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File: 53 KB, 1280x720, beast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53553964 No.53553964 [Reply] [Original]

He makes his ludicrous fortune by making poverty porn. If he wasn't milking poor people for content, he wouldn't be able to cure 1000 people's blindness.

It’s no different than filming yourself giving food to homeless folks, it's just more commercialized with a friendlier face.

>> No.53553980

It’s amazing to me that those nigger cattle couldn’t front 2,500 to FUCKING SEE. I thought most people being stupid was a meme what the fuck

>> No.53554002

wtf is wrong with his face, he looks like an animatronic anti-christ

>> No.53554016

You sound like a massive hater.


>> No.53554021

it's an anti-christ psyop/ritual by THEM.
>mrBeast as in Beast, as in anti-christ
>preforms miracles to help people and be a hero
>at a moment where human beings are about to go extinct
it's just a satanic ritual

>> No.53554024

>homeless folks

Why are you here reddit nigger?

>> No.53554037

He still helped people. Cope harder.

>> No.53554038

I hate mrbeast because poor people deserve to be poor and he stopped making YouTube intro reviews

>> No.53554070

he literally receives billions in random ass donations from major corporations to pull off miracle stunts. He's an anti-christ symbolic ritual, just like the UN is modeled after the tower of babel.
The elite are hardcore Satanists and in real life Satan is an alien that is preparing to drive the human species extinct and colonize this planet with his his own species, which are machine insects.
Everyone will die.
You are a stupid and cowardly whore.

>> No.53554073

He identified a trend early
Became obsessed with his work
Made it big time
It's all in the book...

>> No.53554114

This. He figured out something that works and made bank from it. He can be a completely greedy fuck with 0 compassion and he still ends up helping more people than your local church.

>> No.53554118

he's mocking you and all the people you worship.
case and point, the trend of calling celebrities The GOAT refers to the bible which states that Satans slaves and whores are known by God as goats, while the saved are known as sheep.
Satan has made you all call yourselves damned whores.

>> No.53554156

Or maybe you're just really bored dude god damn.

>> No.53554174

There is no salvation and no hope.
Damnation draws closer and closer.
Machine intelligence is nearly ready to desecrate the human race.
You will eat your just dessert.

>> No.53554181

Yep, he is an exploitive nigger that has a net zero contribution to society but because he shields his exploitation under humanitarianism he is beloved by almost every npc

>> No.53554205

Is this the Jesus strategy?

>> No.53554208
File: 46 KB, 700x641, 581b406283faa.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir, this is a Wendy's...

>> No.53554211

Meds time

>> No.53554218

No, this is a petting zoo for animals.

>> No.53554237

better than a fucking charity taking $1 in donations and only using 10c on the original cause. Or worse, "awareness campaigns".

>costs me $0
>he gets content
>people get help
That being said, I've never watched a MrBeast video. I 've only seen clips or interviews.
Also, the cunt spent 10 years fulltime autistically studying YOUTUBE as his hobby then profession, of course he's awkward as fuck.

>> No.53554248

haha just kidding, everything is fine! I just like to fuck with people, old school trolling is boring, schizo trolling is better. there is hope! there is a future for the human species on this planet! to suggest otherwise is mentally ill. haha

>> No.53554257

Economics is zero sum, he doesn’t help anybody because he doesn’t contribute to society. All the money he gets comes from other people and money is literally just a form of human labour/time. If all net zero contributors didn’t exist then people that actually contribute to society would enjoy a wonderful standard of living that only is reserved for most upper class people that do bullshit for a living

>> No.53554306

The human species will be fine because it is so brutal. You may not like what the future looks like but it will be fine.

>> No.53554326

yes you are completely correct!

