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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53569872 No.53569872 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/

is this a good deal

I can own part of a mansion!!

>> No.53569881

herp derp

>> No.53570419

Unfinished Harry otter set

>> No.53570496
File: 18 KB, 512x468, 1654128425596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would watch Harry Otter.

>> No.53570619
File: 87 KB, 974x1061, 1674609331935318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck is he saying?

>> No.53570669

you can speculate on house construction like futures contracts with expiration dates
and then leverage the speculation with loans

>> No.53570681

FTHB is “Fuck the heebs bro” surely

>> No.53570908

>we ran out of mony plz halp

>> No.53570978

25% for 15% cash - Where do I sign?
Hajji looks a totally trustworthy kinda bloke.

>> No.53571026
File: 78 KB, 550x550, F6634A5B-2862-4C4D-8ABC-82F0BD6877AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's exactly what I thought reading this

>> No.53571057

No, you have to take LKAS into consideration and also make sure that AFG is stable in case Sfz doesn't hold up to the expectations. SDOP is perfect for situations when VFSP is at 0.12 to 5.24 EF

>> No.53571097

>pay an Arab to invest $60,000 + tip in cash to "own" 25% of a Mexican-built house in commiefornia that will be inhabited by an effeminate white guy and his ugly Thai girlfriend
Name something more American

>> No.53571108

>masonary over chipboard
Oh America!

>> No.53571334


>> No.53571358


>> No.53571975

this lmao

>> No.53572182

Ive seen fireplaces fall off the wall because they just glue them on there instead of building them

>> No.53572396
File: 627 KB, 662x915, 1639362987417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buying 25% of a paper and plywood mcmansion with a retard property speculator through his arab/jew broker as we are at the edge of going into the greatest housing correction.

oh my fucking sides.

Now what is interesting, is a broker pitched basically the same type of deal to me a few days ago.

fucking speculators are running out of cash.

>> No.53572417
File: 2.27 MB, 500x500, 1587522606007.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some retard ran out of money building this peice of shit and is now desperately trying to get out of it by rugging some retard before the market collapses further. the house will never be finished

>> No.53572463

yeah, but thats (obv.) multiple cookie cutter ply shacks getting thrown up (or not) - odd they are trying to flog a 25% 'investment' in a half-finished single unit. It looks more like an entire site where the developer went bust and the mexican contractors have fled.

>> No.53573311

this. trying to offload a garbage asset to some sucker