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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 169 KB, 1170x978, Fnv8sLkXoBs4_TN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53508107 No.53508107 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53508122

Don't spend money on things you don't need.

>> No.53508123

Grow your own vegetables and keep some chickun!
Plus buy donut!

>> No.53508127

Minimize recurring expenses.

Renewal Charges should be kept at very low.

>> No.53508128

Wash your ass, instead of wiping it with toilet paper. Walk as often as possible instead of driving (local markets, get you to socialize with your surroundings too). Handwash and air dry your clothes.

>> No.53508141

The whole point of a takeaway is that you don't have to cook it yourself. No shit you can save money by cooking your own meals.
I fucking hate the media.

>> No.53508142

Isn't making your own illegal or something?

>> No.53508148

Cook for yourself. Do not buy snacks, and do not smoke. If you're drinking, find out how quickly you get drunk and when it turn from a fun evening to a chore or insane one. You do not need the new iPhone if your old one is still working, and even then, a cheaper mobile will do too. No, you do not need new boots unless your old ones are starting to fall apart. Do not buy anything with your credit card; avoid debt unless it is for an investment that will make you money.

>> No.53508155

Also big one avoid sub services when possible.

>> No.53508194

cooking your own food is now a lifehack and you WILL upvote

>> No.53508205

If you make your own kebabs allah will strike you down and shrink your penis infidel

>> No.53508221

True, i made kebab once and my penis is shorter with a whole cm!

>> No.53508223
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Delivery only 3 times a week. If more than 3 times then no drinks

>> No.53508228

Why are all your curtains closed?

>> No.53508239

is that fucking kikkoman onions sauce next to the pizza?!

>> No.53508242

>cooking meals at home saves you money
Grandmother's, Great Grandmother's and so on are rolling in their graves.

>> No.53508285

nah looks like powerade or something

>> No.53508287

hey dear.

>> No.53508289

Why would they be open?

>> No.53508290

haha yooo tariq nasneed my fave buckbroke lolcow

>> No.53508309

How dare you make your own kebabs, the Turks will starve now

>> No.53508351

because it's day

>> No.53508368

I've never touched them after hanging them. Seems like a waste of time

>> No.53508379

i always open my curtains, feels good man

>> No.53508385

Not buying anything with a credit card is terrible advice. You should buy everything with a credit card and pay it off every month. Putting big necessary purchases on a credit card and paying it off slowly is fine too. The problem is people with a credit card who overspend. Building credit is good. Using cash or debit card all the time is retarded.

>> No.53508423

jew detected

>> No.53508437

Wash out your condoms and re-use them.

>> No.53508440

I hate them too but until we go 1488 we still live in a world where credit is extremely useful.

>> No.53508484

Serious question?
Don't own a car if you don't strictly need one.

It's crazy how much money people burn on with transportation. There are fags who are in perma-debt because every time they finally manage to pay for a car, they fiance a new one.
And the expenses don't stop at "paying for the car", gas, taxes and all sorts of unseen expenses that will keep you poor.

>> No.53508495
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Yeah when I got out of the army after 4 years I had around 100k. My friends were still living paycheck to paycheck basically or a couple Gs here and there. Mostly went to their cars

>> No.53508509

credit is useful. Having a good credit score and history is important for getting future loans and even setting up a business.

Also lots of cards these days offer cash back. So basically, if you're not dumb or reckless, it is a good idea.

>> No.53508514

buy in bulk instead of small portions, for example rice. get a 20kilo sack instead of a pound. give /sell some to friends

>> No.53508520

it's surprising how long a car will last you if you maintain it. but then people will say "What, I don't want to spend that much money fixing a [7, 10, 12..} year old car! So they don't do it and their car starts breaking down because they're skipping maintenance. and they spend way more money than the repairs cost on buying a new one. I think this is some kind of subconscious thing where they want a new car but know they can't justify it so they dream up excuses to sabotage their old ones so that they have to.

>> No.53508543

>walking instead of driving
Not feasible if you're a Burgerlandian. NIGGERS could be here

>> No.53508552

Not opening curtains during the day is a key indicator of poor mental health and being a slob

>> No.53508561

I feel fine, seems superfluous

>> No.53508603

> Delivery 3 times a week
> Doesn’t open curtains ever
> Vidya

Anon, I don’t think you are doing okay at all

>> No.53508604

Everyone know one or two persons who manage to fuck their financial lives with frivolities.
Yeah. I totally agree.
I have a piece of shit Opel Corsa from 97 that is so fucking old that I don't even need to pay taxes anymore (it's a thing in my country). It runs fine, parts are dirt cheap, fuel usage is somehow better than modern cars (it's a 1.6 gasoline, but it's extremely light), and I can easily fix most of the things that goes wrong and my biggest expense in 3 years where 4 brand new tires.
The only problem with that car is that it's safe as a 90's car. If I hit something big, it's probably the end for me.

BTW, when your time became far more expensive than your car, it do make sense to buy a brand new car to avoid maintenance downtime. But let's say I am a few years from it...

>> No.53508611

Make ghetto hooch in your garage

>> No.53508617

Most people here still live with their parents. Just share the car m8. Save the money to buy a house, or to make that dream come true.
If people will judge you for not owning a car, they are not good people to begin with.

>> No.53508672

jew kike faggot. credit was invented in 1991 and i was fucking your mom raw in 90
>>53508385 kike jew king

giga kike

>> No.53508679
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>wanting nosy neighbors and random pedestrians looking in your windows

>> No.53508702

Imagine the smell

>> No.53508729

>until we go 1488
As long as there are people like you declaring the Jew credit system that is actively enslaving mankind to be “useful”, we will never get there. Every time you use credit you are validating and perpetuating their system. You are giving them more power. Studies show that people using credit statistically buy more that they don’t need. That act of consooooming gives them power, even if you aren’t paying interest. Reconsider your life choices.

