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File: 1.87 MB, 700x700, blackbetty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53542051 No.53542051 [Reply] [Original]

Priced Out Edition

>Educational sites:

>Financial TV Streams:




>Pre-Market and Live data:


>Boomer Investing 101:



>> No.53542078

were holding until after earnings right amazon chads?

>> No.53542079

imagine having such shitty takes you have to post a girls face just to get attention

>> No.53542080
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>> No.53542085
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Bah gawd so much GREEN

>> No.53542087


>> No.53542090
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>> No.53542092 [DELETED] 

ZeroHedge has gone full permabull. I feel worried

>> No.53542103
File: 73 KB, 596x583, 45B4312B-1D05-41BB-BF8C-87C12F863C87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Carvana 41% in the green
What the actual fuck

>> No.53542105
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In this moment, I am euphoric.

>> No.53542106
File: 252 KB, 379x381, hebought.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you bought puts right anon?

>> No.53542107

JEPIbros wtf, we're crabs, not bears
How could this be happening?

>> No.53542110
File: 78 KB, 540x540, SMARTshida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAPL just one dollar away from 150
Just like I told you weeks ago.
170 next.

>> No.53542111

i thought i bought the bottom of sqqq yesterday

>> No.53542120
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>> No.53542123
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Bros....zoom out to 5 days on the nazdaq...holy fuck. Is this actually happening?

>> No.53542128
File: 312 KB, 860x822, 494-4946898_pepe-meme-rarepepe-jew-israel-nose-honk-pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't it be funny if gap gets filled today?

>> No.53542137
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Planning to, even if earning are bad I think will will gradually pump into next quarter.

Dont hold too long this year, remember they still haven't canceled lotr....nothing has changed.

>> No.53542138
File: 222 KB, 720x720, 1670834152762037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been meaning to average down on some of my heavier bags but they won't stop pumping now.

>> No.53542140

I kneel

>> No.53542142
File: 650 KB, 918x568, Wrong Doomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's this fucking retard?

>> No.53542149

Bout to drop this goyslop KO ticker tho.

>> No.53542153
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>> No.53542155
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i just gotta habeeb it i guess

>> No.53542157

Dear Bobo,
Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks. Make sure to check your spam box! While we understand you have lost everything & are desperate, no we cannot bump you to the top of the quee. Please be patient.
4chan admin

>> No.53542158
File: 110 KB, 1083x332, meltup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that once every bobo has switched sides the game is over. The melt-up ends and the market crashes. ZeroHedge is now a permabull and you should be worried

>> No.53542163

Bros you told me short carvana at open I trusted you..;(

>> No.53542165

wtf to buy
i got heemed on the gaming stocks

>> No.53542172

at least he stated he was just going to regurgitate a youtube grifter's perspective at the beginning of the post. it should have been ignored after that

>> No.53542181
File: 18 KB, 566x137, SmartSelect_20230202_094106_ETRADE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goal is to roll JEPI until I can live of the divies. It's not going to grow much

>> No.53542183


>> No.53542189

Not many bros left, bro.

>> No.53542191


>> No.53542193
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>> No.53542197
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I have a structured settlement and I need cash now!

>> No.53542200

the market has changed chuds
we are in perma green territory
no i dont care about your charts from 100 years ago about events before keynes and solow

>> No.53542203

check cancles on the nasdaq daily chart and tell me how this is not fake and gay?

>> No.53542204
File: 33 KB, 1080x120, Screenshot_2023-02-02-09-42-06-21_d365b52accad0f47adbc08c16219827d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this?

>> No.53542207
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>> No.53542209

Chinabros...China is dumping

>> No.53542210
File: 95 KB, 554x719, DIVIEAUTISM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the point of jepi is to generate income from dividends, it should crab by design, and should be purchased low as possible to have the highest dividend yield

>> No.53542211
File: 463 KB, 582x762, A66137C2-EE5D-489C-AFE1-87E92043803A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you had to do was buy SKYT

>> No.53542218
File: 988 KB, 986x842, Screen Shot 2022-05-09 at 4.41.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today is my monthly buy day, but I hate buying on euphoria days. Wat do?

