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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53465345 No.53465345 [Reply] [Original]

/BBBY/ Bed Bath and Beyond - Victorian Bathing hut edition Anonymous (ID: 2BH/DZ04) 01/27/23(Fri)00:42:53 No.53453200
>Basic Information

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc

Float 117m
Short % of Float 58%
Held by Institutions 41%

CTB between 75% and 250%!

Blackrock recalls shares & 14% stake in BBBY

10Q Filing
8K Filing & new Hire
>Carol Flaton - Carl Ichans appointee in Xerox take over

Latest hires
>David Kastin - M&A Specialist board member & CLO
>Shawn Hummell New Snr VP

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

As always:
>sneed hedgies

Last time in BBBY
>>53450618 (Cross-thread)

Reminder to filter the spamming shills

>> No.53465373
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I missed (most of) Tesla's jump because I was fucking around here. Starting to feel like the BBBaggy memes were right.

What're we contending with this week guys? Why is it different this time? DUE DILIGENCE ONLY.

>> No.53465374

Honkies are retarded

>> No.53465381
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Tell me OP, is your pic AI generated as well? I don't know what to believe anymore...

>> No.53465402
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>> No.53465466

let's go boys

>> No.53465524

Niggers tongue my anus

>> No.53465531

Haha I remember when there were no shills

It's gonna be a crazy week next week. The shills index is at an ATH

>> No.53465580
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They would normally just ignore these threads, now they camp them out. If thats not the most bullish signal I don't know what is.

>Still on REG SHO
>80% SI
>52m shares short

It's going to be wild

>> No.53465694

I'm going all-in on monday

>> No.53465748

What site?

>> No.53465755



>> No.53465759

I still have a bit of cash that doesn't clear until monday that I want to yolo into calls

>> No.53465775

When do you think big money will catch up on this merger deal? If it's indeed going to be settled around $20 per share like one of anons suggested, I'd expect them buying up BBBY at current prices already. But that's not happening for some reason yet. Kinda makes me worried when I think of that.

>> No.53465804

>If it's indeed going to be settled around $20
it will be a equity and cash mixed deal, so the price will rocket up, it will not be a set price. Institutions are already in, they have 41% the float owned

>> No.53465806

When will my local store have its bankruptcy store closing sale? I got some good shit when Linen and things folded.

>> No.53465827

Does this 41% number include short positions as well, or just original owners of the shares?

>> No.53465829

I didn't know they had BBBY in India

>> No.53465838

Just holding not shorts an Blackrock hold 14% the float so 26% is owned by other institutions

>> No.53465840

Alright thanks for explaining.

>> No.53465873
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Wednesday I expressed skepticism about BBBY after losing a ton of money two weeks on calls. I was called a shill and a FUD for asking basic questions about short exempts and continued dark pool activity.

I bought more calls (nothing major), and the stock just sunk again. I really hope this thing takes off, but people who have lost money playing options when the next big 'date' keeps getting pushed.... and people who bought above 2.50 looking at a loss.... you can't call em shills. People have lost money and are expecting DD.

>in b4 I'm called a shill
>PS, Ill probably buy more calls for next week, sunk cost fallacy

>> No.53465910

why fren? Seriously? Just buy shares an dwait or the M&A news. Calls are always going to end in tears when the hedgies are this fucked

>> No.53465918

So what do we do if by monday they haven't announced anything like the usual?
I'm not sure if I have another one more week in me, i'm losing my sanity.

>> No.53465936

Just keep waiting for it, it COULD be monday, based on Carol Flaton being put on the board yesterday

>> No.53465965


>thread theme

>> No.53465966

Imagine being on /biz/ and not knowing the source of that image

>> No.53465986

Learn to go with your gut anon, now you're stuck selling your shares at a loss to me hahaha

>> No.53466014

>that cross-thread post
baker's trying to fud me out my 6 shares

>> No.53466089
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Oh ffs I did it again, i left the weird shill post I had copied in some how

>> No.53466226

Holy fuck you baggies are never gonna make it

>> No.53466261

It happens bud we'll get 'em next time

>> No.53466715

Getting pretty sus on you, thinking you're not a fren afterall.

