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53472593 No.53472593 [Reply] [Original]

How do I long white people?

>> No.53472611

now that is some based engagement ragebait for tiktok

>> No.53472620

Imagine the shitskin seethe this will produce

>> No.53472658

Pretty sure in middle eastern and Indian cultures they treat women the same. If anyone would be mad it would probably be other women

>> No.53472664

Only white people will be upset by this

>> No.53472689

They're going to have daddy issues and date older men when they become of age

>> No.53472693

Roasties in the comments will absolutely lose their minds because these girls will have a loving husband for life at 18, meanwhile they're 40 and single and ran through.

>> No.53472697

There are some contraptions you can buy, but I would recommend starting with jelqing and then maybe progressing to hanging or pumping.

>> No.53472708
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>> No.53472710

good parenting on that, but awful parenting on being attention seeking idiots even bringing your kids in some form online, even worse, for some gay political/social statement. on the same level with twatterposts that go: 'my 3yo trans-daughter just told me: ''parentx, the world is suffering and we are so priviliged, how can i help?''' kek

>> No.53472828
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>> No.53472846

Yeah his daughter despises him

>> No.53472858


>> No.53472889


>> No.53472896

This guy looks like a total psycho. He'll probably kill his whole family if they forget to take out the trash.

>> No.53472903

This and in combination with it you would basically have to homeschool your kids if you go this route. Nothing against homeschooling, but to maintain this illusion for them that this behavior is "normal" you basically would just have to segregate them from society. You can't convince a kid that any particular was is objectively better, what's most important to them is fitting in with their friends. The instant they realize that their friends don't do any of this stuff they'll rebel and resent you for it.

>> No.53472904

My concern with this is you are training them to be submissive and they will hook up with the first dominant abusive guy that recreates this feeling and makes them feel safe (till he beats her) that guy is going to be a bigger or white trash.

This kind of stuff worked when the parents were also filtering husbands for the daughter. You aren’t going to get a quality son in law doing this anymore

I think my plan is to push my daughters into t 20 schools for careers that don’t need more than a 4 year degree so they settle down by 25 and drown them in academics so they can’t have a ho phase until the losers have been filtered out by the admission committee.

That’s what my grandmothers father did when he sent her to finishing school lol

>> No.53472907

maybe in boomer times they did. these days arab women are strong and independent

>> No.53472918
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>> No.53472926

Ironically, this is how your actually create the most militant of the blue haired progressives. This is so overboard and initiated way too young in their development. These girls will be in and out of mental institutions until they finally come to the conclusion that it’s the ‘patriarchy” that’s to blame for their deep depression.

>> No.53472929
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She sure looks happy and gracious for the opportunity to pick up her father’s shoes.

>> No.53472932

theyll be taken advantage of by some abusive narc creeps. my mom abused me and most of my problems in life have involved women

>> No.53472941

Ya there's no way you will stop the girls from watching fempowered media on the TV, Youtube, internet, school system, etc. Once they get a bit older they will have been exposed to so much of it that they will start resisting it.

>> No.53472943

I think they always have been. I have worked with Somali and Sudanese labor crews comprised mostly of women. The woman despite dressing like ninjas are mouthy cunts and assholes. If it wasn’t for the women’s work ethic I think their husbands would beat them to death.

>> No.53472945

Nothing to do with it. That comes from shitty or absentee fathers.

>> No.53472946

the jew recoils in horror at the sight of a strong white family

>> No.53472957

I was raised by a single mother and my mom made me do chores my whole life for no allowance because it's what you're supposed to do.
Yes, I am brown.

>> No.53472959

i get the vibe he abuses them

>> No.53472963

The father their seems very narcissistic and they will model it in their relationships

>> No.53472967
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What compels an individual that isn't a glownigger to create outrage porn on social media?

>> No.53472970

Narcissistic supply

>> No.53472972

>strong white family
He's getting his daughter to do chores, how pampered are you to think chores are making you strong?

>> No.53472983

You just know this dude is a total control freak who thinks he’s hot shit

>> No.53472985
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These faggots live their entire lives for some validation on a small social media enclave where people long for the good ol’ days.

Imagine your grandfather getting a video camera and recording your mother doing this so he could share it with other grown men at the Elk’s lodge to demonstrate that he does things HIS way.

You don’t need to demonstrate this. It should be blatantly clear.

>> No.53472987

thats the "wait til im older daddy im gonna fuck niggers" look

>> No.53472988

They are little kids you retard

>> No.53473010

Who the fuck pay their kids for doing chores? Your parents are sustaining you since the moment you born. Is this an American thing?

>> No.53473030

>sees little white girl
>instantly goes to BLACKED
Worthless cuck.

>> No.53473032

good, keep grooming your daughters to be good BBC slaves mr smith you are a good american

>> No.53473033

politically charged people are in a constant state of war with a fake enemy they've created for themselves. it's literally their hobby. they live in outrage, so they only thing they know is to manufacture more outrage. if the other side gets angry, they feel better

>> No.53473046

He’s right.