>> No.53542225

AQB bros, First they ignore you, then they laugh at you for having to reverse split, then they fight you, then you get rich.
1€ avg lookin good for the mutant fish long run

>> No.53542226

I was going to but once I saw +26 PM I decided not to. It'll eventually come crashing down I think shorts are trapped rn

>> No.53542227

buy palantir

>> No.53542233


>> No.53542236

ZIMbros why are we mooning all of a sudden ?

>> No.53542238

I bought 90 sqqq at 45 and I got absolutely fucked. Anyone else stuck bagholding?

>> No.53542243




>> No.53542244

wait 1 hour after the exhuberant opening then we're free falling
you can buy on close after -4%

>> No.53542247

i cut soxs yesterday as soon as JP opened his mouth

>> No.53542249
File: 328 KB, 1052x1619, 2e99c49181a7f486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are falling boomer stocks like WM, KO and UNH an indicator for a meme pump in tech with a delayed heeming of mumus?

>> No.53542250

>Le we buy the dump
>Le we buy the pump
>Muh DCA

Buy it bitch

>> No.53542251

rhodesian anon?

>> No.53542254

Turns out when you lose 50% of your money week after week, it really isnt that painful

>> No.53542255


>> No.53542257

>Dow in freefall
>Nothing else moving
What do the numbers mean?

>> No.53542259

>data getting worse every week
>5%+ terminal rate
>no rate cuts in 2023
>everyone euphoric
>zombie corps pumping
>bobos jumping ship and buying leveraged bull etfs
This is peak euphoria. Take profits

>> No.53542260

What? I only see 800, why isn't it updating?

>> No.53542261

why are you even a bear if you are going to baghold

>> No.53542272

wtf is qt group and why is it up 10%?

>> No.53542277

Tech is sucking liquidity out of the dow. Always happens before a tech gigadump. Are you new?

>> No.53542279

just bought 100 shares of ELYS

>> No.53542281

why is HPQ pumping
what do they even make anymore?

>> No.53542282
File: 87 KB, 1001x963, 1644038673870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monthly buy day

>> No.53542284

Everyone fomo'n into tech with no logic

>> No.53542290

Is this the new bobo cope?

>> No.53542291

Nobody gives a shit about the Dow

>> No.53542292
File: 89 KB, 255x518, 1647784960335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOW was outperforming all last year. Now it's everyone else's turn. no biggie.

>> No.53542293
File: 8 KB, 200x195, bobo-never-give-up-shirt-thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1200 soxs at 32


Not cutting unless we go above 4300

>> No.53542299

Well i have seen this a few times now. You could correlate charts if you werent stupid money.

>> No.53542301

Just hold, correction will happen

>> No.53542304
File: 8 KB, 335x506, 23uFPjeJHMABp5vXEWP2c5uFPRUamCud6Ej3CJFQNxywSVhKqFGnA5RnF4KuoGYVaEjGH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53542307

We just had a massive recession in 2022 with SPX down 25% on the year, we aren't even at the previous high yet. You haven't seen euphoria, if anything bobotards are still euphoric right now.

>> No.53542316

Time to buy

Human waste isn't going away anytime soon

>> No.53542319
File: 70 KB, 506x552, sdJS7ZXSnfdKhIE0cf6qxv5krlBW6be8cKgrk82dE_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will be get rhodesia back, bros?

not really, but Im kind of stupid

>> No.53542321

>data getting worse every week
Uhm, honey, sweety, babe. That's actually a good thing.

Shit economy = higher chance of rate cuts and QE.

Get a load of this goy.

>> No.53542322

DXY doin lil sumpn
Tech scam rally gonna end in tears

>> No.53542323
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>> No.53542325
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Based Burry led gay bobofags into a trap and then deleted his twitter to abandon them.

>> No.53542327

I'm so bearish on the real economy and society it's unreal.