>> No.53467144

Merger Monday?

>> No.53467229

Hearing a lot of rumors from employees about a Wayfair merger

>> No.53467362

would make sense

>> No.53467363
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shame on you op for picrel

>> No.53467398
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did you not notice this work of art?

>> No.53467512

I think baker is just a bit retarded, then again you and I bought BBBY so...

>> No.53467587

kek BBBaggies
>10Q announcement will save us
>8k after hours y-you'll see
8kill yourselves faggots

>> No.53468035

is this fag using chatGPT for fuck's sake


>> No.53468901


>> No.53468946

kek GMEbaggie
you will never be a millionaire

>> No.53469372
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>> No.53470652

How many of you became exit liquidity at $5?

>> No.53471128

i think its hillarious, but still...
On the other hand, this is a play for those who are on the far left side of the bell curve.
So... Wen merger?

>> No.53472158
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I know this is a nothingburger, but W stock has been on a tear this month, while BBBY has sunk.

>> No.53472223

I was drinking and somehow copied the mistake I made last thread. Hopefully 3rd times a charm or I get check for by a doctor

>> No.53472452

im down $1.40 on it. nothing much compared to OTC penny stocks. i feel pressured into selling my green and yellow stack for one brown stack, so i'll probably just add $15 to my account come monday.
bbby is just a fun little one to watch

>> No.53472508

cliffs? chart looks like dogshit. is this another reddit vs big shorters aspie thing?

>> No.53472628
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Who here is ready for Merger Monday!

>> No.53472657

Me. Question: if BBBY merges with say Icahn's company, when does the share recall happen? On Monday?

>> No.53472727

Me. Almost positive it will be Wayfair.

>> No.53472756

Carol Flaton has zero links to Wayfair and was Ichans pick for Xerox, the Wayfair talk has come out of nowhere and is a very weak argument. Also BBBY doesn't traffic children. West point homes (Ichan) sells their goods in BBBY and would make more sense than Wayfair

>> No.53472768

So sick of leddits copium
I have ~4100 shares at €8 avg and I feel like I'm actually going to fucking lose it all.
Is there any good hopium that's not retarded leddit cope talking out of their ass about BlackRock and that board member bros

I've been holding 100 (25 pre split) GME for 1.75 years now and have lost all hope about that going anywhere. Am I actually going to be wageslaving until I die.

>> No.53472772

Post rumors, because not one employee has spoken about this before in any other capacity or space.

>> No.53472778

Also is the only Icahn link the one exec they just hired? Besides that Icahn photo with (((Cohen)))

>> No.53472787

Ah so this is hedgie cope "people familiar with the sources" type of reporting, absolutely nothing of substance and grasping at straws.

West point homes sells their goods and thats Ichans brand, she is his pick and is likely to replace the chairwoman who looks like a stinkbitch rat

>> No.53472796

Where else does West Point Homes sell their goods? Like, is BBBY one of their main stockers?

>> No.53472812

Yes, it is the main retailer of his goods. He sells direct but BBBY has a national chain, with WPH buying a textile company in the UK to enter the market there.

>> No.53472818

Also the Jewish media fud has really gotten to me about possible BR with no buyer. It just reminds me of the articles about Cohen selling before that actually happened.
What's the chance that they hired these people/firms for M/A but there's actually not someone interested?
Also, is it possible they were going to be "okay" until JPM Chase pulled their credit line? And that made them panic and actually consider BR now?

Sorry bros a lot on my mind and I don't trust the fags on reddit at all.

>> No.53472832

Thanks fren, appreciate the response.