>> No.53508761

>fuel usage is somehow better than modern cars
A ton of that is down to how you drive, most people have a really heavy foot. If you coast up to stoplights, accelerate slowly, and obey speed limits you can save a ton of money on gas, my mileage in a 21yo sedan with from 28 or so to around 40. (a bit less in the winter, a bit more in the summer). Also makes your tires and brakes last longer.

The fact that it really pisses off /o/ is just gravy.

>> No.53508777

>What are the best moneysaving "lifehacks"?
Quit smoking
Don't drink alcohol
Don't drink branded fizzy orange and lemonades
Take up a hobby that involves valuing and appraising things that are a store of value and have a good market, antiques, video games, jewellery, art, coins whatever. Use your knowledge to buy for cents on the dollar and have fun.
Buy your own ingredients and cook.
Buy in bulk canned foods and cleaning products and store them if you have space. Prices rise. Shit does not go off. Comfort yourself that if thye zombie apocalypse happens you'll feel clever but you'll feel clever anyway because you have beans, washing power, dish soap, toilet roll, tinned peaches and whatever the fuck else you like and its just gone up 5 cents again.
Gardening is very rarely profitable but some potatoes maybe however you are only going to make maybe ten bucks for a lot of work.
Cancel your net flicks/hbo/amazon subscriptions and just watch steaming sites like the rest of us.
Go look at clothes in charity and thrift stores. Same for books. Only fools think cheap =bad.
Turn off your heating unless you really need it, not primarily to save money but because it is healthier.

>> No.53508837
File: 105 KB, 640x640, B36A962A-8EF5-4D9D-ABB9-0C62EE20B387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and?

>> No.53508861

I fucking hate the sun though, why would I open the curtains

>> No.53508917

that only works in the usa and the like. in many countries there is no credit score system that works like that

>> No.53508926

>Not opening curtains during the day is a key indicator of poor mental health and being a slob
It is not. I do not like daylight and primarily live by night and take vitamin D etc. I do this because there are fewer people. I dislike people. You are a good example of why I dislike most people. I find the people who are alive at night to include a far more interesting subset of humanity. I assure you I am healthier, more disciplined and more successful than you

>> No.53508930
File: 48 KB, 685x514, EiW7SrdXcAIyTL9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy this each day and your entire caloric intake is satisfied for $4

>> No.53508940

No vitamin D or B or E or Zinc. No Fibre.

>> No.53508953

Only D is important of those and you can just go outside

>> No.53508955

canned black beans
20g protein per can
other good macros, can't remember off the top of my head
one can, for about 65 cents, will fill you and replace a meal
just remember to fully drain and rinse
I like to add hot sauce

>> No.53508957

I used take a lot of nutrition from one source but now with such low standards of hygiene and teh spread of disease I have to be a lot more selective. I am actually healthier than ever now though because ultimately my sustenance is far higher quality.

>> No.53508965

>20g protein per can
That's not that much?

>> No.53508980

I don't like sunlight or people which there are more of during daylight hours. I do occasionally go out in daylight but only when absolutely necessary and that is just to my underground garage, into the car tell the driver where to do, straight into the building carpark and get whatever I have do do done, its the only way to deal with drones like solicitors. I much prefer being outside at night anyway, everything is must more intense, the scents and noises, the dark amplifies everything just as the sunlight smothers it. I feel sick even thinking of sunlight.

>> No.53509005

for one meal and for the price it is

>> No.53509012
File: 34 KB, 550x422, 1652568126095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy discovers that buying and cooking discounted food items is cheaper than eating out

>> No.53509061

Huh? Where do you live that people open their curtains? Everyone here keeps theirs closed

>> No.53509068

This reddit picture makes me irrationally angry every time I see it

>smelly ass foot sticking out
>sugar free Powerade
>massive crusted retard pizza
>Xbox one controller and da2
>room looks like a neon workshop
>”I deserve this for working a 9 to 5”

The fact they had to make an emotional statement about something so mundane is reddit epitomized. Fuck this image and fuck you for posting it.

>> No.53509085

Buy everything with credit card and pay it off full every month , only retards with no self control should fear credit cards

>> No.53509119

Car is as essential as food . If you're over 25 with no car you are a LOSER , nothing beats the freedom of a car , not even worth living life if you use public transportation

>> No.53509144
File: 237 KB, 1200x956, 1200x-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Lives here

>> No.53510189

You do realize they have rewards rigjt? I get cash back 1-5%. Since i never hold a balance the credit card compamy is effectively paying me.

I got my last 10 oz silver bar from the cash back i got my using my credit card.

>> No.53510249
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Beats here

>> No.53510355

>cooking your own food saves money
who knew that you had to pay for services

>drink only water
>unplug everything and keep switches off
>don't use cars unless shitbox with good mileage
>don't wear brands if you're just casual
>get thermal curtains if you're in a cold country
>cut your own hair or get mommy/nan to do it
>beans and rice and rice and beans
>stop buying packaged food
>make your own condiments
>take baths instead of showers
>get basic shampoo, none of the scented/vitamin shit just add your own smells
>use the oven/grill for multiple things at the same time or just microwave(gross)
>stop your addictinos
>fuck your lawn if you have it
>make your own cleaning products(you WILL get put on a list)

>> No.53510458

>save money by borrowing money
>Do not buy snacks, and do not smoke.
Smoking is obscenely expensive. I've gone from 50 a day on to the vapes and even though I'm still going through two pods a day I've still reduced my niccy expenditure by ~80%
Add iodised salt to food to counter snack cravings. Your body needs iodine and since flour stopped being iodised in the 1960s most people's source of iodine is junk food
Alarmingly junk food is still really low in iodine, it just contains bromide which is close enough to iodine to satisfy your body's needs and suppress the worst symptoms of iodine deficiency (big ass lumps on your thyroid being the most notable, however mental fatigue and concentration issues are very common things that people these days think are normal)
Never get a car on finance. They depreciate as soon as you drive it off the lot, and you quickly owe repayments+interest that exceed the value of the car. A second hand banger will last forever if you change the oil and filter every 6 months. Find a wagon that is insurance class E18 (or whatever your country's equivalent insurance class is). These cars are dirt cheap to insure because the insurers knows you can wrap it around a tree and walk away. I drive a 2 litre turbodiesel AWD and it costs me £30 a month to insure. Twice a year put the premium fuel in it, it's higher octane and has better formulated detergents, and it burns out all the crap from the system. It's absolutely worth the extra ~20p/L in the long run.
>cut your own hair or get mommy/nan to do it
Volunteer at a vocational school to be a live model for hairdressing/barber courses. You get free dos and if the student cocks up the school pays the cost of fixing it. I get free massages every week as well. Only problem is the hours usually don't line up with your schedule.

