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File: 390 KB, 671x593, 020048035d9bb42558e6b0df6519074c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53541990 No.53541990 [Reply] [Original]

>colorado river completely drying up
>cities like phoenix, tucson, san diego, vegas, and LA all at risk
>millions of people to be without water in the coming years

The question is, where are they all going to move? Really interesting to see how this all shakes out. I would not be investing in the southwest right now.

>> No.53542273

I guess all of these niggers are just going to move to Ohio, Iowa, Illinois and Indians, where they all fled from initially. It's like pottery.

>> No.53542306

But it's primarily white people. I have the same thought on location though. Cities like
etc etc Are probably going to get a bump in population from it.

>> No.53542388

I wrote white people but the faggot NSA opp who runs my computer on this website writes funny quips instead of the words I put down just to jar me into a state of constant panic and paranoia.

>> No.53542430

To a schizo, everyone is a nigger

>> No.53542439
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get your shit together Burgers.
If camel jockeys can manage it, in an actual desert, scale desalination cant be entirely beyond your wits

>> No.53542476
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>> No.53542493


>> No.53542497

California is really the only one thats fucked. They have about 10x more farm area and 5x more people than Arizona for roughly the same amount of water allocation. Nevada takes fuck all. AZ also has the option of building reservoirs up north...if they stop the runoff from reaching the GC/River then that's less for commiefornia.

>> No.53542503


I don't think a Phoenix suburbanite and a Saudi Aarabian megatrillionaire are the same kind of bill payer anon

>> No.53542511

I hate California so much it's unreal.

t. Colorado

>> No.53542518

the difference is that in Saudi, they actively give less potable drinking water to the Nigger slaves and Indo-pacific slaves.

In Commiefornia, they actively give the good quality water ONLY to blacks and LGBTQ pederasts

>> No.53542521

Wherever there is water. The Upper Basin states like Colorado and Utah might assert more sovereignty over their water to accommodate more population but their infrastructure is already stretched thin. I agree with the anons that the Midwest and Rust Belt will see a great return because it will be cheap and most fleeing the southwest will have little capital.

>> No.53542679
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Good. Import the 3rd world. Become the 3rd world. Die of thirst in a desert speaking Spanish. I don't care.

>> No.53542714

I hate faggot flatlanders in Colorado
T. Rocky Mountain Colorado

>> No.53542743

>me in 10 years looking at my btc/xmr stacks while reading linkie threads on biz

>> No.53542775

I had VWTR and sold it after they announced a D.R HORTON acquisition. How do I profit off liberal stupidity

>> No.53542918

mein problem nicht

>> No.53542964

>t. mutt from PA

>> No.53542978

Hey, the Pawnee Grassland is beautiful.

>> No.53542991

>be in the prairie
>have massive aquifer
Feels good man

>> No.53543015
File: 295 KB, 1170x1221, 4EC6E2E6-34BC-4A23-BDF8-ACAC090125D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not living next to one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world

>> No.53543068

Move? Are you not paying attention.

Europe is in a world shattering drought. Lakes are drying up everywhere.

It's just climate change. Don't be surprised that there is no safe haven.

Yeah the water has to go somewhere. But this is only the beggining of the changes to come.

>> No.53543070

Michigan here, that's OUR water buddy.

>> No.53543122

California has the Sierra snowpack and can build desalination plants if they stop importing Mexicans.

>> No.53543191

What fUckng retarded FARMER would choose to start FARMING in the fucking DESERT

>> No.53543194

The US has 5 giant lakes at its disposal but California is still thirsty?

>> No.53543198

the day of the rake approacheth

>> No.53543226
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>Somebody is doing the raping

>> No.53543966
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Don't be surprised that there is no safe haven.
There is though

>> No.53544191
File: 115 KB, 760x507, 150407-palm-springs-mansion-332p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Move to a desert
>Waste all your water to pretend you aren't in a desert
Literally mentally handicapped. These are the same people telling you to live in the pod and eat the bugs btw.

