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53459816 No.53459816 [Reply] [Original]

Why are zoomers and late millenials so lazy?

>> No.53459830

i don't take life advice from people who still work for a living.

>> No.53459831

>just work 80 hours a week, waste away your youth and save millions for when you turn 70 and can't enjoy life

kys nigger boomer

>> No.53459832

So if you have your own business, ya go hard. Whatever you put in will pay off later. But if you work the 8-5, then no put in 40hrs and get out.

>> No.53459851


soulless take from a soulless being.

>> No.53459880

>noooo, remain in the rat race

this is the way

>> No.53459892

I don't know what everyone is complaining about. I got an easy WFH job when I got fired for not jabbing up and have been making more money laying in bed the past two years than I did commuting to be around miserable people every day.

>> No.53460014

future prospect is to slave and own nothing.

>> No.53460960

I am "working" right now.
>takes 2nd nap of the day, plays games while moving mouse on microsoft teams to not set status to away

i love it kek

>> No.53461308
File: 242 KB, 652x615, apu yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no hope of having a virgin wife who won't divorce me and 3 kids and a house so why the fuck should I rush my career lmao what am I gonna do when I'm retired besides get beaten by negros in the old folks home like cmon man.

>> No.53461322

It's basically this
>I wasted my life, so you should waste yours too!
I don't need a fucking board or a ferrari or a mcmansion. Even boomers didn't need that shit, they just needed to justify all the time they wasted.

>> No.53461500

time is priceless

>> No.53461537

so he plans to work hard as a wagie for 4 fucking decades?

>> No.53461615

>for 4 fucking decades?
Try half a century my guy. And by the time he reaches the retirement age there's no more social security and the millions he saved are worth jack shit.

>> No.53461637

>He doesnt know
I'm already wasting my life just scrolling and playing vidya.
I've worked for 6 months now and I look forward to starting working a lot more overtime to make more money

>> No.53461642

I prefer to accept their meritocracy and work as less as possible

>> No.53462098

Who keeps making these types of threads and why? Exact same twitter screenshot and then a outrage baiting question as the post. What do you get out of making this thread everyday? This is fun to you? It's the same replies over and over.

>> No.53462126

My wife bought me a mechanical mouse mover for my laptop to keep Teams active. Highly recommend it

>> No.53462161

opinion discarded.

>> No.53462287

Why are people so obsessed with their careers?
>sickly and weak frail bodies
>no free time to do any hobbies
>struggle to get laid, most women hate work nerds and prefer carefree chads working at gyms or bars
>barely have any kids
>outdone by people who barely even try
Whats the point of being a slave cuck to some megacorp or career field?

>> No.53462337

Whats the option? You are assuming there is an alternative for us?

>> No.53462341
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Why work when the government pays me to sit on my ass and shit post? Seethe more wagey

>> No.53462343

you plebs really think there's nothing more to life
but it's only because you choose to toil it away in jobs that do not exercise the mind

>> No.53462367


>> No.53462422

>I don't need a fucking board or a ferrari or a mcmansion.
I really wonder if life becomes much easier when you realize how little you actually need to be happy. Surely I can live a comfy life considering I absolutely don't need a nice car or a huge house, don't have any huge purchases I've always thought about making, don't even care to go to expensive restaurants cause I like to cook.
Just want a comfy house and to be able to read and lift

>> No.53462440

If you can be content with very little thats a good thing. Some like the chase and grind though.

>> No.53462561
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only genXers will understand this.
zoomers are hallowed out.
you either do your research... or you become the research.

>> No.53462589

But isn't the world shit right now? Will you really look back and think "oh man I wish i had spent more time enjoying my youth in the 2020s"

>> No.53462633
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Why do these faggots pretend like there's some productivity dichotomy between work and life?

On my own time, I lift, train a martial art, trade, develop relationships to start a family, and learn skills for positions better than what I'm currently in.

Whereas, the only benefit you derive from work is money, and maybe some learning if you're lucky.

No coincidence that these hustle/grind drones are typically bald by 30, fat and weak as shit with spiteful partners and children (if they have any). Cool though dude, enjoy your Ferarri!

>> No.53462751

Sure, but I think it's a bad thing to be chasing and grinding to buy the newest pair of Jordans than doing the grind in order to secure more comfort and security for yourself and your family

>> No.53462792

Thats a nice strawman. Jordans, really? You think thats why workaholics grind?
For me personally I just like to stay competitive. I get that its not for everyone, but i dont think theres a reason to hate on workaholics either, other than out of jealousy.

>> No.53462849

>50 hr weeks, unpaid overtime, ass kissing and sleep deprivation in your 20s is a difficult, frustrating and unhealthy way to guarantee the same mediocre career

>> No.53463040

the world is fine lol. stop spending so much time on here and go breathe the fresh air.

either way, time wont return so you better make the most of if

>> No.53463191

Zoomers take note. This kinda sucks, but is a harsh reality. I can confirm that this is true. Worked my ass off through my 20s and am making nearly $200k at 33. Right now is your chance to prove your worth. Don't fuck it up.

>> No.53463269

You can still find time for hedonic mania, but you will eventually realize that pleasure is not joy, and the real waste of time was your insatiable apatite for pleasure. The actual prize, the thing that will last and you will be proud of, will be made possible out of the hard work you applied in your 20s.