>> No.53542332

you should have had a stop
what are you even doing my niqqa just buy indices if you are this confused

>> No.53542334

It already happened you retard.

>> No.53542337

I could have bought COIN calls for 0.46 yesterday. They are worth 10.50 now. That’s a 22x just kill me

>> No.53542339

Why the FUCK shouldn't I buy puts on
right now? It seems like total bullshit
But I am retard with no profit

>> No.53542341

FUCK yeah! Let's get this money bros! Uranium chads rise up! SOXL sister let's dilate! Tesla niggers, we're up baby!

>> No.53542344
File: 174 KB, 1080x1513, apu-bull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to buy your I-Bonds this year, frens!

>> No.53542345

Cramer finally won

>> No.53542348

>if anything bobotards are still euphoric right now.
Market has been pumping for months. Bobos are jumping ship left and right to join the bulls
>We just had a massive recession in 2022
We didn't have a recession in 2022

>> No.53542350

How the fuck is COIN not stopping? Bitcoin is literally flat.

>> No.53542357

The trend is your friend.

>> No.53542359

>Buying puts in a bull market
Why do you retards fight the trend so much
Buy puts after it tops not during the run up
You're not geniuses, the sooner you realize this the more profitable youll be

>> No.53542360

>Bobos trying to trade the market with facts and logic vs meme power and hopium
kek bobos seething

>> No.53542364

Being an edgy teen is following Burry, being an adult is realizing Cramer was right all along

>> No.53542365

Pricing in the next crypto bull run.

>> No.53542372

Also, 28% of the stock float is short, so kek at that.

>> No.53542373
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>> No.53542375

We absolutely had a recession in 2022, that was literally all you're getting too. We had 2 quarters of negative GDP in a row and we had a 25% crash on SPX, if you were too greedy to buy at 3500 you will never buy. You boboids are waiting for a recession that already happened.

>> No.53542378
File: 250 KB, 736x960, 2CC04B45-3F3C-46CD-895A-463EED6F5F88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can taste the bobo seethe.

>> No.53542384
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>> No.53542386
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You know it my nigga

>> No.53542387

dumped his bags on the simps

>> No.53542389
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>> No.53542395
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>> No.53542394

I hate fractional shares.

>> No.53542398

I am literally sucking the germans dry.
DAX faggots will never know what hit them.
k e k

>> No.53542400
File: 440 KB, 585x490, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep buying

>> No.53542406

What part of 40 billion dollars on buybacks you don't understand

>> No.53542411


>> No.53542412

Fuck this. I'm loading a 6th tranche on my NVDA short. This is absurd.

>> No.53542416
File: 514 KB, 1000x1200, 1389745124543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they actually restarted not long ago anon

>> No.53542417

Youre better off literally just lighting your money on fire

>> No.53542426

>cramer was right for once
I dont know how to act based on that fact, Im paralized

>> No.53542427
File: 122 KB, 1920x1080, 1667347074606615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont hide just buy

>> No.53542428

>We absolutely had a recession in 2022
The effects of QE were still stimulating the economy in 2022, we never entered a recession.
>25% crash on SPX
That was the pullback after the blow off top. The market went parabolic from QE and ZIRP and needed to cool off.

>> No.53542429

I do this sometimes.

>> No.53542432

Beyond Meat +20%


>> No.53542438

Just put 3 month's salary in the S&P 500. Am I a retard? I probably should've DCA'd...

>> No.53542445
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>> No.53542447

Good look with that.

>> No.53542448

>Just put 3 month's salary in the S&P 500
You bought the top

>> No.53542450
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Burry btfo

>> No.53542451
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>Take profits
I wanted to two weeks ago when my country displayed worse inflation than thought... but I didn't and now am plus almost 20% because of this gigapump. Sorry m8 but we ain't stopping this market anytime soon. The market priced in a hypothetical terrible market last year and now it seems that was all bullshit and most companies are reporting (once again) report earnings. I am never going to be bearish again, fugg this market

>> No.53542454

you should have bought 14 day ago, no pun intended

>> No.53542455

Time to buy puts.

