barcade neighborhood with chipotles and starbucks and you are still complaining why?

>> No.53577131
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I for one am 100% in favor of those spikes on flat surfaces to deter homeless from sleeping there. There should be more spikes everywhere to deter poors.

>> No.53577136

>buy this shit
>rent it out to hipsters as a haunted house
>they get scared by all the shit going on around them
>they pay and leave a 5/5 review

>> No.53577154

a local politician is trying to do something about it, but it won't go anywhere. https://www.reppickett.com/News/31798/Press-Releases/Pickett,-Owlett-Host-Public-Meetings-About-Frontier-Communications-Formal-Complaint-

>> No.53577175

I mean, every year I see more and more homeless people. It's a real issue, and I don't know why the cops aren't getting involved to round these people up. They're always just hanging around driving the property value down, idk what makes a person want to be like that.

>> No.53577233

I live in the bay area and they've started rounding up the tent livers into homeless ghettos now. There's one about a mile from my house that gets bigger and bigger each time I drive past it. People get FURIOUS at the cops rounding up the homeless yet are fine with walking past dudes shooting up outside of the shopping mall. It's nuts out here.

>> No.53577291

What does rounding up accomplish? You realize they dont have a home they can go to?

>> No.53577333
File: 161 KB, 948x533, Trump&Hogan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it should be a crime punishable by death to be homeless
>suddenly more people seek substance abuse treatment
to make real change, you have to be willing to do unpopular things

>> No.53577353

Not really my problem lol, they should have worked harder to not be homeless.

I just don't see why my property value should go down because of these people. Just last week one of my rental properties got broken into (currently unoccupied since I'm waiting for a student with good credit and the right person hasn't come along yet) and now I have to replace the windows. The government really needs to get involved and do something about these scumbags.

>> No.53577357

this. and dont tell me you can't find a job in those tech companies. just go in person and ask directly the managers if they're hiring. eye contact, nice smile, firm handshake.

>> No.53577379

Yeah it's crazy. I'd we were a progressive country like Sweden we'd give these people a shipping container to live in and as much heroin as they can shoot up, provided they stay inside their barbed wire encampment. Instead we get this idiot republicans who are constantly cutting social programs and causing this crisis in the first place

>> No.53577424

>muh correction cope

It doesn't help if prices go up 300% then drop 25% zoomie

>> No.53577429

Look my parents are GOOD PEOPLE. They worked hard, pulled themselves up by their bootstraps, and now are retired and living off of their three investment properties and monthly social security checks.

Just last month some twenty year old man shoved my dad over outside the supermarket and ran off with his groceries.

We need to put an end to these people, they just prey on innocent law abiding citizens

>> No.53577428

You don't have to kill homeless just send them to the desert. There are plenty of them making a living out there. I don't know how they survive the harsh environment but they do. I know people who vagabond around California in their cars and make a living that way.

>> No.53577466

your larping is gay and tiresome

>> No.53577479

There's space in a lot of halfway houses for these people, just they choose not to put in the effort to try and get a decent life.

>> No.53577484

housing correction is already happening
nobody intelligent is buying hoping for a return on investment anymore

>> No.53577506

In California most of those places are full, there are thousands and thousands of homeless people in California. I have an an aunt that lives in California with a good job and she still struggles because she's not a tech worker, in California there are just 2 classes of people: Tech workers and everybody else. I would never live in California because I don't work in tech.

>> No.53577525

Rounding up is providing a place for them to go to, by definition. Without putting them somewhere, they wouldn't stay rounded up.

>> No.53577534

I'm not a violent person but you genuinely deserve a bullet in the head.

>> No.53577537

if you transport them, then you have to give them houses and that isn't going to happen. Weaboo Zoomies who cry about being unable to afford houses are the same homeless people. Probably drug addicted too. Deplorable and disgusting.

>> No.53577644
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>please take a drill to view property
Sweat Equity!

>> No.53577658

You seriously never heard of homeless living in RVs in the desert? They don't build them houses, they just send them out there. They survive just fine.


>> No.53577690

>Dude just move to San Francisco

>> No.53577765

I would rather let a rental sit vacant until the day I die than drop my prices or let a rent slave have a good deal. Renters are subhuman and if you ever even for one second let your foot off their throat they will poop inside your water heater and cum in the ventilation. I look forward to the day where all renters are lined against a wall and shot.