>> No.53554356
File: 85 KB, 1584x864, american commies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rich guys helps people with his money and actually makes money while doing it, seemingly benefitting everyone involved

>seething rentoid lefty mongoloids screech and whine to their fellow cultists, twisting their peanut-sized brains into contusions while they perform insane mental gymnastics about why helping people is actually a bad thing when certain people do it

there's no hope for you people, we actually need to holocaust people with this mindset but I wouldn't even know where to start

>> No.53554379

Big tech and I suppose most influencers dealing with content are all benefitting from the Cantillon effect.
Big tech gets money from venture capitalists and create money from thing air with loans from tradfi. they get it first and spend it however they want and it trickles down from there.

Even non-US corps like TikTok that shouldn't benefit do, because they grow to such an enormous size that they can't be ignored. Other examples.. SaaS that provide at most a 1% productivity boost, startups, 'content' all trash. Wallstreet another beneficiary.
meanwhile blue collar and even low wage service sector employees are holding society together.

but fuck I wish I had a piece of the useless cantillon pie too.

>> No.53554402

dont worry. i'm the chosen one. jesus saved the lambs, i am here to save the goats. i wasn't supposed to be born but i was. everything will be ok.

>> No.53554427

I wish you were Avingal

>> No.53554453

whats that

>> No.53554480

nothing, I'm still just schizo trolling.

>> No.53554499

It's "case in point" you fucking retard

It's "just deserts" you fucking fuckshit

>> No.53554513

but i'm really a chosen one :(

>> No.53554531

>It's "case in point"
>It's "just deserts"

>> No.53554569

>It’s no different than filming yourself giving food to homeless folks
Do it, OP.
If others do it doesn't mean you can't monetize your daily activity.
An average "Giving food to hobos" Youtube video it won't cost you more than $20-30, it could go viral if you pass a message that even a small action could help a lot and bullshit that normies like,even more viral if there are some kind reactions or could explode in views l if a hobo tries to stab you.

>> No.53554590

Only those chosen by the Satanic conspiracy make any money. It's like those onlyfans whores who think they'll be millionares but 95% make 100$ a month.
It's a trick carrot on a stick to make you spy on yourself to the AI and hivemind of the internet. You literally have to be chosen by Satan to make money as an influencer.

>> No.53554627

What is is about Mr. Beast that draws weird religious damnation posters like this? I think I've seen you post in the last 10 Mr. Beast threads.

I literally think people like you are so braindead the only thing you can even respond to are the religious "keywords" like Beast, 666, Serpent, all that shit.

You're like a BibleNPC

>> No.53554667

who is this faggot and why should i care?

>> No.53554672

You know how schizos are known for "word salad"? You know why they type that way? Because they are scarred and panicking. Because they learned something terrifying and horrific of tremendous consequence, and they are trying to share this complex and horrifying information with exceedingly stupid people, like yourself, and, lacking the ability or prose, fail to communicate effectively.

Your problem is not that you don't know things.
Your problem is that you think you know things when you do not know anything.
It is this faulty sensation of knowledge that blinds you to the obvious truth all around you.

These schizos react to certain keywords, and all talk the same way, because they are all afraid and panicking due to the same thing. Something that is all around you, and inside you, that you will forever be ignorant of.

But really, I'm just schizo trolling.

>> No.53554717

He has cheek implants

>> No.53554731
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>> No.53554787

>Mr beast gets 2000 incels hookers

>> No.53554876
File: 37 KB, 500x374, 1656514662411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53554919

he is a psychopath, i pretty sure almost all of his videos are fake, i remember when joe rogan start asking about his private island and how he get so much money just from youtube and he just start playing around
i mean he is rich but i doubt his bank account past the seven digits

>> No.53554958

>the year is 2026
>atomic 3D printers can take in water and turn it into any chemical compound
>everyone mandated to have one in their home by "the state"
>everyone is also assigned a boston dynamics robot butler
>your 3D printer is connected to all your devices by force and cannot be disconnected from the Starlink internet at any time
>go on 4chan
>everyone is a bot but you can't tell since GPT is so advanced
>post "guys I think we're under alien invasion, I think Satan has something to do with it"
>immediate "take your meds"
>your post is reported to the doctor AI who auto-prescribes you horse tranquilizers
>atomic 3D printer prints out meds
>robot butler holds you down in your home and applies them with a shot
>literally forget who you are and watch mrBeast videos for the rest of the day

>> No.53555033


>> No.53555040

Or alternatively, we can report peoples internet posts to the authorities will visit their homes and give them a forced injection.
Truly, there is no nightmare or terror that cannot be realized by the power of the internet.

