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File: 49 KB, 498x441, tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53573970 No.53573970 [Reply] [Original]

>oh no, your skin supposed to be clear of acne and smooth
>let me invent a thing called "skincare"
>oh, you are not supposed to sleep like that
>let me invent you a device that would play ultrasonic sound to make you sleep better
>oh no, you are not supposed to buy clothes once a year
>let us make a clothes and invent a thing called "fashion" to shame you to wear old clothes

At this point, new product that came into the market is packed with a problem that we havent had before, and they make us think that their product is to solve that problem. We never had any problem with acne, we never had any problem with wearing old clothes, we never had any problem with sleeping just as it is.
Has the market always been like this and I am too dumb to realize it now?

>> No.53573979

People need things to buy things as a cope. Terror management theory my friend

>> No.53573997

easiest protest is to just not buy this shit. does it actually bother you? why does it bother you? you never mentioned the actual problem here.

>> No.53574036
File: 68 KB, 553x506, The Nigger of biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your skin supposed to be clear

Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Kill jewish babies! Kill jewish babies! Kill jewish babies! Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg. Nigg.

>> No.53574040

we replaced meaning in life through community/religion with meaning in life through capitalism. salvation can only come through consuming new product

>> No.53574075

people want to look good to attract the opposite sex, you're a fucking retard
>t. sleeps on silk pillowcase

>> No.53574080

I have never shop or buy things just for the sake of trend
What bothers me is that people keep biting into it, it's literally just the same concept over and over and over again, have we reached the point where the market is not innovative anymore? Have we reached the maximum utility?

>> No.53574094

so tired of you esl faggots shitting up the board with your useless fucking drivel. KYS YOU FUCKING BRAINDEAD PIECE OF SHIT, THIS ISN'T YOUR BLOG

>> No.53574130

That's only accurate if you're young or a woman. Which one is it, kid?

>> No.53574146

Drink more water, wash your face and your clothes and stop drinking SODA ALL DAY.
Dumb ass hole.

>> No.53574160

Crypto is the ultimate solution in search of a problem.

>> No.53574161
File: 276 KB, 600x600, 1576456379506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People need things to buy things as a cope. Terror management theory my friend
Oh that's cool, when I die my kids will get to keep my silver and gold, you can die right now and no one will miss you.

>> No.53574169
File: 66 KB, 1024x576, 1598975914753m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which one is it, kid?
Which one is it? kid.
Fixed that for you, you fucking mutt.
Go back to school, learn to type a proper sentence.
Dumb retard.

>> No.53574176
File: 136 KB, 416x513, f0d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your appearance is a mirror of you are are, if you look like a disgusting greasy fatass than you are probaly a asshole

>> No.53574186
File: 96 KB, 811x1024, 1615936165014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's only accurate if you're young or a woman.
Yeah I think I will keep looking good and you can sit here and be salty you pissed your life away.

>> No.53574202
File: 118 KB, 720x715, Fascism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53574212

Cope. After 25 looks aren't gonna do shit for you. Should've spent time learning skills instead of following skincare youtubers.

>> No.53574316

>t. Copey McCoperson
Youth is a product of genetics and epigenetics, in that order. We are not the same.

>> No.53574342
File: 377 KB, 220x123, 1670938559121495.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucked that whole sentence up. It would've been fine without a comma but you turned it from him asking a question to answering his own question. Mad AND stupid on a Saturday because you're probably buying dumb shit.

>> No.53574401

Drink water, eat Whole Foods, avoid goyslop
Get 8hrs consistently and avoid taking your phone into bed with you
Get fit, cut calories to where your face looks slim. As long as you’re not fat clothes should look good regardless.

Simple as

>> No.53576005

>since its inception money has, and will continue to, insinuate itself into every aspect of life