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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53464907 No.53464907 [Reply] [Original]

FEBRUARY 2023 the federal reserve along with SWIFT and CHAINLINK will begin to build the new digital dollar framework.

>> No.53464945

The New York Fed works within the Federal Reserve System to foster economic and financial stability and vitality throughout the Second District and the United States. We are one of 12 regional Reserve Banks that, along with the Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., make up our nation's central bank.

>> No.53464968

If successful, the release said, the concept could potentially be extended to provide for multi-currency operations, as well as regulated stablecoins.

TD Bank’s Prendergast said he sees the experiment as testing three implications in order to understand them across several levels. On its face, the experiment is a tactical test to see how the ledger works best to accommodate wholesale digital value transfers.

>> No.53464983

You are a MANIAC!

>> No.53464991
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The next step

>> No.53464993

is this cap or is this on god?

>> No.53465013

Buy for all that is holy lol we got more time than we deserved

>> No.53465024

Im going to be so rich its unreal.

>> No.53465034

Keep hold of that thought!

>> No.53465037

This isn't 2018, fuck off with this breadcrumbs bullshit. Chainlink is no longer a hidden project, it's well known. If this had ANYTHING to do with Chainlink, they won't hesitate to mention it. So, kindly piss off.

>> No.53465049
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Phase 2

>> No.53465053

could you highlight the area i'm sposed to read. currently it's too many words.

>> No.53465054
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>financial backbone

>> No.53465062

It was mentioned. At Smartcon. 2 years running. By Swift's strategy director. happy fudding!

>> No.53465077

another proof of concept bullshit.
Sure some people are going to try to pump some shit

>> No.53465083

Swift is involved
Chainlink is working with swift

>> No.53465096
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reminds me of picrel

>> No.53465105

Unironically not bullish. It would be a disadvantage for the underlying mechanism price to moon would it not?

>> No.53465107


>> No.53465114

If it’s not highlighted then it’s not important

>> No.53465134

This has literally nothing to do with Chainlink let alone the LINK token. I can't tell if you're a fudder or just a sincerely retarded schizo.

>> No.53465165
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>pic rel

>> No.53465166

Not sure maybe yes but link team still holds plenty to dump, The simulated ledger network enabled atomic settlement, meaning both sides of the simulated transactions were settled either simultaneously or not at all, and reducing the risks currently borne by counterparties.

I’m sure there’s issue with high gas fees but I’m not smart enough to tell you

>> No.53465192

It involves SWIFT

>> No.53465193
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>> No.53465195


>> No.53465200

Swift confirmed they are partnering with Chainlink to use CCIP as a bridge between the traditional banking industry and various blockchains. They have never stated Chainlink will be used for the digital dollar. This is baseless hopium. If you have any press releases that explicitly mention Chainlink by name, you’re welcome to share them

>> No.53465217

lmao yeah everything swift does involves link topkek

>> No.53465220
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>This has nothing do with Chainlink


>> No.53465236

Phase I of Project Cedar revealed key questions and highlighted areas for further research, specifically around ledger platform design, interoperability, and security.

>> No.53465261

Everyone you read Swift and blockchain interoperability you should think Chain link and CCIP

>> No.53465269

Digi dollar with be digi dollar, banks with still be banks and swift with still transfer/receive digi funds using LINK at the gateway

>> No.53465327

>They have never stated Chainlink will be used for the digital dollar
The BIS looked at 3 models for CBDCs and only model 3 affords a solution to mCBDC's (multi CBDCs) which is what is coming. I'll give you one guess who built the solution. Hint: it wasn't BAND

>> No.53465350

And it wasn't Capgemini, either

>> No.53465376
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Interoperability between DLT and non-DLT payment systems: MAS is participating in SWIFT’s CBDC Sandbox, together with more than 17 central banks and global commercial MAS Launches Expanded Initiative to Advance Cross-Border Connectivity in Wholesale CBDCs

banks, to explore cross-border interoperability across digital currencies based on DLT and non-DLT payment systems.

>> No.53465401
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Ubin+ cedar project

>> No.53465469

Really, I'm so happy for you all. We're all going to make it!