>> No.53472839

>What's the chance that they hired these people/firms for M/A but there's actually not someone interested?
You hire them to finalize the deal, you don't pay a CLO $300k salary and shares that vest in 3 years for them to do nothing but deal with bankruptcy
>Also, is it possible they were going to be "okay" until JPM Chase pulled their credit line? And that made them panic and actually consider BR now?
The default means that they can act without shareholder approval so if someone wanted to block the deal / carve out they no longer can block it. The 10Q being delinquent was also used to stop the stock from being used in swaps against GME

>> No.53472862

I hope you're right man.
I just want to retire and work on my homestead, is that too much to ask for frens

>> No.53472869

Question is though, why would this make share price pump beyond $5 or so? $50-100 is just hopium right?

>> No.53472874

I have no idea. Never paid attention to this shit before.

>> No.53472887

I've heard that if shares are issued as well as cash it will force shorts to close.

>> No.53472917

>I just want to retire and work on my homestead, is that too much to ask for frens
it is also my desire to do this, so I am with you on that. There is too much data to ignore pointing to M&A, Cohen wants BABY, Ichan has a short position in BABY. IF Ichan gets BBBY and carves out BABY for Cohen to swap GME equity (reverse merger via Teddy) he gets to close his short position without going to market. This means Ichan gets to win bigly with his short position, as going to market to close might actually cost him in the long run due to how illiquid this stock is. If an equity deal is struck then shorts are on the hook for providing the equity and will be forced to close, if people hold out it will cause a squeeze. In all cash offer, rather than a mixed cash/equity deal, they offer a price and you get that price - like Twitter being bought out. This will not be like that and will cause both GME and BBBY to squeeze very hard due to a) many shareholders DRS'd their shares and b)People are sick of jews and want payback.

>> No.53472930

>* Ichan has a short position in BABY
I means short position in GME

>> No.53472955

Thanks for well thought out responses fren, they truly mean a lot.
I really hope we will make it bros

>> No.53472979

This 100%!

>> No.53472980

its called just Bed and Beyond

>> No.53472992

Made me kek

>> No.53472996

Sorry i think you mispoke, it's Beg, don't bath and begone

>> No.53473006
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>> No.53473057

So how hard would BBBY run given this case then

>> No.53473096
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Also this is key to screwing shorts over. The 10Q was published in the middle of the day, causing them to short it even more, then SOMETHING happened that meant they tried to push the price down yesterday - the fake and gay news article came out to justify the price drop so they could try and cascade sells so their puts were ITM, they ended up OTM and spent their ammo on trying, meaning it is now day 13.

Look up short squeezes, they go up to irrational numbers, totally dethatched from fundamentals. This is not (maybe) as nakedly shorted as much as gamestop, but will go up significantly due to the above reasons. Remember with shorting there is infinite risk because if you short enough and have to close and people don't like your price then you have to keep offering more. Think planes being overbooked and you're passenger 101/100. If they want your ticket they need to keep offering more until you eventually sell.

>> No.53473375

Is GME merging with Baby in this scenario? I just don't see what these two companies have to do with each other. If not then Cohen would be using shares of a publicly traded company to fund his own personal investment in Baby, which isn't allowed.

>> No.53473397
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Teddy trademarks.
> If not then Cohen would be using shares of a publicly traded company to fund his own personal investment in Baby, which isn't allowed.
I don't think you understand how any of this works

>> No.53473423

The thing that I don’t get is; they managed to snuff GME when it went parabolic, would’ve easily touched a thousand or more. What’s to say the market will side with retail in the event of another similar happening, let alone let it happen in the first place? I can’t see a “the crimes would be too blatant for it not to be allowed to happen” argument holding up, crime happens in broad daylight constantly, GME ended in blatant crime against retail and nothing came of it whatsoever, except in some places rules to prevent the chance of it happening again.

>> No.53473434

You're just not explaining your theory very well. I know about Teddy and it's trademarks and that it's registered as a bank. What I don't know is how Baby fits into that. GME is not part of Teddy right now, how could he use GME equity to fund a purchase of Baby is what I'm asking you.

>> No.53473518
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>it's registered as a bank
Its an LLC, a holding company, not a bank
>What I don't know is how Baby fits into that
GMERICA, look up the trademarks they filed, they all overlap, also look at the website, they sell more than just vidya now. We are speculating because Cohen has been silent on everything but the holding company is the key to everything.

