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File: 83 KB, 1024x696, NewsWrap10-1024x696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53534895 No.53534895 [Reply] [Original]

fire up those fuckin printers lads.
JPOW says it's time to get rich

>> No.53535510

What happened? Did he stop raising rates?

>> No.53535613

He did in real terms.
25 bepi hike into 125 bepis worth of inflation.
Shameful press conference on top of it.

>> No.53535624

what was he supposed to do, cause an international debt crisis?

>> No.53535655
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Next time on Dragonball Z

>> No.53535657

He still raised rates though
You idiots can act like inflation requires a certain basis point raise in rates but there’s no factual evidence to back it up
I fucking told you retards this would happen
Raising rates doesn’t mean shit when everyone who sells when rates rise has already sold out
>dur high rates mean assets go lower
Not the case and high rates create more money out of nothing
It’s literally the opposite of what idiots like you say
Now look up the federal reserve studies on the neo-fischerian school of economics so you do t look so dumb

>> No.53535658
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The government can lay off 90% of its parasitic workforce and start paying its bills. Powell’s job is to beat inflation. He is failing. Might as well hand him a pink slip while we’re at it

>> No.53535686

>125 bepis worth of inflation
what are you basing that on?

>> No.53535719

based and economic pilled
seethe harder

>> No.53535728

JP is not a "government employee". As Dennis Kucinich once said, the federal reserve is no more federal than federal express

>> No.53535755
File: 79 KB, 1024x994, 56E1971E-93C3-4D58-8F24-414925B874D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You idiots can act like inflation requires a certain basis point raise in rates but there’s no factual evidence to back it up
Look át picrel
Enjoy your rally. Just remember when you go to take profit from your gains all you’re going to get is wad of worthless fucking monopoly bucks with some fat nigresses portrait on it
Might make a decent substitute for toilet paper I guess

>> No.53535775

It was always going to play out this way
When jpow meet with Biden and he agreed not to replace jpow with lael brainard, jpow told him he’d ease off the hawk plan before his re-election in 2024
If you expected different, you’re the dumb one

>> No.53535802

>all you’re going to get is wad of worthless fucking monopoly bucks
It’s been this way for over 100 years you literal mongoloid
Seriously are you new here or born yesterday? Fucking zoomers need to leave

>> No.53535824

Accent over his a
Fuck off back to Europe or South America

>> No.53535834
File: 49 KB, 896x913, CB1E1847-C565-4C64-8FA6-C592101D0762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You retards deserve what’s coming

>> No.53535838

>international debt crisis

yes, can we please just destroy the economy and get it over with.

>> No.53535854

moralistic faggot

>> No.53535866

Back up your arguments with actual facts not pictures of memes you foreigner
Stay out of American politics and economics

>> No.53535898

he cant use facts, hes probably a third worlder based on his grammar

>> No.53535931
File: 135 KB, 1170x1014, EB37E991-9981-40F6-A64B-6BB1A4EB241C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CPI reading soon
>*checks calendar*
Look like you have 2 weeks

>> No.53536059

Price inflation goes up when rates rise
The charts don’t lie
You can keep repeating banker memes but it won’t make it true
I can’t imagine being so dumb that I believe higher banker profits would lower inflation
>buttttt higher rates means less loans
Not when the reserve requirement for banks is literally set to 0% and they loan money to their own investment banks to buy the dip
You got played dumbass but that’s what you get for trusting bankers

>> No.53536146

this dude is having a legit meltdown because rates only went up 25 points

>> No.53536310

>Price inflation goes up when rates rise
most retarded gorillanigger on this board
didn't even read the rest, there's no point

>> No.53536419
File: 317 KB, 1125x866, 090DD053-BADE-4AE6-AB5C-146253C23286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try banker cuck
You can’t explain away the facts

>> No.53536447

cool it with the antisemitism guys
bankers would never lie

>> No.53536489

holy shit hes right, higher rates are positively correlated with consumer price inflation
why don’t they talk about this more?

>> No.53536507

>why don’t they talk about this more?
why would bankers explain to the goy that higher profits for them leads to even more money creation?
i wonder why

>> No.53536540

Couldnt this graph be read in reverse too, though? As in, rates are only raised high when there is significant price increases to quell?

