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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 477 KB, 800x428, ukrenian woman life cycle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53574277 No.53574277 [Reply] [Original]

Noob here, i'm ready to yolo 1k on shitcoins.
i just installed Metamask, what should i do next?

what shitcoin should i buy?

>> No.53574353

HEX and whatever shkreli mentions

>> No.53574367

isn't that guy in jail?

>> No.53574384

Coinbase is better.

>> No.53574419

what's going on in this video?

>> No.53574437

shkreli? no he's out and streaming almost daily

>> No.53574493
File: 545 KB, 596x814, 16377850115760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dope Wars Paper

>> No.53574564

Life of Slavic woman

>> No.53574585

Bridge to arbitrum and cop some $ARBINU before they speak at the official arbitrum twitter spaces this week

>> No.53574612

ARBINU over on arbitrum. Its the official memecoin of the fastest growing chain and is about to breakout

>> No.53574710

Unironically Just Pump It $jpi
You've been warned

>> No.53574711

ImgnAi. First shitcoin to churn out Ai waifus.

>> No.53574742

i wan to hold my money

>> No.53574778

I could have saved her

>> No.53574837

looks like its in post pump, made a decent 18x but i don't see a reason to invest in it.
its nothing revolutionary, new or even useful. its meme potential is also low

pretty sure that coin will go under its starting price before the end of the month

>> No.53575056

bridge to arbitrum and buy arbinu imo

>> No.53575164


pick high ceiling projects on alt chains, look on arbitrum right now it’s the top alt chain

>> No.53575219 [DELETED] 

Half BTC. It's run by a community that just sent another project to >500k. It's at 10k right now. You do the math.

>> No.53575511

if half BTC is supposed to be half the value of a btc wouldn't it be easier to just invest in btc directly?

>> No.53575629

Just buy whatever you see shilled here especially if the thread is filled only with enthusiatic buyers!

>> No.53575781


>> No.53575785

Don't listen to any of these retards.
$1000 is an alright amount to start with, not great not bad.
I would've usually suggested BSC but BSC has been really bad lately.
Your best bet is to convert that 1k into eth.
After that, bridge $500 worth of eth to arbitrum and keep the remaining $500 worth of eth on eth chain.
Learn to read smart contracts and learn to track wallets. You can also use telegrams to make your job a bit easier (most of the call channels are trash so you'll have to be picky about good ones).
Don't ape big at start, only small amount.
Let's say you start with 0.03 eth per play. Don't hold, keep flipping for 2x. As you get more comfortable and better at flipping shitcoins, increase your bet size and decide which coins to hold for longer.

>> No.53576000

many people here are ngmi because they can’t separate a shitcoin from a gem

>> No.53576103

You sound like a moron, just buy arbinu and 10x this week when the arbitrum core team hosts their twitter spaces

>> No.53576146

For a long term project, I would look at SURGE, it's on bsc and eth. For quick gains, use a bot like maestro and either find a good wallet to track or call channels to get quick 2-5xs. Don't ape too much, and set the bot for under 20k mcap if you want to catch early shit.

>> No.53576162

Don’t spend all your lunch money in one place, kiddo

>> No.53576182
File: 144 KB, 1196x624, 1638117143796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the @CryptoClownClub telegram group so you can have a decent chance at finding shitcoins early. /biz/ being a mongolian skating forum will by nature be slower than telegram, and even twitter.

Most of the shitcoins you see being posted here have a significantly higher r/r because any discussion that is not about the top 50 gets killed in the bud meaning you almost never see them early.

Good luck to you anon, whatever you decide to do.

>> No.53576197

Sigh i never feel good posting in these threads as they are saturated with bullshit neets, but anyway, check out SCLP. (Scallop). about 12mil mc at the moiment.

>> No.53577173

this clip seems misedited, it repeats the first few seconds

>> No.53577185

your mom
>verification not required

>> No.53577203
File: 332 KB, 800x428, ukrainian woman life cycle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53577217

Just dump it in Shib

>> No.53577422

get my shitcoin i just made you can be a whale with just a few bucks atm
liq is locked for a month and i'll burn it if it pops off
if it dies then i'll just rug it

>> No.53577517

Where to follow Shkrelli again I see his twitter got suspended

>> No.53577655

I’m about to bust a nut and look at arbi shitcoins all afternoon

>> No.53578070

his discord is up and has a socials channel

discord com / invite / martinshkreli

>> No.53578512

>skips the very first frame with the shortest skirt
ok faggot

>> No.53579828
File: 1.43 MB, 896x504, ukrainian woman life cycle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw fuck I missed that because I was in a hurry and used -c:v copy to forgo reencoding, turns out the first frame wasn't a key frame
anyway here's better quality than >>53574277

>> No.53581205

$RSR if you never want to work again.

t. Crypto Wagie Extreme

>> No.53582923
File: 153 KB, 640x640, babyarbinu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.53583813

That webm should have an age counter. Age 30 is when the apples appear.
Also nice dubs.

>> No.53583854

Your security should be your concern normie, a privacy enabled wallet like Railway wallet is what you need not metamask.

>> No.53583875

A lot of people in crypto are NGMI because the refuse to learn the simple strategy of following the news. The best field to invest in now is privacy because Defi and self custody are in full motion and asset security is fucking important now.

>> No.53583878


Huge Liquidity (in Millions) Locked & Burned Forever.

Super Low MC,as low as 1.5M

Community Driven.

Kuma DAO delivered,

kumaswapX Launched .. !(where you can buy assets in ETH Chain by using BNBs or BSC tokens, or BSC tokens using ERC assets, moreover MATIC, AVALANCE too) The first of its kind, the king (Cross chain swap over 10 different blockchain)

Kuma breeder gives you more than precious gov token dKuma .

dKuma breeder is the second staking programme, where anyone can stake dkuma to earn USDC

A Decentralized Leverage Dex upcoming (kumaDex)

0 Tax, 0 Team token.

Community getting Stronger everyday
Only 118T C supply which is much less than any meme coin.

All time High was 30x without any product, now we are getting many products ready

Don't wait till it's too late ,Buy and HODL tight