>In a reverse merger, investors of the private company acquire a majority of the shares of a public shell company, which is then combined with the purchasing entity. Investment banks and financial institutions typically use shell companies as vehicles to complete these deals. These simple shell companies can be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on the front end (prior to the deal), making the registration process relatively straightforward and less expensive. To consummate the deal, the private company trades shares with the public shell in exchange for the shell's stock, transforming the acquirer into a public company.

It does not have to be a private company, a public one can also do this. Gamestop acquire the Teddy company, which is the private shell company, who then acquire the target public company.

>> No.53473531

>What’s to say the market will side with retail in the event of another similar happening,
The market has no choice in the matter in a M&A with equity, shorts must close, naked shorts will be utterly ruined.

>> No.53473574
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Okay, now it makes sense, based. It's looking like we are finally going to wagmi.

>> No.53473631

BBBagys, please tell me how you're going to make GME MOASS and I'll buy 10 shares next week

>> No.53473745
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>he skips all the info and demands to be spoonfed

>> No.53473761

>23 pbtid

Just give me a TLDR you fucking nerd, do you want my $20 or not?

>> No.53473773
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>moans about not getting info injected directly into his eyes
>moans about the person providing info
How's that working out for you?

>> No.53473789

Ok, I'll just stick to my GME stack you rtard

>> No.53473794
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Great, you do that.

>> No.53474424

Right, but again, the DTCC/Fed/SEC whoever the fuck could still absolutely intervene, right? As retail investors we hold exactly none of the cards, as the GME saga has shown us we barely even actually hold our shares. Hoping for five digits at least.

>> No.53474459

>Right, but again, the DTCC/Fed/SEC whoever the fuck could still absolutely intervene, right?
explain how you think they can intervene

>> No.53474546
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I love this FUD, if they could intervene they would have done so already, if they intervene during the squeeze then it's in my best interest as an individual invstor to hold until the goverment fixed price, if they bail the hedgie retards then minecraft gets closer than it already is. America is balkanizing and I love it lmao

>> No.53474617

Did anyone think anything would happen during GME? Suddenly the buy button was shut off in only a couple of brokers and it was over. I’m fully aware GME was not a short squeeze, but still, we will need that pressure to get to a gamma ramp or whatever will be the catalyst. I’m hoping we’ll get a catalyst from the company itself, the danger remains though, clear and present.

>> No.53474677

They disabled the buy button in robonhood. If that’s not enough of a crime for you - I don’t what is. It’s easy to manipulate when you don’t have to play with rules.

>> No.53474736

They can't disable the CS buy button

>> No.53474890

GME isn't over, they just delayed it and ironically made things catastrophic (for them) instead of just extremely painful. But yeah, anyone who doesn't suspect foul play hasn't been paying attention or is lying to you.

>> No.53474967

Yes let the DTCC try and prevent me from buying or selling on CS.

Such laughable fud at this point, the DTCC has no power outside of the NYSE.

>> No.53475033

margot... wife...

>> No.53475208

If brokers have your information, they can transfer your DRSed shares back into your broker account and immediately sell them. CS has no idea if you actually initiated that transfer or not. By the time you realize, your shares will be gone.

>> No.53475217

holy fuck this is some shit tier fud kek

>> No.53475241

Lmfao no they can't you dumb fuck. You shills don't even try anymore it's HILARIOUS.

Bring on monday, can't wait to have you all looking for new jobs because you really suck at this one.

>> No.53475308

Folks we need to buy as much BBBY as humanly possible. I think this company may have the ability to cure cancer and the globalists are trying to destroy it. We need to support it and defeat their efforts.

>> No.53475350

The fact meltdownies have been deployed to fud BBBY now emboldened my raging boner for this stock.

>> No.53475567
File: 78 KB, 640x909, aGKN6l5X_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bankruptcy is coming ... but not for BBBY

>> No.53475574

Yeah no I’ve been in GME since jan 2021 and BBBY since august, I know what all the theory is I’m just playing devils advocate, what if?

