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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 21 KB, 385x385, 09603F07-CAEC-4EB2-B33A-CAE855D2BFD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53525681 No.53525681 [Reply] [Original]

I have a seven inch penis (about 7 and 1/4 after about 10 days of no fap), with a five inch circumference. I’m 28 years old, 5’11, and weigh 155 with about 8% body fat and a muscular tone. I am not bragging or hyping myself up, there’s people who have more money, charisma, fame, and overall health than me. What I am asking is how much could I realistically make a month putting up pics of myself naked (no face) on OnlyFans. I understand some fags will be looking at it, but I’m mainly trying to attract girls. I’m currently paying over 50% of my monthly income on my $2,400 a month rent. I need money and I have a gift. Help me monetize it.

>> No.53525707

Pictures uploaded will forever stay online anon. If you know this continue

>> No.53525782

That’s why I want to do no face. I’ll sign up with a burner email and remove any identifiers (personal items, etc) from the pictures.

>> No.53525828

I'll know. I can trace you through the encoded pepe in the original post.

>> No.53525868

No one wants to see you naked, let alone pay for it. Faggot.

>> No.53525870

Why the fuck is this thread on business and finance?

>> No.53525895

Onlyfans requires KYC and linking with your bank account if you want to make money. If you really believe that shit won't be leaked in the future, I guess you can post your bussy.

>> No.53525914

Sure, bro…I assume there’s many other dudes doing the same shit. I’m not looking to get rich, just a side hustle. Give advice plz

>> No.53525924

Ppl are just gonna say "I was only on there to post SFW fitness pics" or "life advice" lol

>> No.53525968

Women literally do not care about that shit retard. The two genders are vastly different when it comes to sexual attraction, and what women do by posting lewd pictures of themselves absolutely works on men, it doesn't work vice versa. Women literally complain about getting dickpicks, why would anyone pay for it?
Women care about two things in a man, face and height. Penis only matters as long as it's not a micropenis (even there girth is more important than length btw), but they don't give a shit.
Men are the hypersexual visual creatures, not women, using their tactics on them won't work.

>> No.53526218

Abandon that idea. Pick up The Holy Bible and read it. Follow and believe in Jesus Christ. Gain eternal life. Why choose a few months of easy living over eternal life anon?

>> No.53526505

Because his dong is his business and you're going to finance it.

>> No.53526653

Christ cucks are so fucking stupid its genuinely unreal.

>> No.53526853

Imagine you're an auschwitz mode anon that has a slightly larger than average penis... if he doesn't beat off for 10 days and holds the ruler against his pubic bone. He wants to sell naked pictures to homosexuals with but delusionally thinks he's attracting women. He is also too ugly to post face in these pictures.

How much do you think this other anon who totally isn't you could earn doing such?

>> No.53526891
File: 245 KB, 981x1200, 1661832037938845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody cares about your schlong if you aren't famous.

>> No.53526972

I've seen this pic many times, is it edited or does Vitaly really have a massive BWC

>> No.53527055

I was physically similarly situated to you at 28 and was in grad school and needed money. Internet stuff is more trouble than it's worth. If you're serious, and seeing as your post didn't describe your balls, grow a pair and go on SA as a SB. You can try with women but they're going to be gross. You might make a few grand a month going out on dates. Hopefully you live in a big city and can do this at low key/anonymous places.

If you want to make real money, engage the gay community. I just stood around naked while guys jerked off. They like it more because you're straight and will pay a premium. For a period of about six months I was making 15k/month in my free time.

I used the money to build a brokerage account that now allows me a lot of freedom.

>> No.53527072

slavic BWC
many such cases

>> No.53527087

it's just a misleading shadow. his actual cock is probably much bigger, but only charles knows for sure.

>> No.53527130

I'll add that one dude, all these years later, still pays me 1k/month just to respond to his texts. I use it to buy nicer lunches than I otherwise would.

>> No.53527200

how much of a chad do you look like? give an honest rating of your face, and your height in feet and inches

>> No.53527236

Girls don’t look for naked men online, when girls get horny they just call up chad. If you are going to whore yourself out as a man it’s going to be all gays

>> No.53527287

I don't remember asking

>> No.53527367

I played golf in college and soccer in HS. Infer from that what you will.

>> No.53528433

I can infer that you are the biggest faggot on 4chan

>> No.53528500

This, and there is no reason why faggots won't pay as much as other degens. Sling pictures OP, better yet, capture a niche market somehow.

>> No.53528561

I suspect insecurity limits you in many, many ways.

>> No.53528643

I can tell you it’s not insecurity that keeps me from letting faggots jerk off to my naked body.

>> No.53528654

>five inch circumference
Fucking pencil dick.

>> No.53528764

>but I’m mainly trying to attract girls.
zero dollars
the only money men make is in fitness influencing, fag baiting, and fetish shit
now if you said that you are capable and willing of putting worms up your cock and ejaculating back out, then you might have something worth selling...for example

just having a nice body doesn't cut it, for a man

>> No.53528776

Wealth? Ok, good for you. Poverty was mine.

>> No.53528795

You were born the wrong sex for thos gig to work, OP. It ain't gonna happen.

Maybe if you cater to some specific fetish

>> No.53528938

This. If you can stomach it make the money but I couldn't imagine doing this and not feeling greasy as fuck

>> No.53529586
File: 157 KB, 600x842, 1513603564950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngmi and i dont want to tell u which crypto to buy to achieve total financial freedom in a few short years.
additionally FUCK YOU

>> No.53529718

Pennies if you're lucky. It's a different game for guys than it is for girls.

>> No.53531489
File: 50 KB, 768x1024, Thiccness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggot im a 5'4 manlet spic with a 8 incher. On my frame it looks like its 12 inches

>> No.53531638

You would need to be open to doing a lot of gay stuff.
You'd also have to at least start by getting camera angles down and posting shit on reddit.
We're not talking about posing with a double bicep flex and hard; that shit is everywhere. You'd have to be open to some really depraved shit in the DMs.

>> No.53531660

This makes me seethe I’m 6’6 and a little over 8 inches and my dick looks small in my massive hands. I was so confused when I started having sex and every girl was intimidated by it and didn’t like certain positions because it was too big

>> No.53532149

Man I would give my left nut to be 6'6. Life appears to be easier for giants

>> No.53533077

I think you'll have to shove gigantic dildos up your ass to stick out and attract an audience. Are you ready to do that OP?