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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 237 KB, 858x631, 3 more years of cat food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53548270 No.53548270 [Reply] [Original]

It's almost over.

God, I can feel my insides rotting after 2 years of this but I managed to scrape enough money to buy LINK for the next run... please God make it moon I can't eat cat food for one more year...

>> No.53548448

Linkfags down so bad they eating cat food? Lmaooooo

>> No.53548476
File: 20 KB, 539x574, 0cry1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had no other way to save money.

>> No.53548555

That’s really sad.

>> No.53548587
File: 41 KB, 798x644, 1675370048325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird larp tho beans and rice is cheaper then cat food

>> No.53548628
File: 406 KB, 600x599, 0cry3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy it in bulk and it's just $2 per kg.
But it's not very good quality. The fancy one is way too expensive.

>> No.53548693

This sounds less about a crypto investment and more about your fetish for cat food. Can you just be honest with yourself anon? You like eating cat food. Or you like the way it makes you gag or the way it stings your nostrils or the cuts on your fingers when the tuna juice spills out over the lid and onto your lap. I don't know much anon, but I know you need to come to terms with this before the cat's out of the bag

>> No.53548759

Shut up, no I don't. It's decent if you heat it up in a pan and spread it on some bread though. It allows me to save a good $200 a month in human food.

>> No.53548790

This is so pathetic no one even wants to fud Link in this thread.
Anon, there are resources out there to help you eat better.

>> No.53548792

DRY rice is cheaper than that, and gets even cheaper per weight when rehydrated
Chicken is (was?) anywhere from $1-$4/lb depending on where you live, but you don't neeeeed nearly as much as carbs.

>> No.53548843
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>> No.53548861

Beans’ll help stretch out your protein as well. Chilis, soups can be real cheap with canned tomatoes/veggies and dried herbs/spices.

>> No.53548964
File: 218 KB, 1200x1437, 0cry5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop mocking my struggle.

But rice needs some sort of condiment, I can't eat plain rice, and any condiment will shoot up the price past the one of cat food. And rice has too few nutrients, no way to survive only on that.

>> No.53548990

why is that image?

>> No.53549010

kek, linkies are stinkies that's for sure

>> No.53549012

What are you having for lunch OP?
Timestamp your meal or larp.

>> No.53549032

You'll probably die soon if what you say is true either way so... might as well eat some human food once a week
but i think if this isn't larp then it's just a cat food fetish like TLC strange addiction.

>> No.53549066
File: 164 KB, 499x583, 0cry4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already ate today. I only eat one meal per day because it's easier to force myself to eat one big bowl than to have multiple meals.

>> No.53549096

Ok lets see your stash of cat food then

>> No.53549203
File: 696 KB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230202_220455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upper pallet is the pork flavored one, I need to buy another pallet soon. Bottom is the tuna one. I dont like it much because it stings my eyes.

Posting from phone so maybe my id will be different.

>> No.53549244

Each pallet is 9.6 kg (24 cans of 400 grams each, I eat 2 per day in a single meal) and costs 20€.

>> No.53549248
File: 33 KB, 480x454, c3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its real
Anon i..........

>> No.53549295

For the first few weeks I had diarrhea pretty much every day, then my body adjusted.

Added benefit is that I lost a lot of weight (27 kg in 2 years). I was chubby so that's good.

And I managed to buy about 450 LINKS at an average price of about $12. So my strategy worked.

>> No.53549321

Find god , seriously

>> No.53549323

Be sure to take profits and not ride it 90% down like people still holding it from last time.

>> No.53549356
File: 66 KB, 828x825, FkyFfh9XwAMnQaI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53549366

I don't need God, I need more LINK. I'm almost at 600 total. In the next run that should be enough to make it.

>> No.53549386

holy shit my sides

>> No.53549391
File: 175 KB, 569x265, Fn13gOfXgAACCMi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about getting a second job, anon?

>> No.53549436

I refuse to work for other people and endure all that customers-coworkers-boss bullshit. It's undignified. I don't take orders from anyone.

there's nothing funny, it worked as intended. You need to make sacrifices to gain something.

>> No.53549441

>not even 1000 for all of this suffering

>> No.53549456

If in the next run it will really go to 1k-2k, then 600 are gonna be enough.

>> No.53549460

Oh you don’t work. You’d rather sacrifice your health and dignity with cat food than some temporary work.
Nevermind, enjoy the cans.