>> No.53510593

What does this image even prove? Cities are the exact same but more densely packed.

>> No.53510623

>breaking news: man cooks food

>> No.53510644

>making takeaways at home
Isn't that just cooking?

>> No.53511027

humans can really only uptake about 20g of protein every 3ish hours..

>> No.53511073

>cooking dinner is now a "life hack"

>> No.53511290

Interest can be high so I'd say pay off every month
Only retards do not use credit cards. If you have no self control and would spend up to the limit then work on that. Its not free money and should be used like a debit card. I put autopay on for the entire balance and forget about it. Never carry any interest or debt beyond just for the month.

>> No.53511508

>eat at home
>make coffee at home
>drink at home
do these three things and you'll save a lot

>> No.53511675

same. i have an mgm credit card and I earn tier credits and free play with my purchases. and I just save it for my vegas trips.

>> No.53511729

eat fruit and veg not sweets and chocolate

>> No.53511742

Modern mainstream media is so uninspired they have to make bullshit like this to pass off as an article. If not bullshit like this, they'll just copy and parrot other media outlets. Literal sock puppets for the corporate sponsors who fund them

>> No.53511804

Nobody cares about your made up indicators

>> No.53512015

this. autopay the balance. year passes. randomly remember rewards. apply free $200 to current balance. t-thanks usaa

>> No.53512033

Your ancestors lived for 50,000 years without cars, you're a loser for different reasons.

>> No.53512088

yeah cause we still live in 50,000 B.C

absolute brainlet

>> No.53512092
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Don't get fat. Maintaining all that mass is expensive.

>> No.53512098

Where must I go to get this DUPI taken out right now?

>> No.53512148
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>car is essential as food
>therefore anyone who lives without one is basically a superman
Sorry, I don't converse with untermensch like yourself.

>> No.53512150

>nothing beats the freedom of a car
Full retard that eats up all of America's car propaganda. The car has been the most enslaving, destructive, and socially isolating innovation humans could have brought itself. Educate yourself, Amerifat, you and your government got played hard by Big Oil, now the majority of your citizens are debt slaves to Big Car who is a debt slave to The Gman who is a debt slave to Big Oil.

>> No.53512154

yes but only by virtue of everything being illegal in the UK

>> No.53512200

This would normally be good advice but an unfathomable number of people are retards.
I wish I had a way of instantly knowing if a person has a lot of credit card debt because it's the surest sign you're dealing with a retard.

>> No.53512286

If he was black they would say he invented cooking your own food.

>> No.53512288

>brings up time period before the industrial revolution
>"NOOOOOO thats not what I meant"

>> No.53512319

To be honest, I never had a credit card, so I do not know how they work exactly. Because I live in rather decent country in central Europe, I always have a pre-approved loan in the bank, which I have never used and do not intend to use. I always assumed that when you use a credit card, you get immediate interest.

>> No.53512336
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>get you to socialize with your surroundings too

>> No.53512411

Find something you like that has a long shelf life, and buy 2 or 3 year's worth of it. Sometimes you have to contact a specific supplier outside of Amazon/Walmart. Go direct and buy bulk.

I bought 1.5 years of something recently and saved 33% on the current price, who knows what I will have actually saved including inflation after that time period

>> No.53512418

As long as the debt is paid during the grace period, no interest is applied. However, outside of that 30 day grace period, interest is applied immediately and at the daily rate of APR/365*Credit Balance. It's kind of fucked that your balance's interest is compounded daily, for many people that's like 15-20% divided by 365 * balance then applied and compounded again tomorrow. There's a reason why many Americans (or more correctly worded, credit card users) are debt slaves. With financial responsibility, credit cards are powerful tools... but how many people do you know are "financially responsible?"

>> No.53512434

>paying it off slowly is fine too
no, it's not. I agree you should put everything on a (or multiple cards) and have it auto-pay every month - cash back & protection from fraud - but people that pay interest on credit cards are retarded. Use your CCs like debit cards.

>> No.53512441
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>food was only essential starting 1900 AD

>> No.53512443
File: 868 KB, 1080x2081, Screenshot_20230131-100445-741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL says the guys who ate up megacity propaganda
this is for ONE network thats actually busy and covers a good amount of land, and doesnt include the bag + phone theft, begging, crowdedness, delays, shitty rap music playing on speakers, taking 2-3x longer than a car minimum

I'm not going back and you and all the "walkable city" bikefags are just gonna have to deal with it

>> No.53512522

write out every single one of your expenses, and all of your income in an excel spreadsheet, and then remove expenses you don't need/want until they are as far below your income as you like. you can save or invest the difference

>> No.53512541
File: 42 KB, 314x431, 8dollars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stick your head in the shower/wash your face sometimes instead of taking a shower
>buy expensive name brands that are lightly used on ebay. (high quality, last a long time, resale value @ 1/3rd the cost)
>go to asian markets for produce
>always at least google "coupon code" for whatever site you're on if there's a code available. You'll be amazed at how often you can get 15% off for free.