>> No.53542456

>sold all of my puts
Ok we can crash now

>> No.53542458

Is there a bull equivalent of that video?

>> No.53542461
File: 1.47 MB, 1168x664, 1675214056829381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The retarded part is a big initial buy in. If you have the time, buy fewer lots more often.

>> No.53542465


>> No.53542469

sell defensive boomer shit get speculative growth dogshit instead
very sustainable rally. you should buy more we will have another 4 weeks of pumping no worries

>> No.53542472

looks like my otly -80% will be coming back after all

>> No.53542475
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rolling for 5 or 6

>> No.53542480

Fuck! That's what I did on my last investment and I'm a solid 15% down.

I'd prefer to DCA but there's retarded rules with the tax avoidance scheme I'm on.

>> No.53542486

We did, Biden's pilpul doesn't change reality.
>25% crash is a pullback
Kek, you'll never make money. You bobos are delusional you unironically had a 40% crash when adjusted for the money supply and inflation and still refused to buy, are you expecting a 50% crash like the GFC?

>> No.53542496
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Well, we're going to 450 anyway so who gives a fuck.

>> No.53542506

>we're going to 450 anyway
how does 5 years sound?

>> No.53542515

My commodities aren't doing so great.

>> No.53542517



>> No.53542522

Why the bullish sentiment, anon?

>> No.53542520

We're literally going to hit 450 by March at this rate, I was actually not bullish enough thinking it would take till April.

>> No.53542525
File: 96 KB, 196x259, hebuyed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spy 412.6 first bobo test

>> No.53542531

sell it retard.. it went +114.08% within 30 DAYS holy fuck mumus are delusional

>> No.53542540
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More like early summer. 10% ain't shit.


>> No.53542543

Imagine not buying molybdenum futures early this month.

>> No.53542547

+4% overight
-1% at open

>> No.53542549

I am now in the money on my CVNA puts :)

>> No.53542554
File: 146 KB, 430x557, bobo-crying-in-kitchen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t-the top is in ;__;

>> No.53542555

>he thinks were not going to test 420.69
fucking newfags don't know anything

>> No.53542557

Looks like the viagra has worn off

>> No.53542558


>> No.53542562

>sell it
No, I don't think I will.

>> No.53542564

Profit taking day before the big 3 earnings, sell while you still can

>> No.53542567

If aapl comes out decent today with an alright forecast it's fucking over. Aapl is the true measure of the economy.

>> No.53542569

>We did
A stock market pull back is not a recession.
>are you expecting a 50% crash like the GFC?
Yes. Once the euphoric golden period fades we'll be left with a weakening economy, an overvalued stock market, and a Fed that won't cut rates until it's too late

>> No.53542574

He hated on ZIM. Fuck that guy

>> No.53542575
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>> No.53542578

Based retard

>> No.53542590
File: 69 KB, 1200x675, EKT-PxqW4AAChgn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aapl is the true measure of the economy.

>> No.53542591

Powell literally pivoted and implied cuts are coming during his speech yesterday. I don't understand this reality you bobos live in, it's so much harder to be a bobo as well you have to time the market to make money. Why not just buy and hold like a normal person?

>> No.53542593

crab down until end of February and then next crab up for the March fomc

>> No.53542616


>> No.53542618
File: 2.15 MB, 1280x720, BUYCALLSNOWW.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep buying bros

>> No.53542624
File: 102 KB, 771x828, jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mumus, sell me your thesis.
Did the bond market predict this? Did you go long because of the bond market?
Is the bond market now saying the inflation is over?

>> No.53542629

Amazon losing steam I repeat amazon losing steam code red

>> No.53542631



>> No.53542633

Why is Coinbase pullbackless after more than doubling in one month while Bitcoin is dumping?

>> No.53542634

Powell implied a pivot during his speech, it's literally that simple. Don't fight the Fed.

>> No.53542635

Someones been watching too many Manarino videos.

