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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53489171 No.53489171 [Reply] [Original]

Really activates the almonds.

>> No.53489186

Copelord every day.

>> No.53489228
File: 26 KB, 850x645, Purchasing-power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ser please just keep waiting for sub 10k and holding fiat for the rest of your life.

>> No.53489244

Fun fact: people were waiting for $1k when BTC actually did bottom in 2018 ($3200-ish if memory serves)

>> No.53489249

posting pics like this is a self own considering the historical data is not on your side and never has been

>> No.53489327

>holding fiat
Only literal retards hoard currency. Currency is for spending, investments are for holding.

>> No.53489330
File: 13 KB, 406x422, 1653616521470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funnier facts:

/biz/ is very good at predicting BTC bottoms. In the 2018 bear market the vast majority of our bears predicted the 3k bottom many months in advance. Here's proof: 66 screenshots of /biz/ bears accurately predicting the 3k bottom: https://a.cockfile.com/LTPpxg.rar

Picrel, a post made in 2018, before the bottom.
>Everyone on /biz/ was saying Bitcoin was going to 3k

And the vast majority of our bears have predicted an 8k-10k bottom for about two years now (contrary to what the shills wanting you to believe otherwise will tell you).

To the newfags who aren't aware of that, that /biz/ bears have been predicting 10k-8k for 2 years now, see: >>/biz/?task=search2&ghost=yes&search_text=bottom+10k&search_subject=&search_username=&search_tripcode=&search_email=&search_filename=&search_datefrom=2021-02-04&search_dateto=2022-11-07&search_op=all&search_del=dontcare&search_int=dontcare&search_ord=new&search_capcode=all&search_res=post

That search result shows posts mentioning the word bottom and 10k before the so-called "FTX dump". The reason for displaying the search results that way is that shills claiming 15.5k was the bottom and saying it won't go to 10k are now claiming the 10k calls were only made after that "FTX dump", which of course is totally false. Hence why the results are set to show posts before that event.

Scroll down to the bottom and click on the [+24] etc buttons to view older posts. Naturally when anons say "10k" they also expect a small dip below that, not for the price to stop at exactly 10k, and sometimes anons said 9k and 8k and 9500 etc, and also posts like "11k to 9k" etc, so that search result does not show all 10k-related posts; only those saying specifically 10k. Unfortunately there were even more 10k posts on /biz/ than what warosu is capable of showing, because many were archived only on wakarimasen (warosu wasn't archiving during that time) and wakarimasen is down.

>> No.53489338

I see 3k more here than 8 to 10

>> No.53489348
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>Everyone on /biz/ was saying Bitcoin was going to 3k
That was how common the 3k target was, how often 3k was predicted to become the bottom. Just like this time around it was 10k.

Indeed, baggies who held since near the top in 2018 were very angered and triggered by the bears constant calls for 3k and called the 3k predictions a meme which needed to die. Picrel.

>> No.53489358
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>everyone called for 3k btc
Essentially, yes. For months and months and months.

>> No.53489359

Also isn't 15k close enough to 10k I'm not sure why it needs to exactly be 10k besides it being a pretty number

>> No.53489378
File: 7 KB, 594x133, 1647833536269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the number of people waiting to buy BTC at 3k were inumerable

>> No.53489400

Screenshot coping retard is back.

>> No.53489417
File: 7 KB, 864x116, 1667926217958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$3200-ish if memory serves
That is correct, and it was accurately predicted.

Picrel. Bears often told you BTC would go to 3200.

>> No.53489432
File: 3.40 MB, 1629x2048, RETARD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your host, screenshotcopelord!

>> No.53489442
File: 14 KB, 936x242, 1653790579408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But wait, the bottom was even more accurately called. This anon considered the 3100 range as the absolute lowest possible.

Never ever doubt /biz/ when it comes to BTC bottom predictions!

>> No.53489453
File: 139 KB, 751x455, 1671274031027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then, bam; the bottom! We knew that was the bottom then because we'd been calling 3k as the bottom for months and months and months.

See. >>53489442

>> No.53489478
File: 114 KB, 874x428, 1649876589885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you guys want more, but that's unfortunately all you're going to get from me today. For more screenshots, see: https://a.cockfile.com/LTPpxg.rar

>> No.53489483

So because of cherry picked posts out of quite possibly thousands of price predictions that occurred in 2018 it's going to happen again with another set of cherry picked price predictions in 2023? Any anons agree with this sentiment

>> No.53489499

please use a trip so I can filter all your posts

>> No.53489509

fuck off newfag

>> No.53489524

>"cherry picked"
The fatal flaw with that narrative is that it's super easy to find lots of 3k calls from 2018, because that was the standard bottom price prediction that the vast majority of us made. Yes you can find other figures, random ones, here and there, but you'll find tons of 3k posts. By all means try to find even 33 (that's half of the 3k screenshots in the rar) posts calling for 7k as the bottom or 5k etc months in advance. You won't be able to. Because that's impossible. Because it didn't happen.

And no; the people spamming that 6k was the bottom while BTC was already crabbing at 6k obviously don't count -- as that's not a prediction.

>> No.53489539

based, and thanks for your service. this board has too many retarded redditors now though, so your efforts (mostly) fall on deaf ears

>> No.53489611
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To clarify to the mentally challenged: With "it didn't happen" I don't mean a few individual posts calling for numbers other than 3k didn't occur, but that there were no daily calls for "5k" or "7k" etc. There was no other number like "3k" -- 3k was the standard prediction, called a meme by many. No other number had such a status, or was used anywhere near as often.

>> No.53489631
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>> No.53489641

>Only literal retards hoard currency
Yes, and that's the vast majority of ppl. Beside a bit of RE for rent, my dad never invested a penny. He casually have 500K on his bank account since the 90s.
You can explain him a gazillion times how fiat is by essence made to steal from him little by little, how extreme money dilution and eventually hyperinflation is the fate of every fiat currency since the concept have been invented, and how his 500K could have bought x15 the gold/eggs/ham/ammos back then compared to now, nothing could change his mind.
>"urr durr you can't eat gold!"
>"what if i have an emergency?!"

And on other topics he's far from being a retard, but economically it's a disaster. And most boomers are like him.

>> No.53489938

So your entire argument is
>people said 3k so 10k going to happen!
That's literally all I took away. How in the fuck is this supposed to convince anybody that 10k is the bottom and how tf do I know people calling for 10k are the same people who called for 3k in 2018?

>> No.53490150
File: 1.87 MB, 1024x1024, 1675028146264917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after this bull market sees the dawning of the 4IR BTC will enter the $300k zone.
do not cap this. i hate being archived.

>> No.53491124

That kind of systematic shilling is very suspicious to say the least.

>> No.53491248

>posted by a 2023 /biz/ user

>> No.53491801

sell signal