>> No.53463372

you are 33
you're still young and dont have a say for a boomer who retires at 65 with millions and does nothing from ages 20-65 lol

hedonism and consooooming is the only way to live a fulfilling life nowadays unless you become a monk or some shit
the only alternative would be the dream life of having a loving woman and children, but that is no longer feasible it seems in this tikthot, onlyfans meta

>> No.53463380

this is bait, right?

>> No.53463413



>> No.53463437

and that's a good thing (for jews)

>> No.53463476

The kind of women you are talking about are attracted to older, intelligent, successful men. This is kinda my point. Put in the work, and the world will give you deserve.

>> No.53463570

I agree with you there
But I dont like the notion of working your ass off without enjoying at all
"for the future" mentality will leave you with an empty hole eventually.

>> No.53463735

My dad worked his ass off all his life and then dropped dad 4 months after retiring after counting the days to retirement for 2 years. I learned a harsh lesson then

>> No.53463773

All millennials are lazy, don't try to separate.

>> No.53463791

>dropped dad
Can’t even avoid the Freudian dad joke when my father’s life is ending

>> No.53463822

>work for 16 years
>get laid of 1 in day

yeah no I'm not gonna work for some Mr Hiladcuzkbergstein


>> No.53463866

This is such a good post. Why has this mentality completely died out. People have such a shortsighted view of things.
They see they are employed and see it as slavery. They are mid 20s. For fucks sake your still an apprentice and learning shit. You are even PAST your prime of learning, and it only gets worse as you age.
Be a sponge in your mid 20s, absorb as much information as you can from your boss and older colleagues as you can. Stop viewing it as imprisonment and instead the beginning of your career

>> No.53463954
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>have comfy WFH job that doesn't require me to do much
>pay is ok
>just got converted to regular full-time employee which means I'm no longer kiked out of benefits
>going fucking stir-crazy sitting at a desk in my house all day

this is not how man is supposed to live yet here I am, a hostage of my own convenient situation

>> No.53463956

Tkachuk, Tkaczuk, or Tkatchuk (Ukrainian: Tкaчyк) is a common Ukrainian surname in Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora. The name in Ukrainian stands for the name of occupation, weaver. The names that end in -chuk or -czuk are of the western Ukrainian origin.

>> No.53463972

Why dont you go into the office then?
I tried WFH but it just didnt work at all for me. Got very little done and extremly lonely

>> No.53463982
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nah fuck that

you can sit on your ass, kick your feet up, and do nothing
they'll have to bump your pay just because they have to hike pay bands
in a progressive tax scheme chasing high pay as a single filer is not remotely worth the effort
the unimaginable seething underneath the paper thin mask of my boss as he gave me a six figure pay
at the same time you fly under the radar on layoffs when it's simply not worth the cost of recruiting someone green for a shitton

apparently I am at the forefront of a distinct trend, this bible thumper here attributes it to a lack of maturity, which is fine by me:

>> No.53464027

carrot on the stick has been replaced by half a carrot on a longer stick

>> No.53464042

sorry to hear anon

>> No.53464123

I can't work too much. Some people are dogs and need to be worked; some people are cats, and thrive on occasional bursts of activity.

>> No.53464177

because I lose 2 hours of my day on commute plus spend money on gas to hang out in an office with people that I don't like

>> No.53464203

Why not work somewhere closer to where you live then?
Like you do you but longterm i doubt WFH is particularly good. Its more forgiving if you have a family but you still become a bit too isolated

>> No.53464383

found the one human in the thread

>> No.53464404

>But if you work the 8-5, then no put in 40hrs and get out.
I mean, I'm getting paid for it regardless, probably double time too. I'm off work now and I'm just doing nothing. I don't play video games, I don't jerk off anymore, film and TV are absolute shit right now, and I don't have a gf. I might aswel take advantage of the overtime. I'll just invest whatever extra i make. Also, I actually kind of enjoy working.

>> No.53464421

This is the right mindset, kudos bro. There will not be much time later on in life to invest in your career, you will become more aged, more tired, less lively, less ambitious. The OP tweet basically sums it up perfectly, i think thats why people get offended by it

>> No.53464444

I'm a programmer who retired at 31, and never "worked" more than 35 hours a week. Work smart, not hard.

>> No.53464469

Good for you. Most people arent that lucky though

>> No.53464482

Normal people have babies in their 20’s, which is the time when work life balance matters the most

>> No.53464614

Okay, what exactly are you doing with your time that's so important? Whenever my colleagues aren't working, they're either getting fucked up on drugs and alcohol, watching gay cartoons or TV shows or playing gay video games. How is any of this better than fulfilling a role in society unless your job is completely draining or humiliating, in which case you shouldn't be working there? I know I'm going to get replies from a bunch of larpers claiming to skydive or some shit in their free time, but if we're being honest 99% of us do fuck all and instead you could be filling a role in society which is quite noble.

>> No.53464626

Seething because you do not have rare, limited-edition genetics.

>> No.53464686


It doesn't matter how much you have in the bank, you will die when you get too old. If you spend your free time practicing healthy habits, enjoying what you are able to enjoy, maybe that "too old" moves a little farther away from today.

