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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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532559 No.532559[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How to get rich /biz/? I want serious answers, not some autistic bullshit.

>> No.532560

Have you tried killing yourself yet?

>> No.532565

>I want serious answers, not some autistic bullshit.

>> No.532567

Stop asking autistic questions if you don't want autistic answers. Kill yourself.

>> No.532575

But question is not autistic. Getting rich is the main topic of this board.

>> No.532579

Do it.

>> No.532582

If I knew how to get rich, I'd have done it already.

>> No.532584

I meant kill yourself. Do it.

>> No.532589

record sex with those two women and sell. i promise not to pirate

>> No.532608

I make above minimum wage everyday, all about building your bankroll, it's not easy though and most will fail.

>> No.532612 [DELETED] 

Simple. Aquire money.

>> No.532614

Simple. Acquire money

>> No.532620

Have you tried laying in the street?

>> No.532823

gain money
don't fuck up

>> No.532832
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6 ways to become rich:
1. move up the corporate ladder/through a high paying job
2. real-estate
3. start a business, business becomes successful = you get rich
4. through investing
5. become some sort of celebrity
6. crime

can anyone think of any others?

>> No.532852

Buy Facebook stock bruh

>> No.532888


>> No.533753 [DELETED] 

-convince someone else to give you money in exchange of services or products.
-or steal it
-or print it

>> No.533755

By killing yourself.

>> No.533758

-convince someone else to give you money in exchange of services or products.
-steal money
-print money
-have rich parent

>> No.534245

take risks, often ever larger risks

and no i dont mean gambling on stock options

>> No.534250

we get this question 10 times a day

fuck off

>> No.534251

They're all by the same person.

>> No.534319

I guess they're part of the way there then. If you want to get rich you should be asking that question 10 times a day. I guess what they are missing is the going out and finding the answer though.

>> No.534323
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>be dragon
>defend pile of gold from retarded hobitses

>> No.534338

By doing something

>> No.534343


>> No.534350

>pro athlete
>successful musician
>develop successful app/site/software

>> No.534353

>pro athlete
>successful musician
5. become some sort of celebrity
>develop successful app/site/software
3. start a business

>> No.534355


>> No.535186


Ok, perhaps a better question..... What is everyone living in NYC doing for a living?

Seriously. A shit studio apartment easily goes for $500k in Manhattan. The apartments in One57 currently under construction are fucking insane. (and sold out?) What the fuck are they all doing for a living?

They aren't all entertainers and Wall Street people.

>> No.535188


hey you stupid retarded nigger.

you can live in queens, parts of brooklyn, harlem, NJ for somewhat reasonable prices. All places 5 minutes away from a Subway which take you into Manhattan

stop being a nigger

-signed anon

>> No.535189

Buy high
Sell higher


>> No.535294

>OP and anon ask honest question
>Troll anon too ignorant to comprehend the point of the questions
>this is /biz/ right?

Go back to /b/ my friend

>> No.535721

Marry someone rich.
Become a lawyer and steal it.
Invent something valuable
Work a job all life and pinch pennies

>> No.535728


You are now aware that autistic bullshit IS how you get rich.

>> No.535750

Buy bitcoin, wait 10 years. I'm dead serious.

>> No.535757

>I'm dead serious
we know you are you poor soul. we know you are

>> No.535763
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>> No.535793

1. Get life insurance
2. Kill youself
3. ???
4. Profit?!!?!?

>> No.535803

>Getting rich is the main topic of this board.
Leave. Never return.

>> No.535818

Considering you are either dumb as a stone or a troll that's equally stupid for wasting your time with these threads, my suggestion would be to suck dick..lots off it. This could actually take you a long way buddy. Keep on sucking that dick that's your only purpose.

>> No.535841

Why? Everyone is here to get rich.

>> No.535939
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>> No.536121


Be born into money

>> No.536140

"A young man asked an old rich man how he made his money. The old guy fingered his worsted wool vest and said, "Well, son, it was 1932. The depth of the Great Depression. I was down to my last nickel. I invested that nickel in an apple. I spent the entire day polishing the apple and, at the end of the day, I sold the apple for ten cents. The next morning, I invested those ten cents in two apples. I spent the entire day polishing them and sold them at 5 pm for 20 cents. I continued this system for a month, by the end of which I'd accumulated a fortune of $1.37. Then my wife's father died and left us two million dollars."