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53498070 No.53498070 [Reply] [Original]

We're the only coin pumping even during this dump. Feels fucking good being an antivaxx chad

>> No.53498105

>AVAX pumping
>AMZN dumping
just shows. amazon needs avalanche. avalanche doesn't need amazon

>> No.53498305
File: 118 KB, 629x985, La Roach Freedman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hellooooo NIGGER

>> No.53498366
File: 903 KB, 1082x695, 4766C729-F160-4036-9E16-5EF23F584007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just read through it, wtf Emin is based as hell

>> No.53498393

EVER is up 121% dumb YNIG

>> No.53498457

Holy shit a literal who rank 130 shitcoin is up? say no more, fomoing in now

>> No.53498564

I've held this shit from 10$ all the way up to 130$ down to 10$. It better go to 1000$ now.

>> No.53498583

Dumb nigg, have fun staying poor

>> No.53498694

shoo shoo jeet, and take your shitcoin with you.

>> No.53498743

AVAX is literally the best blockchain out there.

>> No.53498768

? nice reading comprehension, I was talking to the nigger shilling a random shitcoin in an avax thread

>> No.53498816

>Shitcoin that made me more money than you'll ever hope to see in your life

>> No.53498870

Baby's first x2? cute

>> No.53498933
File: 159 KB, 1360x1360, FizC5-yXkAAOmvz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your unrelated jeet coin outta this thread

>> No.53499628

>Implying you cant make multiple X after multiple X. DUMBASS

>> No.53499656

ITT: AVAX faggots get butthurt about their coin doing nothing

>> No.53500047
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>AVAX faggots get butthurt about their coin doing nothing
Doing nothing lmao, read the Messari report on Avalanche and try not to buy after. I dare you.

>> No.53500056


>> No.53500162
File: 63 KB, 2392x2392, Do you know why they call it Avalanche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.

>> No.53500218
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>> No.53500233

Oh looks like your dumping. I won't bother reading your toilet paper

>> No.53500262

entire market is faggot. It's external

>> No.53500302

Except EVER before I took profits. Enjoy getting dumped on faggot.

>> No.53500443

Post holdings. I bet you've got less than 5k to your name. You speak and act like a poor ass nigger

>> No.53500644
File: 6 KB, 427x156, dumb_nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like 1M

>> No.53500657

I sound like someone who just said they dumped EVER before the market dump. Yeah, sure sounds like you know what you're talking about.

>> No.53500680
File: 3 KB, 258x70, biggrbags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it from someone who has bigger bags. You don't want to fade the red coin.

>> No.53500702

My image doesn't include 15 M of stocks.

>> No.53500741

Hard to believe you have all that and haven't at least grabbed a couple thousand Avaxies as a sui bag.

>> No.53500762

You're implying I haven't got AVAX. You said the market was dumping and AVAX wasn't, I told you a coin that was pumping, you decided to make it a war... PROFIT IS PROFIT.

>> No.53500828

Not me, I said to look at the Messari report when you said Avalanche was doing nothing. Profit is profit, agreed and moving on.

GL with your trades anon.

>> No.53501833

n-word used

>> No.53503449
File: 117 KB, 1435x838, 1672962472261388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit Anon, I'm just a 1500 Avax stacklet.
Should I kill myself ?
>t. 23 years old
I also hold 800k $VET & 3000 $MATIC

>> No.53503540

For some reason it suddenly decided to dump relentlessly despite being incredibly bullish

Nigger market and nigger manipulated coin

>> No.53503779

AVAX is a uniquely Chad coin. I never read wtf it does and frankly I don't care. I bought a $10K stack the month I started seeing it shilled here and knew it had great vibes.

I haven't had this feeling about a coin since ETH early 2017 and Solana pre-pump.

Before you call me a retard, I made the easiest $1.7m of my life in crypto off pure vibes for the last five years. My investment strategy is entirely based on appearances, shill activity, and hard memetics. I have read a white paper in my life and God willing I never will.

>> No.53504214

Why are you fucking retards so fucking stupid? I bet you own link and rose too. Muh ic3!!!!!! All you can do is come up with conspiracy theory cope for YEARS investing in tokens not needed and ghost chains because muh academic papers. Le Emin!!!! Le Ari Jewls!!! This is honestly worse than reddit. Avalanche is a shit geth fork lead by embarrassing man children who can do nothing but spread the most intellectually dishonest FUD imaginable in a vain attempt to get people to use their shit chain over ethereum. Why would anyone EVER use avalanche over an ethereum l2?!

>> No.53504323

why this shitcoin suddenly underperform? Like -7% against the market in 5-6hrs for no reason, every other coin is pumping and moving together beside this shitcoin

>> No.53504336
File: 333 KB, 635x745, lowIQchad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I made the easiest $1.7m of my life in crypto off pure vibes
absolutely based

>> No.53504847

Absolutely fucking based.