>> No.53475666

This is assuming that's their only trick, but of course it's not. BoA is the brokerage that conducts the buying and selling of shares through CS (they're just a holding company), and BoA is suspected to be on the hook for GME. That's why they have already made CS put a trailing max on the limit sales. If you don't expect shenanigans, you haven't been paying attention. This is not fud, it's a fact. These people will stop at nothing to keep from paying us what they owe. They're mad they've been caught by "dumb money" in their scam and are probably going to try and pull everything down around them.

>> No.53475741
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gotta admit Satan, if nothing else, it's going to be pretty fucking funny

>> No.53475840
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Makes sense why Cohen owned some Wells Fargo now

>> No.53475965


Literally DD that explains this and it's going to be important

>> No.53476108

Okay Michael

>> No.53476178

>has to dox in a thread for a stock he doesn't own
>totally not a shill though

>> No.53476518
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>> No.53476546

ah fuck...sounds like chapter 7 desu.
I don't want to lose the rest of my money ffs

Either way, everything points to news on Monday.

>> No.53476578

The absolute state of you baggies, just give up. You do know you're gonna lose all your money lmao

>> No.53476608
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>> No.53476629

stop feeding me copium... I'm already at peace with it.
Whatever happens, I'm done with the stock market. It's a scam no matter ehat either side believes.

>> No.53476630

If some one has acquired them then gift cards would be stopped because various reasons, probably a rebrand, if baby is carved out then they need to T&C's for it not to include them legally. It does not mean chapter 7 at all

>> No.53476645
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If you opened the link the first thing said. Damn shills are lazy

>> No.53476846

I hope anon used his gift card lol

>> No.53476934

This is actually bearish and I won’t be convinced otherwise.

>> No.53476991

Yes but you see, no one cares what you think

>> No.53477120

Doesn’t it mean Chapter 7?

>> No.53477695

Not saying it necessarily means bankruptcy, but if corporate knew bankruptcy is on the horizon, wouldn't they be required to stop selling gift cards and other services they wouldn't be able to honor?

Gift cards are liabilities on the balance sheet. They can't be assuming more liabilities in their current financial state.

>> No.53477871

I was able to buy a gift card at my local store. Nothingburger

>> No.53478070

It’s the weekend. Maybe some stores are faster than others at implementing changes like this. Try again in a week.

>> No.53478078
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My local store closed.

>> No.53478096

here in india we dont have bbby stores, but we have kickass curry. Really hope bbby moons soon, so the village could be well fed with more curry.

>> No.53478271
File: 161 KB, 1080x2376, fl988x8hjvea1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate you ignorant motherfuckers so much sometimes. There was a whole post up on the BBBY subreddit about how it's been found out there's a crypto being used for tokenized locates for this stock just like was used for jiemi, and in addition to that there's two fucking billion of the things in existence and they were created before the GME sneeze even started back in 2021. But no, you're all too fucking busy bitching at each other and being faggots to have noticed or posted it and now the compromised moderators on that same subreddit have deleted it under the guise it's "not relevant to BBBY". Horseshit. Do some digging on your own and post what you find here, but this shit is manipulated the same fucking way jiemi was and here's the fucking proof.
>post needs to be better related to BBBY
Etherscan address for token in question
>Just this token by itself that's being used for locates is worth 1500% of the market cap for the FUCKING COMPANY IT REPRESENTS
>There's TWO FUCKING BILLION of them when the company has only ever issued 117 million shares
>Any information about it gets deleted in literal minutes

>> No.53478353
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My guy, you realize that 95% of the post you see in GME and BBBY generals are either shills or bots? These threads do not give you an accurate view of holder sentiment. 99% of the actual people that use this website don't post or ever contribute to threads. We are going to make it.

>> No.53478384
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Shares of companies traded on the stock market as NFTs divisible to an arbitrary decimal solves this

>> No.53478387
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That's fair, I just tire of it. I think I'll use some of the money I make from all of this to create a way for a imageboard to verify whether the entity posting has a soul or not specifically to solve the problem.

