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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 108 KB, 900x900, aar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53465078 No.53465078 [Reply] [Original]

Do you know what you could do to pump your bag?
Engage with the dapps to create hype.
The more user activity, the more credibility ICP as a whole will get.
If VCs see that user activity is going up, then so will the interest in ICP and the price of ICP.

Here are a few things you could join.
Encrypted distributed mail/cloud:

Stick with the things you actually enjoy.
I like some groups on oc.app and I love dmail.ai
The games are kind of shitty atm and a lot is in beta-testing. Things should start to drop soon though.
dscvr.one might be pretty shitty, same with distrikt.app but I've gotten airdrops worth like $1200 so it's not entirely worthless to engage with these dapps too, even though they're filled with bots. Seachan.0rg is also based but faggot jannies from 4chin spammed the shit out of it and now it's kind of abandoned.

>> No.53465177

Good thread OP

And you're right. I plan to hold until 2k a pee, and should try contribute my time and as well if i want to see that happen.

>> No.53465183
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I love faefolk idea and really hope they can deliver.

>> No.53465191

doesn't matter cause Microsoft or amazon is going to just buy dfinity

>> No.53465305

whats that ICP website where its like a barebones youtube?

>> No.53465340 [DELETED] 
File: 460 KB, 1440x1023, Screenshot_20230123-123256_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let me make a fresh one for you dear

>> No.53465431
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>> No.53466002

Some dapps are legit good though, so it's not even very much contributing.
Like dmail.ai or oc.app.
Here's some groups:

Sometimes I unironically enjoy stuff like plethora.game too. Faefolk and reality of madness looks slick, so when they're out I think it'll be good, won't feel like an effort to use these games/dapps.

>> No.53466257

Someone is using strong mematic magik here, this damn poo man

>> No.53466318
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>> No.53466836

They seem serious af, from my understanding the game is yuge.
Beta testers are playing it atm.
You can apply to get a beta-spot.
Looks dope af.

>> No.53466962

How the fuck do I find out about apps on this piece of shit. Is there any directory?

>> No.53467055

Guys make a damn general and f off with all these annoying threads. Also stop with the disgusting memes, start making some digestible ones instead so this thing can actually appeal to normies

>> No.53467105
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kinic.io is a search engine or you could use

You made a thread about using internet computer and didn't link to defi?

Buy ICYPEES faggots. It is the internet computer memecoin of choice. The canister has been blackholed. Zero chance of a rug.

>> No.53467194

I think it's called dtube.
Can't remember full domain.
I think the devs abandoned it.

>> No.53467263
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>Also stop with the disgusting memes, start making some digestible ones instead so this thing can actually appeal to normies

Did you forget where you are?

>> No.53467294 [DELETED] 

I just report the faggot poster every time. I fucking hate this retard.

>> No.53467302


Also hotornot if you like it.

>> No.53467515

Hate that fag, not even funny, but this actually made me lol:ed

>> No.53467527



>> No.53467555 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 557x749, 50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just report the faggot poster every time. I fucking hate this retard.

>> No.53467708

>You made a thread about using internet computer and didn't link to defi?
Yeah I was thinking about adding it, but I kind of wanted to focus on the dapps which are more unique to ICP in comparison to other blockchains.
Probably should have added entrepot and yumi too for NFTs.

>> No.53467829

Yeah, that's the one.
I've tried hotornot a bit, looks good.
But isn't the functionality limited unless you use it on your phone or am I mistaken?

>> No.53468018

You're disgusting. Does posting memes like this actually make you laugh? You gotta be bottom of the barrel to get a kick out of this sorta thing or be like 13 years old. And you actually have this stuff saved on your computer too which is even more sick. Furthermore, it's not really a good investment strategy to associate these gross memes with your coin cause normies can't even share this kinda stuff nor would they even want to. Hell a lot of anons probably don't even want to comment in any of these ICP threads cause of you guys

>> No.53468053

Yah man these guys are deranged

>> No.53468115

Yeah ima be honest the vibe has been waaaay of in the ICP generals since this dude showed up. I’d take the I HOLD ICP AN IM GAY AS FUCK Vito posted any day of this dude

>> No.53468335

Hadn't seen this one.
A mirror for yt videos?
Thanks anyways for posting it

>> No.53468787

Who's "this dude"?
The pic of the poo guy?

>> No.53469026
File: 1.14 MB, 1080x1037, ICP 555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Nice digits. You have summoned the Shadilay Pepe. He has come to bless ICP with chaos. And remember kids, "Chaos is a ladder".

>> No.53469713


>> No.53470801

Lol, fucking no one seems to join these things.
ICP will die.
Not even ICP hodlers care about using the dapps.

>> No.53471366 [DELETED] 
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Grow up!

