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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53541867 No.53541867 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53541973

I do and I am, profitable actually. I feel great

>> No.53541981


I just stick to getting lucky

>> No.53541999
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>This thread, again.
I wonder what this psyop's endgame is.

>> No.53542005

ok what?

>> No.53542018

It's just me asking you this actually

>> No.53542034
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I tried using small amounts first and actually had a lot of success. When I tried using actually significant amounts, I literally got bogged left and right. What gives?

>> No.53543089

it's because you didn't learn to trade

>> No.53543120

To ruin this board specifically to keep rich white anons from meeting down on their luck white anons and securing the future.

This place got very kiked after Jan 2021 and the jews realized White people were helping white people.
Right after that sudden influx of foreigners here and they never left, they are being paid only conclusion that can be logically grasped.

>> No.53543125

can you post your PnL
I am dead serious traders can't have this as an actual career
it's a zero sum game
even big banks hedge because you CANT be profitable long term

>> No.53543156

where do you start learning? not gonna watch some faggot jewtuber shilling some scam subscription

>> No.53543176

Sure I'll post my PNL from 2021 to 2023
May 2021 Profit =21k from 40k
Feb 2021 =-61k
Trading is a meme, nobody tells you about hidden percentage charges that will wipe out literally all gains.

>> No.53543217

what do you mean hidden percentage charges
didn't you have stops?

>> No.53543231
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>It's a random walk
>It's a zero sum game

>> No.53543273

There's actually a hidden percentage in all trades on all CEX's this isn't discussed here which tells me alot it's about 4% on top of fee's it's purpose is to make sure you cannot win off day trading and keeps the CEX's in profit.

Also there's no liquidity on alt coins hasn't been since pre 2022, don't believe me go set in 5-10k buy orders on any altcoin excluding the top 10 and see how long it takes to execute an order
(It takes 5-10 minutes on 500 dollar limit buys)
I don't leverage trade.

>> No.53543305

Basically to daytrade with profit you have to buy at -15% and sell at +15% daily just to exclude the fee's.

Otherwise you will make pennies in profit and risk thousands in one wick.

>> No.53543333

why not leverage
i see the leaderboard on binance
some make over 20k a month

>> No.53543446

>why not onlyfans, some people make millions a month...
ya fuckin goon lol

>> No.53543675

I am learning?

>> No.53543772

daytrading is a meme

>> No.53543828

I didn't mean that logic
but can you actually be profitable and make a living?

>> No.53543856

meant for

>> No.53543861

what's your capital, $120? I think it's nearly impossible
120k? It may be possible

>> No.53543884

Should I ask my uncle how to trade? He’s a retired wall street stock broker

>> No.53543911

trading is a poor man's game
why trade when sitting in the right altcoins for 8-16 months at a time just throws money at your face?

everything in this market is controlled by bitcoin price action
actively trading alts is foolish

>> No.53543947

ive gone from mcdonalds wagie to millonaire thanks to crypto shitcoins, then back to wagie levels, pulled the trigger on a gun inside my mouth (it jammed), and now im halfway back to my peak
what more could i possibly ask for

>> No.53544143


>> No.53544198

I literally just scalp top 10 coins with 4hr heiken ashi and rsi, it's good money.

>> No.53544234

yes dmitry, everyone tries to hold you down, poor vodka kid.

>> No.53544328

browns have been ruining 4chan just like they've been ruining the internet since the mistake was made to give them all computers and phones.
it's just the reality of muddying up any space full of high iq humans with 10x the number of 80 iq animals. very little you can do other than gate keep through heuristics or otherwise.

>> No.53544417


>> No.53544473

4.5k grew it to 14k over the last 2 weeks
I have 70% w/r with average win of 550$ and average lose of 200$ or so
I'm a scalper mostly but my game plan is no based on TA (TA is like 5% tops)
I don't risk too much, I focus on grabbing the money. My moto is better to have a sure thing 300$ rather than a "maybe" 1500$

I close losers fast, but the game is never to reach that case and if I did, I fucked up way harder and I learn from that.

>> No.53544497

nocoiners think that they can put the genie back in the box

>> No.53544526
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To keep you poor obviously

>> No.53544531

Are there any good dex crypto trading platforms?

>> No.53544547

Explain more.

>> No.53544560

PNL overtime?

>> No.53544631

Based on the last one, it’s obvious. It’s to set the stage for a bunch of frauds to come in and deliver shit information and indirectly hawk “trader education.”

