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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53540077 No.53540077 [Reply] [Original]

LUNC is the United Nations of crypto.
>not shill nor chill
Discuss (please).

>> No.53540140

Checked. United nations is the reason for all wars today.

>> No.53540271

I can't believe I have a bag of this shit, but I'm far from being in the red so the gamble is worth it. The current dev team, and even TR when that was a thing, has seemingly given up on the project after funding became the hot topic. Once they knew funding could be achieved through the community pool, that's when everyone became niggers and tried to get what they could. Zaradar and Ed are the last trannys standing, and are milking this cow for as long as they can without actually doing any work. Now Jacob and his crew are trying to push them out of the way, and that's seemingly the best move for the chain.

Granted, lunc, and even 2una for that matter, have no real utility, but even with a peg/swap, ultimately, it will be the hype that drives the price up. I can't see any other use for this shit as it stands now.

>> No.53540368
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You're blind. The usecas is literally (in) the thread title.

>> No.53540424

I don't see the comparison between Lunc and the United Nations. This shit's about to collapse on itself if the current situation doesn't get fixed

>> No.53540506
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>the usecase

>> No.53541114

Interesting, I see what youre getting at. Makes me wonder if outlets rushing to cover the story will begin the snowball of eyes on the project. If so, CZ may step in to voice his thoughts without it being deemed market manipulation. Would be a strong precedent for future governance if retail start putting pressure on bad actors now.

>> No.53542708
File: 185 KB, 960x854, Rod_Serling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the issue. The point is that the
Is managing the asset
and that is so far the most organized, consistent, invested, recurrent, devoted etc etc group of
people managing
Its the very dream of
(and crypto itself)
And everybody and their moms are still sleeping over it.
>1 usd is fud
This has the potential to be the third best cyptocurrency if the management works at all.
The fact it's still here and has incrementally attracted attention
>during a bear market
speaks for itself.

>> No.53543426

plebbitors come in and fill up the thread with their profane immature language full of cuss owrds vulgarity and retardation which is the natural way of things in the modern dystopia
nothing of value will be acquired

>> No.53543454
File: 432 KB, 472x2304, TIMESAND___korea22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daniel Shin is a body double and/or alias for Mark Shin.

>> No.53543669

The control seeking globohomo assholes who invade the LUNC threads with their FUD want to appeal to authority to close everything that somewhat in some ways resembles the collective consensual will of the people therefore they hate /ourcoin/. These selfish terrorist kikes who sabotage it any way they are able to and pay hordes of pajeets to keep it down deserve to be bitch slapped into a prison for their crimes against the humanity and the humankind.

>> No.53543975
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take your meds

>> No.53544322
File: 225 KB, 1480x1080, MV5BNmNjZDYxOTMtZWM4My00MWE0LWE5NjYtNDI4Y2ZmMTllZjAwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDgyODgxNjE@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should clarify that the method or methods being tried right now and hereafter by the community (devs, voters, traders, stakers) will consolidate the possibility of a truly democratic system of finance for the first time. The intellectual challenge of devising and implementing an effective solution to the pitfall of an oversupply is itself a major sales point in favor of the entire crypto project. LUNC is (like the UN) a ground for something to grow from.

>> No.53544483

Zero at the ends means the claim is true. UNO is ZOGged at its core.

>> No.53544716

How can anonymous people manage this? The very first thing that gets brought up whenever any type of oversight position pops up is for that person to be doxxed. Even then, there would still be a group of people (or person) who hold some level of control above others.

Management and anonymity are just two things that I can’t see coexisting, at least with this chain anyways.

>> No.53544827

>Yes hello is this based department? Ok good. You’re gonna wanna see this.

>> No.53544895

I'm still neutral, averaging at 00017. I'm selling that shit as soon as it pumps, I'll probably keep 1 million just in case but that's it.