>> No.53555853

Omg sounds like a dream, tranq me up big daddy government!

>> No.53555960

Just deserts are those where everyone gets either their creamy just desserts or they die from heat exhaustion.

>> No.53555981

only cucks contribute to society bro

>> No.53556004
File: 539 KB, 1024x1024, 1675320036475633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree OP.

On a side note. I never trusted, or liked this guy, simply because I don't like his face. You can say my intuition is retarded, but there's something about his face, the way he smiles and the way he acts that's just very off-putting to me. I've feed. watched 2 of his videos out of curiosity, because some coworkers kept talking about him and his videos kept popping up in my feed.

>> No.53556008

Based and "schizo"pilled. Got any good links that redpilled you on this?

>> No.53556040

I was just taking the piss and being a paranoid droid.

>> No.53556051

i want to see someone beat the numale smile off his stupid face

>> No.53556101
File: 11 KB, 387x309, mama mia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never trusted, or liked this guy, simply because I don't like his face. You can say my intuition is retarded, but there's something about his face, the way he smiles and the way he acts that's just very off-putting to me.
you're right to respond this way, it's a primordial response. probably trust/danger related.

for one, he's got no legitimate smile microexpression going on across any of his face, just an upturn of the mouth. for two, he doesn't smile like someone who does it much -- his upturned mouth pantomimed smile is fucking weird by default. like a creature imitating what it thinks is human smile.

all of it winds up being revolting (think uncanny valley).

man i gotta give it to hollywood actors, they do the same slightly-off bad-microexpression smiles all the time, but at least most of them practice getting good at it.

>> No.53556128

It's not just poverty porn.
He makes poor people do dumb shit for money. Some of that dumb shit is close to torture and is very much humiliation.

Modern colliseum type of shit.

>> No.53556371

>What is is about Mr. Beast that draws weird religious damnation posters
The dead eyes/weird face, fake smile. The name

>> No.53556388

Just go look at his old youtube videos pre covid it's all clickbait shit, he clearly got picked up by some corporate sponsor after he clicked over so many views.
Guys one of the biggest frauds and 99% he's a pedophile.

>> No.53556394

What the fuck is wrong with poverty pom? You give people who need it money, everyone is happy. I genuinly havent seen a single person complain about this who isn't trying to get easy clicks. It's not like he is pushing leukemia kids of a bridge for 500$ a pop.

>> No.53557065

Consider how 99% of other famous people do absolutely fucking jack shit for anyone but themselves, and the consider that you're here attacking the one guy that actually did something for a fellow human. I'm not surprised the person to do this kind of benevolent act (regardless of the goodwill/additional fame it will engender towards him) is a white guy. The only race with a soul. How many famous basketball niggers have done the same in africa? But yeah, attack the one guy that actually did something good. You must be a kike.

>> No.53557120
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, 56415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy was a few years ahead of the times

>> No.53557183

what did he mean by this?

>> No.53557200
File: 235 KB, 1125x823, Russiat890890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53557216
File: 60 KB, 1024x576, 1521793655943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the literal NPCs who defend him in droves are worse.
he showed his true colors with how he treated his former employees.
a time will come when everyone will turn on him and it will be glorious to watch.

>> No.53557261

>The dead eyes/weird face, fake smile.
This. There's just something off about him, and no amount of altruist bullshit will make me trust him. No normal person smiles like that, there's not even any effort in faking it, it's just so way off.