>> No.53542642
File: 680 KB, 320x240, 1626396586780.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont have one, i just buy dips. i'm not smarter than the market

>> No.53542644
File: 56 KB, 1882x117, Screenshot 2023-02-02 090844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone ever look at option time and sales on tos?

>> No.53542646

we're going into hyperinflation at this rate if the bond market eases up even more

>> No.53542649

>Lol the spider is gunna get fuc--

>> No.53542651

>Powell literally pivoted
He didn't, that was just your imagination
>implied cuts are coming during his speech yesterday
He said that more rate hikes are appropriate and that the job is not done. He said that the Fed is watching the data closely and will make it's decisions based on the data. If the stock market remains euphoric and the job market tight then the Fed has no incentive to pivot. Powell's dovish statements pertain to a scenario where inflation is rapidly falling and the economy gets very weak. That's not a bullish scenario for stocks
>Why not just buy and hold like a normal person?
Because I'd be buying the top of a euphoric rally

>> No.53542652


>> No.53542656

When should I cash out of soxl? Think it's gonna hit 30 again?

>> No.53542659
File: 149 KB, 795x813, 1654111301585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm shorting BBBY here AMA. Yes, it is profitable for me already.

>> No.53542662
File: 3.65 MB, 1536x1026, Walhall_by_Emil_Doepler_jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course brother.
Tomorrow we will dine in valhalla.

>> No.53542666

getting some weird vibes from this market desu boys

>> No.53542671
File: 54 KB, 680x532, 435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's our time soon...


>> No.53542673

Powel needs a SPY ticker visible to him while he's giving his speech. If my nigga Powie knew what he was doing to my SQQQ position he would have turned hawkish halfway through his speech.

>> No.53542676

see >>53542652

>> No.53542678

I like the COIN

>> No.53542680

>if the bond market eases up

What do you mean?

>> No.53542681

famous last words

>> No.53542682

Thank you for your contribution
>T. Put seller

>> No.53542683

Wtf, is that a real spider or the snakes tail?

>> No.53542687

Line is going down bobros, maybe there is hope

>> No.53542688

I wonder how much he could make selling the bepis announcement before public.

>> No.53542689

Apparently me and the entire market thought he was dovish, meanwhile a few schizoid bobos interpreted him as hawkish.

>> No.53542690

Based, any smart bobro is doing the same, they're about to announce bankruptcy
Also check out the low IQ cope, lying, delusion, and fear in /BBBY/ for your best example of who is taking the opposite

>> No.53542691

stop it satan
evertthings fine jerome saved us
none of those problems that existed yesterday exist anymore
inflation was literally the only problem and jerome said the word disinflation at least a dozen times
we're back

>> No.53542696

>basket of blue chips is still down 13% over the year
We have a ways to go

>> No.53542697
File: 132 KB, 900x600, 1674753829627770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DRV fucked me with this strat- good luck

>> No.53542703

BTC -0.6%


>> No.53542706

i have tos but no, i don't. there's no point. you're not going to glean anything useful or actionable from it. besides, the rest of the market sees it faster than you, so if therefore priced in.

>> No.53542710

PLTRbros I am gonna break even soon once it hit 10

>> No.53542719

Then what?

>> No.53542723

yeah same can this piece of shit settle above its direct listing pricing so i can feel less bad

>> No.53542725
File: 69 KB, 617x635, 1675278902387893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonds where unsure until 14 days ago.
And yes inflation is as good as over in the US. Lagging monetary policy effects from the 75 bepis era are starting to trickle in.
Like J. said, most sectors see disinflation, while only the housing market remains stubborn

>> No.53542738

We need a 100 bepis emergency hike to stop the housing retards.

>> No.53542747

"short term" 2 year treasury yield is almost in the high 3% it's almost risk on again while fed targets 5%+
they are laughing at Jpow, literally

>> No.53542748
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>> No.53542752
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Can you guys make a monthly breakdown or something? You know, like a YouTube video link added to the general's copypasta.


>> No.53542754

No we don‘t.
Housing is still undervalued.