>> No.53544221

>california has record rainfall
>the retards flow all the water into the ocean
>complain there's no water

>> No.53544244

The great lakes belong to Canada nigger hands off

>> No.53544290

We need infinite niggers spics and poos. We need infinite niggers spics and poos so we much drain the Colorado dry. LOL

>> No.53544315


>> No.53544352

Your governments could have been spending billions on water de-salination, eventually researching enough to cut costs down to a reasonable cost. Instead, you guys elect morons who want to cut social security to pay the national debt lmao

>> No.53544400

>forgetting the most important us priority

>> No.53544437
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>the desert has no water
I'm shocked!

As funny as it would be to see cali get fucked, they own the Feds so most likely the rest of the states will eat shit so commiefornia can continue to consooooooom

>> No.53544535

not for long

>> No.53544559

California's problem is that it's run by Californians. A fucking Afghan dirt farmer has more common sense.

>> No.53544573

lmao worst coast gets their water from some river while i can just get it straight out of the fridge in my kitchen

>> No.53544574
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>You can't grow avocados and almonds in the desert
Who knew?

>> No.53544592

They really are this stupid.

>> No.53544626

one that got land for pennies and a supply of water that was guaranteed by the federal government.

>> No.53544648
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Most of those places don't actually have farmland. They are huge swaths of desert with free sun. They turned the desert floor into farmland by diverting water, but none of that is naturally arable land. It certainly can't support industrial farming. It looks like they done over consooomed the natural supply of available water.

>> No.53544851

Everyone agrees Ohio is the worst state in the union.

>> No.53544872

> What do they drink?

>> No.53544891

How do you feel about the antichrist?

>> No.53545087

I hope they stay out of the midwest, we're full. Retards that move to the desert deserve to die there. Humans aren't supposed to reside there

>> No.53545452

how are people falling for the fucking no water scam? just farm the ocean ffs

>> No.53545627



>> No.53545650

>the west will run out of water this time for sure
i've got a debt ceiling to sell to anyone who believes this shit every year

>> No.53545684

alfalfa made the southwest inhabitable. it grows easily, turns land into fertile land, and supports ranching

>> No.53546260

Do you also hate eating fruits and vegetables in the winter? Because that's all grown in California.

>> No.53546616

you are going to run out of water
not me

>> No.53546685

seems that's the definition of unsustainable - probably better to just go without until we have a better solution. canning works fine.

>> No.53546746

Where does all this water go? Water doesn’t disappear

>> No.53546842


>> No.53546906
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>you WILL drink the animal piss and you WILL like it

>> No.53546945
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They export it to China, in the form of subsidised almonds. An export for which they receive near Jack Shit. You couldnt make Cali agricultural policies up.

>> No.53547357
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why can't we just build aqueducts from the great lakes, all the way down to san Diego? didn't we just pass a trillion dollar infrastructure plan? and what are they doing with that money? patching potholes? In The Gilded Age, they would have built that shit fast and beautiful. There'd be tones of corruption, but at least something would have gotten built. For a trillion dollars, with modern tech, we should be able to build a fucking navigable canal for major naval shipping across the USA. We're so pathetic; we can't do shit. I don't even think people are stealing that much money, it just gets spent so incompetently on lazy useless fucks and shitty projects that don't do anything.

>> No.53547360

Toronto is basically an American outpost

>> No.53547511

You import that from South America, there's no way California feeds all of the US in the winter. The agriculture is an unnecessary waste of water.

>> No.53547537


How about you just not all pile into a desert

>> No.53547565

the fuck I am
murder mitten for life

>> No.53547588

>humans shouldn't live in the desert

Civilization is, first and foremost, about conquering nature and bending it to the will of humanity. Humans are supposed to live in the desert. Humans are supposed to live in Antarctica. Humans are supposed to live 20000 leagues under the sea. Humans are supposed to live in space.