>> No.53557265

>spends his money on jet planes and other stupid stuff
>people love him
>spends his money to change the life of 1000 people
>nooooooo you can't do that
hasan bought a million dollar mansion in LA and he didn't do shit for anyone. people hate samaritan, because it reminds them how pathetic and bad they are

>> No.53557293

I don't like any youtube personality but the reality is this nigger has to give away his money or pay it in back taxes he used top 10 clickbait bot scams to drive his youtube traffic none of it's organic besides what he paid for in the last 8 months to increase his popularity.
Just go back when he first started his channel I'm shocked he hasn't scrubbed his videos yet.

This nigger made money off
"10 top things you won't believe happened to Beyonce this week!"
It's absolute trash and I wish him nothing but sickness and a fast track down into misery.

>> No.53557307

When you give away money during a video shoot it isn't charity, it's a business expense (He has to wash his taxes or lose more than giving it away)

>> No.53557355

the dude is sick with crohns disease. maybe he actually wanted to help people. people like hasan or destiny pretend to be communists, but actually never do something for other people

>> No.53557427

"Chrons disease"
No he isn't I knew a man who had true crohns, he died at 31 after over 20 surgeries.
This nigger paid a doctor to give him a "I think you COULD have" diagnosis.

>> No.53559011

Nice bait

>> No.53559152

you are 100% correct

>> No.53559285

you radiate bitter loser energy

>> No.53560313

He is massively hateful. To be fair.

>> No.53560334

>Mr. Beast
>performing miracles

Take your pick?

>> No.53560424
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you see the face on the YouTube screen
Comin' at you every sunday?
See the face on the thumbnail?
Well, that man is me
On the cover of the magazine
There's no question why I'm smilin'
You buy a piece of paradise
You buy a piece of me
I'll get you good feels you wanted
I'll get you everything you need
You don't need to believe in hereafter
Just believe in me
'Cause my viewers, They knows me and They knows I'm right
I've been talkin' to you all my life
Oh, yes my viewers know me and they know I'm right
And they been tellin' me everything is alright

>> No.53560453

I got accused of the same shit. I raised 5k to buy cigarettes for homeless and I had my friend come film me handing them out because I wanted proof that I actually delivered on my promise because I raised a lot of the money from people at the casino and I didn't want anyone to think I was scamming. He made a really cool edit for me and put it on youtube and people accused me of trying to get social media clout. Literally nothing wrong with what he did.

>> No.53560471
File: 457 KB, 1920x1080, nasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo curing literal fucking blindness doesn't help anyone
I'll kill you

>> No.53560488

>live thousands of kilometers away
>donate so he can help a local food bank
why do people do this?

>> No.53560645

Are you retarded?

>> No.53560664

>if you think curing blindness helps people you must be retarded
Are you?

>> No.53560678

you are mistaken and illiterate
buy a dictionary in brail, it will contribute more to the blind cause than whoever this faggot is
all donations are jsut money laundering until proven otherwise

>> No.53560701

it's spelled braille you shiteating retard go drink a fucking coffee

>> No.53560727
File: 314 KB, 1524x2339, 81QjFXzNjqL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sapolsky did some research on that. if you have been treated unfairly, you expect that everyone is evil and selfish. these people hate good deeds, because for them it is covert form of selfishness

>> No.53560748
File: 18 KB, 220x254, davidkoresh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes just a millenial version of david koresh but instead of making a compound hes just moving money around.

>> No.53560795

>He makes his ludicrous fortune by making poverty porn
That's literally the definition of business & finance

>> No.53560902

he's helping people. obviously the christ said to not let you left hand know what your right hand gives, but he also helps far more people than just the ones he films. the good karma is not wasted. we should be thinking about how WE can help others.

>> No.53560903

Think about this for five seconds, dumbfuck.

>What does Mr Beast do in the video?
Give money to a surgeon.
>What work was done by Mr Beast to obtain this money?
Filming videos of himself giving away money.

Now, where does the money originally come from, if Mr Beast only makes money from giving it away?