>> No.53478457

I don’t see how this proves BBBY will pump

>> No.53478506

The proof would be it pumping after a successful M&A which it is primed for even if the company is using every avenue of misdirection to outplay those on the short side, destroying gift cards is a huge cue as that's unsecured debt they'd want the smallest amount of possible and if they were just going bankrupt they'd leave that on their balance sheet which is standard practice. It's just very fucking telling that synthetic locates for bbby were used and that it's been happening for way longer than it ever did with jiemi, almost as if bbby was the testbed for controlling a security using synthetic locates to justify naked shorting (there is zero way all of those tokens are or ever were backed by shares assuming they were at all as there's 19x as many of the tokens as there ever were shares issued by the company).

This is a big fucking deal and people need to see it and realize the full ramifications of it.

>> No.53478526

They have fuckloads of debt already. At least that would be some revenue.

>> No.53478558

GME is going to MOASS and BBBY is going bankrupt. Simple as

>> No.53478686

So is this shit going to $20 or not…because it seems the synthetics are trying to prevent that pump.

>> No.53478937

When M&A is officially announced it will break all of it, and the existence of those synthetic locates means there will be more buying pressure than you can even begin to imagine. Billions of naked shorts will have to be closed out, and with nothing backing them up, that means the same shares have to be bought and re-traded at least 20x over. Fuck 20$, this shit has the potential to go into the four to five figure range if not briefly touching six figures. Literally the entire financial world is shaking in their boots waiting to hear if bankruptcy or a merger/acquisition is officially announced by the company. If it's the latter, we ride to valhalla starting that fucking day.

>> No.53479009

GME is being used as collateral by Citadel and Loop Capital to naked short BBBY, once the merger happens they will be forced to dump GME and you baggots will be paying for our MOASS

>> No.53479033

sneed shilly

>> No.53479051

not true. I heard that BBBY is being used as collateral by Citadel and Loop Capital to naked short GME, once the merger happens they will be forced to dump BBBY and you baggots will be paying for our MOASS

>> No.53479083

Ryan Cohen dumped his BBBY because Ken Griffin had him shoved into a van where he was forced to have sex with a child at gunpoint (like mike pence on jan 6th 2021) while it was recorded, Ryan Cohen then signed an agreement to allow Citadel ownership of his GME shares, neutralizing your MOASS permanently. They then shorted BBBY and had him sell his stake in BBBY. BBBY is the true short squeeze.

>> No.53479110
File: 57 KB, 510x680, 1649328467577777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, that's a lot of shillposting. Shame there's such an easy fix for thread sliding after something important got posted
(This is the important one)
(That's how you tell a bot sneed)

>> No.53480383

Crazy how quiet the thread got innit, bumping to keep it alive.

>> No.53480589

hey guys
bump for good luck

>> No.53480697

>GME shills arguing with BBBY shills
lmao you dumb niggers I only need one to MOASS

But judging by what happened (or didn't) in last 2 years, I will just lose all my money and will have to wage slave to make up for it.

>> No.53481726

Thanks. I never knew about this

>> No.53481831

Soo does the news of a merger get released on a Monday before markets or are we doomed to add 2 more weeks again….

>> No.53481855

I'd highly advice to sell all your shares if nothing happens on Monday before the market opens and you can't afford to lose any more money.

Alternatively, you can call me a shill and hold forever. You do you, buddy.

>> No.53481995

I’d rather loot the government and die trying then give up on my last chance at financial freedom

>> No.53482330

Let's face it bro. We're just lazy degenerates who want to make a lot of money without actually putting any work into it.
Sure there are quite a few crypto millionaires, but I bet more than 98% of people who invested in meme coins lost money.
The world doesn't work that way, only easy way to make millions is to be a jew born into a well-connected family and praise s*tan every day.
Otherwise it's the same recipe as it's always been - hard work every day until you make it.

Having said all that, I still hope we can make some money from BBBY.