Primitive savages are supposed to live in extremely easily habitable environments; where they can survive without any organization, planning, building, or long-term thinking.

Yes, californians are becoming savages.

>> No.53547592

>not stealing
>just spent so incompetently on lazy useless fucks and shitty projects that don't do anything.
usually, that is part of the stealing. public sector contracts are made as a product of nepotism, hardly ever pragmatism.

>> No.53547626
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The midwest is 100% not full, population loss reflects that.

Also, where do you think all of these people moving to Arizona/California/Nevada/Utah originated? Many, the majority even, come from the Midwest. Same with lots of people moving to the south. Lots of midwest transplants in Florida, Tennesee, etc as well.

A great thing about the Midwest is many of the city centers are
>have cheap housing
>have plenty of water
>have outsized infrastructure built for populations many times their current size
>have lots of space to grow
and are perfect places to add new transit once the population supports it. As mentioned, cities that fit this mold are:
>St louis
>Kansas city

Most if not all of these cities are down significantly from their population highs. Chicago, for example, is down 1 MILLION people from it's population peak. Much of that is to do with the crime in the poor/shitty neighborhoods, many of which are rapidly gentrifying. Same can be said for many other midwestern cities.

Problem is many of these cities have serious crime problems. If they gentrify, the crime leaves with that new wave of gentrification. It's a massive untapped market that can be easily exploited.

>> No.53547639

Desalination is expensive and energy intensive. It only becomes viable when you're really desperate, and money is no object. Hence why the only real adopters are in the Gulf States.

>> No.53547667

>that list of cities
Niggers live there, anon. Niggers.

>> No.53547679

>All the Boomer retirees that moved out to Arizona are gonna die of thirst.
Should've saved more for retirement. Then they would've been able to afford Florida kek

>> No.53547683

I fucking hate california.

>> No.53547692
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Those are all from Latin America you smug piece of costal trash.

>> No.53547712
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>Niggers live there, anon. Niggers.
Did you read the end of my comment?

Yes, they do. But they're already leaving in droves. Chicago, for example, is losing population but primarily on the south/west sides. Pretty obvious to see. Look at this map vs a racial map of the city.

>> No.53547867

>If camel jockeys can manage it, in an actual desert, scale desalination cant be entirely beyond your wits
they have unlimited oil, dessalination is very energy intensive, farmers and the average american wouldn't want to pay that water bill when it fucking rains, so they are just hoping for rain xD

>> No.53547874 [DELETED] 

>where they fled from
This guy is one of those faggots who posts about how his family moved to california in the 1800s so he's a real calicuck.

>> No.53547942

>muh okies meme
Californians are the cringiest faggots in the world.

>> No.53547954

That didn't even cross my mind. I'm from florida and live in the midwest already

>> No.53547971

Because there are 65 million people in california counting illegals and h1b pajeet temp residents, how about you vote to deport them and manage your resources instead of crying that there's a lot of ants in the hive so normal people gotta give you something to stay alive.

Or starve. Both options are good.

>> No.53548000

California also has a lot of oil. Every southwest state has a lot of oil it can tap. California merely attracted the kind of scum and women who whine that dirty work is le gross.

>> No.53548145

Been dumping snow this season in the Rockies. More then the last 4 years.

>> No.53548374

i'd agree with you if said bending nature involves new feats of engineering thats actually long term viable
if they were building closed off arcologies that featured fully enclosed water cycles is whats happening it would be antoher story
but even in this day and age the cultural zeitgeist is trying to emulate the specifics of the living conditions of the english aristocracy for lack of a better word to cope with at least 4 centuries of underclass seething
the people building these dont even understand why and how they want these things buts its completely ingrained in the overal culture to a point of retardation

jsut look at the pic in>>53544191 or the prevalence of golf courses in places they really shouldnt exist, simply because that was the available leisure in the biome of a simpler world, for it truly is a shit sport

>> No.53548459

those graphs are all lies, the water doesnt just disappear
sure a tiny fraction is needed to produce the sugars but overall the majority of it is lost through run off and evaporation which would happen anyways for most crops
its the same liberal agenda of provoking outrage and moral superiority over non issues

>> No.53548785

>>53547867 is correct. Today, desalination can make sense for some extreme municipal cases, but is entirely insufficient for agriculture (order of magnitude more water). Personally, I think large-scale desalination is unlikely to take off in the United States until we have readily-available fusion energy.

