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53516422 No.53516422 [Reply] [Original]

>The hemorrhoids are back

>> No.53516436

I have a chronic anal fissure

>> No.53516447

man, I've been shitting blood for a year now. it just comes and goes randomly. idk what to do.

>> No.53516471

It's ok bros I also bleed. Drink more water helps

>> No.53516473

Get a bag of Epson salts and do sitz baths and get prep h. Avoid super heavy lifting and siting on your ass for large periods of time. Sry bro. Hemorrhoids are terrible, but so long as you do these things and don’t agitate them further in anyway they’ll disappear

>> No.53516485

I have this too. It doesn't hurt often but bleeds if I wipe too much. Guess I should ask my doctor to look at my ass

>> No.53516513
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>> No.53516562

I unironically shit blood when I make terrible trades and get stomach aches from it.

>> No.53516575

Same. It only happened after I got the vaxx. I think it gave me IBS. Doctor said it was just constipation.

>> No.53516583

with crohns diagnosis, thats a straight ticket to easy ssdi

>> No.53516592

are you being unironic

>> No.53516600

heh, so it's not just me

>> No.53516610

ibs=black stools, basically digested blood
constipation/hemorroids=fresh red blood

as disgusting as it is, fresh blood in poop is eh, fine

>> No.53516630

and i should specify, not ibs but ibd. if you shit less than like a quarter cup of fresh blood, youre fine

>> No.53516646

can I claim disability?

>> No.53516663

gonna need a solid diagnosis and show that your condition prevents you from being a reliable worker. there are multiple types of IBD, mileage may vary. crohns with another diagnosis like fissures or short bowel or arthritis will get you approved. two related diagnoses are good

>> No.53516686

No, I have had GI issues until I got vaxxed. Never got a booster though.
Doctor said I just need more fiber. It’s clear I have some sort of IBS though. The sudden urge to shit comes so suddenly and 3/10 times it’s blood. Not even trying to be a poltard but I think the vaxx fucked up my ass lel.
Yeah always red blood.

>> No.53516700

well maybe theres a refund form or something you could fill out?

>> No.53516710

fresh blood is a-okay. if you start shitting black, or throwing up black stuff, you might die. i had a bowel obstruction one time, couldnt even keep water down without throwing up. a day later, i vomited black shit for half the day. im on my way to being disabled before 40

>> No.53516740

here you go vaxmaxx anon :)

>> No.53516773

i dont think shitting fresh blood is “ok” its just less bad than darker .

>> No.53516804

from a doctor's POV, fresh blood = not dying, easily treated, nothing special required. otc cream, salt baths, baby wipes. no big deal

>> No.53516993

Have had hemorrhoids and anal fissures for years. Bleeding eventually happened every now and then matbe a few years back. 99.99999% confident it's those two as all the symptoms make it obvious, but I can't shake that feeling something else may be wrong. Gonna have to get a snake tube shoved up my butt, hopefully I'm knocked out hard during the colonscopy cause that is something I DO NOT want to experience.

>> No.53517036

How much can you get from issues that leave you in the bathroom for 30 minutes? Makes it hard to wage when you get questioned for being gone for 30 minutes. Dry rough toilet paper doesn't help nor does it clean well when I wiped myself raw.