>> No.53546528

Yeah shilling scams and rugs to fellow whites is helping them..
Last bullrun i found out most of the rugpull devs arent even pajeets, theyre white trash americans and british chavs, the same fags who are known to lure and hack people on osrs.
Lets not kid ourselves here, the /biz/ spirit is entirely jewish, no one is trying to help anyone but themselves, crypto is a zero sum game. When someone shills gems or shitcoins, theyre doing it to pump and dump the bags they bought. When something pumps the early buyers sell to steal the gains for themselves.
When someone fuds or tells you to sell they are shorting it. No one is helping anyone out of the kindness of their heart, its all personal interest and greed

>> No.53546663
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Ain't ready for gambling retard, I'm focused on Maiar Dex via the Onchain, Metastaking, and Metabonding, and the APY which is quite juicy like a sweet pussy.

>> No.53546727

I know and I'm holding decentralised identity projects like ICP, HBAR and ORE.

>> No.53546881


>> No.53546911

there's some good ones one tho that are free
watch these

>> No.53546956

I've learned to only leverage trade longs, shorting is insanely stressful.

>> No.53546966

>Last bullrun i found out most of the rugpull devs arent even pajeets, theyre white trash americans and british chavs,
no shit

>> No.53547040

once you have a handle on a trading system the market will fuck it in the ass

>> No.53547560

That's why I don't fucking care about trading. I buy and hold and get my profit.

>> No.53547871

i did, been trading for 15 years
i realize that there are only two ways to be profitable in the biz

-be retardedly lucky
-be an insider/first

>> No.53548524

Very cool anon, been holding some privacy and DiD projects for a long term now along aside BNB, MATIC and UTK

>> No.53548996

>got very kiked after Jan 2021
it was the summer of defi in 2020 that was the last time it was unkiked after aug 2020 it got real bad
now we know that ftx paid a lot of money to influence the cryptosphere
ever notice that non stop low iq bobo/mumu posting that started in the same period and that seems to have died down since nov last year
yeah i wonder what happened there

but there are still a few retarded anons that actually fell for it and do it themselves unpaid and unironically right now, but its just a fraction of what it once was

>> No.53549062

this isnt true or are you playing on retard level exchanges
now i dont trade but during the dip i did bought a bunch of linkies and you really do see liquidity
but i was able to perform 5k blocks of link buys on coinbase pro at right above market price consistently over the course of a week

>> No.53549114

>learn to trade
>deposit trade money on crypto exchange
>get rugged by exchange

>> No.53549196

I made pretty good money day trading Bitcoin perps before losing it all but it's not worth the stress.

>> No.53550023

For now, if it ain't BTC then it's the mf web3payment gateway. It's metabonding provides passive weekly paycheck.

>> No.53550119

Trading is a spirit and fags don't know... Crypto is best for holders

>> No.53550251

Trading is a form of gambling. That's like saying "learn to play roulette". It's not an actual skill that will get you anywhere in life.

>> No.53550507

True fucktard! Holders are pussy gainers and I'm positively clinging to web3payment gateway, Fast,. Inexpensive and Accessible.

>> No.53550520
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im going to learn to trade with ai so I can get fucked in style

>> No.53550542

>I don't risk too much
You can't grow 4.5k to 14k in 2 weeks unless you did degenerate high leverage trades

>> No.53550680

simply to be too unpredictable to be taken advantage of.
entropy always wins.

>> No.53550690
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This is me trading stocks

>> No.53550701

>I do and I am, profitable actually
Net worth?

>> No.53550711

you're doing good

>> No.53550746


>> No.53550757

whats the best leverage to start a small 100 dollar trade with, lets say i check the TA of lets say LINK and look for an entry. What should my Leverage and Stoploss be?

>> No.53550813

shitcoins behaviour is already leveraged, no point in using it

>> No.53550922

I feel a bit safer with DiD protocol and more of UTK's metabonding.

>> No.53551136
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>falling for the speculation meme
Why would I do this when traditional Graham-type opportunities (non-descript companies priced for scrap) are abound now?
Only retards who fall for influencer scams and dump $ on subscriptions and courses (and then dump even more $ on day trading) do that.
Brainlets who can't tell the difference between price and value are destined to underperform and are ngmi.

>> No.53551558

Who are those bitches still holding shitcoins??