>> No.53549591

How? California has a massive coast

>> No.53549622

Desal requires significant political willpower and is very energy intensive. I dont trust the state of california to get their act together in time.

>> No.53549691

You would think for the richest and one of the most populus states in the country they could do something

>> No.53549821

>Personally, I think large-scale desalination is unlikely to take off in the United States until we have readily-available fusion energy.
I don't think that's going to make that big of a difference because it will always be easier and cheaper to build a dam than a fusion generation plant.

>> No.53551004

KEK at this thread
all of you would live in california if it was cheap
but you dont, because, well... you're poor
so you cope by raving about how "based" your shithole is. could never be me

gonna go make some $ real quick, brb in a few hours. will be back to respond to $1k flyover mortgage holders calling me a califag without any substance to their argument

>> No.53551262

good, and I hope they burn in hell

>> No.53551317

>all of you would live in california if it was cheap
Never. It's a shithole.The expensiveness is the cherry on top, not the sundae.

>> No.53551320

>all of you would live in california if it was cheap

>lights on fire every year
>crime is worse in most cities in california than where I live
>and I live in CHICAGO
>you have to drive absolutely everywhere
>traffic is mind-numbingly awful
>the people are beyond insufferable
>the weather is overrated

California is way down the list of states I'd want to live in

>> No.53551403

>Moves to a literal fucking desert
>Complains that there's no water
Darwinism at work.

>> No.53551429

All of the parts of cali that are worth living in are majority White, with the exception of LA.

>> No.53551448

>All of the parts of cali that are worth living in
Name one.

>> No.53551461
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They’re just in denial of the true world superpower.

>> No.53551479

>Lake Erie
Enjoy your Detroit River runoff water faggot

>> No.53551499

>Down to San Diego
There's a whole lot mountains of between Chicago and San Diego.

>> No.53551521
File: 10 KB, 440x360, mexican_antichrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antichrist is most likely a latinx genderflued faggot living in San Diego and walking around as we speak.

>> No.53551526

If i were american i would help by throwing a couple of granite rocks in a border to help with evaporation

>> No.53551550

psyopping midwestern faggot laying california onions chum like a true blue john deer fag would. kudos on the nice pooper and the quality bait, homo.

>> No.53551657

The houses were cheap, okay?

>> No.53551811

If demand for agricultural products remains steady or increases, and the marginal cost of energy goes to zero, and the amount of rainfall in the western US stays the same, then desalination will fill at least part of the increased demand for water. Desalinated water would also be much more reliable than rainfall/snowpack, which varies a lot by year

>> No.53551835

turn the west into solar farms and fuck off trying to get water to it, nobody is going to teraform the west, unless you faggots will bring the buffalo back

>> No.53551927

>t. surrounded by brown people

>> No.53551932

As someone who lives in the desert and studies climate change, it's both.

Scientists have been saying for years that the water usage in SW states is completely unsustainable to the point that they use up 100000 years worth of groundwater storage in a decade. Nestle stole billions of gallons from California and the state government did fuckall about it. The runoff water that they use for irrigation is mostly generated from snowmelt in the Rockies and Sierra Madres, and that is depleting so fast that all the rivers are running dry because water rights legislation is beyond fucked and legit encourages people holding rights to waste as much water as possible so that they can retain them.

