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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53563403 No.53563403 [Reply] [Original]

> mfw just googled what dinosaur has 500 teeth

>> No.53563416

best thread of the day by far

>> No.53563440
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>> No.53563460

For what purpose? They all give good head regardless.

Verification not required.

>> No.53563489

Google 'that space movie from 1992'

>> No.53563542

>the LARPer of /biz/

>> No.53563728

only one that's produced an audible chuckle

>> No.53563733

I've been saved by Bing. Your racist jokes will not be tolerated here. #BLM #EndRacism #ACAB #blackpower #tolerance

>> No.53563766

thats what the jews paid back then for the average deported african-africans (notice what I did here)

>> No.53563801

under NO circumstances should you Google "who owned the slave ships"
absolutely do NOT Google "who owned the slave ships"
you have been warned

>> No.53563809

Racist jokes are tolerated and encouraged here.

>> No.53563811

Your mum's fanny

>> No.53563826

I dont have to google it, since I know it.
But what you should google is "who directly profited till 2015 from the british slace buyback of 1840", and also never ask questions about it.

>> No.53563849

*should not
fuck phone fagging

>> No.53563856
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>> No.53563878

niger r u saurus?

>> No.53563900
File: 193 KB, 1080x1252, Screenshot_20230203_203652~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I googled it anywqy. Funny how it is the first result, but googling who ginanced those is even funier.
Picrel lelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelel

>> No.53563912

your kind will be eliminated chud. We will not rest until injustice and intolerance is no more

>> No.53563933

Prepare to not rest until you're dead, lol.

>> No.53563932

I already knew that one. Rothschilds are fucking crazy with their schemes. They’re like mossad before mossad was a thing(or maybe it was always a thing?). Most people only know about Nathans Napoleon heist but he’s done so much more kikery

>> No.53563941
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>> No.53563963

nice! i encurage that. you should start by killing yourself for your doublestandards.

>> No.53564003
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how can we profit from that?

>> No.53564510

Check out the 969th highest summit in Massachuteas.

>> No.53565712

I sleep well at night until you pathetic racists. we WILL one day drive you out. no one wants your bigotry here.

>> No.53566253
File: 50 KB, 500x575, samigun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the writer of cthulu had a pet cat named ______

>> No.53567732

this is funny and all, but how is this helping with the fact that niggers are fucking and breeding with white women?

>> No.53568511

try growing as a person.

>> No.53568520
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>> No.53568533

reddit moment

>> No.53568549

shut up about reddit nigger

>> No.53568551

Despite all propaganda white women prefer white men , and even blacks prefer black women. Life isn't a netflix show

>> No.53568559

you cannot use our word reddit
it only chooses those who are worthy

>> No.53568617
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black lives matter

>> No.53569104

>intolerance of intolerance
They aren't sending their best

>> No.53569159
File: 63 KB, 600x600, Black History Month.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We wuz dinosorz 'n shiet!

>> No.53570646


>> No.53571351

Dinos never existed you dumasses
They even admit that all "bones" they show in museums are just man made
Ever wonder why dino bones are only found by professional teams?
Hu weird yes

>> No.53571360

cope chud

>> No.53571369

> Ever wonder why dino bones are only found by professional teams?

No but that’s a good point. I know injuns existed because I find old arrowheads but now that you mention it I’ve never found a dinosaur skull

>> No.53571376

Based observation, though it should be noted that maniraptorans give the best.

>> No.53571696


>> No.53571707
File: 100 KB, 735x720, 9M1NN0n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t-rex was actually high IQ