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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 69 KB, 1024x877, 1663750809779598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53492503 No.53492503 [Reply] [Original]

who wants my crypto?

>> No.53492514


>> No.53492533

whatever problem you have it's probably more solvable than you think

>> No.53492534

I guess you're larping

>> No.53492535

post wallets, and a reason why you deserve it
can't guarantee but might send something

>> No.53492552

Btc 35NTJbQjpqNwNbtN4HFRZ4gL3d96G54oMY



Mom has cancer and doesn't have any insurance. I appreciate anything honestly.

>> No.53492571

>1EefiyAsXysWfWxiLWRUF8vQDjNiK2Jvmv (btc)
>0x8b06daa965b91133ea705c69d1b10214af21eb49 (eth)
don't really "deserve" it but i'm going through a rough time and i've considered killing myself but i can't do that to my dog so i'm trying my best to hang in there

>> No.53492586

I dont deserve it. I just dont wat to work anymore.

>> No.53492598

Disgusting faggots.

>> No.53492602

maybe, but I just cant be bothered anymore. I could've been really successful, but I'm a victim of circumstance; born into the wrong place and the wrong people. Can't even get a job because of gatekeeping faggots and wokeoid HR cunts everywhere. I'm just so fucking done with it all. World sucks and is going to shit.

>> No.53492639


I hope you achieve peace in your whatever decision you make OP.


I'm posting because I live in Texas and am currently walking my 8yo son to his school every day and it's tiring him out. I'm not sure if my 80 ICP will make me enough for a new vehicle soon. But I'm holding and hoping.

>> No.53492647

Ignore my first message. Dont kill yourself. Please..

>> No.53492663

Hey bro, I agree. The world is currently fucking awful but it’s all truly for a purpose. To break it down, to build it back up. The phoenix. Etc. and for you personally, when a door shuts another door opens. Don’t let this clown shit awful fucking world break you or beat you. And fuck the greedy motherfuckers in here who want your “crypto”. Really man, step back, go to sleep and get to the next day.

>> No.53492670

i sell things on ebay and sales have been slow for me lately. i think its the same story with a lot of retail businesses right now with all this inflation scaring people.

>> No.53492690



don't do it.. you and I can go on vacation together.

>jannies dobt ban me... i just want to shitpost

>> No.53492701

Bro I'm gonna probably kill myself soon, even though money would help my current bullshit it's just gonna be a way to extend my life longer, literally yanked a tooth out by flossing today I'm gonna die regardless if I pull the trigger or not.

Also fuck all these niggers begging money doesn't mean jack shit take it from someone who's been broke 99% of his life.

>> No.53492705

>getting baited this easily
Enjoy your vacations tourists.

>> No.53492706

I don’t need your money OP. It always gets better. Talk to someone you know.

Literally distract yourself with anything but those thoughts and it will get better, feelings-wise and brain chemistry wise. Also, eating more carbs and protein will literally help too.

>> No.53492710

Im sorry for hearing that op. Wish you the best and good for your live.

But here is my wallet eth


>> No.53492714

Fucking niggers can't even write in clear english, I hate this board and people I wish god would call down a meteor but gods a fucking faggot who enjoys torturing us.

>> No.53492726


Im sorry for hearing that op. Wish you the best and good for your live. But here is my wallet eth 0x8769fc83136a65eeaE3956218A8b25B022300B23

>> No.53492739



Just don't kill yourself bro, let's get rich together.

>> No.53492750

like it's not all one or two faggot nigger pajeets.

>> No.53492752

I only accept absolute shitcoins. Is that gonna be a problem?

>> No.53492777


I hate women so much its unreal

>> No.53492793

Nah bro hang in there, life does suck tho, I fell for the trad wife marriage meme and am stuck with an ungrateful beezy who spends all my damn money, life has its ups and downs, so it'll get better one day, but it also might get worse unless you're at the bottom already, which means only one way to go - UP!!

>> No.53492835

I have cats that I take care of

Btc address: 3GopaK3YB9QowLCjYPUHGgtVk2oawc5tDm

Dont do it!

>> No.53492836

>I fell for the trad wife marriage meme

Don't worry anon, you're not alone. I know someone in person who's done the same. Straight to joint mortgage and joint bank account for a 2/10. She's not even particularly trad. But whatever, they're spending thousands on stock IKEA furniture now so I'm sure it'll be fine.