>> No.53464708

I'm not hourly, I'm salaried. I dont make more the more I work

>> No.53464719

>has to put the flu shot on there over and over to inflate his own numbers
You argue like an anti-gun faggot.

>> No.53464750

>filling a role in society which is quite noble.
elite tier wagecope

>> No.53464774

These people have to be NPCs. I work 8-5 and hit the gym and barely have 2-4 hours before I head to bed. And thats without any commuting or including the time for showering/meals.

>> No.53464851
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Zoomies and late millennials are autistic betacucks when it comes to fun. Back in my day, us fellas went clubbing 3 days a week, 1nce on Wednesdays (ladies night), then fridays and saturdays, no smartphones, got away with tons of shit (so easy to be cheating and fucking several thots at a time / can't tell you how much jailbait pussy i got away with slaying). Most of the younger crowd today in their 20s are betas with alpha gfs who have them tied to a leash with all access to their snapchats, IM's, pinged gps and shit while they allow their zoomie gfs to go out with their bottom bitches and get routinely BLACKED lol

>> No.53464866
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Work is boring?

>> No.53464881

I used to party when I was a teenager and could still get teen poon, clubbing is gay when you are the club.

>> No.53464888
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>rare, limited-edition genetics.
Charles Darwin ring a bell? Turns out shitty genes get bred out.

>> No.53464899

>older, intelligent, successful men.
Nah, they like you have a house, money and a car, G.

>> No.53464955

You work hard and smart in your 20s so you can retire from salaried work in your 30s

>> No.53464994
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>playing gay video games.
Yeah, Id rather play video games, way more fun than working.

>> No.53465016

>retired at 31
what was your number

>> No.53465155

ginger hasnt been "bred out" thats not why its rare, retard.
t. not a ginger

>> No.53465276

>Whenever my colleagues aren't working, they're either getting fucked up on drugs and alcohol, watching gay cartoons or TV shows or playing gay video games
All more enjoyable than working.

>> No.53465322


First post, underrated post.

>> No.53465675

because they grew up doing nothing but taking photos or doing tik toks, they don't even know what a memecoins is or that there are things like hamachi finance that farm tokens without doing anything, perfect for lazy bitches with no future

>> No.53465789
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My dad says the same shit, I fucking hate my generation

>> No.53465884

>Don't work
>Be poor

>You're still poor

i dunno

>> No.53466138

This. Living in denial of your own mortality is fucking retarded.

>> No.53466274

Cool, I make the same at that age but you can't outrun the globohomo fucking up the economy and the modern workplace. You're just wasting your life in syncopathy to troons and jews picking up the scraps.

>> No.53466283

lol fuck you nigger

>> No.53466287

Why would you want more than a mediocre "career"? The state takes 50% of all that money anyway

>> No.53466317

Yes young ones, burn yourself out nice and good so we can underpay and overwork you. People in their 30's stop falling for that shit.

>> No.53466321

>beaten by negros in the old folks home like cmon man
bro go to Philippines or Mexico and be a John and overdose

>> No.53466393

I do concept art sketches of my OC donut steel

>> No.53466408

Its JIDF bots. I just shitpost with my posts sag€d

>> No.53466448

I work a hard 40 hours WFH. Not the pretend to work but using my brain and time to plan, build, create, and communicate and it is mentally impossible to do more than that before my brain Nopes the fuck out of there. People who "work" more than 50 hours a week are liars. They count work looking at an email, bullshitting with a coworker for 2 hours and taking a 2-hour lunch.

Work-life balance and flexibility mean I'm not running on fumes trying to solve problems that require an alert and fresh mind. Relaxing, drinking, vidya, hanging out with family and getting enough sleep means I get 3 times as much done as whatever social media asshole claims they are "working" 50-80 hour weeks.

>> No.53466622

Find a job you like then?

>> No.53466636
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>they just needed to justify all the time they wasted.
Fuck that's harsh, but true.

>> No.53466692

nah, they're right. late millennials (born in the early to mid 90s) are basically zoomers without the broccoli hair

>> No.53466693
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Spending time with family? I'm a older millennial and the meme back in the 90's about the dad that spends all his time at work to get a promotion is not a joke. I watched men work there asses off 80 hours a week only to witness their harpy wives blow it all every weekend. Some of them even got divorce raped. The wife's justification? He worked too much and was never around. So get fucked.

>> No.53466697

I just quit a job paying $70k (pre tax and everything else) because every day was mental torture and it didn't even afford me any improvement in my living conditions.

>> No.53466701

>80 hours a week
What is your justification for not working 40 hours a week then?

>> No.53466707

Why should we have to work majority of our lives making other people rich to survive? You talk about lazy but no one is more lazy than the fucking CEO who rakes in massive returns off profits generated by his work force and speculation on the market.

>> No.53466717

40 hours with tow days off a week is reasonable. But that's not what the guy in OP is taking about.