>> No.53577892
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This expalins the underlying reason why OP can't afford a house:

>> No.53578728

Yep, just keep waiting for my real life to start

Dude, if I bought the cheapest home currently listed in my Nebraska town of 35,000 people right now and put 20% down I’d be paying 45% of my take home pay on the mortgage lmfao

>> No.53578772

You have to lower your expectations. Buy a few acres and live in a camper. When you get the land paid off you can build a house.

>> No.53578780
File: 88 KB, 1090x1411, chicago gentrification 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am doing this already, have posted about it in a few threads before.
It's easy to spot a gem before it develops:
>high black/latino population (preferably latino)
>close to public transit (preferably rail transit)
>crime decreasing, avg neighborhood wealth increasing
>adjacent to established gentrified neighborhoods
>school ratings slowly improving (I mean like a greatschools 1 ranking to like a 3)
>signs of new construction starting
>new coffee shops and restaurants, preferably mid to high-end

I live in Chicago and there are at least 5-10 neighborhoods where this is in full swing or just starting to happen. The city itself is becoming richer and whiter pretty quickly, especially as people start to return to the office. You can make a great long-term play in some of those rapidly gentrifying neighborhoods, but expect your property tax bill to jump with it and include that in your calculation.

>> No.53578815

rip slimbird

>> No.53578864
File: 312 KB, 1248x858, kearney ne cheapest home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>town in nebraska
>35k population

Only town close to that in population I can find is Kearney at 32k. This is the cheapest home listed - 170k.

You're looking at a $1114 monthly payment. Your estimated monthly take-home is roughly $4,045. That's a 27% ratio. What the fuck are you talking about?

Also, you're a single man. Do you really need three bedrooms? I'd say this is more than enough.

>> No.53578905


TS is a whiny fuck and full of shit. I make his salary and am living just fine in North Dakota.

>> No.53578915

>Price a bunch of poor niggers out of their homes and any chance of intergenerational wealth, so you can impress other rich white people by the audacity of living in a hip ethnic neighborhood, and finally make a bundle after several years by selling it for 3x markup to some soccer mom with a BLM sign on her SUV.
>Rinse and repeat by finding a new poor neighborhood that's finally starting to get its shit together to loot
People like you should be worked to death in a forced labour camp in Alaska. You're nothing but a parasite, and a significant part of the problem.

>> No.53578937

>Your estimated monthly take-home is roughly $4,045
After taxes? Wut? Maybe thats the problem here

>> No.53578966

Nope checks out to me

I love the idea of gentrifying our cities and making them safe once again. Euclidean Zoning is one of the greatest mistakes of the 20th century.
>Price a bunch of poor niggers out of their homes and any chance of intergenerational wealth
If they're renting, sure. But long-time owners are the first to benefit from change here, how is that not obvious? They get a golden parachute and can fuck off to the next neighborhood or start a comfy suburban life. (away from me)

>> No.53578985

The median Us wage is 33k a year before taxes, dude

>> No.53578987

I make 36k in Virginia and will never achieve anything.

>> No.53578998
File: 64 KB, 704x768, ne takehome pay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going off of OP's specific situation - he mentioned he makes 67k

>> No.53579027

You're right. Missed that

>> No.53579034
File: 129 KB, 962x1308, 3BB6B4F200000578-0-image-a-22_1483101155805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I for one am 100% in favor of those spikes on flat surfaces to deter homeless from sleeping there. There should be more spikes everywhere to deter poors.
Homeless people are just gonna break the spikes or go someplace else.
>idk what makes a person want to be like that.
People cant afford houses and cant afford rent?
Lmao, holy fuck, I hope white people get the South Africa treatment soon.

>> No.53579061
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>People get FURIOUS at the cops rounding up the homeless yet are fine with walking past dudes shooting up outside of the shopping mall. It's nuts out here.
Drugs should be legal, homelessness should be legal, cops dont want to have to get stabbed with rusty needles so you fucking gay fucking socialists can live without seeing the consequences of your actions.