>> No.53492843
File: 254 KB, 768x612, B31637248af0d464bd7c7e9b43b9f63e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't even post a picture of the kitties
Come on brah....

>> No.53492847

>Talk to someone you know.

literally the only people I have in my life atm are my family/parents and my own fucking dad just today criticized me for putting on a little bit of weight and 'sitting around' even though he knows - or SHOULD know if I paid any fucking attention to what I do - that I'm a fucking designer who works on the computer, because he's a dumb boomer faggot who thinks if you aren't doing manual labor of some kind then you must not be 'working'. This when I'm already depressed as shit from trying and failing to get a job for over a year. Straw that broke the camels back. Fuck him, fuck everyone.

nah wasn't even my intention. I just obviously won't have any use for it

>> No.53492854



My grandpa just died. No joke.
Take care op.

>> No.53492888

anyway If I send anything prob won't be right now but soon/bit later. I'll keep thread open and save some addresses at least until it gets shoah'd by jannies. GL everyone

>> No.53492895


>> No.53492905
File: 404 KB, 845x785, 1221512121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you sound like a tranny kys faggot.
I wouldn't want your money anyway I'd rather starve than take a faggots lunch money.

>> No.53492909

anon - I'm a miserable faggot and I wish death upon plenty of people but I don't wish death upon you. Please reconsider killing yourself. I don't think you should do it, I think you sound like a decent human. kikes and boomer faggots have ruined this world and I think I understand what you're saying about wokeoi gateguarding faggots making it impossible to actuallly be happy at a job/with a life. Just my 2 cents but give the Midwest a look for affordability if that's where you're near. the ideal i think is to work for ourselves and ot faggot kike niggers.

>> No.53492922

Don’t do it faggot. I love you ok

>> No.53492924

He can go fuck him self. Life is hard. There’s suffering because there’s success, and there’s success only when compared to suffering. You’ll get better. Literally exiting life now is the stupidest mistake.

>> No.53492937

You try hards are failing for some schizo niggers bait post.
Nobody is going to help you jeets, better off everyone ITT should kill themselves including me we would be doing the world a massive favor.

>> No.53492957

You are projecting. Shut up.

>> No.53492973
File: 79 KB, 720x610, 9EC30AB5-1C26-4E50-9CBD-FA14A40E5059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Uh I’ve never actually received any crypto ever desu just dabbled with investing in some.

>> No.53492986

>everyone ITT should kill themselves including me
You first.
Jking, imma not going to kill myself.

>> No.53492993

Iphone proxy niggers begging and samefagging fuck this gay ass nigger thread.

>> No.53493025

Don't do it anon. You'll make it eventually. You're clever enough to. All this shit will pass. It did for me.

>> No.53493038

BTC 31i7MgZtzAFac95tGVctNaQqAPTRgY1qLe

I'm just lazy, watching anime and wasting my life. make my day anon.

>> No.53493047

Don't kill yourself just because you are feeling a little down

>> No.53493064
File: 707 KB, 217x163, SevereCoolCob-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53493111

Just cash out your crypto and go on a wild vacation OP. Might change your mind on the whole suicide shit. It's at least better than giving it to any of these fucks in this thread

>> No.53493133

Don't kill yourself, retard. Just git gud. Or, completely change your expectations and feel the weight lift off your shoulders. Stop pursuing what you clearly don't want. Find work on a farm or an oil rig, a lumber company, make some money and reevaluate. Suicide is literally the gayest option.

>> No.53493151

Suicidal schizophrenic starts seeing patterns

>> No.53493162


>> No.53493181

> Or, completely change your expectations and feel the weight lift off your shoulders

Everyone needs to hear this advice.

>> No.53493184

Incase thjis is real:

Bitcoin: bc1q7y85m0q399yaj99299jh4a9uvkaltpvqgekwqv
Monero: 471r4W71HcxN7fnor7rmvzi1UXLKiqGFbUe74mGwQ2r4AwoWhigovUjZw8pbRdfF9saWp48vqW5hRBhErkjj18TVSa1oCh9
Wownero: Wo5FvEtakvKTdkccnqj2e5gSX5vwkpJjjDGQ5dN96T4V5BddVP2vrDMTXU6uQXYhe6GJshgSkomNg2U5TT6QxoFK11tjzrQZZ

>> No.53493198


Absolute slime

>> No.53493214


>> No.53493224

>feel the weight lift off your shoulders
Probably shouldn't have mentioned that anon.... bit awkard

>my own fucking dad just today criticized me for putting on a little bit of weight

>> No.53493241
File: 114 KB, 675x900, honk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only accept absolute shitcoins. Is that gonna be a problem?

no, because that's all I have

I have 100k GRT
1 million CKB

a few other shits, POND or some shit, and about $230 or so in scrap BUSD left on Binance. I don't even have any bitcoin. or Eth for that matter. I think I might have some crap on Kucoin too... "Bloktopia" or something

35. Living at home in the middle of nowhere, no friends, no girlfriend (had one for a year or so when I was 16, that's it), never had sex, no car, no job, no future.

