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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 334 KB, 1080x1350, 1561232873632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53544958 No.53544958 [Reply] [Original]

That's how I got my ride, anons. You can learn a lot from me

>> No.53544973

How many threads do you make a day?
I know you're the dave ramsey spammer I know you're the 200k what to spend anon, the I'm gonna get a free house anon.

How many is it nigger?

>> No.53545341

Ser I just want you to have a car like this pls

>> No.53545377

Is getting an extremely expensive car with an extremely fuck-ugly paint job some kind of flex?

>> No.53545420

Getting a car thats over 100k is a very poor investment. If you are rich buying such things would draw unwanted attention toward you. This is what trust fund babies do because they either got rich with no effort or did nothing of substance to obtain their gifted wealth. A car like this is a red flag that the individual is a mindless consooomer, or worse, an attention craving faggot.

>> No.53545447

> A car like this is a red flag that the individual is a mindless consooomer, or worse, an attention craving faggot.
Even worse than that. You missed the chainlink cube by the rear tire.

>> No.53545479

>20k down payment
>80 payments of 1k afterwards
>less than 4 years to pay it off
This is how poorfags get top cars.

>> No.53545480

Needs a big green frog

>> No.53545494
File: 794 KB, 1050x586, the jews did 911 turbo s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.53545519

Nice. Get a Rolex Pikachu on your wrist to match, maybe his and his t-shirts too

>> No.53545559

Bitcoin only go up, used car only go down. OP is a fag

>> No.53545615

and why are you taking a picture in the middle of the road?

>> No.53545617

Gott in Himmel, how new are you all? JFC do not enter the market

>> No.53545622
File: 351 KB, 1200x900, 2020-07-14_11-01-02_118731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be happy with just a jeep rubicon. They seem like a lot of fun to ride.

>> No.53545681

how do these cars can run without breaking for more than 1km ?
it seems to be so low that a single tiny pothole would destroy everything

>> No.53545699

He's the anon keeping /biz/ alive.

>> No.53545714
File: 180 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mid 6 figure chad, i liking mogging wagie's off the road

>> No.53545739

Nobody is admiring your wealth, everybody is assuming you're an upper-middleclass soccer mom who can't drive.

>> No.53546266
File: 357 KB, 1200x889, cl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 figs here this is my daily drive unironically

>> No.53546272

Air suspension

>> No.53546326

When I make it im not going to buy any kind of super car. Im going to be stealth mode rich.

Fuck all this gay ass flaunting shit.

>> No.53546375

The man who proudly goes around advertising the fact that he's an ardent biztard is the most scariest, dangerous person I can think of
That's a man who is capable of some real insanity.

>> No.53546413

This guy sold Link at like $2.

>> No.53546434

>im a broke 2 cylinder honda pizza box man
>i will now project my insecurity
Dont get mad when im tailing gating your vehicle, I just like people knowing my presence

>> No.53546507

Based Clio enjoyoor

>> No.53546631
File: 2.17 MB, 1614x728, 328gts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just dumb if you can't figure out how to buy an expensive car and also make some safe profit.

Hint: Either buy an exclusive car (like the 918 spyder) or a classic car that's already bottomed out. Going out and buying a base model Huracán is not the play.

>> No.53546886

Prepare to be held up as I drive 10 under and never allow you to pass. You won't actually do shit but rage and post another picture of whatever nigmobile that is. You also wouldn't take it to anywhere it might be actually admired because those people would raperob you. Keep tailgatin, babe

>> No.53546912

Hardly he put a spear through it and drove everyone good away, leaving nothing but schizophrenic dregs behind.

>> No.53547226

Speaking of schizo dregs, anyone know what happened to AK-anon? That guy was tapped in the head

>> No.53547267
File: 453 KB, 1874x2500, BoostedAKASerialBeggar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many schizos have came and passed since I might have missed him, he's one for the history books.

>> No.53547344

I think shitposting on 2018 /biz/ was the best time of my life. Backwards, fly backwards oh Time in your flight. Make me a newfag again, just for tonight

>> No.53547386
File: 447 KB, 2803x1350, C4608031-B8E0-4C4E-889F-BB33CCF282C5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t buy at all, share memes of wednesday coin and you’ll get paid either way didn’t hear it from me

>> No.53547437

Here take this. It's a suprise tool that will help us later

>> No.53549449

No one cares about your XL soccer mom car. This is like bragging to everyone about how cute your new baby is, but to everyone else it just looks like a goblin with fetal alcohol syndrome.

>> No.53549756

You drive the same car that 90% of midwestern soccer mom drive. It’s ok to admit it, anon.

>> No.53549781

>or a classic car that's already bottomed out
Delete this I haven't accumulated yet.

>> No.53549985

Y www. http://www.elektro-junghanss.de/ No work?

>> No.53550162

>I just like people knowing my presence
Hate to say but..
>Small dick energy

>> No.53550482

And still no woman dares enter that car.

>> No.53550525

>I can tell by the pixels

>> No.53550646

Lexus is 350 F for me lol

>> No.53550710

That color. It’s a cry for attention, just like when women die their hair pink. Just no.

>> No.53551957
File: 82 KB, 800x429, p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I simply like bright colors. no boring black/white/gray for me

>> No.53551980

awkward thread
40+ replies, all newfags
spoonfeeding time:
this car is from the 2017 bullrun
so the guy who bought this basically paid several millions for it

>> No.53553822

Ding ding ding chicken dinner

>> No.53554087
File: 72 KB, 640x640, F0EDC5F5-7F84-452B-8B28-EDF26AF26379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where 2 get sexo pink-hair gf bros....

>> No.53554238

OP is super annoying. I'm assuming he has some condition that prevents him from going outside.

>> No.53554296

I mean this sincerely, but I pity you so very much, OP.

>> No.53554737


>> No.53554746

gross poor spic with acne. have some standards anon

>> No.53554862

checked, and yes. It's a good way to flex on normies. Take their dream and shit all over it.

>> No.53554884

Ironically I pity you for being such a pathetic envious faggot. A fucking broke DORK

>> No.53554891

What profits?

>> No.53554913
File: 899 KB, 1159x878, 860A34A1-8EA7-4C3D-9C14-6EB87413C158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't mind driving a black Ferrari or Lambo with a massive Itasha plastered over it. I would receive immense satisfaction daily from the constant stream of seething it would generate
maybe not a model as old as picrel but new enough that people would recognize it as very expensive

>> No.53554933

A man's car is a reflection of his character, and yours is embarrassing and painful to look at.

>> No.53554954

Time stamp?

>> No.53554965

Only doable if you're a rich neet

>> No.53554971

Wood berry