>> No.53512561

cars can run on water
>inb4 rust
lol, lmao
oh, and all cities are already cycable
>inb4 they aren't
that's fatty cope

>> No.53512572

>What are the best moneysaving "lifehacks"?
I eat the ducks from the city park

>> No.53512609
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>life hack
god i hate this world

>> No.53512659
File: 59 KB, 500x501, BORN_TO_DIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same anon, same

>> No.53512671

Yep, megacity propaganda is exactly why all those suburban sprawls are going bankrupt maintaining their roads instead of building schools and hospitals. Must be nice living in chudville, buttfucknowhere

>> No.53512702

Checked and good list. Gardening might not save much money or be profitable on a surface level, but it's a productive hobby rather than a consumptive hobby. It costs very little to do and you get exercise and healthy food out of it

>> No.53512791

Based. The people who acknowledge how fucked the credit system is and then turn right around to keep perpetuating it are troglodyte-brained faggots.

>> No.53512792

you need to spend to save

>> No.53513002

>Buy in bulk canned foods
This kills you though. You absolutely need the zombie apocalypse to start in order to gain life from eating poison.

>> No.53513079

>man cooks
what a story, mark

>> No.53513905

24 hour fasting

>> No.53514009

but 7 days a week

>> No.53514108

The point of gardening/homesteading is less about saving money and more about securing your own supply of produce
Amortizing my set up for the chooks I keep would make me break even in eggs, but I didn't start keeping them to save money, I did to secure access to a highly nutritious food in the even of a shortage like the one happening now

>> No.53514405


>> No.53514625

While spending with crypto we can now earn fool.
I am using a web3 crypto payment gateway which has over 20k merchants where I get upto 1.5% cashback on all fucking transactions.
Basically I earn while I spend.

>> No.53514854

See how many bitches you get without electricity too

>> No.53514989

Vampire detected

>> No.53515047

Correct, they had vimanas.

>> No.53515065


>> No.53515092

It's best I get some garlic, silver and white light to protect myself from that night walker.
Just started my investment in crypto maybe I should just buy a house directly with that in Dubai or Spain.
Better run from where I am and save the crypto I have.

>> No.53515245

That's a pit stop area off a PA highway. No shit it's gonna be a bunch of fast food, gas stations and motels

>> No.53515295

too bad its -20F here
my heating bill $300

>> No.53516287

begginner hack: do the fakeaway like this faggot does, but cook more than your family needs and sell it to other goys around you.

Advanced hack: Stop paying taxes and start killing cops in the streets, overthrow the government and gas all kikes

>> No.53516359

When you weigh your own veg at the supermarket; if you're buying bell peppers, break off the stalks. You dont eat them. They're just dead weight when you put them on the scales. It might seem like nothing but I eat a lot and so over time it adds up.

>> No.53516432

To keep niggers from looking in.

>> No.53516465

i literally have a friend who browses /o/ and backseat drives every time I don't jackrabbit start and stop entering and exiting an intersection

>> No.53516476

If you don’t “accidentally” forget to scan at least one item each time you’re at a self-checkout, you’re doing it wrong.

>> No.53516505

You know how when you wipe your butt, right? There's a whole clean side on the other side.

>> No.53516519

In my country we aren't retards.
The camera AI will start to detect this behavior and they will see you have a pattern of doing this and they will eventually find a way to get you for it and you will get raped by fines. I give it a 10% chance of happening within 5 years.

>> No.53516535

>Cook for yourself
you mean like a fakeaway?

>> No.53516597

seek the ocularly impaired
it's probably the nly bitches you'd get regardless of electricity
they are already losing a shitton to shoplifters and employees who let stuff 'fall out the back of the trucks'
i knew people who stole from every shop, every day and nothing happened ever
and i mean a good number of people
it's much easier and cheaper for companies to apply for subsidies and cuts and claim insurance than to actually use the cameras required by the insurance

>> No.53516609

He's playing Dark Alliance II from his bed, anon. He's an oldschool /r9k/ wizard. Leave him be. He's happier in the dark.

>> No.53516639

"makes hes food"
Thats the whole point of ordering. You dont fucking cook. Fucking niggers

>> No.53516688

Most people here cannot be fucked using the self checkout. Everyone knows how to, but why bother.
>i knew people who stole from every shop, every day and nothing happened ever
Short minded retard. Just because AI isn't detecting your behavior yet doesn't mean it won't in 5 years. They are collecting data.

>> No.53516775

Live close to your place of work. Within 5km or so distance. Make sure there is a store near your apartment as well. You won’t need a car and can go to work on a bicycle. Public transort for visiting friends and families in other places. Saves me heaps of time (for maintenance of car) and money. A couple of thousands a year.

Instead of an expensive fibre connection just use your mobile phones 4G/5G hotspot. Saves me another couple of hundred dollars a year.

Partying and girls. Don’t waste your money on it.

>> No.53516882

Substitute coffee for matcha tea. You get far more caffeine per dollar if you order it in bulk from asia. Also has some mood enhancing compounds in it that boost performance.

>> No.53516904

>boost performance
high powered poverty, great

>> No.53516910

>You HAVE to live next to filthy dirty niggers or you're mentally ill.
Never thought about it that way before, thanks. I love getting sucker punched and curbstomped now.

>> No.53516958
File: 42 KB, 680x680, How-To-Cook-Lentils-S1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can get 1800 calories of lentils for $1 at my supermarket. I eat them probably 5 days a week. Eating several servings of legumes a week can add years to your life expectancy. Maybe even over a decade.


>> No.53517051

I feel like take out is usually cheaper than cooking nowadays. Unless you're on a diet of beans and rice. Special offers at certain restaurants, too good to go, delivery app promos, make it so that it's cheaper for me to eat out. I spend next to nothing on groceries , I just pick up food on my way home, so my overall monthly food budget is lower and no wastage on my end.