>> No.53493250

>Just cash out your crypto and go on a wild vacation OP

was thinking about it.. go over to Thailand or some shit, since I just found out the other day cannabis has been legalized there. But I would be selling in the middle of the bear market at low/losses. And I doin't tihnk i can last as however long it will be until a next bullrun, if there ever is one

and meh I doubt it will really change much

>> No.53493251

Begging stealing and selling out make you a soulless npc

>> No.53493262


>> No.53493284

Holy fuck I see why you'd kill yourself now
Those bags are grinding into dust

>> No.53493316

I'm a wildland firefighter who got fucked up on the job last year from a tree and cant work anymore. I cant even get my medical bills covered by the forest service because the government is a bunch of turbo faggots. If you send me some eth then I'll use it to pay some medical debt. Also dont kill yourself OP
eth wallet:

>> No.53493390

Lost my dad and paid for his funeral and realized now I’m broke and I can’t pay my rent. If I don’t get it , I’ll just squat til they kick me out but I gotta find an additional revenue stream. Hope it tides over for the next couple weeks at most.
0x2cd874946b3384fc2fdd31c47160ffc8b0e1beb5 ERC20

>> No.53493410

Dam I'm sorry if this is true. If it's not true then fuck you you fucking faggot

>> No.53493411

Don’t do it. Just move to SEA with your crypto and exit clown world. The west isn’t worth saving and you don’t need to go down with the ship.

>> No.53493418

This. You might as well travel and experience new shit and learn some more things before you an hero

>> No.53493494

i saved a cat today
my BTC

>> No.53493507


I am willing to pay out my debts and get back to life

>> No.53493512

Prime time of your life. Just try to stay in shape. Eat healthy and do some exercise. Dont have to be a gym bro to look ok. Put some effort into how you look.
>Living at home in the middle of nowhere
Does not have to be a disadvantage. Use it to save some money or investing. And sell your shitcoins for btc.
>no friends
Get away from your computer and do more outside activities. Stop ordering your stuff online. You have to interact with people to make friends.
>no girlfriend (had one for a year or so when I was 16, that's it)
Women are not that hard. Most women are very insecure. Dont be a creep and you should be good. Majority of women live in the real world and not some fantasy insta world.
>never had sex
Never tell that to a woman.
>no car, no job,
Make it a goal to get a car and a job. I've been there. I was depressed and alone with no job in a tiny rented apartment with alot of debt @28 (also a virgin). Almost 40 now with a wife, 4 kids well paying job and I own my house. Its cliché but you really need to pick yourself up and do something. Start small. Going to the store to buy groceries? Take a shower and put on a nice outfit. Its easy to sit at home in your sweatpants not taking a shower but its also very depressing.
You have a future
Tldr: dont kill yourself

>> No.53493560
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don't do it if you are healthy. I actually face brain surgery and lost everything due to it including my past and my future. at least you have hope

>> No.53493573


>> No.53493605

why throw away the one chance you have at life? just try to make the best of it

>> No.53493642



>> No.53493751
File: 2.96 MB, 864x486, justanotherFAGGOTnosoundLONG.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jeez, i was gonna tell you not to kys but after seeing your poorfolio... fuuck man.
how is it possible not to own ANY btc or eth?
it boggles the mind...

>> No.53493801

also, related

>> No.53493809

No sob story here, i simply dont want to wage anymore.
Never forget that they want you to lose, dont give them what they want.


>> No.53493810

Great. You kill yourself while the useless niggers continue to live and breed. How about you stick around instead? Se what happens with Chainlink, the war, covid and all the other clownworld stuff? Stick around with us and see what happens.

>> No.53493818

Listen to something lighthearted. Stop reading comments that are very negative in nature. YLYL threads are a good place to start. Have a nice sleep afterwards, we’ll see you back here tomorrow.

