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53477076 No.53477076 [Reply] [Original]

boomer here (age 39)

>2006-2007: everyone I know buys houses they can't afford because they can only go up
>2008: everyone I know gradually gets laid off (it was very methodic, but it eventually hit everyone. "so and so got laid off... but so and so still working. oh so and so got laid off.. but so and so still working" until everyone eventually got laid off
>2009: everyone I know who got laid off from corporate, degree requiring jobs is getting jobs at costco, walmart, mcdonalds etc
>2010: everyone I know gets evicted and moves back in with parents. the people with money just bought 7 foreclosures for 40k each

i believe 4loko may make a comeback in the near future

>> No.53477098

I'm not even a boomer and it's clear as day it's happening again. Lol lmao at the absolute state of things.

>> No.53477109

four loko can only make a comeback if they put caffeine in it again. once they took that out whats even the point

>> No.53477126

i haven't tried the newer pussified versions. but the originals you couldn't even drink 2 of them without blacking out. and most stores had 2 for $5 deals. i remember the tough guy alcoholics who would brag about how much they could handle and try to chug these things pass out half way through their 2nd can

>> No.53477127

You didn't mention everyone getting married in their 20s and equally everyone getting divorced in their early 30s.

>> No.53477155
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>Happeningcels tell us that every is over (again)
You told us the same when covid happend now stfu and go back to >>>/pol/.

>> No.53477156

>Lol lmao at the absolute state of things.
Do you always regurgitate what you read here?

>> No.53477162

yeah i remember. i used to buy them underage from hispanic supermarkets in long island. it was the best. then they ruined it. the bull run cant happen unless they put caffeine back in

>> No.53477165

>. i remember the tough guy alcoholics who would brag about how much they could handle and try to chug these things pass out half way through their 2nd can
Things that never happened, 4lokos are not a big deal, you're just an underweight who can't drink, secondly, I doubt any "tough guy alcoholics" ever hung out with you.
>t.whiskey drinker.

>> No.53477188

Four Loko contains carbonated water, sugar, and natural and artificial flavoring including FD&C Red 40. The drink is sold at 6%, 7%, 8%, 10%,12%, or 14% alcohol by volume (ABV), depending on state regulations, and is packaged in 23.5 oz (695 mL) cans.
You guys are such fucking light weights.
In Canada we have a beer called Axeman it's like 10 percent, fuck sake even around here I can get wine and malt liquor around the same APV with more ounces per container.
You guys are such faggots and try hards.

>> No.53477210

>>You guys are such faggots and try hards
>that tryhard post

>> No.53477225

For me, it's Yuengling

>> No.53477226

i dont speak zoomer i dont get your image joke and i dont know what a happeningcell is. im just telling you what happened

you wouldve been one of those dumbasses who we had to drive to the hospital to get their stomach pumped because they said they can beer bong 2 4 lokos

>> No.53477248

retard the originals were banned. it wasnt about the alcohol content. they were energy drinks with alcohol. the combination of uppers and downers are what made you pass out

>> No.53477299

There will be no mass foreclosures as housing supply is already low. There’s trillions more dollars in the economy and still nobody wants to work. Crypto, UBI, A.I. and CBDC’s all coming to fruition. This is nothing like 2008.

>> No.53477315

love me some quatro crazies

>> No.53477340

yeah hopefully that's what they tell us right. there's no fundamental problem this time so its impossible!

>> No.53477375
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and vine. thanks elon

>> No.53477422

There’s serious problems now. Much worse than 2008, but 2008 was like a 9/11 on the economy. I distinctly remember coming home to find out the economy collapsed. Now (((they))) can’t control the narrative. They can’t just crash the economy in one fell swoop, because nobody believes a word they say and just does the opposite before they even say it.

>> No.53477505

This is nothing like 2008. In late 2008 we pretty much realized that about 2/3 of all the money people thought they had didn't exist, it was all bad debt. It was the collapse of the fractional reserve system as we know it that the gov had to come in and bail out. Right now is nothing like that. There is massive amounts of cash sloshing around and a comparatively low amount of debt. We are at risk of an inflationary crisis, but not a credit crunch like 2008.