>> No.53465633

hello rippletard. go back to your containment thread. we dont care

>> No.53465725
File: 121 KB, 734x737, D67D9A31-4B82-4F22-9F9F-B374988CD1EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another experiment demonstrated that the SWIFT infrastructure combines asset tokenization platforms and different types of cash payments. With Citi, Clearstream, Northern Trust, and SETL, SWIFT explored 70 scenarios that replicate the market mechanisms for issuing and transferring tokenized bonds, equities, and cash in the secondary market.
Successful experiments have shown that different distributed ledger networks can be combined. SWIFT’s experiments address the issue of interoperability between different CBDCs and tokenized assets. Moreover, they can be used in the existing financial infrastructure, opening up opportunities for their gradual integration into the international financial ecosystem. The development of SWIFT capabilities in this context will facilitate investment and trade interaction using CBDCs and tokens between more than 200 jurisdictions.
SWIFT’s experiments with CBDCs moved into an active phase at the end of this May. More recently, it became known that SWIFT and Chainlink are working on the possibility of combining traditional and cryptocurrency assets.

>> No.53465743

Dude so are…YOU

>> No.53465765

>The New York Fed works within the Federal Reserve System to foster economic and financial stability and vitality throughout the Second District and the United States. We are one of 12 regional Reserve Banks that
>The New York Fed
are you a federal reserve anon? How much time to acooooomulate?

>> No.53465778

project cedar has absolutely nothing to do with LINK

>> No.53465786


>> No.53465820

it was a POC you retard, the second one. nothing came of the first one. Link is only good for getting retards with dunning kruger to fund projects for global elite

>> No.53465858

Nice work. Dropping 'dunning kruger' in there was inspired. Don't think i've seen that used before. You have real creative flair and will likely go far in fud. Sterling work.

>> No.53465886

Tell us you have autism without telling us you have autism.

>> No.53465902

incredibly real and hetero

>> No.53466136

It's chainlink isn't it?

>> No.53466294
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>> No.53466449

>the US government will use a erc token
k lmao

>> No.53466471

they can and they do and they will

>> No.53466532


>> No.53466665

t. blog post analyst

>> No.53466716
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Project Ubin = XRP since 2018
Counter party risk = XRP
Federal Reserve = Ripple Board of directors
FedNow = Volante = VolPay
VolPay = XRP
You retards are fucking delusional. We’ve been talking about this shit for 3 years and now (as always) le “”breadcrumbs”” have lead you to believe this is about chainshit lmao. Pathetic.

>> No.53466744

what makes volante any different from the other 96 providers in the fednow showcase


>> No.53466773
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it is IMPOSSIBLE that chainlink could be involved with this and you are INSANE if you believe otherwise!!

>> No.53466808
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>My real life friends are drifting away. I give up hangouts to sit in a discord and fud link on biz and twatter
>My eyes look dead and without color
>Memory and concentration are terrible concerning everything except how much I hate link, a token I don't hold. It's almost as if I have dropped 30 IQ points
>I have no girlfriend
>I have an enormous amount of anxiety with stake chad interactions in general
>My will to live is nonexistent, even now
>Literally NO energy. I fud for 10-12 hours a day and I still keep having nightmares about the linkies I lost on bancor. I always need to masturbate when I'm not spamming biz with link fud threads, no exaggeration
>Whenever I see a staking reward thread I become terribly depressed and suicidal
>I don't feel "masculine," on the inside
>I feel the need to fud link but it's not because I care about it or hold it
>I could make money instead of fudding but the only thing I'm qualified for is vigorous dishwashing
>I am stressed, anxious, confused, and have no goals in life other than making fud threads all day every day
>I can't defend or stand up for my posts
>I am basically "existing" but not living

>> No.53466824

Simply Google FedNow Volante. They chose volante officially.
Ripple board of directors literally works at FedNow. You retards really have no idea.

>> No.53466826

i mean at least it will work
(because it will all need to run on chainlink anyway)

>> No.53466829

Ctrl f 0
Wow this has nothing to do with stink
Token not needed
CCIP never coming out

>> No.53466884

degenerate p0rn fiends read this

>> No.53466889
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>> No.53466946

the xrpaypig is just upset because apparently he tried to argue with a bunch of people in a hbar thread and it looks like he got shat on by them too


>> No.53466972
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The Federal Reserve will now do all market operations through the selling of Chainlink tokens on the open market

>> No.53467281
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What the fuck are you talking about? volante’s VolPay is the backbone of FedNow. You can read about it on the FedNow page yourselves you retarded nigger. Seethe, cope then dial 8.

>> No.53467455

>seethe seethe seethe cope cope cope
he says while seething and coping
go back to your containment thread, you screeching halfwit

>> No.53467511

This thread is about chaincringe taking XRP’s place when we’ve been talking about this for 3 years.
HBAR is not even an INATBA founding member, you cannot own me, I have you in my filters you have never owned me. You are seething and I am laughing while you refuse to look into FedNow and Volante.
Keep seething faggot.