>> No.53493823

Please stay with us fren. Su1cide is a permanent eraser to a temporary problem. Whatever it is that is bothering you, the pain will subside and if all else, stay alive to spite that bitch. We love you here at biz, pls im begging you man, stay!!!

>> No.53493870

If it's a privacy crypto, hold onto it and don't freak out.

>> No.53493883

Take the truckerpill

>> No.53493896

Consoom some borax, it'll help your teeth and bones... And many other benefits.

>> No.53493915

Btc 35NTJbQjpqNwNbtN4HFRZ4gL3d96G54oME

I’m a fat useless piece of shit. My real parents died in a house when my mother knocked over a candle giving birth to me. I survived because my dad threw me out of a third story window into the concrete sidewalk which cushioned my fall but left me with two disfigured legs. That was my first memory. A few weeks later as a baby I was then sent to an orphanage for children with cancer because they messed up my paperwork and marked down that I was four years old. At the orphanage I was routinely beaten by the other boys with a wooden spoon they kept hidden under the wall. I still have the welts to this day. I was adopted at the age of two by a pair of italian men in long island. At the age of two I was routinely placed inside a man-made ring in my living room and forced to fight against our house dogs (a pit named Lucy and a Chihuahua named Nacho) for a large group of men to bet on. If i didn’t finish my chores i was held upside down on the clothes line outside and sprayed with a hose. By four i had begun to lose my hair because of the stress. I could walk because my legs were still broken from my accident so i had to crawl around on my hands and knees back and forth to my kindergarten a mile away. It was there i met my first crush Emily. She was a blond haired girl. She was the only person that was ever nice to me, she called me charlie brown. When I had finally got the nerve to talk to her the teacher told me they would be holding me back a year because my tongue was too short and it was giving me speech problems. The next year I remember crawling past a classroom and seeing all my fellow classmates together with their new teacher while it had to go back to my old one. At the age of 8 i had learned that i had contracted cancer from my step dads cigarettes. They told me i had 2 years to live.

>> No.53493938
File: 320 KB, 960x1280, 1655846739676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take some Vitamin D, Vitamin B and some Fishoil son.

>> No.53493940

Start working out, eating healthy and sleeping properly. If you need info about training or nutrition, i'm a PT and weight consultant.

This shit is easy as fuck and is the start to fix 90% of the problems you have. I know you probably think that's bs but I can assure you it will.

>> No.53493957

I gave up on school and just crawled north for days on end until my hands bled. I was then picked up by an animals squad that thought i was an abandoned dog that had gotten mange. They sent me home and my step dads told me i didn’t have cancer and that it was a prank pulled by a local television show. Two year later i went back to school, i was now 10 years old but still in 2nd grade. That was when i had gotten vitiligo. It had turned my end tire body even my eyebrows and eyelashes white. That’s when the school said they would no longer allow me to attend because the way i looked scared the rest of the kids and they thought i was a demonic ghost that was haunting the school. Because i would never be able to go back to school i began my life in the workforce at 11. My step dads kicked me out of the house so i was living under my neighbors porch. I couldnt afford a car but i had found a skateboard in one of the local dumpsters that i was able to get around on. That’s when I began delivering newspapers.

>> No.53493958

Listen to this man. Started a year ago myself. Now I’m starting to feel like a superhuman.

>> No.53493973

BNB: 0x0B0a797089b415DFB8210732f90a29f1d99e988D

My wallet was hacked and lost all I had. I will be evicted from my house if I don't pay my rent by tomorrow. Please help me.

>> No.53493998

I don't
send XMR anyways please :

>> No.53494018

My little sister has curable cancer but we can't afford treatment and don't have insurance. If you give me your crypto I'll spend it all on hookers.

