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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53488579 No.53488579 [Reply] [Original]

I never sold, I've been DCA for years
>Should've sold the top
No shit
>Should've bought more at the bottom
No fucking shit
Yet this pump out of nowhere with constant, persistent, nothing but upward pressure is weird. I feel like this is a bull trap.
I'm tempted to set a stop loss at -5% for 25%, -10% for 50%, then just hold the remaining 25%.

Anyone else setting themselves up for a downturn? This seems too easy. Zero volatility. Only up. It's weird. Feels like bait.

>> No.53488592

I'm not worried because I know what I hold. There's zero chance I can succinctly explain what I know well enough to convince you so I won't bother trying.

>> No.53488630

Financial institutions need bitcoin to do well, so they can pump forever. Honestly I just see it slowly going up over time. Can't imagine a big dip happening since if BTC was reflective of the average spender it'd be well under $5k again. Crypto doesn't really correlate with the markets which at this point are less and less reflective of the real world.

>> No.53488645

Because you're a drooling retard.

>> No.53488651

so in other words...this is a sucker's rally?

>> No.53488680

Thanks great input
>Crypto doesn't really correlate
Some anon posted a pretty convincing chart of TQQQ and Bitcoin and it looks pretty fuckin' correl to me brah
Thanks great input
Sure, but it seems everyone's convinced we're only up from here which is unsettling

>> No.53488833

just sell everything, it's clear you want to and the stress is too much for you otherwise you wouldn't have even made the thread

>> No.53488841

The only people not spending 2018 and on just buying and holding are losers that don't make money in real life and desperately need fake internet money to moon.
You of course were retarded if you didn't stop buying after the huge run up in 2021, but there is no problem in not selling through a year or two of down time.
Just add more and be content you aren't dependent on this big group of faggots for your livelihood.

>> No.53488857

I’m tired of arguing with every fucking retard and asshole on this board for a year straight. Do I have a plan? Yes. Am I going to tell you what it is? No

>> No.53488876

>Yet this pump out of nowhere with constant, persistent, nothing but upward pressure is weird.
Well, nigger faggot, if you had been on twitter or youtube you would know whales are buying millions of dollars in BTC and holding it.
Which then causes the price to increase due to demand.
Fuck you for wasting my time.

>> No.53488900

>are losers that don't make money in real life and desperately need fake internet money to moon.
Gonna keep holding my "fake internet money" enjoy your paper rectangles.
Cant wait to get rich off of crypto so I can finally leave the US once and for all.

>> No.53488923
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>it's clear you want to
Somewhat, just lending a bit of curiosity towards bears calling for $10K. Let's say it did come close to that and I sold tonight, I could double my holdings which is pretty powerful.
Been buying like $250 every other week since early 2017. It's worked out well. I like to think of it as sort of a high risk 401K.
Thanks great input
Thanks great input
One's backed by SHA256 the other with 5.56 but okay

>> No.53488956

>oh boy if I sell and it goes down my holdings will go up
What was the point of even typing this shit? Yeah if you time the market you get more tendies wow. Nobody here has any fucking clue about short term movements, and you seem like you're going to abandon your DCA so just do it and stop posting garbage.

>> No.53488958

I literally said that I've been putting money in DCA style since 2018.
Years posters were always correct. Make it money was always ten years away.
Moonbois are desperate because they have no way to make money otherwise.
I get it. I'd have probably sold and tried to rebuy and maybe even be better off if I were dependent on it.
But I'm not. So there was no reason to sell and worry about it when my holds are for sure going to be much higher by the time I want to use the money.

>> No.53488983

>high risk 401K.
I'd say it's lower risk if you follow the news much.
Yea shit coins have risk, but some things are very low risk.
Your 401k is likely to be seized by the government, or more likely than things like XRP or ICP going to zero.

I have a business I have most of my wealth there.

>> No.53490088

i don't know anon, i have pretty low income and i don't feel the need for fast gains
then again, i dodge all the news so i'm not feeling the fomo or fud that other anons might be and i spend most of my time ignoring the market
i'd probably have lost everything multiple times if i felt the compulsion to keep track 24/7
i think that the more you engage the market, the more you open yourself up to risk which is fine for people with the discipline and the knowledge
i feel it's pretty low risk to do nothing but sit on it and the biggest risk to that is opportunity costs