>> No.53517243

>be dead
>the dead no need nuthing
>no need to pay for nuthing
>saved money 100%

>> No.53517335

I mean a car is as faggy and enslaving in the macro as your idea of not owning one is in the micro.

>Dictates where you can go
>Can be randomly predated upon by LEO's
>must pay the insurance Jew
>I see your headlight is out. You owe the city $60+tip
>You parked your car where I bribed the city to not let you park. I'm having your car stolen (legally) and charging you for it.
>Time wasting
>Causes fat person posts of lies and cope rather than bullets to the head of politicians and urban planners

You're over a barrel in the US it you don't have to also spread your cheeks for them for free.

>> No.53517368

Good luck I can get a cheaper takeaway than cooking the same meal for myself.
>only works if you’re single

>> No.53517430

Bell peppers are usually sold per pepper for this reason. Broccoli and cauliflower yes this could work. Also the outer lettuce that is wilted

>> No.53517464

I have Jewtube Ream-me-um and Spotify, both of which I use for at least an hour a day.

I was able to avoid a lot of the harassment-ware associated with mobile apps by using Blockada until they themselves turned into a "Cloud-Based Sub(shitstain) Model" and now the offline version I have is getting out of date and springing leaks as far as advertising goes and paywall harassment goes.

How do I cut holes in the fences around content, given the Internet is almost entirely based around corporate control of platforms and hosting content on mobile apps?

>> No.53517467

His stupid tv stand is home made and stupid. Also he’s a cat guy.

>> No.53517489

I refuse to act like a nigger, period. I will continue being White and paying for my food.

>> No.53517515

You could run youtube in a browser with adblock

>> No.53517535

This is false and how I can tell your fat. It’s average is around 30g per person and the absorption rate varies on the physical dependence and how much physical activity you do and your gut health.

>> No.53517603
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Convert or expose judyism
0ss first half of captcha

>> No.53517693

>two pods a day
Refillable vapes are even cheaper

>> No.53517847

Whoever came up with this term should be hunted down, tortured, and executed in the most humiliating way imaginable.

>> No.53517910

The Who,e point of having a wife is to cook for yourself fagg

>> No.53517990

You're a huge fucking normie. Every retard you see on the street is a 'car person'.

>> No.53518031

Here are some of the most effective money-saving "lifehacks":

Create a budget and stick to it - This will help you keep track of your income and expenses and ensure you're spending within your means.

Cut unnecessary expenses - Evaluate your spending habits and look for areas where you can reduce or eliminate spending, such as subscriptions or memberships you don't use.

Cook at home - Eating out can be expensive, so try cooking at home as much as possible. You can save money and eat healthier too.

Use coupons and discount codes - When shopping online, look for coupons and discount codes to save money on purchases.

Shop sales - Plan your shopping around sales and take advantage of discounts.

Automate your savings - Set up automatic transfers from your checking account into a savings account so you can save without having to think about it.

Use cashback rewards credit cards - Look for a credit card that rewards you for purchases you were going to make anyway.

Shop for necessities in bulk - Items like toilet paper, toothpaste, and cleaning supplies are often less expensive when purchased in bulk.

Negotiate bills - Call your service providers, such as your cable company, and ask for a lower rate.

Keep your car well-maintained - Regular maintenance can help prevent expensive repairs down the road.

By incorporating these money-saving strategies into your daily routine, you can start building up your savings and achieve your financial goals.

>> No.53518040
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haven't bought toilet paper since the shortages in 2020

>> No.53518131

wasn't recommending you steal
just pointing out it's usually the insurance and government side pushing changes on the actual stores
i have never stolen myself but it's because of risk/reward, there is no moral argument for NOT stealing from big stores
the biggest stores benefit from regular theft
this is just bullshit, you just suck at cooking, planning your meals and shopping
i can make a chocolate cake + ice cream + chocolate sauce for under £8
serves at least 8 unless you're a greedy fuck
same with what you would order from takeaways
rice is £1 per portion from takeaway but i buy rice in 10kg bags or more
pakora is £5-7 for 2-4 portions depending on size
£1 per inch minimum for pizza
this is before you get to delivery charge and tipping
you kind of need to tip because i know a guy who got toenails in his chinky instead of onions
fuck letting ANYONE prepare my food
ketchup for instance is £3
tins of tomatoe soup £0.5-£2 per tin depending on brand when i can make a fucking vat of the stuff for the same price
some stuff IS more expensive to make yourself, like some condiments, but only because the product contains half of the ingredients it should and is filled with sugar, binders etc.
what i do for tomato soup, spagbol, minestrone, sauce etc. is cook a all the vegetables at once since they all use the same basics and then separate to cook what i want quickly on the day
same with macaroni, tuna bakes, lasagne etc.
>tl;dr make bigger portions and store, plan your meals, shop better & learn2cook
everyone loves even a basic cook nowadays

>> No.53518152

Go get an IQ test.

>> No.53518180

fruit and veg cost more than sweets and chocolate and they're less calorie dense too

>> No.53518227

lol holy shit

>> No.53518276

>cooking at home is cheaper
This is a lifehack now.
Lord help the British.

>> No.53518304

That's where you're wrong . I have like seven credit cards that all have different cashback categories. I can go into details if you like but I get about 3% cashback on everything. My total credit limit is like 100k$ and my score is above 800.

The smartest guy I know has like 50 cards that he churned through to get all the rewards

>> No.53518939

Circular reasoning.

>> No.53518957

>spend freetime indiscriminantly killing niggers for leisure
>incrementally lower your own tax burden

>> No.53518980

>ring up raddicio as red cabbage
>save $4,876 a year

>> No.53519118

If that is really you, you are a retarded plebbitor nigger as this picture was original from a plebbit post.

>> No.53519254

Unless you need to cook yourself alive or wash really dirty dishes, turn down your water heater's temperature as much as you can. You will see a decent drop in your gas/electric. After 5 months, you can afford 1 prostitute. Wow!