>> No.53542755

By the time you lose 50% of your money on the 3rd week, it would have been 87.5% of your initial

>> No.53542761
File: 57 KB, 1222x518, hog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bad to the bone riff plays

>> No.53542764

As long as Boomers breath, the housing market will remain a faggot, you could do 500 in two goes and those retards would take 150 year loans to speculate on concrete blocks

>> No.53542771

But we do. Just called Jerome to announce that next week.

>> No.53542776

Hi Dave.

>> No.53542779
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historically bullish

>> No.53542782
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well bond market predicted bond rally so lower rates so yes. but market is still temporary very weak


>> No.53542784

He wasn't particularly hawkish, but he wasn't dovish either. He reaffirmed the Fed's plan to keep raising rates to 5%+ and hold them there until 2024. You created a narrative around his speech to go along with your investments. The only pivot was in your imagination

>> No.53542786
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>> No.53542793
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>Livewires are like $20k
What the fuck is their problem?

>> No.53542794

The most spec trashy stocks are pumping the hardest................

>> No.53542802

COINBASE just hit 75 dollarinos

>> No.53542812
File: 246 KB, 1280x1280, im-681156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't miss

>> No.53542811

isnt the cpi going up again?
are people just going to pretend its not real until the "official" release in feb?

>> No.53542813

Tfw down 25% on my sqqq lmao :(

>> No.53542815
File: 2.83 MB, 1280x720, 1665971149842928.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASDAQ about to fire Stage II rockets lfg

>> No.53542816

that's something "investors" learned from crypto

>> No.53542817
File: 100 KB, 800x600, 800px-MOABAFAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't seen anything yet. Shock&Awe is an american invention.

>> No.53542818

You literally do just need to watch VIX to know how bulls are going to get heemed

>> No.53542820
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>only need a 250% to break-even from my shorts

>> No.53542825
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I shorted

>> No.53542826

there is no new money coming in it's getting shuffled from value to trash

>> No.53542828

nice pump SNAP

>> No.53542831

Damn I just realized zoomers don't know what Space Shuttles is.

>> No.53542832 [DELETED] 
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I've got a bad feeling about this

>> No.53542833
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>anons STILL doubt Powell can pull off a soft landing and go down in history as the GOAT fed chair
but why

>> No.53542837

Oooh... an Air Force museum I haven't been to yet

>> No.53542836


>> No.53542838

you are doing interpretations and wishful thinking
The longer and higher was accompanied by a may this time wuith a reminder that the fed will decide on their next 2 meetings on the road map also disinflation was said 12 times in 10 minutes. Powell made particular dovish bird noises

>> No.53542840

Imagine not holding COIN at the start of a bullrun, kek. The meltup has begun, shorters get the rope.

>> No.53542842

Short muh dick

>> No.53542848
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>> No.53542852

I'm a golden bull but i'm trimming a lil right here just as a thread fyi I don't like when these worthless shitcos pump this hard

>> No.53542860

The real and final bullrun will begin when dow is down 60%.

>> No.53542866

imagine buying exchange shit when even the normiest normies started to go onchain after the ftx disaster

>> No.53542868

I understand why they scrapped the program but the aesthetics of the space shuttle was top tier

>> No.53542872


>> No.53542874

Three digits will happen this year.

>> No.53542875

I made some money when I sold it at 55, so I'm still glad; didn't know there was going to be tech rocket tho

>> No.53542877

Sometimes I wonder why stocks went down in 2022 at all if there's still so much retard strength euphoria left in people.

>> No.53542884
File: 22 KB, 608x149, ITSOVER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even the prophet has been heemed and set a new higher range

I am officially capitulating my shorts

>> No.53542885
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>> No.53542889
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uht oh

>> No.53542892

It's publicly known information therefore priced in.

>> No.53542896
File: 175 KB, 2052x957, I AM EUPHORIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Still need fiat on/off ramps. Also CB offers institutional services, such as custody, etc.And they get interest income from USDC.

