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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.41 MB, 1600x1200, farm greenhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53487148 No.53487148 [Reply] [Original]

explain in a few words why you haven't started a farm

people need food to eat, there seem to constantly be more people

the median age of a farmer is like 60, so the field will be wide open

being a farmer is based and redpilled from a political perspective, it transcends politics and you produce what people need to survive, it keeps society running

no boss, you choose your hours, like right now, I should have went to my facility and turned the lights on, but I didn't, it's been 1.5 hours and not shit will go wrong, life will continue as normal

build a relationship with your community, sell to local restaurants and at farmers markets, leading to a possible career in politics or political connections

pay is good, work life balance is good, you are doing something that is morally good and matters to life on the planet

you produce an actual physical good or service

marxists should love this, you've literally seized the means of production

so why aren't you a farmer

>> No.53487154

Because most people here just want to trade scams and get rich that way.

>> No.53487161

explain in a few words why you keep making the same threads over and over again

>> No.53487166

trade yams

>> No.53487177

i have no effort competing in an industry so competitive and devoid of profits that participants require brown slave labor (H2-A visas) and gibs (government subsidies) to barely exist. it's like being a sharecropper all over again, but with more brown retard slave immigrants and fancier farm equipment.

>> No.53487187

Just bought a homestead so already on it fren

>> No.53487188

post source

>> No.53487190

i have no interest***

>> No.53487208

here you go, dipshit. https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/farm-economy/farm-labor/

>> No.53487231

>open farm
>plant fake plants to make it look like a real farm
>wait for protesters
>dutch government offers to buy my farm
>sell farm
>start a new farm
infinite profits

>> No.53487313

unpack this

>> No.53487347
File: 42 KB, 450x359, farm laborers aging essay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

farm laborers are aging essay

looks like mexicans don't wanna work on the farm any more

>> No.53487369

>Need literally millions of dollar for land, equipment, fertilizer, and seeds.
That is why. Of course anyone can grow a small garden on their property to produce enough for themselves but if you want to make a living off it will literally cost millions. If you have one bad harvest you go bankrupt.

>> No.53487420
File: 49 KB, 450x421, mexicans working as farm labor by region.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh so almost all of the farm laborers from mexico are in cali, and you're saying much smaller numbers are anywhere else

and you're also saying white people own all the farms, and white people retain all the jobs that are high skill and high iq


>> No.53487475

>If you have one bad harvest you go bankrupt.

if you operate on retarded normalfag logic and you have literally 0 in your bank account then sure but we're assuming that you're a little bit smarter than that

>> No.53487558

also lol at this uneducated take

people literally start farming out of backyards

you could find a piece of property that's like 3 acres for less than 20k and start a farm on unzoned land

there are many options but you've confirmed that you haven't read a single thing and just regurgitate retarded 4chan talking points

which is the biggest problem

>> No.53487574
File: 61 KB, 285x208, 1662631471956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy giga hyper mega ultra super plebbitspacing what the fuck go and kill yourself

>> No.53487590

so when did you show up, newfag

how is cuckdano doing

>> No.53488093

Nice Freudian slip
You're actually lazy and just make up all that as an excuse

>> No.53488296

Because I don't have the money for the hydroponics facility that I want yet.

>> No.53488354

why hydro

>> No.53489605

/biz/-worthy idea, that's the spirit.

>> No.53489656

aquaponics is just cooler than trad farming

>> No.53489798

More water efficient. No need to use pesticides. Less likely to be affected by the weather. Multiple crops per year because you can manipulate growing time. Less land requirements. Higher crop yield since you're getting multiple crops year round.

>> No.53489812

Also another reason. I'm not just using nutrient rich water to farm the plants. I'm farming things in the water aquaculture style.

>> No.53489853

Unpack Deez nuts in your mouth