>> No.53549469

My guy... I normally fud4fun, you need to stop asap. Theres a reason they sell this food to cats.. Theres not even a word for this kind of food, goyslop is fine dining compared to this slop. Imagine food so terrible its not even fit for mcdonalds. You are basically speed running giving yourself cancer. And for what 400 fucking link? Imagine if link moons and you find out youre about to die.
Youre better off living in your car as a hobo like some other bizfags have. Or maybe buy 10 less link a month? Like holy shit nigger

>> No.53549485

Waging means sacrificing your dignity. Living like you choose to means keeping it.

I'm not concerned with the judgement of the weak minded. I decide my own rules.

>> No.53549494

Fucking kek

The other poster is right you sick fuck, you probably dress up as a cat everytime you eat

>> No.53549509

It's not that bad if you heat it up. Living in a car would kill me in winter, it gets cold here.

Shut up, weak willed faggot. You don't deserve to make it.

>> No.53549541

Just for you op, I won't post the chart itt. Shit...

>> No.53549550

>It's not that bad if you heat it up.
imagine the smell

>> No.53549571

Smells like discipline and making it. Your sperm is water.

>> No.53549583

The taste doesnt matter.. Youre just eating the leftovers of what cant be sold for human consumption. And that bar is already very low.
Youre eating rotten meat and tumors and who knows what else.

Just go sell your plasma that should supplement your cat food savings

>> No.53549623

Can't sell plasma or blood or sperm in my country. Donations are all free.

>> No.53549656

You're eating value brand cat food in the third world? My nigga, let's find you another way.

>> No.53549697

Why is there a professional grade cat food?

Is someone screencapping this one?

>> No.53549711

>value brand cat food
No, that shit is expensive, something like 8€ per kg. It's delicious but no way I could afford it. I buy mine in bulk because it's the cheapest kind I could find.

>> No.53549713

OP just shoplift food, if you dont get caught you get free food. If you do get caught you get too stay in jail for a month with 3 meals a day

>> No.53549729
File: 1.16 MB, 1148x784, billy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know cat food anon might be on to something.

>> No.53549732

Our jails are full of africans and rumenians and albanians. No thank you.

>> No.53549757

I don't know why it's called "professional", it's the cheapest one I could find. 2€ per kg. It's probably just empty marketing.

>> No.53549791

I still think this may be a ruse and anon just took a picture of what he feeds his cat, but it could just be me in denial.
But if real, anon won’t work so it’s on him.

>> No.53549815

I hope its fake for his sake.
>eating cat food for 2 years for 400 link

>> No.53549845
File: 2.81 MB, 1048x4046, ceo vs worker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waging is undignified slavery. Just because you've been convinced by (((them))) that it's a decent way to live, doesn't mean it's true. Think with your head.

It's 2023, the standards for even pet food are high enough. I probably won't die. I just have the occasional bout of diarrhea and heartburn because of the monotony of the diet.

>> No.53549849

I really hate to break it to you anon - and this is coming from a link maxi - we'll be lucky to hit 50 again and stay there, 100 is probably not going to happen. A 1000? I'm sorry for your loss anon

>> No.53549866

>100 is probably not going to happen
Why? What makes you say that? That can't be, it wouldn't even be a 2x from previous ATH. It can't be.

>> No.53549934
File: 185 KB, 1400x1400, have_you_seen_this_cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53550031

Based Catfood-anon

>> No.53550104

WAGMI, fren. But only if we're willing to pay the price.

>> No.53550111

I just dumpster dive at grocery stores.
they throw away perfectly fine food for no reason.
I lockpick the dumpster and then fill up my van
If I need cash I look for cars with expensive catalytic converters and take them to resell online.

with that lifestyle I have accumulated over 40000 Chainlink tokens.

>> No.53550127

>nigger lifestyle
I prefer to stay out of prison.

>40000 Chainlink tokens.
How??? That's impossible!!!

>> No.53550167


>> No.53550213

>I prefer to stay out of prison.
nobody actually cares that you take trash from a dumpster at 2AM and in the last 10 years I had nobody ever complain about it. they literally throw everything away even it its still perfectly fine to eat and the packaging is still sealed. some of that food can still be stored for weeks even months. and they throw it away.

same with the catalytic converters, nobody really cares if you take them because cars drive better without them, you are actually helping the owner getting more bang for his bucks.
1 catalytic converter can sell for 900€+ a pop or more and on a good day I can fill up my entire van with them.