>> No.53542898
File: 133 KB, 500x281, 1674982669951805.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come only Norwegian oil/gas stocks are kind of plummeting while such stocks in every other country (especially the US) are pretty much still at ATH despite gas going to absolute shit? Yeah I know their profitability is high even with oil at 80 but we are ways off from ATH and yet the stocks are still at ATH... fugg this market?

>> No.53542904
File: 1.57 MB, 224x234, 1639439248719.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All we have now is le ebin memelord
It's over.

>> No.53542908

Because the market is a manipulated jewish shitshow.
Hope that helps.

>> No.53542911

>it's going higher
Goddamn wtf is this a bull market?

>> No.53542913
File: 38 KB, 826x192, germoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. In addition there is stupid german money waiting to enter the market.

>> No.53542914

>I bought
>buy my bags
>t. (((David Ryan)))

>> No.53542916

>you are doing interpretations and wishful thinking
I'm not, I'm looking at the meeting objectively. "Higher for longer until the job is done" is still the Fed's game plan. Pausing at 5% and holding for a year is not bullish. That's also not a pivot. Powell was giddy with confidence about disinflation but that doesn't change the Fed's rate hike path unless inflation rapidly goes down (and that would likely be accompanied by a deep recession).

>> No.53542925
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I warned you, dawg.

>> No.53542926

those have wildy decentralized in the past 6 months. All you need is a wallet, dozens and dozens of services that act as intermediate, at way better rates than any cex

>> No.53542930
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>missing the october bottom

>> No.53542932

Just add this information and you know what will happen.

>> No.53542935

my only regret is not buying more.

>> No.53542937
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uh oilbros...

>> No.53542938
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I'm getting flashbacks to the reflation trade meltup of late 2016 after trump won.
Nobody believed it then either. kek.

>> No.53542939

>How come only Norwegian oil/gas stocks are kind of plummeting
Canadians one are not doing so great either today
My GXE and CJ are getting kicked in

>> No.53542941

PBR is in a hole too, I don't get it

>> No.53542946
File: 254 KB, 655x674, 1650694260267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolled up and out my TQQQ calls. Took a nice little profit. Used some of that to buy even more calls. This is just how you do investing Bobos!

>> No.53542947

As of yesterday it should've become glaringly obvious that any sort of definition is entirely fluid and that
>rate hikes are the new pivot.

>> No.53542948

You have NOT seen anything like this before.

>> No.53542949

Everyone was buying 0dte options in 2022 so the crash was suppressed. Actually, they're still buying them now

>> No.53542950

I miss that retard. Could tweet out some bullshit then everything rallies 2%.

>> No.53542961

How can S&P and Dow be up and down by almost equal amounts?

>> No.53542968

das image is raycist mayne

>> No.53542972

Why would anyone want boomer garbage in a tech meltup?

>> No.53542973

See >>53542277

>> No.53542985

Is this boomer right?


>> No.53542989

When dump?

>> No.53543000
File: 418 KB, 750x747, 1622513444613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stocks will keep going up at least until they start going down again. We will know for sure when that happens because price changes will switch from an upward direction to a downward one. The main indicator that we can use to identify this switch is that we will start to see stock prices falling instead of rising. That will tell us when returns on stocks have begun changing from positive to negative. With negative returns, that means that stock values will be shrinking rather than growing. Thus, the prices at which stocks are bought and sold will be going down instead of going up. In fact, if a stock's price is changing, then that means it is either falling or rising.

>> No.53543002

Industry and technology are yin and yang. They are counter parts to each other. One is the physical practical and the other is digital, theoretical.

>> No.53543004
File: 782 KB, 1920x1080, literally me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has already had its pump (and mostly because it never truly dumped)
This is where the fun begins.

>> No.53543005

7-10 years.

>> No.53543006
File: 591 KB, 600x906, 1675351888873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>INTC higher high
I fucking apologize.

>> No.53543007
File: 6 KB, 201x251, 0E7FEAEB-9D21-46F7-94DC-A1E09DD27EDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m actually jacking it to bear loss seethe.

>> No.53543008

He's a faggot an should kys.