>> No.53552027

> t. John Redcorn
In Colorado, everyone buys land and then fights tooth-and-nail to get water for it (or arranges to do so beforehand, if they’re wise). This is true for both agricultural enterprises and for housing developments. Pipelines are already being built out for regional water sources. If cheap water can be piped in from the coast, I guarantee that the entire West would experience an agricultural boom overnight. Water is the bottleneck on basically everything, and it’s not even close.

>> No.53552073

sounds like a powderkeg of retardation

>> No.53552128

also you keep saying muh water, but who the fuck is paying for it, nobody wants to pay for what it takes to get muh water, that will cost more than it takes to make muh desert profitable, give up

let the buffalo reclaim it and put some workable soil down before you try to fuck it harder

put up solar farms all across the desert, then leave it alone for 200 years and let the buffalo fuck, and then maybe if you're lucky some people can farm on it

>> No.53552742

How things probably will transpire:
>Lakes dry up because bad management
>People wil have to start rationing
>Meters are installed
>Things dry up further
>People start putting 2 and 2 together
>See that huge property developers get water for artificial lakes for the rich
>Hmm this seems unfair
>Takes to the streets to protest
>Gets sprayed in the face with water canons
It has the potential to be the end of America, the broader consequences of this happening could be immense, even for the whole world. Quite frankly, there is not a single place on earth that is more deserving of this happening though, California is truly the great whore of Babylon.

>> No.53552786

Oh yeah you know they are gonna blame it on that, not the fact that they have let in the entire third world or manage the water like it was infinite. Socialist faggots like that gigahomo Hassanabi and his zoomer following will swallow it up.
>D0000d this is like totally climate change and we need to start taxing the rich or something
meanwhile what will happen:
>Faggots like Fagsanabi will just pay a small amount more for water while an indebted population will increasingly feel the sting.

>> No.53552890
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>He actually thinks the goyim will protest

>> No.53552915

When things get bad enough they will, but it will be pointless anyways.

>> No.53552972
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I remember seeing a techlore video about how data centers relied on extreme water usage to function. Looks like AI is unironically dead in the water because technology as we know it is not sustainable long term, at least not physically.

>> No.53552985
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Quarantine California now!
We need to prevent those cancerous fucking selfish thoughtless kike jew from escaping and there and infecting the rest of the country anymore than they already have,.

>> No.53553005
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Anon, stop giving all your water to bloody Mexico. 1 acre-foot of water = 325,851 gallons.

>> No.53553007

They're going to move to the Midwest after we bomb their pipelines they try to install in the Great lakes

The great hoard of 5'3" Hispanics and their homosexual overlords cannot be stopped

>> No.53553021
File: 184 KB, 470x496, 1496643401001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the future is water wars, the people in charge know this. water will become more valuable than oil. The entire south west of america will become a wasteland. the internal migration of millions of people from the south west to the south and north will cause a lot of problems.

basically play time is over

>> No.53553057

How do I invest in technology to make salt water turn into drinkable water?

>> No.53553063

>California has senior water rights over Arizona and Nevada.
California gets to tell those states what to do.

>> No.53553081

I'm in CWCO for their desalination. I haven't found other water companies that do desal. VWTR is a water reit.

>> No.53553265

I'm eating almonds right now, I'm full but will eat more just to fuck mutts.

>> No.53553283

Good fuck all of them

>> No.53553446

Almonds don't take anywhere near that amount of water. They grow those fuckers all over the Mediterranean often in places with little to no modern irrigation infrastructure.

>> No.53553838

>(((farmers))) whove been sucking the reservoir dry to sell almonds and onions to chinks

>> No.53553856

>>have cheap housing
>>have plenty of water
they used to

>> No.53553877

California was just flooded for 3 weeks and let all the water run into the ocean
Stupidest fucking retards on earth

>> No.53554678

Why does the Chinese province of Leafland get it's own bar?

