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53553863 No.53553863 [Reply] [Original]

>be American, 65k/yr salary
>Can't afford a house
>Can't afford a car
>Fucked up the ass sideways from inflation, groceries, gas, etc on a monthly basis

I wasn't ready to accept that less than 100k/year is literally wage slavery tier so early in my career, yet here I am

>> No.53553926

>Be American
>Refuse to pay rent or mortgage
>Live in office for 2 years
>Moved back in with family
>Will never rent a boomer's shit, shower and sleep shack
Sorry real estate cucks, but I'm just not forking 50% of my income to supplement your boomer lifestyle is all. I would rather live and shitpost in my 2003 Mercedes than live a day in your overpriced cardboard shit shed.

>> No.53553937

Hello January 6th anon. Bear market biz is fun

>> No.53553960

Kek, I am being tracked

>> No.53553963
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I moved into my current apartment in Spring of last year right before everything got truly fucked. I literally can't afford to live by myself anymore so I'll have to move back in with my parents when my lease is up

>> No.53553989

You live in a time where you can literally get 11% a year from treasury bonds and 5% from savings accounts for just having cash.

>> No.53554011

03 was good year for Mercedes. what model do you have

>> No.53554029

>get 11% a year from treasury bonds and 5% from savings
Hmm, I wonder what economic factors influence these things? Is it a sign that the economy is healthy?

>> No.53554040

those are negative real returns thoughever

>> No.53554041

>he believes that governments forcing interest rates to near-zero for decades is a sign of a healthy economy

If an economy was healthy it wouldn't need political manipulation to stimulate it

>> No.53554083


>> No.53554098
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Single, childless male earning $65k is literal suicide-tier.
>Makes too much for government gibs.
>Makes less than roasties with bullshit jobs in HR and consulting, so therefore invisible to women.
>No kids, so no tax deductions.
>Not married, so paying single person tax brackets.
>Can't afford a house, so no mortgage interest deduction.
>Makes to little to have any substantial amount leftover for savings after paying for essentials.
At that wage you are a literal wageSLAVE and tax cattle for the government. You are net-contributor to society and taxes, but receive NONE of the benefit.

>> No.53554119

Show me where I said that. My point was don't make the assertion that because savings and bond rates are locally high it's possible to escape the poverty class by just working a $65k/annum job.

>> No.53554140
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>live in office

Lol I too live in my office. I put up a fake wall that I sleep behind on the bottom of a bunk bed, and I rent the top bunk to a day laborer for $200/mo. Next door is a tax guy and my other neighbor is a fingerprint roller . I shower at the gym. Ironically I sell real estate (short sales) and foreclosures in really bad neighborhoods to immigrants.

Yes. I realize I’m part of the problem.

>> No.53554148
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>> No.53554157

I've been inundated recently with more and more sympathies for extremism. I wouldn't bat an eye if people started systemically killing our elected officials

>> No.53554198

The real fear of course will be the ones who replace them. Stalins are made in such ways.

>> No.53554233

I'll make whatever assertion I want go fuck yourself

>> No.53554463

Nothing wrong with living with your parents. Do everything in your power to not give away your money to other people outside of your family.

>> No.53554477

I have a CLK320. It's pretty nice, got it for $4600 last year

>> No.53554506

Based. Whatever it takes to keep your shekels away from hooooomers.

>> No.53554523

Me too. I'd celebrate everyday a politician is lynched.

>> No.53554535

>jan 6 poster

>> No.53554550
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> Be me, not American
> Be thankful to God that I wasn't born in a nigger infested shithole right before the empire collapsed
> Sit back and watch all my American friends suffer because they got to complacent
> Laugh

Maybe I'll but the housing dip in America oh wait no I won't because your country is fucked in 12 different holes and not even a prosperous economy can save you. Papa Klaus was right.

Here's some roses tho. Enjoy them.

>> No.53554555

Could be worse anon, you could be making 50k, like me

>> No.53554601

Very based
Enjoy your exponential zestimates boomers. You can take your homes with you and find a buyer in hell

>> No.53554665

What fucking treasury bonds get you 11%??? Are you talking TIPS, that shits capped

>> No.53554700

I'm such a loser please Crypto God save me from my horrible mistakes

>> No.53554715

This. Corporate-owned rentals are their own hellscape, but boomer rentals are beyond hellscapes. Fuck them, will not fund their decadence.

>> No.53554857

I took the government job pill for that reason. No matter what I do, they will pay my pension when I retire.

>> No.53554899

It can always be worse. You could be a worthless autist making 30k. And I still make too much for any sort of gov assistance.
God, I’m so close to blowing my brains out.

>> No.53554995
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>not enough

you are weak
you are soft, like a little baby.

You live a wasteful, inefficient life. You still don't enjoy your excesses. Pitiful.

>> No.53555598
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>Eastern Yuropoor, 45k/yr salary
>can afford a car
>can afford a house
>will buy neither because I don't need them
>my expenses (gubmint flat rent + utilities + food) are about $300/mo

>> No.53555820
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Thank fucking God I'm not an amerishart.

>> No.53555869

It's so weird watching pathetic people only find pleasure in seeing big niggas suffer.