>> No.53477565

>comparatively low amount of debt
Thanks for the laugh anon, I needed that one

>> No.53477580

lol there was an inflation crisis in 06-07 too. i remember paying above $6 for gas at one point. everyone was swiping their credit cards to keep up. but yeah they tell us this time its different because of no more variable rates or whatever. but i dont know whats gonna happen when people to refinance cus they lost their job. i dont want it to crash i got 2 mortgages so i hope they are right

>> No.53477632

Compared to the money supply yes, there is like half the debt adjusted for amount of money today than 2008.

There was inflation because the economy was goosed with bad debt. Now we have inflation because of unbacked money printing and supply issue. Big different.

>> No.53477650

yeah they literally released a virus in order to keep it from exploding in 2019

shits so incredibly fucked, weird that only a few of us can see it

>> No.53477678

only unskilled and useless retards get laid off. there's lots of them in every workplace

>> No.53477684

I sure hope youre right OP, cus I need to slurp up some cheap real estate

>> No.53477741

>not a credit crunch
Listen to this dude for 5 minutes. His first piece of advice is to form an LLC to avoid all the maxed out credit cards you regulsrly create affecting your credit score. Some of his other business advice involves using business credit cards to buy sneakers to flip. His channel has 80k followers and the comment section is chalk full of fellow nogs saying shit like "I took your advice and now I got a 100k business loan and 5 company credit cards! Thank you for showing me how money works!"
But sure, there's no credit bubble.
Not to even mention the autoloan crisis that awaits us

>> No.53477810

The FDA banned putting caffeine in alcoholic drinks, maybe they could sell a separate pack of caffeine that you could pour in the drink.

>> No.53477834

Can confirm that the OG four lokos were crazy
Was a junior in college and everyone would have summer parties when these were introduced
Have distinct memories of tons of people projectile vomiting off a balcony after 1.5-2 of them lol

>> No.53477877

Crushed caffeine pills?

>> No.53477879

If that is real its rare and drop in the bucket. You can look at all sorts of debt metrics, consumer debt, corporate debt, etc. and then adjust for the money supply and it is no where near 2008. On top of that the debt is a lot healthier. In 2008 you had people getting mortgages without even proving their incomes, because the people giving the mortgages just turned around and resold them while collecting a commission and didn't give a fuck whether people paid. Now theirs regulation out the ass for that.

The issue in 2008 was bad debt and as soon as the economy slowed the bubbled popped and all the money people thought they had was backed by that bad debt and didn't exist. Now we just have more money, but its not backed by bad debt, its just not backed by anything. So its not going to be like 2008 where there is a huge deflationary credit crunch, its not going to just pop once the defaults start. Its going to come out in inflation over a longer period of time.

>> No.53477885

They could shrink wrap them to the side of the can, the FDA would probably bitch though.

>> No.53477986


“Not backed by anything”

So what happens? Everyone just gets priced out of everyday normal life?

>> No.53478049

your retarded, this feels like the shit leading up to 2008 but also with a possibility of WW3

>> No.53478079

this feels worse than 2008

>> No.53478121

Yes, inflation will continue, or if there is a recession and unemployment actually goes up, maybe inflation cools, but there won't be a crunch and big price drops like 2008 to make up for job loses. When the fed tries to stimulate it will just create inflation because we don't have the same money multiplier we had in 2008.

Only because we are coming off a hot economy, it feels similar now. But the banking situation is nothing like 2008. In 2008 almost all the money you had in the bank was being lend out and rehypothecated, so when the bad debt bubble popped there was a lot of unwinding of that which created a ton of deflationary pressure like the great depression. Now when you put money in the bank most of just sits at the fed earning ponzi interest. And there is massive amounts of cash on the sit lines in short term treasuries and money markets right now. The situation in many ways is an inverse to 2008.

>> No.53478149

Reserve rates are now 0%. Before we had fractional reserve, now we have no reserve

>> No.53478165

what should I buy my dudes, besides diversifying and bullets

>> No.53478171

You have to be 18 to post here faggot

>> No.53478188

fucking FDA is delaying the bull run. your homologated 4loko concept is clunky, but it may be what we need to break through resistance

>> No.53478206


So, it really is going to end, “you will own nothing and you will be happy”. The bankers know exactly what they are doing.