>> No.53466732

Sure he is. Plenty of zoomers think all work is unnecessary

>> No.53466741


>> No.53466764

i can play shiteogames and attend parties while i wagecuck as well
the real pleasure is having no schedule, waking up whenever you want and having all the time in the world to dedicate to working out, learning something cool and useless and maybe getting to compete in something
granted, most neets just piss their time away playing vidya all day and then feeling as miserable as if they were wageslaving anyway, life is wasted on such people

>> No.53466765
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This is retard Most people believe general work is fine. Some work is going to need to get done (not counting /r/workabolition) or whatever the fuck the gay subreddit is called. But, most people understand that some level of labor is going to need to get done. Like myself. I just don't understand why we need to do double the work to compensate for the faggots at the top doing nothing but managerial labor and living off my labor.

Fuck that. If we took ceo's out of the equation and ran companies like co-operatives based on a global syndicate of interconnected unions we wouldn't need to CEO or the Managerial classes.
This is just intellectually lazy and dishonest.

>> No.53466775

What if I just had this realization in my 30s. Can I still make a comfortable living in my 40s?

>> No.53466787

you are a moron

>> No.53466793

40 hours a week isnt realistically enough in this country

>> No.53466804

>But if you work the 8-5, then no put in 40hrs and get out.
I work 40 hours to get paid, sperg.

>> No.53466819
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>If we took ceo's out of the equation and ran companies like co-operatives based on a global syndicate of interconnected unions we wouldn't need to CEO or the Managerial classes.

>> No.53466823

>Find a job you like then?
Yeah thats not how the real world works.

>> No.53466834

Not sure. People will expect you to be moving mountains by now. I guess start working on your legacy. Its really up to you.

>> No.53466841

if you're not a complete retard, you should be able to get a 6-fig job where you only do about 20hrs of actual work max at your 40-hr/week job. this is true for most white collar work where everyone is collectively in on the scam

>> No.53466902

It worked out fine for me. Why not get a comfy job? I enjoy maintenance for example.

>> No.53466904

you're gonna be the first to be let go when they need to trim the fat. being WFH all the time prevents you from building strong relationships with people who would advocate for keeping you. I try to be on-site 2 days each week just to shoot the shit with people and maintain relationships. allowing WFH is unironically a great way to figure out who the laziest employees are

>> No.53466913

see >>53466904

>> No.53466938

Young people should listen to Sergey https://youtu.be/AehoGSFwklM

>> No.53466968

>if you arent a complete retard you can just become a director on a board
ok retard

>> No.53466980

>Has nothing to say.
>I am very intelligent.

>> No.53466989

>Everyone can be a technical coordinator LOL

>> No.53466999
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>is a communist

>> No.53467007

Yeah true, I did 60 hour weeks in construction and it was not “fuck around looking at emails”. It was back breaking slave work, with a baby boomer dickhead boss “keeping an eye on the millennials”. Fuck construction, fuck boomers, fuck the slave class.

>> No.53467015
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>30 year old physio brother who spent years studying to be a physio and working hard revealed to me yesterday that he's depressed and regrets taking this career path, but retraining into another field means a massive pay cut and putting his life on hold for 5 years

>> No.53467051
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>if we took ceo's out of the equation and ran companies like co-operatives based on a global syndicate of interconnected unions we wouldn't need to CEO or the Managerial classes.
>This is just intellectually lazy and dishonest.
Snap back to reality, ope there goes gravity
Ope, there goes reddit, he choked
He's so mad, but he won't give up that easy? No
He won't have it, he knows his whole back's to these ropes
It don't matter, he's dope, he knows that, but he's broke..

>> No.53467067

>anon, why aren't you doing overtime? all the other anons are doing overtime. are you sure you're committed to this company?
plus there's the fact that life keeps getting more and more expensive and wages won't catch up

>> No.53467074

I've been in biotech / pharma for 9 years. even the most entry level positions don't actually work a 40hr week

>> No.53467118
File: 134 KB, 997x1024, 5E4B108D-B52F-4F25-AD76-F53AA22C9E9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao this has to be bait or some sun human wagie cope. I work as little as possible 3-4 days a week. Somedays I work like a slave, if I need money I knuckle down and wage cope. But other than that, screw this notion of “career”. What for? To pay for your ungrateful brats and your 30 bodies deep toxic western coom dump? If anything use that money to line these hoes up! Buy your dream car? Get a sweet bachelor pad to continue fucking. Before any trad moralists come in you can get fucked before even commenting. Women today want to suck and gargle on balls. All of them, every fucking one hahaha. So save it you cucks! What’s the point of working? I work to pay for pleasure and future experiences. There’s no grand end of the road to “career” inflation is eating up your little faggot retirement. You could die on your way to wageslave tomorrow in a car accident. I hate you wage copers!

>> No.53467127

You're expected to be there for 40 hours. Unless you're saying you can pop in, do your work and leave when you feel. Which sounds like a sweet gig but 100% not the norm.

>> No.53467142

He said
>99% of us
Textbook projection. Losers think everyone else is a loser like them. It's how they justify to themself they are a loser. Similar to thenol "everyone's doing it" peer pressure type thing.

>> No.53467148

I work 36 hours a week and do 9 hours shifts 4 days a week. Pretty good for me

>> No.53467171
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Imagine getting wriled up because people want to have some free time, dude GTFOOH

>> No.53467201

1. the problem is that your argument is sandbagged by people both on your side in earnest being retarded and overstating the dangers, and probably by AI-assisted psychological operations conducted by any country with a vested interest in disrupting the west's political theater
2. nobody can or will do anything about any of this until it makes life unlivable for military commanders or disrupts enough human cattle to make large scale businesses unprofitable, so you may as well just let it go
our species (poorfags, and yes that means you millionairefag) lost this fight like a century ago. richfags have jets and heart attack guns. its over.