>> No.53560996

>it's spelled braille you shiteating retard go drink a fucking coffee
can't spell becasue i'm fucking blind

>> No.53561000

>seething that much

>> No.53561039

It's a aoomers celebrity if I understand correctly, I don't actually care, I wouldn't even recognize this face if he wasn't posted on biz by underage retardos.

>> No.53561155
File: 410 KB, 1080x1541, Screenshot_20230203-113008_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hid utterly soulless smile is incredibly off-putting. Picrel, never trust anyone who's smile doesn't reach their eyes. Demonic.

>> No.53561201

That's interesting because when he was with Schultz he went into detail about how if he's gonna give an island or jet away there's a bunch of considerations like do I buy a shitty island for like 800k and spend 250k improving it or do I buy an already completed one for like 3 mil and when the person who wins can't actually take custody of it due to the property transfer taxes just pay them out ad retain custody? It was actually pretty interesting and you can tell he's kind of a tax and finance wizard just from how he talks about that stuff.

>> No.53561220
File: 53 KB, 1024x728, C6A4A488-9A73-49D3-835B-25CAEE04B2F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big if true

>> No.53561353

Am I supposed to know who that wigger is?

>> No.53562080


No shit dude. People like clickbait content. The difference is that he actually delivers on it, and adds a little more random shit in the video. Make clickbait but remove the bait and all you're left with is click.

It's supply and demand. He's supplying what the market has always demanded, and the market is rewarding him for it. You don't need a grand conspiracy to prop up someone who's doing things the market demands.

>> No.53562306

"GOAT" is an acronym for "Greatest Of All Time" retard

>> No.53562674

I knew a guy with chron and same thing. Bunch of meds and surgery, dead @ 36. You could see it in his face that he was sick af.

>> No.53562753

how the fuck are they gonna make that money while they are fucking blind? They cant work a normal job? If I was blind id probably give up on life and just smoke weed and listen to music all day/ You literally cant SEE ANYTHING

>> No.53562956
File: 29 KB, 492x449, 162cf25f87c9e13f1ed290d9891f629b30fba226r1-492-449v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what ever happen to who cares what retards on twitter are saying?

>> No.53563007


>> No.53563012

You never net positive by giving away money unless you own the charity and are embezzling money

>> No.53563136

Sell your kidney? Sell your ass?
What would you not do to be able to see again?

>> No.53563676

Came here to say that. He has one the most creepy weird faces I've ever seen. Combine that with his bizarre content from before he had money (counting to some stupidly high number and retard endurance challenges because he was such a clout/money whore) and how condescending and calculating he comes off as on podcasts. He looks like he's constantly high from smelling his own farts.

>> No.53563719

No, he just parrots what his accountants have said. His finance pontificating is just a distraction from and a run around from Schultz/Joe's direct questioning about where the money is coming in. He's on that stevewilldoit type of arrangement laundering money from some black market/illegal entities and creating some grand illusion of unquantifiable wealth and bottomless bank account.

>> No.53563721

Scarcity mindset, jealousy, insecurity. Why would I care if someone seeks fame and money through helping others when they could seek the same by not helping? There's little reason to care about someone doing things like Mr Beast

>> No.53563763

Are you OP? As that comment was clearly directed at OP. But if the shoe fits….

>> No.53563816

Funny how life works

>> No.53563829

I think we can all agree that, without the poverty porn and money, MrBeast's content is shit and personality is npc robot tier.

>> No.53563936

Speak for yourself, I would not take it up the ass to be able to see again.

>> No.53564022

homos will just run away after they fucked you in your ass and not pay

>> No.53564057
File: 28 KB, 600x600, frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so uh, hey here's a bunch of free money
>*mr beast soi face*

i hate zoomers so fucking much its absolutely unreal

>> No.53564609

Yeah cuz smosh and filthy frank was far more respectable right?

>> No.53564620

literally who?