>> No.53471431

haha poopoo

>> No.53471552

From my own experience, ICP needs to streamline the UX closer to what a normie could excpect from web2. Better integration across windows-linux-ios-android is sorely needed. Let me download an app from an official app-store that lets me easily manage devices and other dapps. Like having a ubi-key is an outrageous demand from your standard consumer.

>> No.53471624


>> No.53471652

Dude they had forced and unfunny moonman, keltec, piss drinking, nazis, sopranos, homos and 2k eoy memes so far. Now they're using the forced poopman meme... that's the level of engament of icp holders here

>> No.53471671 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53471684


>> No.53471744

The schizo loser that posts the poop man pics, its literally one or two anons spamming his pictures in all ICP threads

>> No.53472897

Yeah, but connecting to your phone isn't.
But I agree the UX is often shit.
NFID is insanely good UX though and I think most icp dapps have started to integrate it.

>> No.53473045

>no one seems to join these things
It won't matter what people think on the front end. It will eventually be seamless. There is a culture of supporting g developers. That is part of the reason for the price going down at the start, instead of up. The goal is to compete with aws, so the price needs to be competitive.

>> No.53473084

Back in 21 ICP holders made a pact to make the shilling as trash and shitty as possible to scare away newfags from buying icp.

>> No.53473842

I'm just not going to sell, I'll keep selling my body to male foreigners at the local japanese sauna inside the projects

>> No.53474426

When will they make urls that are beginnerfriendly?

>> No.53474454
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Delete this.

>> No.53475102

I was part of the secret pact. I am responsible for most of the FUD threads, but I promise you that I will stop fudding ICP.
But honestly, newfags do not deserve to make it.

And pro-tip, do not buy any NFT or shitcoin shilled by ICPCHADS.
Goku is a scammer

>> No.53475117
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>> No.53475195
File: 1.69 MB, 1920x1919, Sister network.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53475204

Literal ghost chain. Icypees, sns-1, whatever, no volume anywhere to be seen.

>> No.53475229
File: 176 KB, 477x423, ICP LAMBO 2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53475272

lmao this while dfinity employees post pics of fancy lunches and weekends at ski resorts

>> No.53475286
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>> No.53475463
File: 660 KB, 853x1280, ICP MITH 2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its funny to see all the bot responses. There is obviously an active shill campaign against ICP. Why are they so scared of ICP?

>> No.53475682
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>> No.53475698
File: 60 KB, 324x342, ICP vs AWS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53476217

I have one serious question about ICP, this is not trolling as I do hold 100 coins for small investment of 400 doller. First of all we know they have been postponing the fucking BTC Integration for how long now? They lied so much about the date it was going to be finished, and we are now in 2023 for something they said should be done in middle of 2022. This is very concerning to me as the prize should have increased with that BTC Integration, but since it never happens, they never give reliable dates on it I am now concerned

>> No.53476410

iseepee is a scam shitcoin eth fork

>> No.53476493
File: 1.12 MB, 720x720, ICPlink.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eth fork
For those who can't tell,
this is fake ironic fud from lighthearted troll.
Token not needed.

>> No.53476532

> First of all we know they have been postponing the fucking BTC Integration for how long now?

Integration is actually been live for months now, it’s just no devs give a shit to do anything with it

>> No.53476775
File: 840 KB, 1080x1078, ICP Ranking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICP price chart
$3600.00 - Bull run cycle high (Dec 21, 2024)
$2831.00 - SBF Scam Wick
$2000.00 - Expected bear trap in 2024
$0750.00 - FTX manipulated price at launch
$0450.00 - Reddit
/\----------(Baggie Range)----------/\
\/----------(Value Investor Range)----------\/
$0150.00 - Fair market value at launch
$0045.00 - /biz/
$0014.88 - Moonman's followers
$0007.80 - Dominic
/\----------(Value Investor Range)----------/\
\/----------(Scammer Range)----------\/
>$0006.00 - (you) are here
$0005.00 - Moonman
$0004.00 - Private Sale (a16z, polychain, etc)
$0002.00 - TYLER A.I. from pm2012
$0000.03 - VC scammers.

>> No.53477286
File: 411 KB, 1280x720, ICP 610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53477376

Check out icy pee token! The first charting suite on the ic. Soon will Have some very cool integrations. Also Craig Wright called us a scam. We made an nft of it it’s on icpswap. He’s satoshi I’m sure he can afford to buy it and take it down.

>> No.53477400

>eTHErSEC 12,210
what are you telling me, nigger

>> No.53477444
File: 503 KB, 1328x935, TrustThePlan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of your digits, here was the path we once saw. But it's starting to appear as if $3.33 was the bottom, and $3,333 is the top.

>> No.53477469
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>> No.53477496


>> No.53477507

lol that is the feel

>> No.53477512


>> No.53477874

What is the fabled Icpchad tg link

T. Vp of diversity

>> No.53478600
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>> No.53479244
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A revision from the other thread.