>> No.53467331
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Grinding hard in your 20s only makes sense if you can have a family otherwise you are just wasting your time grinding when you can read, lift, video game, and cook on a section8 food stamp salary. The only ones that can get women worth having are tall and handsome whether they are rich or a bum. Since I am neither tall nor handsome, I am not going to wageslave away for used obese roast, and will continue to live in my income controlled apartment stacking crypto until I can buy donor eggs.

>> No.53467556

such a shame that flower is almost extinct

>> No.53467596

It really depends on how you do it. If you work 70-80 hours a week on a mid-management positions in a huge company you are probably a retard because you actually think you make a difference when those jobs are borderline worthless. If you have your own business and want to maximize your impact in your community I'd say that is a completely different situation and can even be admirable.

>> No.53468367

Nice flowers, I think I'll save it.

>> No.53468377

>waste your life slaving away and still be unable to afford a wife, house, and kids.

>> No.53468862


>> No.53469012

>why aren't you doing overtime?
"Because I am going home. See ya."
Is that so hard? Are you so autistic you can't have a simple conversation?
>B-but they will fire you cause...just CAUSE!"
No they won't unless you work in a shithole which means you should leave anyway. I work 40 hours a week. Period. I work overtime when I want to work overtime.

>> No.53469049

>tikthot, onlyfans meta
(((devs))) need to release a new patch

>> No.53469057


>> No.53469066

listen, uh... i just hate america, and I don't want to wage for GNC

>> No.53469068

I like to think this is a commentary on how absolutely shitty the economy is and how human civilization has been hijacked by a select few for their own enrichment at the expense of what should be the true goal of human civilization, ensuring each generation can more easily attain a good life.

>> No.53469088

Every single wealthy young person I know who isn't just middle class with rich parents, but actually seems to have made it, did at most 3-4 years of conventional work on the way there. Most started a company young and did a lot of travelling, selling, and hiring but that's pretty different from "work" if you have a safety net. The rest invested in something successful and then started a business that's probably just a shell corporation to make it look like they do something during the day, seeing how as all their photos are of vacations.
The "work hard, play hard" thing seems to be a myth perpetuated by wealthy kids who actually had to spend a few hours a week in the library as adults at their paid-for T1 universities.

>> No.53469092
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>filling a role in society which is quite noble

There is literally zero reason to perpetuate the current "society" we have.

>> No.53469108

I'm 29 and I've never had any real job.

>> No.53469125

oh and btw Jonny Kim's net worth is $3 million
don't forget to work really hard guys :)))

>> No.53469140

A lot of truth to this. My grandfather was rich as hell and had always wanted to travel the world and do fun things but he was old and frail by the time he was able. Meanwhile I take leave each year to go traveling and having fun.

>> No.53469507

>only 24
>feel aged
>always tired
>never lively
>not ambitious
it's over for me bros

>> No.53469681

>I am such a subhuman I cant imagine finding meaning outside work
>my only friends are also bugmen who waste their limited time in slightly different way than me
Very telling post

>> No.53469714
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Idk. I could have made 57 an hr had I stayed at a union. Even now I have another chance, but don't want to take it because I'm allergic to work.

I blame schools. Why? Think about it. School has nothing to do with working. In other words my brain was conditioned to get used to studying dumb shit, not actual labor. If this country wants a stronger work force, have the nigger politicians ratify schools to emphasize skillsets. Have people start working in their preteens to early teens.
If I were conditioned to work from a young age, this never would have became an issue for me which in turn probably means the same for others in my shoes. School and a job are basically 180 degrees apart. Two very different worlds. For people who aren't adaptive, bate change, and want a routine, the current system is SHIF

There. I just fixed a big portion of shitmerica's problems. Create habits at a young age or people will waste away. Simple as.

>> No.53469739

this as well. The most a job is good for is to obtain capital for investments. Nothing more. Nothing less. Employers should stop trying to get people to live a job and understand that no one actually works to be the best bitch. They do it for a paycheck. Employers need to create better incentives such as more flexible hours, more pay, and less hours worked. Basically they need to fuck off with the obsession with efficiency i.e. who gives a fuck if your overall roi is not maximized as long as it's decent. Boomers are mentally ill to the point where they want to squeeze every ounce of profit possible and as a result treat people with no respect aka cattle.
That's another thing they need to fix. The egotism. They are egotistic and so is management. Who the fuck wants to work under a bully? Who the fuck enjoys a cutthroat environment where no job is truly stable? Fuck that noise

>> No.53469751

Even if the world is shit, not like youll get a second chance at youth 30 years from now.

>> No.53469753

I run a company of 13 employees and picking who is going to be the next manager is tough, we will probably have to hire outside as most do t ever show the work ethic, clock in and out, never want overtime even when the company is desperate unless they need the money. If one was just to show a little bit of interest in management, improving themselves, taking on some responsibility for their work they would stand out like a sore thumb

>> No.53469758

>give kid 10 shots over 12 years
>buh buh it only counts as one!!