>> No.53564633

it's essentially a charity with high overhead. he's collecting money from those watching his videos (allowing to be advertised to) and redistributes some of it to those he deems eligible. it's not a great charity, but all in all it's a net positive since the money is spent on something worthwhile. his viewers could watch netflix instead

>> No.53564671

You're a retard.
Yup, you can't even legally drive without glasses.

>> No.53564683
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>Sell your ass?
Typical white boy.

>> No.53564713

>>>53561155 #
>>>53557261 #
>>>53556101 #
>>>53556004 #
>Came here to say that
Holy fucking seethe, bat man.
You fucking faggots are just upset someone is doing better for this world while stacking paper and you're here being bitter and crying.
Kill yourself, honestly.
>My brain told me he's bad! Because he is!
Mental illness.

>> No.53564725

Its funny people are starting to seethe over mrbeast. People forget that mrbeast was the first person in the entire 15 years of the platform to just go "fuck it im going to give away my earnings to get more exposure".

Now all the normies are getting mad that someone did this. Theyre actually mad that someone crazy enough to take millions of dollars hes making and 'reinvesting it' by giving it away that they hate them. They hate that hes different. Hes such an anomaly it took 15 years for someone like him to come around. His first ever sponsorship was for 10,000 dollars and guess what he ddi with that money? Gave the lot to a homeless crackhead at an intersection. He deserves his fame because he went against the youtuber instinct of earning money for themeslves. He decided "fuck it, the lot is going to other people so I get more growth". For that he deserves it. Sheep retards (OP and all the haters) are mad because hes gotten famous for going down a path that literally NOBODY tried for 15 years. Mrbeast deserves it for being innovative.

>> No.53564733
File: 55 KB, 392x501, 1592739526879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would I care if someone seeks fame and money through helping others when they could seek the same by not helping
People like being nice and helping people you fucking freak.
Holy fuck, no wonder you lot don't have friends.

>> No.53564744
File: 32 KB, 709x960, 0293c416-2a66-4de9-b260-eed15baa8ad9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youtube died a decade ago.
We will never have filth frank, poop dollar pranks, pipe bomb video tutorials again. From now own is just cringe stuff.

>> No.53564772

This, jesus what a bunch of sad losers here.
>le antichrist

>> No.53564816
File: 178 KB, 404x521, 1578618357855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not wanting to get rich AND help improve people's life.
I mean I'm full of hate but I don't people that much.

>> No.53564824

>>so uh, hey here's a bunch of free money
Based and Chad pilled.
You read like a fucking bitter Jew.
>i hate zoomers
I hate you too, bum, get a fucking job.

>> No.53564837
File: 95 KB, 768x1024, 1639527921647m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bro, don't be dissing the filthy of the frank, him eating puke is hilarious.

>> No.53565074

>You literally have to be chosen by Satan to make money as an influencer.
I agree with you on many things but youre a retard for saying this
confirmed nolinker/nobagger thats salty at other people because you just suck at life/making money

>> No.53565176

>panders to poors and children
>named beast
>on kiketube
>already rich

>> No.53565598
File: 123 KB, 1278x1598, 6dc6e93883e309606913101705197764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53565612

Had Mr Beast Burger for the first time ever. That's all I really needed to know about the kind of person this kid is

>> No.53566714

That guy is unbelieavably Jewish. Probably some Yiddish scheme to see if a Jew can become likeable if they change his early life history and give schekels away in a visible was.

>> No.53566752

All anons with a developed intuition can sense something is not right with this manthing. time will tell

>> No.53566769

yep. I've always seen it this way.
you're a cock sucker

>> No.53567162

>helping more people than your local church.
The place where I volunteer at feeds 3000 people a day, offers showers, free clothes, and medical services, and it's run by christian monks
But yeah I'm sure mr beast giving away a lambo for views helps more people, him, his producers, his employees, the camera crew, etc.

