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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53488409 No.53488409 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/

I've got about 1,775 CAKE tokens currently in the autoCAKE pool on PCS. It's getting 2.27% APY now which is trash, so I'd like to make a move with it.

Is converting to a locked pool worth it? Should I switch to a CAKE/BUSD farm or something?

Anyone else farming/staking/pooling on PCS? What's the best way to earn with CAKE currently?

>> No.53488420

you will not improve your financial situation by participating in a system that was designed to mislead normies such as yourself to think you're getting a good deal.

>> No.53488433
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>Anonymous (ID: 3yle9N25) 01/29/23(Sun)23:52:01 No.53488409>>53488420

> Hey /biz/

> I've got about 1,775 CAKE tokens currently in the autoCAKE pool on PCS. It's getting 2.27% APY now which is trash, so I'd like to make a move with it.

> Is converting to a locked pool worth it? Should I switch to a CAKE/BUSD farm or something?

> Anyone else farming/staking/pooling on PCS? What's the best way to earn with CAKE currently?

>Anonymous (ID: 6AqHvtQI) 01/29/23(Sun)23:53:33 No.53488420

> >>53488409 (OP)
> you will not improve your financial situation by participating in a system that was designed to mislead normies such as yourself to think you're getting a good deal.

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>> No.53488458

What are you talking about anon? You think the largest CEX on BSC is going to rug?

>> No.53488572

nice fag id

mate you realize bsc is a clone chain with no reason to exist and pancake is a sushi clone which is an uniswap v2 clone with no reason to exist, right
whole point of blockchain as an investment is to get exposure to innovative consensus tech
throwing your money into an app layer derivative of an outdated protocol because the casino has pretty lights makes you one of the gamblers
the house wins. first anon summed it up in his reply
stop using bsc, stop watching tiktok or youtube for financial advice, stop grasping to the nearest grifter for help
you need to either use your head or stick to safe stuff like holding btc/eth

>> No.53488701

Idk anon, in a rational world you're correct but lets be real, we are in a clown market that shows no signs of shifting gears anytime soon. Do you seriously believe that BNB & it's associated on-chian shitcoins will not pump when we enter a bullrun again? Most people who are into crypto at this point are in it because they hear about the BTC millionaires, think they can replicate that, and choose the path of least resistance which will, in many cases, be throwing a few grand onto Binance and buying what they think is their "underrated gem" or whatever the fuck.

I got a bag of this shit already, I've had it since April 2022, there's no point in putting it into "safe stuff" at this point when we're close to the cusp of another only up stage, you know?