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53546885 No.53546885 [Reply] [Original]

Avax or ADA? Thinking about dropping a couple grand into one of them

>> No.53548461

>turkish scam vs gods chosen cryptocurency

tough choice

>> No.53548593
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The coin with the most amount of "HELLO NIGGERS" threads or the coin in picrel.
Which do you think is more organic and sound. I leave the choice up to you.

>> No.53548696

Avax it is

>> No.53548716

kek literally this

>> No.53548762

>god's chosen cryptocurrency
>simply a shitcoin from 2016 that pumped on promises and never delivered led by a reddit incel
ftfy. also avax is an eth fork so riddle it out yourself OP

>> No.53549139

I hate niggers, so I guess I am buying avax

>> No.53549159
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>> No.53549177
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>> No.53549249

The coin with the best team that makes technical improvements and builds business relationships the fastest vs the team that moves the slowest and has accomplished almost nothing in the 7 or 8 years since it was started.

Avax is the obvious winner but I will say I am envious of djed and wish avax team would work on something similar. They won’t until someone gives them a white paper for an actual indestructible stablecoin, Emin told me this himself.

>> No.53549416

Unironically this

>> No.53549426
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ADA of course

>> No.53549704

this is a nobrainer... avax will dominate

>> No.53549749
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They just discovered more GOLD in Africa so you better be feeding them fucking niggers, I want my cheapy gold, faggot.

>> No.53549810

Holy shit what a self important faggot.
He literally “do you know who I am” to a fucking support bot.
I cant.
I know richard heart is a grifting nigger, but fuck crypto truly deserves people like him stealing their money instead of giving is to this fat faggot.

>> No.53551298
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I'm also going to drop a couple grand into one as well
I take home 3,300 every two weeks

>> No.53551333

>AVAX vs Polygon vs FTM
ADA is absolute unscalable garbage and an outright scam.

>> No.53551355


>> No.53551411
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Joey ?
QuiJa Boards are only used by Homosexuals who live inside RVs

>> No.53552724