>> No.53469829
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>> No.53469840

>just run my business like you own it

Pay a good salary with performance bonuses. It's really that simple. Why else would anyone waste their time for you? Overtime is not a bonus.

>but your government mandated double time pay!!!

Offering hourly wages and overtime for management then expecting them to care about your problems is both insulting and degrading.

t. owner

>> No.53469848

OK this is true to an extent. I have lived a very full life and succeeded despite my terrible career related decisions (good looking, charming and white). But there's definitely something to be said for planning ahead and playing the game. I took it too far in the other direction and if it hadn't been for link I'd be destitute

>> No.53469849

>>buh buh it only counts as one!!

not the same anon, but, flu shots are optional and the vast majority of people do not take them every year. Retard.

>> No.53469851


>> No.53470144

Maybe they dont want management. I know I dont, doesnt interest me.

>> No.53470156

But I said i cant WFH, i am always in the office even if i could WFH. We are a couple people like that at my section

>> No.53470168

I am not mid management but I work for a big company. I have a high work ethic and I plan to start a business in the future, and for that to be successful I need to start certain habits. It will for sure not be easier then than it is now as an employed consultant

>> No.53470184

Thanks for this post, I rarely consider the POV of managers, but this makes a lot of sense. Its a good idea to read the room and see what type of coworkers you have, and make sure you match and exceed them if you have any plans for promotions. It seems obvious but not something you think about in the day to day muddle of working

>> No.53470201


The last time I did that I was the first one to get fired, don't listen to this stupid ass.

Also, they did hire from outside, which means they rather hire someone who they don't know anything about.

Also, he left after a few months.

Be smarty selfish zoomers, do the bare minimum.

>> No.53470202

i always slack when i have the chance, so i get paid 40hrs a week but i do like 15hrs of work ? Anyway, it's not my business, why grind.

>> No.53470258

And for me it always work based. Am I getting all.my work done thats needed? Great, I'll work what I need to get it done and no more. Grinding is worth if you have a stake in it even if they give you some shares but 9/10 its not.

>> No.53470273

The issue is, once the opportunity presents itself to grind when its to your benefit, will you be able to do it if you've always been a slacker and done the least possible you can get away with it? This is my issue with this mentality

>> No.53470294

>Bought Bitcoin
>Retired at 31
>Considered "lazy" lol
Fuck boomers and gen xers. I have zero debt unlike most of them. I can't wait to watch social security fail.

>> No.53470346

Um, yes because I have a reason to. Im a very hard worker. If I want something, I'm going to get it. I give what is needed and you will not get me best just because you want it and paying me some decent salary. But if theres a benefit to me, I will go get it. The only reason I'm alittle lazy now is more depression and lack of drive from that. Its kinda sad, I have projects to start and get done on side projects but the darkness looms over. I think its getting better though.

>> No.53470377

You sound confident. If you think you can turn around habits that quickly then keep doing you. I have a suspicion most people who say this dont though.

Just an example. My boss is Chinese. He works 80h per week. He is the only one holding up our section. He brings in the jobs, he does jobs himself, he teaches and coaches, organizes things, basically everything. If he leaves our section collapses.
However, he could. basically whenever he wants to, leave the company and start his own in an instant, even bring over a bunch of us with him. I'm pretty sure he's gonna do it sometime in the future.
Whereas another experienced guy in our section clocks in 40h, he has much weaker connections with clients, and has a much weaker chance at starting his own company. Even if he wanted to start a company, I'm not sure he'd be able to cope with all the additional workload. Maybe he could, but I doubt it.
And if he tried to bring me over I'd say no, because I know it would have a high risk of failure, unlike if my boss tried the same move.

These are just my own observations though. It could be different for others

>> No.53470585

That's exactly the problem. People aren't allocated into the right jobs for their character so they become catatonic wasting infront of netflix, or youtube documetaries, or lectures, or their bosses meetings.
>fulfilling a role in society
They do fulfill a role, it's just pathetic, hence
>draining or humiliating
7 billion humans, do you think 80% of them exist for any reason other than to facilitate the flow of capital for the 1%? They are just composters.

>> No.53470609

Checked and based

>> No.53470615

You never get your 20s back. You can always make money later. I'm glad I spent my 20s in Asia, Europe, and Central Asia traveling and fucking as many women as possible.

>> No.53470622

Truth. Replies are cope. They don’t even larp as interesting people, they just seethe.

>> No.53470649

I have worked hard as fuck, except its 2008+15 and it turns out hard work doesn't actually pay

>> No.53470733

kill yourself, you retarded low life nigger. waste of air.

>> No.53470746

kill yourself wagecuck

>> No.53470932

>dream of early retirement
>realize its impossible with current inflation
>ask for a 32h work week + 10% increased pay
I rather enjoy life now and than being able to retire a few years earlier if I even live up to this age. cant imagine working 40hours ever again, shit drains your soul.

>> No.53470945

Do you have to be a communist to critique capitalism? Doesn't that just make you a cult worshiper.

>> No.53470958

Bro union jobs are the only place TO work. Take it you retard. Go back. At least there you can't get pushed around by your mas....employers. I regret leaving my union job a lot and my current job pays 3x what my last job did. Having wiengartian rights is nice though.

