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53555816 No.53555816 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53555826


>> No.53555832

Now imagine if that token he launched went 1000x this year wouldnt that be funny haha

>> No.53555835


>> No.53555839

>records and edits video for a living
>"why i refuse to work"

>> No.53555856

>spends time researching, investing, and trading
>"refuse to work"
you can classify anything as work, obviously he means working a traditional 9-5 job, whether coding or anything else

>> No.53555885
File: 51 KB, 1123x964, 1675387705958443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek he looks just like the incel wojack

>> No.53555908

He gets more pussy than 95% of this board probably. Even if he's an escortcel post-divorce rape, he's loaded with so much cash I bet he can afford an entire weekend of creampie sex with 10/10 prime 18-20 year old escorts once per month if not every week.

>> No.53555988

ok techlead

>> No.53555997

Lmao I wish I was as loaded him. I wouldn't bang escorts though, I'd rather get a tradwife

>> No.53556054

I think u can pay someone from Mexico like a 100$ to do edits

>> No.53556113

>He gets more pussy than 95% of this board probabl

KEK good one chinkbro

>> No.53556135

Kek he's gotten 1 pussy in his entire life, and it was a gold digging whore. Asian boy can't possibly compete with White men

>> No.53556195

Building capital through stocks is different than money. Money can only be spent while capital builds capital. Money is worthless once a person's needs are met while capital can easily continue to change without any input from its investor (a kind of immortal mark on the world)

>> No.53556229

Her wife divorced him and took away the kid
He said in multiple videos he went back living with his parents
How do you find this obnoxious guy a role model is beyond me

>> No.53556249

Why I'm a narcissistic neurotic with no friends or relationships, and the mother of my child refuses to talk to me or let me see my child. Also I'm so desperate for attention that I post my videos on 4chan

>> No.53556254
File: 640 KB, 1290x966, 148ED1C4-6C2C-4C62-863E-B25922475A57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, no. I cream pie my 20 year old 10/10 gf who has 16k IG followers. She won’t let me go to work without doing it

>> No.53556285

I love bitches with BPD!

>> No.53556287

Calm down you poor fool, being liked is not an achievement

>> No.53556308

this guy is a confirmed scammer.
he ripped off viewers to buy his scam crypto coin.
coffeezilla dunked him

>> No.53556367

Nope, she just feels close to me and says it makes her feel like a woman (she is trans)

>> No.53556433

>WHY I refuse to wipe my butthole after taking a shit (as a millionaire)

>> No.53556459

I don't undertake people that do this when there's perfectly good toilet roll right there

>> No.53556484

He brutally named them with seemingly few to no repercussions, he’s cool in my book

>> No.53556491

>you can classify anything as work, obviously he means working a traditional 9-5 job, whether coding or anything else
Isn't his whole thing that he worked 9-5 at google for a few years in order to retire early?

>> No.53556755

Why the fuck would you go back to your parents? (as a millionaire)

>> No.53556774

he's a low status male. This is what happens when you shun women and status games, what else really is there to do? Why bother going anywhere or doing anything by the time you're in your 40's and have seen it all?

>> No.53556901

>Why bother going anywhere or doing anything by the time you're in your 40's and have seen it all?

To creampie 18 year old cunnies as a 40 year old man. Get them pregnant.

>> No.53556955

Why is he paying child support if his wife and kid dont even live in the US. what a retard.

>> No.53557155

He already tried the wife route lmao.

>> No.53557361

Apparently, he genuinely loves his son.

>> No.53557380

at first i thought he was cringe. now i think he's based because he dgaf

>> No.53557388

(as a millionaire) was initially cringe but it became a running joke

>> No.53557401

And he stopped once he became a millionaire. Was his title too long?

>> No.53557410

Dude fuck off you're needing money again?
You scammed most people here and now turn around and come back every 6 months samefagging
Kys and I'll give your wife 2 million dollars and an army of niggers to gangbang her and your son if you keep posting here.

>> No.53557412


>> No.53557417

Yellow hands wrote this.

>> No.53557421

woah i got troll baited epic style, are you telling me your ig model 10/10 is a transex?? Wowie

>> No.53557422
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, TIMESAND___Wizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am now gainfully self-employed as an author and as an investor, and everything which was associated to me through "lack of gainful employment" persists, it seems.

>> No.53557426
File: 233 KB, 720x881, dummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We 4channelers on biz will never know that feeling that most superior Asian men feel every day with what should be OUR white women.
It's over...

>> No.53557437

>You scammed most people here
topkek if you bought his ico scam

>> No.53558167

>>He gets more pussy than 95% of this board probably.

everybody knows you're a sad ugly stub-dicked ricecel, chinklead. no need to larp here, we're all laughing at your failed life and shit-tier genetics

>> No.53558350
File: 27 KB, 500x332, 87593485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