I started accumulating early

>> No.53550275

Op, make a video of you eating a whole can of cat food in your preferred style and I will send you 5 link. 5 link isn't much I know, but not bad if you eat anyways

>> No.53550462

>nobody really cares if you steal pieces from their cars
Ok Tyrone.

>> No.53550478

30 links and you've got a deal.

>> No.53550529

I don't see how this is screencap worthy. It's not like I'm mugging people or prostituting myself. It's just cat food. Your goyslop is probably less healthy and 10x more expensive.

>> No.53550641

they really dont, one time I was about to take a catalytic converter and when I got under the car I realized I had taken that cat YEARS ago.
he didnt fail his mandatory inspection and nobody cared it was missing.
and as I said the car works better without a catalytic converter. once its out your car starts kicking like a Mule with duct tape around his balls

>> No.53550702

Here comes the aeroplane. nyyyoooooom

>> No.53550725
File: 197 KB, 541x821, 0cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up. I'm gonna be rich and you're gonna stay a poorfag.

>> No.53550847

based if true, you will go down in history like the other homeless anon who went heavily into link. This is an interesting play, get at least 2000 LINK and you'll be set for life. You staking?

>> No.53550888

I don't trust staking. I don't really understand how it works and I will never give someone else access to my linkies. Look what happened to greedy fags with Celsius and other scams.

>2000 LINK
That would take me 6-7 more years...

>> No.53551803
File: 283 KB, 828x773, 29F00866-2512-4237-B6B2-F0598556AB3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you mean this chart.

Don’t you dare shield OP from the truth, anon, this cat food fuck has a gambling addiction that needs to be brought to life

>> No.53551883

It's a financial strategy and it's working.

>> No.53551910

Your “strategies” might work, but your organs sure as hell won’t when you’re done. What if it takes 20 years to hit your target? 30? 40?

>> No.53551936

It will not. LINK will be at least $1k by 2025.

>> No.53551992

What if it doesn’t?

Why link specifically? What makes it so special?

Why are you just now making a thread like this?

>> No.53552036

Because LINK is a paradigm shift and now we're at the start of a new bullrun.

>> No.53552099

>paradigm shift
Do you even know what that means?

>> No.53552130

It's a shift in paradigm.

>> No.53552170

>Schizo nigger larping about eating cat food for gibs and sympathy when he's clearly some rich fucking nigger
I hate this board beyond words can describe.

>> No.53552187

>clearly some rich fucking nigger
I'm white as snow and what the hell makes you think I'm rich??

>> No.53552216

You're Egyptian spending 5 dollars a can on fucking cat food.
Cat foods not even that expensive in the states It's how I know you fucking nigger and your skins as brown as a pajeet fuck you and your pretend struggling you have no idea what pain is but you're gonna feel it nigger.

>> No.53552246
File: 67 KB, 600x600, what_the_fuck_am_I_reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53552260

It's literally a fucking rich Egyptian nigger trying to get someone to fucking give him money this nigger is buying his cats pallets of very expensive cat food, fucking dumb nigger OP.

>> No.53552279

Egyptian are niggers. I'm white, faggot. Europe is far whiter than 54% Muttmerica, shart.

>> No.53552291

>5 dollars a can
Nigger I clearly said that 24 cans are just 20 euros.

Fucking illiterate nigger incapable of even reading you fucking retarded nigger you're the niggest nigger in all of niggerland (the USA).

>> No.53552296

No you aren't and you aren't fooling me nigger, you're in a hornets nest of extremely intelligent people way beyond your grasp of reality now get fucked and get off my board now.

>> No.53552307

I don't listen to a reddit spacing narcissistic fucking nigger jeet, I did the research 24 cans is 130 USD before taxes and shipping, unless you live in Egypt where this is made and primarily sold which is exactly where you're at I can see it.

>> No.53552318

>trying to get someone to fucking give him money
>very expensive cat food
What the fuck are you on, you fucking schizo?
1) I didn't ask for money.
2) I'm white and european.
3) The cat food I buy is 2€ per kg.
4) I'm most certainly not rich.

Is it fun to completely make shit up?
The egyptian part is especially weird.

>> No.53552334

Accepting your oppressors' propaganda makes you undignified.
Rejecting it like I do makes me dignified.

Keep waging for the rest of your life because ((they))) told you to live like this and you believed it.