>> No.53519308

>saving 3k on food
I mean, if you are saving that much on food (assuming monthly), you either are a fucking PIG, buy really fucking expensive food for no reason whatsoever or provide for a rather big family...
you shouldn't save on food unless you are really poor. just don't spend too much on food either, retard.
save on useless shit you don't actually need. no, you don't NEED an iphone. you need a PHONE, NOT necessarily an iphone.

>> No.53519421

double edge safety razor.
for most things, find something good that will last a lifetime and does what you need it to do efficiently vs cheap shit that breaks easily. It's worth the extra cost

>> No.53519595

Bread and games, eh ?

>> No.53521151

>bought kebabs in bulk for next 5 years to save money

>> No.53521484

>>take baths instead of showers
what does this actually do?
i live in a heavily populated area and water is like 6$ for 1000 gallons
heating the water?

>> No.53521501

Steal all your media.

>> No.53521513

how to wash this?

>> No.53521552

Literally every complaint people have against cities/public transportation boils down to nigs. If it weren't for that, it would actually be a decent method of transportation. If the US was actually a white country, then cities would be safe and comfy as fuck to live in.

>> No.53521644
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Be useful enough that your company gives you a fuel card and company vehicle

>> No.53522039

This is true don't know why people complain owning a car is expensive Im on my second vehicle which is a Ford fiesta, cheap mileage dirty as fuck but i maintain her Welland shell last me 10+ years. And my last truck lasted me 13 years. Just don't buy overpriced bullshit with intention of trading in a few years and you'll be goodn0x2a4

>> No.53522083

>If the US was actually a white country, then cities would be safe and comfy as fuck to live in
myth. white trash would replace the nogs and you would have almost the same amount of violence. poor whites would be in gangs and killing each other just like blacks do

>> No.53522158

Poor white neighborhoods have lower crime rates than rich black ones do. If you removed all the non-whties from US crime statistics, it would be on the same level as Switzerland and Luxembourg. It's not in whites' nature to be criminally antisocial

>> No.53522160
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My apartment uses washing machines with an app to pay with, but those retards didn't turn off the admin shortcuts so if you just hit the 2 left buttons at the same time, you can get free laundry. You should see:
on the screen if you did it right. from there just choose what you want like if you paid for it

The app they use is also run by retards. They allow you to ask for refunds if something goes wrong with your laundry, and they just credit your account. Theres also a withdraw function so you can just withdraw this free money
every week I say my laundry fucked up and request a $5 refund, and the wagie whose job it is to check for errors, doesnt, and just processes the refund.
Im up to like $60 in credits that im gonna withdraw to my bank account soon

Also steal from whole foods self checking. They make it too easy. Just put your hand over the bar code and run it over the scanner real quick. They dont check for weight change in the bagging area so nobody knows lol
I got out with a $15 pizza and $8 worth of blueberries today
Oh and I also got 3lb of bell peppers for the price of bananas lol

>> No.53522162

you could assume they are misbehaving by their appearance because it wouldn't be a racial issue and they would actually get punished beause it wouldn't be a racial issue
this is how we do it where i live
>looks like a junky? probably a junky so avoid them or prepare for trouble
i've even seen upstanding citizens team up to prevent bad things from happening on buses and shit because they're not afraid of the racial bullshit
t. lives in what was once one of the most unsafe neighbourhood in europe

>> No.53522174
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yeah, you sound like a very mentally stable individual

>> No.53522207

Add 2 scoops of protein powder and a multivitamin and we'll talk

>> No.53522223

Okay then thanks for the tip matey. Also buy cooked chickens, rip them up into a big pile and then freeze them in containers that are 80 grams chicken meat each.

>> No.53522229

You don't have those security bars that beep when you walk out?

>> No.53522398
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Ham and pea soup.
Tasty for <$1/bowl

>> No.53522685

>live by night and take vitamin D etc
bad idea, vitamin d in your diet is totally different from the vitamin D you get from sunlight

you can eat 100% of your daily dietary vitamin D from food/supplements but it wont be actually triggered into real vitamin D until the sun is hitting your skin & kind of 'activates it'
similarly you could get 0% of your vitamin D from the diet and sit in the sun all day and still get no vitamin D because it doesnt exist in your skin/blood to be activated yet
you need both dietary vitamin D to be floating around your body being activated by direct sunlight on your skin for you to actually get vitamin d

also, sunlight triggers processes in your brain that balances mood, hormones, sleep etc. your eyes are also absorbing sunlight (which is different from every artifical light) and its doing untold goodness to your mind & soul. thats why its important to sit by a window even on rainy days with the curtains open so that the sunlight is affecting your skin, eyes, brain, mind, body in positives ways.

>> No.53522739

Lol all you incels riding this shitty old cars. Have you ever seen a hot girl sit next to guy in a shitty old car ?
No, they want a guy who rides a nice Audi (like me). Also my car is worth more then it was when I bought it new in 2020. Agreed, this is almost never the case but hey.
Stop saving on things that make you happy.
I love stopping next to guys way older then me with shitty old family cars. I can feel their pain when they see me in a nice car as a young buck that made the right decisions with my hot gf next to me. It also made dating so much easier.

Life is too short to save on nice things. Just work harder and invest smarter.

>> No.53522751

>imagine trusting a woman with not ruining meat

>> No.53522757

As a nutritionist I have never read a more crock of bullshit than your post in your life. Kill yourself.

>> No.53522761

Imagine being american

>> No.53522772

Considering there's been a massive uptick in people preferring doing this I honestly think it's an evolutionary trait.

>> No.53522801

You have no idea whatsoever what most people here do.

>> No.53522836

>how to spot an American.

Anon, the building credit meme is a thoroughly American meme and guess what. It's engineered to make you addicted to non stop spending.

Just because you are self disciplined enough to pay it off every month doesn't mean that the overall effect of the American credit card system is highly toxic to the majority of the (financially retarded) people out there.