>> No.53543023

Can someone tell me why I shouldn't just throw half my paycheck into TQQQ every week and do that until I'm rich? Everyone just says to DCA into ETFs but if that's the most optimal strategy for retards why wouldn't I just put it in the same thing but leveraged for even more money?

Please no bully I have room temp IQ

>> No.53543025
File: 50 KB, 241x240, 1669474908975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>investors couldn't sell all their stock fast enough last year
Make them buy everything higher now.

>> No.53543030

See >>53542932
Post hand with timestamp and i may elaborate.

>> No.53543040

Because jews

>> No.53543045
File: 123 KB, 500x501, harness-the-power-the-nut-of-3486042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Great Depression centennial 2029 gigadump
My body is ready.

>> No.53543047

go for it, just make sure to rebalance into less risky assets right before you get rich, because it'd be a shame to see it drop 80% right before you've made it

>> No.53543051

I'm doing that but with QLD instead of TQQQ. QLD is 2x leverage, and there's some math and charts that say 2x actually outperforms 3x over the long long term because of volatility, or something. I don't really know, but

>> No.53543053

>VOO is the optimal strategy for retards
>what should I do?
Not being rude anon but there you go.

>> No.53543059

Whats the best way to bet on the direction of the S&P? SPY calls and puts?

>> No.53543066

My fucking broker app (Trade Republic) keeps crashing lmao. Doesn‘t show me my positions or allow me to buy/sell.
Anybody else?

>> No.53543069
File: 50 KB, 720x714, I have two sides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy Carvana stocks for 1700 $
>Wait a minute
>Wait another minute

>> No.53543073

yep, im close to losing all 30k gains i made in january. fuck im retarded.

>> No.53543076
File: 314 KB, 742x1222, 1650905815183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.53543078


>> No.53543079
File: 100 KB, 500x564, honk-this-we-live-in-a-clown-world-folks-55670983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How elaborate with deez nuts in your mouth

>> No.53543088

Wtf did you do

>> No.53543095

Clown world ended in 2020
Kafka world followed after that
Now it is ________

>> No.53543096

we hitting 30 today

>> No.53543097

Hope you all enjoyed the recession pump, be ready to crab for the next 3 eternities.

>> No.53543098


>> No.53543100
File: 143 KB, 1024x762, apuThinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about buying AIG and selling in 2 weeks after earnings. Now its low thanks to its retarded CFO.

>> No.53543101
File: 57 KB, 1073x751, dontMolestTheBears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, gentlemen, uh...
please refer to the sign

>> No.53543104
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>> No.53543106
File: 1.61 MB, 720x720, theyseemeriding.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I open up my port today

>> No.53543111

How is the British META guy with a $1000 portfolio doing today? Pretty well I hope

>> No.53543116

>tesla going to hit $200
>bbby up $0.43
>gme up $1.43
amc up $0.45
meme stocks win again

>> No.53543117

Data before 2009 is irrelevant, we are in the QE clown era now. Holding TQQQ is unironically the new VOO.

>> No.53543124

When’s the tech pullback bros? Tomorrow after earnings post today AM?

>> No.53543130

imagine if he was tricked into selling before the pump by the bobos here and putting it all on SQQQ or something

>> No.53543131

no, listen to lynch. he's just shilling his mutual funds.

>> No.53543132
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Cronenberg world.

>> No.53543138

literally never

>> No.53543141


>> No.53543146

bobo really thought he was the next burry

>> No.53543155

set your location to israel, worked for me.

>> No.53543157
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>> No.53543162
File: 1.20 MB, 1500x847, 10-2_jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BASED beyond belief sir.

>> No.53543190

I too was thinking about gigaport and his immense META position

>> No.53543235

wtf are you even buying today?

>> No.53543319
File: 125 KB, 675x1200, Boop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pizza, simple 'as.

>> No.53543415

she's cute

>> No.53543577

yes, it still a commerce & tech giant that flows with the economy more than a single annual earnings report
>I still hate amazon despite all this & have shares

>> No.53544922

Got in on LUCY at 1.70ish this morning pre market