>> No.53470963

>Why does no one want to be some over worked underpaid middle managment cuck?!?!?!??!

>> No.53471024

jokes on you boomer, I bet all my savings on the biggest wealth transfer event in 21th century and already a millionaire. No need to waste 10 hours every day at work for some meaningless money pursuit. Thanks for playing though, have fun when social security goes bankrupt and you're beaten by a nigger when you shit in your diapers in the retirement home.

>> No.53471093

>The world is fine
Take meds NOW

>> No.53471179

>instead you could be filling a role in society which is quite noble.
Hey nigger I make sure you have clean water coming out of your taps and I make less than 70k. There are HR roasties cruising Instagram that make twice as much as me. Fuck you and your nobility. There's nothing noble about being broke.

>> No.53471208

>zoom inside his Profile picture
>yep, It's some 3 PSL redhead khhv abomination

Muuh career
A true good-looking specimen will NEVER have to work as hard ans "grind" with his career
80 hours a week are cope due to being ugly without social circle and female attention
It is how it is

>> No.53471221

Well I must be really fucking up then because I
>work 45 hrs on average
>am good looking/tall enough/fit enough
>get female attention
>still make trash wages
What gives?

>> No.53471234

Lad 45 hours are not that much, you still have time for yourself if disciplined and you can take care of your looks and health
Maintaining good looks and social circles is also easier

But as an ugly guy with no hobbies work becomes easily the only passion in your life and this is a sad cope

>> No.53471762

When you work 40 hrs/week they still tell you "you don't want to work." While at the same time everyone else is finding new and infinitive methods to drop out of the workforce because worthless people forced us into a welfare state.

>> No.53471803

I hate that movie, should be titled slurpy kisses

>> No.53471920

>99% of us do fuck all
Sounds like a you problem. Get hobbies, nerd. Also, 99% of jobs offer no value to society, likely including yours.

>> No.53471955

Jesus lived a perfect life and owned basically nothing.

>> No.53471963

I work for a small company and was one of those who worked my ass off and doing all you said. The mindset you are espousing only works if you 1) Actually give people raises / benefits commensurate to the increase in workload and responsibly, and 2) Start passing some authority to those people you demand so much from.

You want others to run your business for you while you reap all the benefits and hold all the authority, People can't step up unless you step back. Meanwhile, your employees can't even take the PTO and vacation they are supposed to have.

Every good worker that has come in eventually left because of horrible treatment by management and lack of raises. "Ok, I'll give you a 2% raise but you need to show you're worth it and work 25% more hours." That's not a raise, it's a transparent trick to get people to reduce their rate of pay.

Meanwhile management take far more time off than the employees, buys frivolous bullshit and sports cars, while the employees can now scarcely afford living expenses.

You have this noble fantasy in your head that you are "Trying to build someone's career and help them succeed. They just don't want to work!" The truth is you're trying to get them to take on all responsibility and do all work for the company while you still control the finances and skim off the top living off the work of others.

If "no one else wants to work" and everyone who comes into the company gives up and does the bare minimum, what's the common factor? You are the problem, not everyone else.

>> No.53472092

I looked up the guy in OPs pic on linkedin a Yale graduate with a PoliSci meme degree who got to work in IB just because he studied at Yale.

Why do people think that spending more hours working will result in better compensation or future? It makes sense if there is *actual* work that needs to be done in a short period of time but then you might as well translate that into poor planning.

Working a lot of hours just for face value is ridiculous.

>> No.53472160

This, this isn't the military or some charity where there is some semblance of a greater good you are sacrificing for. We are talking about for profit ventures where the owners and management are looking out for their own interest above all else. So its only fair emplyes look out for their own best interest as well.

>> No.53472192

Yeah a lot of the self-made bs is just a front kek. The ones repeating "I worked hard for this guys it totally wasn't luck or being a trust fund kiddie, guys" the most, are usually the biggest lying faggots. It's the same shit as billionaires and their 4hrs of sleep and 16hr work days "motivationals".

>> No.53472258

yes good goy keep consuming

>> No.53472331

Greetings Anon, hire me.

No, really, I'm interested. I've toured only a handful of companies but every one of them had Disney-villain levels of incompetence. It's not even browns getting promoted for feelgoodpoints, it's just women promoting other women and then asking the men - sometimes entry level hirees - how to do basic shit like organize an excel. I've been looking for a meritocracy for the last couple of years and I'm beginning to think only small - and medium sized companies at best - offer such environments

>> No.53472355

For reference the guy In OP worked one year as a banker. One single year of Jewish rent seeking. And now he's here to tell you to wagecuck harder.

Death to Twitter threads

>> No.53472375

One of my coworkers is currently getting divorce raped. I feel for him but it's pretty entertaining.

>> No.53472614

I know someone as well. He had a heart attack a few weeks ago.

>> No.53472640

Tell your colleague to convert to Islam, dispute any and every decision the court made that's even remotely in her favour, and ask support from his mosque
If they ask why did he just happen to convert when shariah law is useful, he can say that he forgave his wife 100 times yet she only understood how to profit

>> No.53472670

As a manager of several hundred people and multiple departments I’ve found the best way to see employees is to toss out the MBA bullshit about salary control.