>> No.53522881

reuse paper towels. if you dry your hands, save those and use them to clean your bathroom.

>> No.53522890

use a toaster oven and bake pizza in it

>> No.53522899

Use children's multivitamins to supplement your diet. They are less expensive per pill, and in reality you need far less vitamin supplementation than you think to survive.

>> No.53522916

pretty much

>> No.53522919

only buy red bell peppers. green ones are nutritionally deficient so you are throwing away money.

>> No.53522927

Use it up.
Wear it out.
Make do.
Do without.

There, you now know everything.

>> No.53522942

>pic with no houses
Or not.

>> No.53522947

what a stupid hellhole. what a ghetto.

>> No.53522971

Use a prepaid phone plan

>> No.53523016

where do i meet such a woman? they don't exist in cities.
>inb4 move to countryside
i would have to move to another country then where people don't speak the same language i do. unless of course i want to break my back doing illegal manual labor without any insurance or anything of that sort.

>> No.53523020

drink water. from the tap.

>> No.53523036

cross the border into mexico to get your medications

>> No.53523048

Use a bidet or use a "bidet" (sink)

>> No.53523052


>> No.53523082

don't shop at costco

>> No.53523100

I feel like cell phones are the worst in terms of life enrichment to cost ratio. people probably spend more on food than their cell phone, but good food makes life fantastic. Paying for an unlimited data plan when you probably only use like 15GB a month is fucking stupid. Most people have wifi at work and home, I don't know why those people are also paying for unlimited data. Or unlimited minutes, just text people more.

When I hear people having like 90 dollars a month for phone bills, I pay like 8 dollars a month which is way more than I need.

>> No.53523104

DO shop at WinCo

>> No.53523136

wheres the original post and which sub is this? asking for a friend..

>> No.53523141

Pretty much this. It's too easy nowadays to pirate movies/tv shows. Even if you are too prissy to deal with advertisements at those pirate streaming websites, you must have someone you can leech netflix or other streaming services from.

And even then, there is just too much free entertainment out there. I just watch youtube all day. Even some free to play video games are getting pretty high quality nowadays.

>> No.53523148

re-wear your shirts and pants

(unless you work outside)

>> No.53523157

personally, i think it's the drugs. there are smelly homeless people in public transport here in undisclosed european country as well however they get dealt with quickly. in general public transport is a viable option. certainly more so than traveling by car and sitting in a traffic jam for most of your day. i suppose it's fine if you hate your spouse and kids.

>> No.53523175

Public transport is a ripoff in America. 1.50 per ride?? better off walking.

>> No.53523201

>Stop saving on things that make you happy.
cars don't make me happy. actually a new car would be a downgrade, new cars are loaded with a bunch of flashing, beeping, touchscreen bullshit that I don't want. Cars to me are a method to get from A to B.
>Life is too short to save on nice things. Just work harder and invest smarter.
There's only a few nice things I care about, and cars aren't one of them. Cars aren't fun. I don't want to work harder, I'd rather drive my 20yo sedan and not have a car payment. What's the point of it?

there's another thing that isn't fun that people spend piles of cash on. I bought a $150 phone in 2017 and its what I'm still using, on a cheap pay-as-you-go plan.

>> No.53523205

aren't there monthly subscriptions? here in europe if you have to go to work you can even negotiate the monthly ticket being paid for you. regardless, i fail to see how it's more expensive especially since most cars have bigger engines than they any business having in states.

>> No.53523212

the bus comes once per hour and sometimes doesn't come at all

it's worth $0

>> No.53523278

is it cheaper to cook the chicken yourself or buy it already roasted

>> No.53523283

that doesn't make any sense but then again nothing does from a perspective of an outsider.

>> No.53523286
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>avoid women financially
>avoid goyslop
>avoid consoomerism
>become a minimalist
>never use a savings account, stay invested
>sell every bubble u ride (if the shit is straight the fuck up way into a new ATH, sell it u fucking nigger, its gonna dump back down eventually)
>weak hands dont eat

>> No.53523306
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>letting a woman near a barbecue

>> No.53523432

this was my argument and my teeth is fucked. you have to count dental cost to this

>> No.53523570

Unless you were gargling soda every morning you probably just have shit genetics m8.

>> No.53523614

electricity is cheaper at night
smart meters(or your equivelent) overcharge by up to 30%
gas companies charge you every time the heating is turned on, better to have it on low all day or off

>> No.53523616

>Just because you are self disciplined enough to pay it off every month doesn't mean that the overall effect of the American credit card system is highly toxic to the majority of the (financially retarded) people out there.
Thank you to financially illiterate r/antiwork idiots like you. It's easier to get ahead in the game.

>> No.53523633

It is literally free money if you always pay it back:
>bank gives you $1000
>spend it
>get paid
>give bank $1000 back
>next day bank gives you $1000 again

>> No.53523698

... If you pay it back its not free money tho, is it?

>> No.53523714

My neighbor gets every plate delivered and finally looked it up and it seems pretty cheap for getting meals every week. Might give it a go idk

>> No.53523757

It is because you always get another $1000 the day after paying it back. They give you $1000, you give it back, then they give you it again.

>> No.53523814

Yeah, so the 1000$ always cost you 1000$, hence not free. The only 1000$ you'll ever get are the last ones you get before you die. Not too great imho

>> No.53524022

You one of those food pyramid, calorie counting nutritionists? Fuck off

>> No.53524189
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This is the real way. By my accounts i've saved up a monthly 434 usd per month just by not engaging in addictive behavior and playing my cards right. One thing to clarify tho: Life is significantly harder to get by when you don't rely on the mechanisms like these that are specifically made to dull your senses and make you complaint, but also you become sharper, more prone to make better decisions for your finances. As of right now the savings i've made have been invested in a diversified portfolio on a reward coin (Hami finance) that is smooth as butter and can help me make as much as 45% more money every 100 usd i put into it. So it's basically a money hack that everyone should use.
Be smart people

>> No.53524549

But you get a % back on that spent so in my case 2%, so $20 on $1000 of purchases. Thats not a lot but $20 is $20 and if I spend $1000 a month thats $240 a year of free money.

