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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53562166 No.53562166 [Reply] [Original]

is anyone else here looking to buy a home within the next 12 months? i have $80k saved up and im looking for something in the $250k range. can i really just lowball the shit out of delusional boomer faggots (10-20% off) or am i going to be blacklisted by all the local realtors?

>> No.53562189

>that pic
Fucking boomers can't die off fast enough I swear to god.

>> No.53562239

>12 months
Lol no. I have 120k liquid right now but it would be stupid to buy anywhere in the next 24 months. Took until like 2010 for the real housing bottom to be found in a lot of markts after the 2008 gfc. This time will probably have an even longer lag period considering there's even further to fall (in both nominal and relative terms).

>> No.53562246

i want to say it's happening more often, based on filtering for "sold" homes on zillow. but it's also hard to tell what's a real sale and what's a related party transaction e.g. elderly parents selling the house for cheap to their kids.

>> No.53562260

Lol if you pull that shit in a hot market, realtors won't even bother.

>> No.53562276

that's my thought too, but i don't care to time the absolute bottom. if i go a little under water, that's fine. i'm just sick and tired of rentcucking and listening to puerto ricans redline their honda/subaru shitboxes every day.

>> No.53562299

afaik they have a legal obligation (fiduciary duty) to present ALL offers to their sellers. doing otherwise can result in them losing their realtor license.

>> No.53562304

I'm going to look in 2024 after more of the fake company tech scams with 0 profit and infinite debt are forced to sell a la opendoor and Zillow. I already have $200k in liquid assets and live in the Midwest where houses are still cheap so it'll be a finish line I walk across.

>> No.53562801

>$200k liquid
are you looking to buy a mansion?

>> No.53563455

True but a house is one of those major purchases where it doesn't matter and you can't put your life on hold to time the market perfectly. It's a long term hodl like your retirement account. OP don't buy the absolute top and use these times to low ball the shit out of these renovators, airbnb bums, and boomer slum lords.

>> No.53563770
File: 692 KB, 840x1644, zooooom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting cope. I'm a Millennial, and I just sold a house for 400k I bought for 180k 3 years ago.

Not only do the boomers have to die, but then Gen X, then us.

Life will not be kind to you zoomer, sorry I mean

Your life is not bussin, no cap fr fr

>> No.53563782

cool so did you use those proceeds to buy another $180k house that is now worth $400k?

>> No.53563837

>corner lot near the water

Yeah this faggot is going to have to deal with flooding and erosion if there's ever a major storm. Retards who can't into basic science never realize how much of a liability building a house near water actually is.

>> No.53564414

Jesus christ this is worst advice ive seen on this board


>> No.53564628

This is not anywhere near the top

>> No.53564664

No, I just have a decent apartment and my rent is the same as in 2017 by pure luck. I don't want to have a large mortgage with current rates.

>> No.53564701

Go back you fucking faggot

>> No.53564842

This. Plus the insurance is going to guarantee you slowly bleed to death even if you never even have a flood, which you realistically probably will and your insurance sure as fuck will do everything in their power to make you eat some of that cost. Here's the real secret multiplier with property...school district. The reason is that women are ultimately the brain parasites that infect a guy and get him to open his wallet even for dumb shit.

In this case though, the woman actually has a point which makes her influence that much more powerful. Additionally, while there may be a lot of properties out there, it's not necessarily the case that there are properties in a desired school district. Women want their babies to have a good school district so they will dig in and fight this cause to the death. All women will which means the school district now ALSO becomes a social status signal. The feeding frenzy this creates in those circles can't be overstated.

>> No.53564896

Buy land and build something.

>> No.53564908
File: 67 KB, 683x1024, 1607413764312m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Life will not be kind to you zoomer, sorry I mean
Yeah yeah, whatever old man.
I have 109 shiba inu, see you turds at a penny.
Oh yeah, have an asian lady with blue eyes.