>> No.53552347

>I did the research 24 cans is 130 USD before taxes and shipping, unless you live in Egypt where this is made and primarily sold
Kek if this how you "do your research" on crypto I'm not surprised you're a seething menstruating tranny. You probably bought ObamaSonichu or Pregnantbutt.

I am not in Egypt, gigantic cum guzzling gaylord.

>> No.53552357


>> No.53552359

>a hornets nest of extremely intelligent people
Oh god the cringe... the cringe is so powerful...
I thought underaged faggots were banned here.

>> No.53552371

How about YOU fuck off from my thread, piece of shit? You came here to act tough and smart, got exposed for the mongoloid that you are, and now you're shitting up everywhere and kvetching like a mentally ill schizo tranny.

Nobody is forcing you to post here. Suck my ass and then fuck off.

>> No.53552381

Nigger I hope you and your cats get poisoned or you all get eaten by some niggers rabid pitbull now get off my fucking board you tourist nigger beggar.

>> No.53552410

Fuck off mongoloid little shit. In real life you'd be pissing yourself like the little cowardly shit that you are.

Maybe stop trading like a moron and losing money, so you'll PMS less.

>> No.53552425

Point out where I have begged for money, piece of shit. Go on, point it out.

Piece of shit.

>> No.53552538

You are a pure legend catboy.

>> No.53552553

Fuck off nigger samefaggot stop bumping your shitty fucking thread nobody is buying it, buy a gun with your cat food profits and blow your god damn brains out you foreign fucking nigger.

>> No.53552620

oatmeal anon was genuine, this is a grifter

>> No.53552638

Who cares? It's one of the funniest threads on /biz/ right now.

>> No.53552660

No it's not you're not funny, you're a schizophrenic samefaggot next you'll be namefagging and dressing in women's clothing.

You don't belong here, your humor also doesn't fit.
We won't have funny threads till all these nigger grifters find a new line of work.

>> No.53552682

Still here? I told you to leave, little shit. You can eat my ass one last time, ok, but then you need to fuck off.

>> No.53552703

Didn't I tell you to leave, little shit? Go have your mental breakdown somewhere else. Now.

>> No.53552836
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>> No.53553665


>> No.53553685
File: 65 KB, 284x313, cat food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will make it just to spite you.

>> No.53553754

You're the coolest anon ever. I feel sad but not about you rotting your insides eating literal poison for cats so you have money to buy probably the worst performing erc20 meme shitcoin this planet has to offer, no. I feel sad because I'll never have a friend as cool and funny as you. You owned biz with this thread. You're the man, anon. This thread is absolute purrfection

>> No.53553769
File: 358 KB, 750x593, 1675102021699847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eating cat food
>Link holder
Seems about right.

>> No.53553776
File: 297 KB, 1080x1354, 1ACED7E6-82CF-47D7-B6BC-AEDB36D9BE80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What brand is it? Thinking about getting into pet food myself
>t. Currently homeless

>> No.53553787

I mean this dude could literally just have a cat. How is everyone so gullible?

>> No.53553803

Maybe we’re just bored and want to believe in a tragedy

>> No.53553811

>Each pallet is 9.6 kg (24 cans of 400 grams each, I eat 2 per day in a single meal) and costs 20€.

Ive never laughed so much in my life.

>> No.53553825

There’s like 30 tragedies from /biz/ a year and even more if you browse multiple boards. I remember the guy who bet 6 btc on trump winning. You get used to them

>> No.53553831

you should just adopt free pets that need a new home. free meat and you can sell whatever items that came with them.

>> No.53553834
File: 27 KB, 600x617, DBCC7C2F-D430-4B08-A9A0-790D54666BF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53553866

My man is eating cat food and talking about dignity. This is pure gold.

>> No.53553910

OP literally just works at a pet shop

>> No.53553931
File: 44 KB, 577x721, image0-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is wrong with you retard

>> No.53553933

Newfag. Also
>betting on an election
Top kek, that shit’s more rigged than crypto. Did he kill himself yet?

>> No.53554017

I swear, some of you bizraelies love to lose

>> No.53554061

Newfag? The guy who bet on the election? Lmao back then if you even implied trump could lose in some fashion they called you a shill/jew/fed whatever. I still remember how smug he was acting in the thread. Not as bad as luigi.finance though. Now that was a tragedy.

>> No.53554096

Luigi finance?

>> No.53554183

No I’M the newfag, sorry.