>> No.53524619

In some cases, if you buy a large purchase with credit, you can actually beat inflation even though you’re paying interest.

>> No.53525298

yes, brilliant. Those and chickpeas, dirt cheap.

Dont eat meat because i hate humans more than animals. Budget wise proper vegetarian cooking doesnt cost a cent though. No need to go full bugs or cardboard tasting fake schnitzels

>> No.53525544

Aren’t lentils loaded with estrogen?

>> No.53525931

Your "cashback" is from the 2-3% additional fee that credit card companies charge vendors, who pass that cost to you. No credit card middleman would cause prices to drop 2-3% everywhere.

>> No.53525934

red ones are higher FODMAP, harder to digest though

>> No.53526007

No shit, but vendors charge me the same if its cash or card or my 2% cities double cash or my 1% discover. Theres some places that charge a fee, but its rare. Sometimes its really low like my utility only charges 1.5% so I still make money back just less.

>> No.53526017

If you suck cock for money during lunch break you will be full and get paid for it

>> No.53526033

Don't overpay on:

1. cars
2. clothes
3. food

there, solved your budget problems

>> No.53526048
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>Britbongs get sent to prison for cooking their own food

>> No.53526563

Hmmmm... Maybe cities should arrest criminals, fine people for noise complaints and ship their homeless to CA then people won't need to sprawl out.

>> No.53526596
File: 25 KB, 220x220, KEKLOL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sides

>> No.53526651

Beans are incomplete protein. Eat with rice.

>> No.53526914

Biztards be bragging about their $150k job then eat leftovers for the whole week to save money

>> No.53527660

Look how delusional this guy is. Thinking mental health is related to his personal experience and not the social contract. Dummy.

>> No.53527698

They also carried spears and frequently moved encampments. Please understand in ANY emergency situation you are absolutely fucked without your own vehicle. Good luck waiting for shaniqua to roll you onto a gurney

>> No.53527717


This has been refuted at length. Poor whites aren't even as violent as rich blacks. Violence is a black thing.

>> No.53527723

a lot of the restaurant food you idolize is effectively leftovers

>> No.53527821

saving money is fundamental to keeping it

>> No.53528275

>consuming media
I still pirate all that shit anyway

>> No.53528323

Lmao dis nigga eatin bean water

>> No.53528934

Learning to cook is absolutely a great way to save money... Eventually after you've bought the equipment needed to cook whatever you want.
In the past two years I've learnt to cook basically anything I want via recipes, Chinese, Indian, pizza, whatever I want really. The more you cook the more proficient you become and you don't have to worry about subhumans handling your food with shit encrusted fingernails or casually spitting in your burger.

>> No.53529270

Buy a safety razor, 100 blades, shaving brush and shaving sticks (preferably with tallow) and you'll be free from spending on the razor Jew for years.
I fucking love Orea milkshake, don't temp me.
Been making my own vape juice for about 7 years or so and it's extremely cheap and it's way, way better than smoking. I smoked for about 20 years and I wouldn't ever consider lighting up a real cigarette ever again.

>> No.53529375

Anyone eating that many lentils is already a faggot anyway.

>> No.53530792

Holy kek, anon have you tried using a sponge?

>> No.53530881

seriously why are you watching new movies

>> No.53530992


>> No.53531088

zoomers dont know how to open cans of soup because millenials abanonded their offspring to be raised by their gen x grandparents who taught the millenials in the first place to not pass on skills to their offspring and abandon their responsibilities.

making a sandwhich is unironically a life hack.

>> No.53531132
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>> No.53531273
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Lentils are a meme.

I can buy a 5lb bag of raw sunflower seeds for $15 dollars, versus a 10lb bag of lentils for $12.

Sunflower seeds have 5 times the calorie content per 100g, and much higher vitamin content.

Lentils are terrible.

>> No.53531342

>Don't drink
>Don't smoke
>Don't do drugs
>Quit sugar
>Get something like a pressure cooker (instant pot)
>make stews and soups that will last 4-5 days.
>depending on location don't buy bottled water, buy cheap "fruit infused" with no caffeine tea (basically not black or green tea) and drink tea when thirsty (using boiled tap water)
>obviously don't buy takeways or eat out
get all those supermarket memberships for discounts
>to supplement your meals buy eggs (largest pack you can find) and hardboil them, eat one or two a day with main meal.
I spend no more than £20 a week on groceries

>> No.53531391

all the fucking adverts are testing me bros
computer parts, lenses, bikes, furniture AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
not to mention my import wife wants to fly to her homeland twice this year, fuck lads why did all american women have to go to dogshit

>> No.53531413

>Walk as often as possible instead of driving (local markets, get you to socialize with your surroundings too)

Non-American hands typed this. Nearest store to me is a gas station 1 mile away that would take 20-30 minutes to walk to. Next closest is grocery store that is 2.5 miles away that would take closer to 45 min or an hour to walk to. Why would I walk when I can just drive and get there in 5 min?

>> No.53531454

I bought pic related in 2014 I think, it does not give me clean shave but very short chin strap (clean shave irritates the skin, also I have weak chin so clean shave doesn't suit me anyway). In 9 years I bought disposable razor once when I needed to go to funeral and had to have a clean shave

>> No.53531883
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>> No.53531930

What a shitpost , /sadge

>> No.53532064

Based captcha poster.

>> No.53532075
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>> No.53533806

I wanna live here.
also using cotton clothes for tissue paper and just washing them afte they get gross and using bar soap and a cheap conditioner rather than a body wash, shampoo and conditioner will save you a decent amount of money. Buying your shirts, pants and sweaters second hand can save a ton of money.