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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53554651 No.53554651 [Reply] [Original]

Hypothetical scenario:
> Roughly 70% of Americans received the COVID 19 double dose jab
> Over the next few years, it's revealed that taking these will cause cancers, heart attacks, and strokes
> Extreme medical interventions are required to survive, but the medical establishment are dying too
> Roughly every 2.5 out of 4 people you meet on your day to day life will be gone.
How will the economic landscape be affected by this? Europe survived the black death. Will we see large swaths of infrastructure abandoned? People essentially giving up? Outright collapse? How will this affect my business? How much of a hit on capital prices are we talking?
> Fuck you JANNIES this is BIZ worthy because when over HALF of my customers die from untested drugs, this will affect my bottom line.

>> No.53554659

Retards like you will keep waiting for people to die off and it will never happen. In the mean time focus on making some money you lazy cuck.

>> No.53554673

Be the beneficiary of as many people as possible.
If your parents and/or wife has been vaxxed, take out multiple life insurance policies on them.

>> No.53554806

just give us your seed phrase already

>> No.53555043

guys I took a single dose of Pfizer and then came to my senses and decided not to take the 2nd dose, is it over for me ?

>> No.53555142

As an unvaxxed chad i will say you're fine

>> No.53555157

It’s over

>> No.53555251

Imagine all of the empty beaches, national parks, all of the wild game you could harvest without competing to get it, the lack of noise, no light pollution, no more lines for anything. Wow that would really really be terrible..wouldn’t it?

>> No.53555270

I feel bad for the 11.8% of people who got the first dose and realized that they fucked up and now have to live the rest of their [short] life knowing that they did it to themselves.

>> No.53555281

>Roughly every 2.5 out of 4 people you meet on your day to day life will be gone.
4 out of 4 people will be gone, retard. It's called aging and dying of accumulated health issues.
The clotshots will reduce the lifespan by 5-10 years on average, not magically kill everyone who does not feel anything right now.

>> No.53555282

80% of this site are AI chat bots.
They're hunting.

>> No.53555296

Two more weeks

>> No.53555364

The way things are looking there may only be 2 of us left by the end

>> No.53555373

touch grass faggots covid was 3 years ago

>> No.53555387

Vaccines go through 5 years of testing before FDA approval. Covid-19 vaccine was not even tested for over a year. We will see what happens to the vaxtards in the coming 3 years, if nothing happens at all then the vaccine wasn't as dangerous as people made it out to be. Saying "2 more weeks" is a defensive mechanism because you dread you've perhaps made a crucial mistake in your life with dire consequences.

>> No.53555405

>hey Schlomo, we've invented a deadly vaccine that will kill the goys and normies
>great idea, Moshe, who should we give it to? The people that hate us and want to see us dead?
>no, that's the genius part. We give it to govt workers, the woke, the people that support us unconditionally. We empty the planet of all the people who help us retain power
>and what do we do with the anti-semitic conspiracy heads who won't go for it?
>oh we let them live, of course. The great genius of this scheme is that the only people who survive are the people who hate us the most.
>brilliant plan , Moshe, it makes no sense at all!

>> No.53555421

Excess deaths just keep on rising all across Europe and the Americas, cope harder jabbie mudblood

>> No.53555427
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>coping this hard about a treatment that was administered to the most senior legislative figures in America, including the sitting president himself, because liberals on the internet were gay and sanctimonious about [current thing] and 70 iq maga boomers took up arms against [current thing] in response

I'm one single usb desktop microphone away from grifting Q / 5G / vax schizos on the internet as a full-time job. They've been so eager to discuss this stuff when I entertain it irl (they're used to 99.9% negative responses) and I'm sure I could make up tons of believable ragebait / 2-more-weeks schizo prophecies with ease

>> No.53555434

Can I get the latest greatest theory on what /pol/cels currently think the vaccine is doing to people? I know probably a hundred people that got the vaccine personally along with several dozen coworkers that got it and all of them seem to be alive and well, if there’s a mass vaccine die off, can someone explain the improbability of my observation?

>> No.53555438

This argument assumes that every covid shot was the same. Meanwhile in reality the covid shots were different for different places and ages.
Making life shorter for old people and those who are not in one boat with you sounds like a really good idea.

>> No.53555471

Hilarious seeing these levels of jabbie cope. I can’t imagine what it must feel like knowing you took poison and that your body is a ticking timebomb.

>> No.53555488
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you have no possible way of knowing if these "senior legislative figured in America" took the real clotshot or if they just took saline. in case of this south american leader, they faked it entirely

>> No.53555489

Statistics don’t care about your anecdotes, excess death rates across the western world tells you what you need to know.

>> No.53555493

just the fact that 80% of the population complied with the vaxx is itself a behavioral anomaly and indicates deeper and obscured patterns of population control.

>> No.53555507

vaxxed need to take:

nitric oxide booster

CBGa and CBDa are natural compounds that block and heal sars-cov-2 viruses check NIH published jan2022

Several sprays iodine/silver/anti-virals all solve these issues

gates gonna try take the 10x he just made off the past 2 years and 10x that by selling products that already exist just rebranded/launched as brand new, big phrama on stage 3 testing of new compounds.

>> No.53555511

2 more weeks!

>> No.53555534

Anon still hasn't figured out that obedient cattle arent given a pass. They're still considered as cattle to be slaughtered.

Ask the Anglos how they've been doing since WW2

>> No.53555538

The mRNA animal trials over the last twenty years resulted in ALL subjects dying within 2-5 years. The medical system is going to be so overwhelmed by the steadily growing influx of cancer patients that routine check-ups will have wait lines.

>> No.53555556

never mind, just a brain fart, I totally forgot that every major corporation that employs the majority of americans forced them to get the vaxx or get fired.
Don't Americans realize that their national destiny is homelessness anyway?

>> No.53555580

Almost 2 years have passed since the initial jabs were sent out. There has been a MARKED increase in all-cause mortality since that time, especially from the under-18-40 age bracket. The mortality will continue to increase and within the next few years, (((they))) will most likely cause another pandemic to cover up the deaths from the jabs as best they can, because the first pandemic was so fake and gay.

>> No.53555588


>> No.53555627

This is what I'm seeing. I presume I'll finally be able to get my land for next to nothing to start my cattle ranching passion.

>> No.53555629

Take your meds, you have zero analytical skills
>t. Biostatistician

>> No.53555642