>> No.53536730

thats what economists argue but when you look at the facts
low rates in the 08-16 era led to lower inflation, high rates of the 70's led to higher inflation, easing rates in the 80's led to less inflation. if traditional economists were right it wouldn't show up the opposite in charts
it seems more likely to me that the bankers are lying to increase their profits in the name of lowering costs for consumers
it's obvious when you look at the charts the st louis fed has put out

>> No.53536731

>You idiots can act like inflation requires a certain basis point raise in rates but there’s no factual evidence to back it up
Every time inflation has been above 5% it required rates to exceed core cpi before it could be brought back below

>> No.53536754

>Every time inflation has been above 5% it required rates to exceed core cpi before it could be brought back below
show your proof

"R = r + π,

where r is the real (inflation-adjusted) rate of interest and π is future inflation. Then, suppose that the central bank increases the nominal interest rate R by raising its nominal interest rate target by 1 percent and uses its tools (intervention in financial markets) to sustain this forever. What happens? Typically, we think of central bank policy as affecting real economic activity—employment, unemployment, gross domestic product, for example—through its effects on the real interest rate r. But, as is widely accepted by macroeconomists, these effects dissipate in the long run. So, after a long period of time, the increase in the nominal interest rate will have no effect on r and will be reflected only in a one-for-one increase in the inflation rate, π. In other words, in the long run, the only effect of the nominal interest rate on inflation comes through the Fisher effect; so, if the nominal interest rate went up by 1 percent, so should the inflation rate—in the long run."

>> No.53536771


>> No.53536783

i fucking knew it
anyone who trusts the news is fucking stupid
these economists have all these charts they can see that the high rates of the 70’s led to higher prices
they’re so shady

>> No.53536804

thats stanley drunkenmiller offering an opinon
wher's your chart dumbass?
i dont care what investment bankers say, i want numbers that prove it

>> No.53536821

that's not an opinion retard

>> No.53536828

bobo coping HARD

>> No.53536843

It’s obvious when you combine CPI and fed funds rate charts
these bankers have retards like this
believing that higher banker profits would lower inflation when the most important factor is the true cost of money for banks, the reserve requirements which is currently at 0% in the us
how could normies and idiots here be so dumb?

>> No.53536888

yes it is
but keep thinking that supply inflation isn't affected by the reserve requirement at the fed
banks can literally hand out loans to whoever they deem credit worthy without any money down and higher rates means they make more money per $ loaned but you're so naive that you think that higher profits discourages banks from loaning to their own investment firms
something that has been legal since clinton repealed glass-steagall
fucking jew lover

>> No.53536927

>he trust a jew
from the jewish telegraph agency
"Druckenmiuller, who is Jewish, gave $700 million to his foundation last year and will apparently ramp that up in coming years."

>> No.53536934

>He did in real terms.
Any rate hike was already priced in at this point, the market is just speculating if the hikes would be lessened.
Cope seethe etc
time for electric boogaloo reloaded

>> No.53536947

I should’ve known they had all the cattle fooled
why doesn’t the news mention the reserve requirement for banks? Fed funds rate going up fucks workers while the banks still have free money
This shit is nuts

>> No.53537011

This shit is over most people’s head anon
you’re probably arguing with people from shithole countries based on the use of accent marks over vowels

>> No.53537025

Powell said so in his speeches. Rates will rise until demand is destroyed. His archenemy is wage increases. The entire point of raising rates is to diminish the purchasing power of the common man

t. zoomer brainlet with English comprehension skills

>> No.53537045

>His archenemy is wage increases. The entire point of raising rates is to diminish the purchasing power of the common man
You’re too smart for this place anon

>> No.53537194
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is there anywhere better?

>> No.53537225
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what? all he said is that if everything goes as expected, we're ending up between 5-5.25%. the market still thinks for some reason though that this won't happen

>> No.53537252

We’re reaching levels of bobo cope that shouldn’t be possible.

>> No.53537328
File: 655 KB, 691x616, grug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That took me 15 mins to decode your big brain post.
>In other words, in the long run, the only effect of the nominal interest rate on inflation comes through the Fisher effect; so, if the nominal interest rate went up by 1 percent, so should the inflation rate—in the long run."

So as a example of your thinking if a 1 dollar at par bond, had a one thousand percent yield, this would lead to massive inflation in the long run as the money supply would greatly increase. So "high rates = always low inflation" is not really true. Am I understanding you correctly?
But what about what this Anon said. Higher rates can lower demand in the short term right? You said so yourself
>But, as is widely accepted by macroeconomists, these effects dissipate in the long run.
So just yank up rates for a little bit to kill demand.

>> No.53537350

>the market still thinks for some reason though that this won't happen
you idiots act like the market is a single entity and higher rates means everyone sells
its much more diverse and complicated than interest rates going up = assets going down
everyone who sells because rates are going up has already sold
who is going to sell stocks every time rates go up? how stupid are you guys?
rate hikes are priced in and the banks are slurping with free money

>> No.53537388

>So just yank up rates for a little bit to kill demand.
that's exactly what they did
we saw our short term dip because of the spike but this has been going on for a year now
the market has priced rate hikes in and I would bet money that banks are using 0% reserve requirements to slurp this dip

>> No.53537402

Bears massively butthurt that JPow successfully manouvered the soft landing

>> No.53537452
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>Not when the reserve requirement for banks is literally set to 0%
very few realize that. I hope someone here isn't holding a lot in the banks. What is a "bail in"

>> No.53539729

You're right, but no one cares rn.