>> No.53579079
File: 68 KB, 606x643, 942ddce054f8691cbb8949c462444cb1-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it should be a crime punishable by death to be homeless
You're too fucking weak IRL to do it yourself, secondly, why is you dumb white trash always say "kill people I dont like" as any fucking solution to any problem.

>> No.53579107
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>Just last month some twenty year old man shoved my dad over outside the supermarket and ran off with his groceries.
Based as fuck, hope you get raped by a pack of niggers and I hope your dad has to watch as said niggers rape your mom and slash her throat.
Literally fucking drop dead.

>> No.53579135
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>A minority.
Whites have been a minority forever, go back to fucking Europe you fucking snow nigger.

>> No.53579157
File: 62 KB, 720x775, 1572367296781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The median Us wage is 33k a year before taxes, dude
And the purchasing power get's fucking less and less every single fucking time our Government sends ANYONE more money.

>> No.53579239

>Our cities
They're not yours though, you're literally moving into someone else's neighborhood, outbidding them on previously asperational properties, then slowly forcing them so you can build coffee shops and jack up the prices.

Unironically go back to where you came from your transient parasite. If you're so greedy for mamon why don't you learn a trade or craft and try actually creating something for once?

The only difference between what you do and one of the coons you're so afraid of breaking into your house and carrying off your TV is that you'll never face any consequences for your actions. Kill yourself.

>> No.53579263

>As soon as the class consciousness starts getting too real the same IP address enters the thread to spew racism at all sides
Like clockwork

>> No.53579273

I’ve been seeing more and more abandoned flips out here and there’s lots of new developments still being assembled nearer the city. MAKE THEM BLEED.
Just keep grinding and helping your mom for the next year or two.

>> No.53579417
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There's nothing you can do about it, and I'm coming for your neighborhood next.

>> No.53579806

pretty based take

>> No.53580090

There's 900 million people like op priced out waiting for a slight dip to slash at each other's throats to be the first to put 3% down on the cheapest shitshack they can. It's over

>> No.53580098


Live with roommates, or family.

>> No.53580663


>> No.53580682

Just move mexico
By your savings in us dollars you would live fairly comfortable considering that the salart of the average american is like 10 fold what we make herr by day/ hour.

Hell i get paid 1.5 dollars an hour myself
T. Clinical lab fag

>> No.53580697

there's also a few fringe cases where homeless people get jobs and apartments. Wasn't Jewel homeless at one point? The homeless should just become pop singers and refuse to get their teeth fixed.

>> No.53580706

yeah except no
people are waiting for the crash

>> No.53580732

no it isnt

>> No.53580741

stop watching porn

>> No.53580750


I live in the outskirts of Cleveland and talk with some guys at work who live in the real rural areas of Ohio, Ashtabula county specifically. Some things associated with rural living in Ohio:

>human trafficking associated with the cartels, which includes whites being hired to participate in kidnappings
>people in the area pretending to have car troubles then attacking you when you look under their hood
>people mysteriously dying from gunshots in their own home, maybe suicide or maybe not

He actually mentioned his internet is pretty good though.

>> No.53581911

I love how any discussion about real estate investing brings out the trannies. Back to dilating.

Just use the FEMA tents. Better than what they have now and they would be away from drugs/property to destroy

>> No.53581938

I find this extremely hard to believe, I make 62K and have a 320K house in AZ

>> No.53581952

fuck niggers

>> No.53581989
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please tell me you're a paid shill and that you're not bootlicking for free

>> No.53581993
File: 581 KB, 817x663, Screenshot (4242).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you went to a top 20 worldwide university you don't get those jobs.
Everyone else is stuck in 50k-70k trap.
I only know one person in my graduating class that makes more than 100 grand, and his father also works for the bank.
That should tell you something.
The median income in San Francisco is 75 grand.

anything else you were told is a lie
it's the only place where people with six figure salary's still need to have roommates.
its hell.

I grew up here.
and there are more and tech layoffs every day.

The bay area has probably lost 1500 tech jobs a day for the last 2 or 3 months.
and if you think it's over your delusional

>> No.53582062
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tick tock baggie

>> No.53582074

That’s about what I’m making. I don’t see how this is remotely sustainable if everyone is this poor.