>> No.53494022

I would wake up every day when the sun rose and crawl out from under my neighbors porch before they woke up, some days they would catch me trying to get back in but i would make it under before they could strike me with the broom. I would crawl up the street to get my newspapers, and the i woukd roll down the street on my skateboard and throw the newspapers at their designated houses. But Unfortunately eating from my neighbors trash had caused me to gain a massive amount of weight so i can no longer make it up the hill to work. That’s when i began noticing worms in my poop. After two years of work i had finally saved up 259 dollars. I figured i would get some medicine at my local right aid and so i did, but while waiting in line one of the guests a large Russian man at checkout turned around when i was behind him and he thought i was a rat and began stomping on me many times. I lay there dying covered in my own blood and snot in the dark corner alone unable to move my arms or body when i hear two boys in line chatting about how they got insanely rich on crypto. How it was so easy and you didn’t have to do anything expect but it. That’s when I realized i will spend all my money on btc. I took the remainder of of my strength and crawled to the cellphone aisle. I took a cheap cellphone on one of the bottom rings and just rolled out of the store. The alarm went off and they tried to catch me but i was able to roll myself into one of the sewer drains. I crawled in the sewer until i came out of an exit outside of town. I then crawled back home under my neighbors porch and i connected to his internet and downloaded coinbase on my new phone. That’s when i relaized i had no way of taking my 200$ and putting it inside of coinbase. So i crawled back to the store to get a gift card but the police were waiting. They picked my up and threw me in their truck.

>> No.53494036

ETH address.
$2000 is enough I just want to get rid of some debt I'm dragging around.
You shouldn't kill yourself though. Makes you look weak and it will send you straight to hell.

>> No.53494053
File: 142 KB, 1024x768, 85F45EB9-A3BF-46DD-92D1-C7D88E1E9B25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, I won’t try to change your mind. I don’t know what you’re going through.

I’m five thousand dollars in debt, I work but I just can’t get the scratch together to pay it off. I want to clean my credit and move on with my life.

Anything would help, go in peace fren



>> No.53494070

At jail they said they couldnt hold me because i was underage but that i’d have to pay for the phone with my $200 and that they would be putting my in custody of cps. They then left me in the cell for the night. I knew that was it. Unless i get coinbase money tonight it will have worms forever. So i go up to the cell bars and i push my legs through, they fit because they are broken but my arms do not. So i break them. I now use my chin to crawl across the floor to the police desk where a police man is sleeping. His wallet is in his pocket luckily my arm is now at a 90 angle so i can easily stick my arm in his pocket and take it. I pull out his credit card and attach his bank to my coinbase wallet and use his id to set up an account and put it back before he wakes up. I use his account to send $200 worth of btc to my exodus’s wallet and leave my $200 in his shoe and crawl out of the front door. After a week my btc was worth 220$ but now it’s only worth 95$ i still have worms and it’s cold here i think i’ll am freezing to death but at least my neighbor had corn scraps that incan chew on until i die. I think this might be my last post. It’s so cold i can feel my broken arms and legs. Maybe this is for the best. All I ever wanted was to be btc millionaire. Goodnight this is it. why is it so dark in here? Maybe this is for the best. this corn sure is tasty

>> No.53494079
File: 104 KB, 746x512, wearellgonnamakeit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont do it bro.

>> No.53494097

Do your parents know that you are making light of suicide online for attention?

>> No.53494104

I dont want your money bro i just want you to be here whatever you're going through is difficult but not unique. We all have similar struggles but cope in different ways. Talking about them is universally the best solution, people will and can understand your issues.

>> No.53494134

don't do it but here it is (Kappa face) 1KbUmvtR2HZtvm1n9WdFZXjfTmrKkzHy67

>> No.53494147

Kek fucking entitled weakling.

>> No.53494190


I deserve it as much as anyone else, I honestly don't think anyone "deserves" anything...
If we are fishing for pity, my parents are elderly and I do want to help them retire, every day they come home with some fucking physical problem and I feel useless because I can't help them by myself

I think you shouldn't end it tho, if you die its over forever, if you live another day, you might find happiness.. I wish you the best either way, I really do

>> No.53494213

Don't do it faggot. Move to a third-world country and enjoy life.

>> No.53494233

Hey anon just do a few weeks in a 3rd world country and you might change your mind. Alot of the people posting addresses here are lying and probably don't really have any real issues.
The 100k Graph you have just sell it and go to Thailand and bang hookers or do mushrooms.
I'd recommend doing mushrooms once as it could forge some new neural pathways that lead to your happiness.

>> No.53494237

It's your call, ultimately, but keep in mind that your mind contains literal errors (in the computer-sense), so your judgment is impaired. You obviously won't see it, but I'm telling you that as outside information.

>> No.53494241

this desu

>> No.53494245

Weakling. Everything you wrote in this thread is massive cope. At least sell it all and live fearlessly for a while. Suffer in uncomfortable situations, what does it matter anyway if you are gonna die. And if you don't, at least send everything to the burn address instead of some pajeet leech here. Have some pride, faggot.