Here we fucking a-go

>> No.53554250

Seems to be some kind of NFT, or “rarible” as it’s called

>> No.53554271

Twas before NFTs…

>> No.53554280

But still an NFT in spirit. Let me guess: it rugged.

>> No.53554418

Just a thought OP: have you tried switching it up and getting dog food? I’d imagine it would have to be more calorie dense and probably just as cheap if you get the walmart branded shit.

>> No.53554458

>Lmao back then if you even implied trump could lose in some fashion they called you a shill/jew/fed
To be fair that turned put to be an accurate statement

>> No.53554653

Yes but I heard that its quality is even lower than cat food's because cats are pickier. Also, I couldn't find any brand cheaper than 2€ per kg.

>> No.53554691

Shut up faggot. This is the best /biz/ thread of 2023 so far
Better then dogefuckassAI coin scam and "how do i profit from being a faggot" frog posts

>> No.53554719

How are you not larping? Here in USA you can buy cans of chilli and beans for 2$ a can, and it has 400-600 calories. 2$ is pretty much the same as 2£

>> No.53554887

Not here. Human food is way more expensive than cat food. And it has fewer vitamins and minerals. Cat food has the advantage of being made with meat, bone fragments, organ residues, etc. It's a lot more complete. I asked a nutritionist (I didn't tell her I was planning to eat it myself, I pretended that I was writing a story about a castaway that needed to survive on only one kind of food for a few years.)

>> No.53554898

>2$ a can
My cans of cat food are 82 cents per can.

>> No.53555177

Link is a good web3 project just like Ore, $1k by 2025 is based, I'm expecting it to do well too

>> No.53555218

Based hopeposter.

>> No.53555231

He wants to fucking enjoy the trolling here

>> No.53555248

I don't get why everyone is kvetching like that. People have done much worse shit for crypto. I just eat cat food.

>> No.53555279

Maybe it's some Ore NFT

>> No.53555422

He's a motherfucker

>> No.53555799

And a catfucker too probably

>> No.53555962

Hahahaha, obviously

>> No.53555974

What's that for, maybe another shitty jpeg?

>> No.53557434

A DeFi project?

>> No.53557532


>> No.53557580
File: 284 KB, 780x928, 20221225_220858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon posts $200 in cat food
>150 replies
>meanwhile nobody even upvotes me
I'm going back to /out/, they at least ban me for larping over there

>> No.53557589

Nigger 140 replies are from OP.
This shits beyond dead just a few schizos propping it up.

>> No.53559253

I'm starting to accumulate other web3 tokens like ORE.

>> No.53559816

He's a poor pajeet

>> No.53560086

Not at all, it's actually used to manage access control for off-chain APIs.

>> No.53560198

How much link

>> No.53560231
File: 477 KB, 800x428, ukrenian woman life cycle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek if true

>> No.53560566

Dry cat food objectively tastes much better than wet cat food to humans. And dry food is also cheaper. Bad Larp

>> No.53561267

>You WILL eat your government subsidized cat food
>And you WILL like it

>> No.53561363
File: 118 KB, 1200x675, CB020F18-451C-4302-88C8-573EE8797E4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP’s government right now.

>> No.53562292

I'm fucking white, faggot.

>> No.53562335

Where do you live?

>> No.53562349

In Mumbai.
Why this threads still up is beyond me, OP isn't even good at being a beggar.

>> No.53562372

Not you, asshole

>> No.53562739

In Western Europe, stupid pieces of shit.

>> No.53562777

>being a beggar.
Your mother is a beggar (for my cum), you shitstain.

>> No.53563125

>Dry cat food objectively tastes much better than wet cat food to humans.
Are you also eating cat food? How do you know with this much certainty?

My problem is that dry food isn't as nutritious.

>> No.53563677

>Western Europe
So you’ve been fucked since the day you were born. Eating catfood doesn’t make that much of a difference then.

>> No.53563695

this nigga eating friskies

>> No.53564591

>I can't eat cat food for one more year
i know this is a meme but cat food is expensive you'd be better off buying bulk rice and dried beans to save money

>> No.53565312

Get a sack of poultry wheat and sprout it. I make it for my chickens and sometimes eat some it's pretty good. Better than goyslop

>> No.53566360

Chads always take profits anon. I remember doing it on Cake back in 2021 and next stop is Ride and Egld from Elrond which are showing potential

>> No.53566974

if the "utility" isn't driving up the price now then what makes you think it will happen in the future when there's more utility? This tokens price is held up by pure speculation.