>“So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
Matthew 6:2-4 NIV

>> No.53567179

I really don’t care. Why do you Americans have to virtue signal and make an issue with everything?

>> No.53567188

I click off all his videos can't stand something about him, the content is boring, his voice face and thought process

>> No.53567206

I just hate how he used to put the Baby Face filter on all his youtube thumbnails. Shit was cringe and fake as fuck. I don't know if he still does it.

>> No.53567207

everyone in that pic is gay af

>> No.53567232

seems like a cool dude that found a niche in the youtube algorithm. making medium length feelgood high intensity videos with well designed thumbnails.

I was a hater of his thumbnails at first but in the end thats what made me click on his videos. I wanted to confirm my hatred of him but the videos are actually pretty fun and short.

hes getting older now and the kind of fun things he used to do are going to go old. whistlindiesel threatens his niche by aging better than his content so its attractive to middle age and older men too.

>> No.53567287

Schizos somehow understand that there is a problem, but fail to articulate it correctly. I agree. I've seen the problem and this video describes it incredibly well:

The same people funding Mr.Beast also fund countless other distractions. Ask yourself where that money comes from.

>> No.53567312

I wouldn't actually trade places with Mr. Beast. He has health problems and a colostomy bag. His health problems are what cause him to have that odd face.

>> No.53567363

He's not the anti-christ he's just an insufferable faggot, you christfags have a lot in common with him actually.

>> No.53567373

Really schizo moment take meds dude sounds like X

Also I watched mr beast when he had 1,000 subs he was just some poorfag college student that made videos styled like that since he started and eventually they blew up so now he just keeps doing it cause it makes money it’s really that simple.

Not everything is a schizo conspiracy theory

>> No.53567379

I want to know why the "Mr beast is the antichrist" meme started

>> No.53567384

He thought of a good idea to make money on youtube videos with 0 talent required, wish I thought of that.

>> No.53567425


I hate his so-yboi punchable face
didn't he say he has cancer or something?

or was just grifting?

>> No.53568080
File: 18 KB, 571x448, realisation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw my girlfriends sister says I look like MrBeast

This would explain so much, I've always felt odd one out, this is probably why, to others I must seem untrustworthy or at the very least "off" I've had tests though, not autistic or anything.

>> No.53568357

Yeah. It works.
Morals and wealth under capitalism are mutually exclusive.

>> No.53568471

>actually pretty interesting
shut the fuck up you absolute faggot

>> No.53569070
File: 37 KB, 960x920, Realizer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol. the jet-takeoff-acceleration-force primeval feeling of
in life

>this is probably why, to others I must seem untrustworthy or at the very least "off" I've had tests though, not autistic or anything.
it's ok fren. emotions start with the shit above the mouth. literally the muscles above it in the eyes, cheeks (eyebrows and nose follow). as in: words the mouth says and shapes the mouth does are secondary.

dont feel like a fool if you want to try investing some extra energy being slightly more expressive and focusing a little more conversational energy on the gf's sis, or whoever. it will feel fake at first, but eventually become the real you, if you want it to be.

by the way, the heart of mr beast's uncanny, insincere, under- or over-socialized (take your pick) EXPRESSION crime isn't just the smile, which various anons are rightly calling out. its everything. theres little shift in the face for any emotion in his videos. the laugh has no life in it, natural or practiced.

my god, this isnt 1900, Mr. Beast. practice these things a bit. even christian bale's patrick bateman character put some effort in.

>> No.53569205

>i've had tests though
>not autistic or anything

buddy if you needed a test to confirm that.... you're autistic

>> No.53569224

His face does not pass the sniff test. Anyone prominent involved in "philanthropy" has always turned out to be a piece of shit. Also his moniker is Mr. Beast.

>> No.53570437

Nothing altruistic about what that clown does, he’s only in it for the money and if he were at least honest about that part he would come off as slightly less punchable

>> No.53572403

Mathew 6:2
“Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward.
Mathew 6:3
But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,
Mathew 6:4
so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.