Employees are equipment just like a forklift, lab equipment or printer. You invest in those to make money just like you should your employees. If you invest correctly in the right ones for the project your revenue will grow outside of projections because of the increased capabilities and you don’t toss out a forklift with a leaking hydraulic. It’s cheaper to figure out what is wrong and fix it.

The biggest thing is convincing the bean counters to let you have flexibility with payroll to prove they are missing growth opportunities by chasing efficiency.

>> No.53472700

>>why aren't you doing overtime?
>"Because I am going home. See ya."
I want to work more hours, fuck off.

>> No.53472714

>oh and btw Jonny Kim's net worth is $3 million
Good for him.

>> No.53472729

How about pay me 50 bucks an hour and let me work 50 hours a week, if I so choose?
You know you get paid per hours? Right?

>> No.53472736

>Work and career
Kek good one if at least we would still in th 50's where hard work was rewarded ok.
But now it's only "this my son he's going to be the next CEO"

>> No.53472738


>> No.53472751

I don't have rich parents who pay my bills and my land lord always wants more money.
I don't have a choice, it's work longer hours or be homeless.

>> No.53472805

>Working a lot of hours just for face value is ridiculous.
I get paid by the hour and over time is time and a half.
Are you 16?

>> No.53472875

There's still plenty of women who want a meaningful relationship. Get off the internet and actually meet some women. Quit consooming and expecting fulfillment.

>> No.53472949
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The old MBA bullshit is from a time when there was a abundance of over qualified hires. "Why waist time training and improving a employee when there is someone how will take the job" was the sentiment. A lot of jobs before that in the boomer days spent a lot of time and money training people in house. But with the boomers retiring, gen x getting ready for retirement, millennials and zoomers being a small generation, and the undermining of the education system its no wonder employers are struggling to fine enough qualified hires.

Big reason they are trying to push the retirement age higher. Some politicians flat out said they need to get retirees back to work.

>> No.53472952

>Get a 2-3 dollar raise with triple the workload and responsibilities
No one in their right fucking mind will agree to that. Don’t fret, eventually you’ll find some sucker that will lick ass for a managerial title.

>> No.53473183

>never want overtime
overtime shouldn't be a reward, nor should it be used to incentivize more work outside of non-except work periods. if you consistently need overtime to accomplish the work of your business, you either:
1. have regular time productivity issues
2. are over-promising your clients while being out-of-touch with the current workings of your business
3. YOU aren't pulling your own weight as an owner who has the most skin in the game
1 is easy: do you have KPIs or any metric for productivity in place, are you regularly adjusting them to match the needs of your current business outlook, and is your team meeting them? are you giving frequent one-on-one reviews (yearly or biyearly AT LEAST) to determine who thinks they're hotshit and who needs nudging while also learning the social dynamics of your workforce to best utilize them? do you have knowledge of any processes that may have changed under your nose since you last did them while scraping to get your business off the ground that may be affecting your productivity? if you answered "no" to any of these, its either 2 or 3. both 2 and 3 are on you, and while 2 shows a lack of care about the internal workings of your business, 3 shows a complacency.

>> No.53473197

if it's NOT 2 or 3, it's time for hard talks, firings, and layoffs, because clearly someone's lying about the work they're doing
managers can run your metrics and manage social dynamics of your workforce for you, but that's it. grunts still lay pipe. if you expect a grunt to manage, you're fucking stupid - it's a social job, not a technical one, and the last thing you need is a pigheaded trunk-slamming jackass micromanaging your on-site hands and slowing down work to inflate his own ego. you should also have as few managers as possible, because they exist to insulate you, but also cost more than they should be worth.

i eat idiots like you for lunch
being an owner makes you "the first manager" and if you're not helping to dig trenches, you better be doing everything in your power to make the labor as quick and easy as possible so your gears keep spinning
also, last thing: if your best workers aren't getting laid, you're not paying them enough
captain your ship if you want record rev, you spineless faggot
>t. an owner that makes more than you

>> No.53473290

>If we took ceo's out of the equation and ran companies like co-operatives based on a global syndicate of interconnected unions we wouldn't need to CEO or the Managerial classes.
Human hierarchy will always exist. Equality is a spook to make the lower classes feel better. You are a retard.

>> No.53473347
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>> No.53473360

I worked for a boss once that banned overtime unless authorized by him. He told me it showed him you were unable to get the job done as a manager and were either unable to train your employees, control turnover or manage their time and he would fire you for using it.

>> No.53473711

sounds like he knew what the fuck he was doing

>> No.53474286

not working to fill up share/stakes-holders pockets

you only work like 2 days for your company, all the other 3 days and maybe even weekend if you're cucked enough goes straight to the suits and kippa pockets

Spain has started 4 workday weeks
France was going to bring it down to 4 too before Macron and kike co fucked them over

there's no logical reason to work more than 35h a week

>> No.53475183

retard alert

>> No.53475972

Be a slave. Your output of productivity is all that matters to me, you stupid pack animal

>> No.53476283

because everyone is coming out the closest, transitioning sex and at peak victim mentality. If you try to talk some sense in them they will try to claim harrassment or call you a racist

>> No.53477719

try caffine for not having to move mouse