>> No.53478210

But there is an excess of reserves now. Banks have more reserves then they can lend out. Reserves were <50 billion before 2008, and than became over 1 trillion in less than a year as the fed monetized massive amounts of debt.

>> No.53478332

So what to buy nigger. Are leveraged bond etf like tmf ok?

>> No.53478354

You are annoying.

>> No.53478416

>age 39
Try that again

>> No.53478443
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just go long Berocca tablets

>> No.53478444
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>no no guise don't you understand, this is a NEW PARADIGM!

>> No.53478480

>tfw pounding these at parties in high school

Why did they have to take out the caffeine, bros?

>> No.53478498

In the short term, if there is really a recession, then long term treasures can pop. But inflation is inevitable long term especially once the gov tries to stimulate out of the recession, and so long term bonds are last place you want to be long term. So upside if there is a recession, sell after the flight to safety, but if we just sort of stagflate from here it will be a bad hold.

>> No.53478584

>Not to even mention the autoloan crisis that awaits us
I believe this
I racked up 140k in auto loans and don't work, I'm good from being an early adopter but the banks don't know that they just give out loans unless it's a house I got denied several house loans

>> No.53478629

>But the banking situation is nothing like 2008. In 2008 almost all the money you had in the bank was being lend out and rehypothecated
Isn't this what happened in September 2019 when the repo markets blew which led to covid lockdowns to kill velocity so they could bail out without inflation and angry population?

>> No.53478632

I remember em. I swear there was something secret in those things because red bull vodkas don't hit like those cans did. And the problem was you didn't pass out. I remember rolling a buddy home in a wheeled trash can, on the streets of a suburban neighborhood at like 4am while singing at the top of my lungs.

>> No.53478639

>Now when you put money in the bank most of just sits at the fed earning ponzi interest. And there is massive amounts of cash on the sit lines in short term treasuries and money markets right now. The situation in many ways is an inverse to 2008.
That's because they changed the rules March 2020 same day we were locked down

>> No.53478713

Literally a old millennial
Millennial age is from 1980 - 95
Granted, when talking about this subject I usually point out that only the very middle of these ranges are "hard" that generation.
Millennials who were born between 1980 and 1983 will have more cultural closeness to gen x, and people born between 95-92 will likely have blending traits with zoomers.
The thing that maintains that OP is a millennial is that his gen x friends were already too old to experience some of the culture shifts that happened. Same with someone like me born in 92, but the other direction. Some of my friends were too young to understand some of the culture references I talked about.
It's difficult for the blenders like us, we get lumped in with a generation but we are really a half calf.
When I was 10, the biggest rock band was Korn, when I was 14, it was already on to metalcore and the "scene" era. So I ended up liking music from the core of millennials, but still understood and was young enough to experience the end of one era and the start of another.

Point is, it's not uncommon for people on the "blend" years to mistake themselves for culturally the one behind or one ahead. People have told me I'm "basically a zoomer" even though I was fucking my first girlfriend when 95% of these zoomers were in diapers. But I do have a TikTok and I'm able to "understand" zoomer speak and I don't get weird looks when I say 'bussin' so it's definitely a thing. Considering I'm also from the last generation that openly said faggot in front of teachers and in the hallways.

>> No.53478746

It wasn't banks that were strapped for cash during the repo crisis, it was money markets. The banks were supposed to actually lend during these times but they just said fuck it because it was too much effort compared to just having the money sit at the fed and earn ponzi interest.

>> No.53478761

>But I do have a TikTok

>> No.53478790

The fed just went nuts during march 2020 with infinite QE and axing of any reserve requirement. I think they got nervous after all the issues with money markets in 2019 that they don't understand, so its like the fed just thought of how to make the loosest policy imaginable.

>> No.53478792

Bitcoin was invented as a direct result of what happened in 2008. That is why today is different. As the dxy goes down. Crypto goes up.now is the time to buy.

