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53541764 No.53541764 [Reply] [Original]

Zoomers priced out of dating LMFAO. Don’t worrry i’ll take care of zoomette for you.

>> No.53541787

The government needs to ban dating apps. This shit is straight up cancer

>> No.53541799
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>really attracted to people who dont use social media
>uses Hinge

>> No.53541802

In 15 years of dating after being engaged, I spent a total of about $50 on "dates"
I've slept with well over 200 women.

I paid for a whore one single time and was the worst sex of my life and that was only because I got off work late and didn't feel like playing charmer.
Also hinge is the worst out of Tinder/Bumble/Hinge and they all suck but Hinge really? I wouldn't pay 2 dollars a month for that.

Like Match.com they want you paying 50 bucks a month for the same 30 wall roasties that have been on there for 10 years.

>> No.53541879

Even my chad friends don't have success on these things anymore bro. The modern woman is too far gone.
I'm sure you can find one who is socially adjusted enough to keep a "date" with you after sifting through thousands of profiles but is it worth the effort?

>> No.53541904

Why pay $60 for some pozzed dating app where fat roasties think they’re 10s, when I can just cold approach mommies in real life?

>> No.53541967
File: 157 KB, 566x480, BEA1DEBD-BF77-41E2-8CE6-699A8B73880D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are literally paying for her boyfriends weed and his groceries. Ask me how I know. Now wire some more Simpbucks or order the iPhone directly to her place.

>> No.53542068

let's see a pic mr chadderson

>> No.53542266

I literally haven't used social media since MySpace in middle school. 4-5 years ago this was weirdo territory, but lately I feel like I'm being grouped into some kinda anti social media hipster movement. Wtf!

>> No.53542300

>I literally haven't used social media since MySpace in middle school
This website is a social space. You're still getting your dopamine hit, just anonymously.