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File: 233 KB, 1216x519, US_one_dollar_bill,_obverse,_series_2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53489246 No.53489246 [Reply] [Original]

What happens to dollar-denominated debt if the us defaults?

>> No.53489252

The debt clock automatically starts counting back from two weeks

>> No.53489264

I'm talking about people with mortgages for example

>> No.53489273

How tf would the US default when they can just keep printing more money?

>> No.53489287

>What happens to dollar-denominated debt if the us defaults?
Nothing. "Default" only means that the government is not paying shit to others.
>I'm talking about people with mortgages for example
The government still has the power to beat the crap out of regular citizens, so they will have to pay.

>> No.53489420

the default is technically impossible because the fed will just buy whatever bonds the treasury shits out to pay old creditors
if you think that sounds like a brc20 ponzi, it's because it is

people think that's better than a default, but it isn't
the amount of credit that negative rates enable is ludicrous, think quatrillions of dollars, no trillions

>> No.53489459


America can never default, cause they'll just print more money.

>> No.53489473

Defaulting only means that the gov can't fully pay its obligations. Perhaps you're thinking of a currency reform that could follow any form of gov collapse or a massive crisis, in that case look what happened in Weimar Republic (1923?) and post-WW2 Germany (1948?). Summary: private debt is transferred into the new currency 1:1, while your assets (at the bank, or based on the old currency) were transferred 10:1. Or something like that.

>> No.53489637

in that case peoples mortgage rates would drop every two weeks

>> No.53489852

defaulting on nation debt has worked 100% of the time

>> No.53489957

They won't default.

>> No.53490344

A massive interest spike and devaluation of treasuries and bonds. Picture /biz/ full of pink wojaks, but from treasury holders this time.

>> No.53490359

So explain this then: if they print their own money, how can they be in debt in the first place?

>> No.53490462


Cause it's printed n then purchased n other countries get USD in interest to which they can buy things with USD. Since USD is the one all be all, it's highly sought after.

>> No.53490714
File: 258 KB, 492x472, 1655179125478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

National debt is defined by foreigners buying printed dollars. Is that what you're tying to say, anon?

>> No.53490744

No, they'll just leave it to the last minute like last time and fuck you all over anyway.

>> No.53490837



>> No.53490928
File: 71 KB, 1024x683, 1674977340185096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans, like most mammals, understands power.

Nothing will happen to the dollar as long as the US remains the number 1 army in the world and will flex on any countries willing to challenge their precious fiat. (Lybia)

Don't overthink.

>> No.53490939
File: 178 KB, 900x900, E8B07A61-413D-47A9-9185-6502F59733BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US remains the number 1 army

>> No.53490955

Anyone else

>> No.53490991

Usa will never default, dummy. The entire purpose of mmt and central banks being last buyer of bonds is to prevent default. Countries will never default. Devaluation is guaranteed to occur. What do you think one of the reasons brics are forming? They are tired of being given devalued usd for their hard assets. Usa can and will always print.

>> No.53491013

and the only way out for them is to crash it. someone's going to be pissed.

>> No.53491037

For govt it gets deleted. For everyone else it gets transfered to whatever new currancy

>> No.53491058

then what do they want for their assets? The rmb? lmao

>> No.53491161

>can’t even beat Ukraine
The U.S. would been in the capital in half a day

>> No.53493324

>Summary: private debt is transferred into the new currency 1:1, while your assets (at the bank, or based on the old currency) were transferred 10:1
bitcoin is pristine collateral. bang bang

>> No.53493383

the dollar can still nominally be the global unit of account while still being worthless. many countries are attempting to position themselves for this possible future, where everyone is still using dollars as a measure of value but the actual valuable things are not dollars

>> No.53493552

That is what Austrian economists call a “soft default” and it happens every time a country borrows too much. There is no “speculation”. The USD will hyperinflate within 10 years