>> No.53494263

Don't kys. Keeping a fren is more important than getting some crypto.

>> No.53494274

Islam has all the answers you need. Don’t let the distractions of this temporary life lead you down the wrong path. In the end, no one can help you. Money, your parents, your job, nothing. The only thing that matters when you leave this life are your deeds and belief. Study Islam and I promise you that you will become more patient in front of any struggles you face.

it’s the only religion that hasn’t been cucked and it follows the original message sent to the first human being, Adam. Worship Allah and follow His guidance. It’s that simple. No monthly subscriptions, no one to confess your private sins to, none of that.

InshaAllah you find the answers you’re looking for


>> No.53494290

this is one of those threads where they harvest addresses to phish, poison, or otherwise target.

do not post your fucking address

>> No.53494312

What do you mean by "poison"?

>> No.53494370

the attacker sends a deposit from an address that is nearly identical to yours to compromise your transaction history in the hopes you are too lazy to check the whole address when signing a transaction and accidently send it to the attackers wallet

>> No.53494372

I don't deserve it and you should not kill yourself. 0x0BE4B6c9a15D00d9b704793F09DC54fd987b83E4

>> No.53494388

yeah well fuck you, you wouldn't believe the lasagna of hell that is my 40 years of dogshit, at least you have something to give away

>> No.53494448

Don't listen to the noise OP. I can only say bring yourself to god. And exercise even just a little bit. Maybe take it further along the road. Take vitamins ffs. 35 is actually still pretty young.
Do whatever to just be alive. We may not be family or friends but I'm glad to have biz bros as a replacement to the latter

>> No.53494523

What's in your bag? I hope there's a lot of ZEC and XMR there.

>> No.53494528
File: 34 KB, 600x480, 1667814637893393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh... start working out, eat red meat, skip sugary water and vegetable oils, start using lexapro if you really need a base to start to work on yourself. Dont comprae yourself to the others...its pointless. Compare yourself to your past self and try to see a progress in a long run. Dont worry if you dont succed immediately. One step forward and two steps back is not a tradedy (for all i know it could be a beggining of a cha-cha dance) start). Try to leave your phone home and spend some time in the wilderness.

And dont kill yourself. The chances of you being born were (rounded up) equal 0 so make the best out of it.

So dont you an hero but i could use some ETH to buy my dog a canoe.


Image not related: Martina Hingis's panties

>> No.53494538


I just got fired so any kind of help is appreciated

>> No.53494835

I'd want to swap all your crypto into my ORE. gib me anon.

>> No.53494859

Who doesn't hold these coins? Privacy is the real utility of the blockchain. I'm gradually adding RAIL and SCRT.

>> No.53494920

Bet you want to stay anonymous. The reason you are using XMR. privacy wallets are cool, though.

>> No.53494944

How is this thread still up you hypocritical stupid jannies. One guy starts a thread to beg and you ban him for a week, but when this is up you don't even bat an eyelid.

>> No.53494994

Please dont give money to any of these faggots. Its better if u let it get «burnt» in the blockchain by not pensing it or sending it to a burn adress.

These people deserve death.

>> No.53494995

In the incredible off chance you’re not larping: give it to your mom you degenerate faggot. You can ease the burden your decision has on your family, at least a tiny bit.

>> No.53495111

Fucking your brains out in Bangkok is a good way to forget about whatever is bothering you
I go there every once in a while to sin and keep my sanity

>> No.53495161

Please don't kill yourself anon. Just slowly improve against all odds anon, you can do it because you are a man.

>> No.53495218

You have nothing to live for. Drop everything sell everything and move. Start a new life. Backpack through the forest, do whatever.

>> No.53495528

Whatever you send me, i'll send it back to you to prove humanity still alive, maybe make you want to rethink your decision

>> No.53495557

Jannies..... You seriously put up that many begging wallets....

I know you did because you never pruned this thread four years on /biz/ this is the longest a begging thread has stayed up.

I literally don't even have 20 dollars left to my name from having over 120k two years ago and I ain't fucking begging all these fucking niggers deserve to be gang raped to death.

>> No.53495580
File: 238 KB, 1051x1345, 3DD03903-0E08-4BBE-A928-864A98EE5D62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine killing yourself right before picrelated makes it

>> No.53495782

Send it all to a burn address fuck all these niggers fuck you OP attention whoring whiny faggot
You probably fucking are.