>> No.53478847

That's the reverse repo when the banks have too much money and give it to the Fed.

The repo crisis in 2019 was when the banks ran out of money and their overnight lending rate spiked. This resulted in the Fed bailing out banks from Sept to March when we were locked down. It ended with around 1.5 trillion being lent out a night and then they just removed the rule locked us down and printed 40% of the total dollars in existence

You have it mixed up the reverse repo came after the banks got loaded during covid

>> No.53478858

Which was fine while we were being locked down and lied to, but when people started protesting they opened the economy and now inflation is going crazy

>> No.53478962

The banks didn't run out of money during the repo crisis. Borrowers in the repo market did which is like corporations and hedge funds, because corp taxes were do and a lot of treasuries were issued which were financed from repos. The problem was lenders like money markets didn't increase lending for some reason, and banks don't normally lend that much in repo market but they could and they didn't for reason (probably too lazy). Fed doesn't really understand why but they stepped in.

>> No.53478999
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Is this recipe legit?

>> No.53479056

>mix together 3 nigger liquids and some candy and a pill
ya sounds about right

>> No.53479069

>pass out half way through their 2nd can
I don't get it, it says 12% alcohol volume. That's lower than wine.

>> No.53479090

a can of 4loco is the same amount of liquid as a bottle of wine

>> No.53479091

So many unecessary empty calories to just sip on a 40 and pop a caffeine pill lol.

>> No.53479113

Bottles of wine are 0.75 liters. Those cans are just 0.66. And their alcoholic content is slightly lower than wine's.

So drinking one of those cans is like drinking what? 3 glasses of wine? Big deal.

>> No.53479118
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I have women, you have dogs.

>> No.53479131

I mean I just have it to say I have one, I don't really use it.
I admittedly only use this website for online socialization. My socials just exist because if you don't have one girls need a 10 page essay on why or they'll think you are weird.

>> No.53479165

and yikes

>> No.53479245

Except this time the crisis is orders of magnitude worse since the can has just been perpetually kicked down the road. This time the whole dollar system will shit the bed.

>> No.53479277

as a neet i feel no stress or worry food costs slightly more but its ok

>> No.53479601

You faggot demoralizing shills can keep spouting RECESSION and INFLATION and throw around a bunch of finance jargon but you can never make me care at all. I literally don’t care if WW3 happens or economy crashes and I lose my job. I’ll be living in a trash can like Diogenes. Just stop caring. It’s that easy.

>> No.53479623

gtfo kid

>> No.53479707

>I literally don’t care if WW3 happens or economy crashes and I lose my job. I’ll be living in a trash can like Diogenes. Just stop caring. It’s that easy.
It's good that you have reached Step 1. Now it's time for you to reach Step 2 - How do I profit from this?
This is /biz/ after all, not /pol/.

>> No.53479737

I already profit by not caring.

>> No.53479798

You could profit much more if you followed the strategies that work during recessions.

>> No.53479838

You aren't profiting anything you loser bum. I already told you once. Listen this time. Gtfo kid. You belong here.

>> No.53479982
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>gtfo you belong here

>> No.53480122

>Yikes! You socialize a lot, and probably have sex too. I don't do much of that so that's deffo cringe my dude

>> No.53480125

You are Patrick Bateman
>I just want to fit in

>> No.53480136

This time though I think unless there is tons of foreclosures price will stay high because of supply issues

>> No.53480153

Yeah but like 2008 there will still be a shitshow, maybe not real estate prices going down so much but other shit getting btfo’d like the stock market and crypto

>> No.53480187

There’s a photo of me from 2010 floating around somewhere on the internet laying on my back in the showers in a dorm in Madison, Wisconsin pouring a jar of apple sauce on my face. The original 4lokos fucked you up and I was no stranger to alcohol at the time.