>> No.53554730
File: 351 KB, 1488x786, A_déli_pajzs_a_keresztezőkamrában.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying we don't have giant boring machines

>> No.53554750

Desalination doesn't work in the US, esp. considering how they dispose brine, reducing perfectly fine cropland to saline wastelands

>> No.53554812

You're a dumbfuck and your "field" is pseudoscience makework for petite bourgeois party members. Desalination is practical and cost competitive today for potable water and if your ilk hadn't sabotaged fission, would be cheap enough today even for agriculture.
>Verification not required.

>> No.53554816

>If they gentrify, the crime leaves with that new wave of gentrification.
>Chicago, for example, is losing population but primarily on the south/west sides.
Where do these criminal niggers actually go though?

>> No.53554986

>implying America doesn't already produce sea salt
>implying we couldn't pump the brine to flats for additional cost offset
Brown hands scribbled this post

>> No.53555012
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West Coast
>t. native west coaster

>> No.53555068

Yeah, but how do they even get there? I thought most of them don't have cars.

>> No.53555836

Why don't we just build a pipeline from Florida?

>> No.53556808
File: 86 KB, 640x906, 0b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White people are fucking stupid.
You lived in fucking mud huts in the snow, snow nigger.
Lmao, white boy timmy having another episode I guess.

>> No.53556826
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>> No.53556834

USA mutts are the fucking worst, Protip, manlets, but mutt means dog, it doesnt mean "race mixed".
Dumb mother fuckers.

>> No.53556841
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>I hate California so much it's unreal.
Im 100 percent sure they hate you too.

>> No.53556853
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>The great lakes belong to Canada nigger hands off
Go back to Europe and stay the fuck out of Canada, nigger.
The irony of not using commas and calling others niggers, fucking faggot.
By the by, Canada doesnt fuck dogs but USA retards sure as shit will.

>> No.53556860
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>> No.53556864
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Are you retarded?

>> No.53556877
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Bison, dipshit.

>> No.53556893
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>third world
Third world does not mean poverty nor non white you fucking idiot.
White people literally came here, fucked this place up in less than 250 years and now wants to blame non whites in "third world" countries for what white boomers and white Karen voted for.
Pathetic. Allah ack bar, Sam Hyde, you trust fund fucking faggot.
Unlike you, Sammy boy, I actually cut a nigger open.

>> No.53556902
File: 292 KB, 586x476, 1568235091948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to Europe.
You know who invented Socialism? Some white boy from Germany.
Jews are white, whites are Jews, You fags look the same.

>> No.53556912
File: 101 KB, 1108x721, African with blue eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why don't we just build a pipeline from Florida?
You cannot drink salt water.
Yeah? and? What point are you trying to make? You fucking drop out.

>> No.53556919
File: 736 KB, 1391x2800, Based Augustas..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snow niggers lived in mud huts while Persians lived in Greek Marble buildings, kill yourself for thinking tribals from butt fuck Russia makes a difference.

>> No.53556927
File: 52 KB, 735x522, MUH BLUE EYES!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MUH GRAINY JPEG YOU GUYS! Yeah and Google shows me millions of pictures of Africans with blond hair and blue eyes, the fuck is your point? Snow niggers, man.

>> No.53556944

You guys are retarded if you think they’ll run out of water
They just had the wettest winter in 2 decades, the snowpack has been replenished, costs will go up still and curb use, also California especially the farms get most of their water from the ground and mountains in state
Los Angeles has tons of ground water and just built 3 treatment centers because the problem is aerospace and manufacturing have contaminated a large chunk
You idiots are no better then the fearmongers on the news trying to convince everyone to make gas stoves illegal

>> No.53557081

That's because of bullshit policy. They supply the agricultural farms with water and then they run out of it. Subsidies, etc. That is what is going to happen. They make unsustainable policies.

>> No.53557220

The next generation of /pol/ users will probably eventually be convinced having an aquiline nose is "Jewish ancestry", kek. I'm waiting for that day to happen. Guarantee some glowie will come up with this campaign and spam it on that board one day.