>> No.53480196

The difference is Diogenes lived in a homogenous nation with low crime rate and could get cheap food high quality food. Live in a barrel now and you’ll get raided by niggers if you have even $5 of value of stuff on you

>> No.53480215

Hey have you ever considered that maybe people, oh I don't know, put on a front in certain contexts? You faggots complain about how to socialize and meet women but you're TOO PROUD to ever "appear like a normie" because ohhh nooo someone is gonna think YOU'RE TRYING TO FIT IN OH NO THE HORROR
I'm not going to bring my internet personality into the real world, that would literally isolate me from any and all social prospects.
>"So ur lying to people?"
If you are incapable of understanding how to stay socially agile AND maintain your own personality at the same time, while not revealing your power levels, your NGMI, and you are also incredibly boring.

>> No.53480234

>I want to fit in

>> No.53480357

I might as well get some solid buys on low and mid-caps mainly Sylo, Rune and Metis, waiting on that bull cycle to return fully.

>> No.53480431

3 wines + 3 coffees. Its basically a speedball. Yeah baby.

>> No.53480465


>People have told me I'm "basically a zoomer" even though I was fucking my first girlfriend when 95% of these zoomers were in diapers.

generally it's just that to old millennials, people born in the 90s, even the early ones, seem more like zoomers

>> No.53480486

not at all what i saw. i saw people squat and stay rent free for a year plus until bank finally foreclosed. my one friend was renting, and the landlord never paid the mortgage and pocketed the rent. the landlord drug out the foreclosure for 3 years. when it finally foreclosed, it sold for $200k more than what was owed. the landlord pocketed that $200K.

>> No.53480544

And you will never fit in anywhere close this tab and move on stop insta replying to me haha get a life nigger

>> No.53480563

>Live in a barrel now and you’ll get raided by niggers if you have even $5 of value of stuff on you

I live as a homeless during late spring early summer, because its a great cover to play minecraft, possibly the best.

It's also good training and is sort of like an isekai where you get dropped into a video game life and have to survive and grind mobs to level up. It can be very violent, but if you are competent, sober, and healthy at all its like being the main character of one of those shows.

The best part is if you get arrested for anything you can just shit yourself and scream, and they let you go. Always have a turd ready.

>> No.53480754

I'm already killing it in the game by DCA'ing into AZERO, FLUX, C98, and UTK. Hoping these low-cap coins gimme mad gains, HODL

>> No.53480813
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Are you a real estate guru, I'm investing in some properties with the guidance of Kensington Cyprus, and using it as part of my 401k strategy. Do you expect any serious crash to happen?

>> No.53480832

>supply issues
Nigga the houses didn't leave. They didn't all burn down. They didn't stand up and walk away. They're right there the supply shortage is completely artificial. What do you thinks gonna happen when a million retards realize they can no longer make money from airbnb?

>> No.53480886

what do you guys think of the auto loan bubble?


I think the combo of overleveraged retards in real estate and the car market are linked somehow, are people buying cars on loans and then selling them for cash to buy houses or something?

>> No.53480906

Why do you take pride in being an alcoholic? Are you one of those tards who thinks your alcohol consumption is in line with your masculinity?

Being addicted to a substance is a weakness. And weakness is not a manly trait

>> No.53480915

Anon, do you understand how fiat works? I am not trying to be hostile but that statement reflects a lack of simple understanding about our system.
Money is debt and debt is money. Money is only created through debt.
The only thing that may change is who has the debt.

>> No.53480921

>id off from corporate
tits or gtfo, no one cares youre a boomer or what age you are

>> No.53481178

bro this isn't tiktok this place is bad for your socials bro

>> No.53481418

Bro what.

>> No.53481577

Nigger you know nothing but the Great Financial Collapse and then a decade of free money afterwards. This is more similar to the early 80's, for which you weren't even born.

>> No.53481615

based minecraft enjoyer
i also boot up minecraft here and there

>> No.53483163

kek this npc is going off the rails seething

>> No.53483205
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>> No.53483575
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we're in great depression 2.0 anon, hate to tell u

/biz/ discord. join for frens: Nwm4FcmzwT

>> No.53483685

>comparatively low amount of debt
I was willing to hear you out until that part, debt is off the charts to the point that we may very well is personal credit system collapse in the next 10 years.

>> No.53484132

I love 4loko. If I wasn't in recovery I would go buy one right now.

>> No.53484316
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And the apes at GME called this 2 years ago, they knew 2008 was going to happen again.