>> No.53467538

>please read my paragraph of cope
didnt read dont care
back to your containment thread lol

>> No.53467572

>paragraph of cope
>volante website
>funded by bill and Malinda gates foundation
>funded by federal reserve

>> No.53467623

Damn, cripples hate this thread. You seem a lil scared. Don't be! Switch flippening in December 2020 for sure this time, anon.

>> No.53467721
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You sound upset. I’m just letting you know what was posted is what we’ve been talking about before you knew it existed. I think it’s important to point out essential information unless you thrive on hopium. Volante is the chosen network by the federal reserve it’s crucial for you to understand that

>> No.53468003

Maybe send a long, ranting email to SWIFT and the Fed complaining about it then? You don't even seem to know what you're trying to "debunk" or what link actually does in relation to any of this, which is usually the case with cripples that stumble into link threads by accident because they can't find their plebbit tier general KEK.

>> No.53468016

>Maybe send a long, ranting email to SWIFT and the Fed complaining about it then?
I don’t have to >>53467281
Cope and seethe, nigger.

>> No.53468106

would be a shame if someone made another account with the same name but with a checkmark

>> No.53468124

jellyfag is known cuck and child molester

>> No.53468163

And again - you seem to have no idea what link does. Of how swift relates to any of this. Just projecting cope and seethe onto everyone else.

>> No.53468982

I’m op author, swift is working with a number of companies that want to be the gate between the banks and swift. One company is capGemini.

The fed project does not directly involve chainlink unless swift choose chainlink later and digi currencies are adopted by gov etc….

>> No.53469024

Mobius sir

>> No.53469803

Wrong. There are many projects in fednow pilot. Have you ever actually check the site? There are projects like Cypherium, Volpay etc: https://explore.fednow.org/explore-the-city?id=10&building=showcase-theater&page=2&postId=52&vendor=cypherium-blockchain-inc..


The materials made available through this showcase are presented as a convenience to potential participants in the FedNow Service. Federal Reserve Financial Services (FRFS) is merely the host for the showcase and does not support or endorse any showcase providers, and the inclusion or exclusion of a provider should in no way imply any recommendation or endorsement by FRFS. FRFS has not reviewed and takes no responsibility for the content or accuracy of any information presented through the showcase. None of the providers supplying materials through the showcase have any special or exclusive relationship with FRFS, and no relationship should be implied.

>> No.53470169
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These government PoC's will take a decade to be implemented, if they don't get abandoned first. All of this will happen through regulation in the private sector.

>> No.53471677


>> No.53473756

Your video isn't even an argument against what I said but you are too much of a brainlet to realize

>> No.53473809

it doesn't say link anywhere

>> No.53473845
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Thank you for the schizo post. Bought more sats. Not your keys not your coins. POW is proof of wealth. 1 sat == 1 dollar. 1 link == 0 dollar.

>> No.53473886

Ctrl+f "chainlink" 0 results

>> No.53474056
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>> No.53474332

Your screencap doesn't even mention Chainlink, retard.

>> No.53476066

No mention of chainlink whatsoever.

>> No.53476665

didn't read
never selling
cubes i need
they are smelling

>> No.53476714
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>ctrl+f chainlink, zero per usual

Itsthhhhh le secreth invastmannnt guysthhhh!!!!! Hodl MARINESTHH!!!

>> No.53476871

>Interoperable network of digital central bank liabilities
Proof of Reserves is groundwork for Proof of Liabilities.

>> No.53476882
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>> No.53476897

Bullish for XRP

>> No.53477997

I didn’t when I made post but figured it out before I posted this from excitement

>> No.53479729
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>look at this post i made on plebbit about the assblasted founder of ergo platform whose oracles got ditched by ada to use chainlink instead
maybe just stay on plebbit lmao

>> No.53479944

Hahahahahahahhaa what a fucking newfag. You think I made that??? Fucking RETARD. Thats from years ago, back when your mommy didnt let you on the net yet.

>> No.53479981

oh damn looks like i made someone upset
sorry bro did i catch you in the middle of trying to "peel back layers of your porn identity?"
anyway, my bad - so let's say you didn't make that post on reddit - why are you trying to show people some years-old seethe that you found on reddit made by a guy whose oracles got dumped by ada?
and why did you change your id btw? just a habit?

>> No.53480901

>Proof of Reserves is groundwork for Proof of Liabilities
Yes. Ari.

>> No.53481357

Good for LINK or should I shift all my bags to ORE?

>> No.53481400
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What is with you ORE shills? Glorified credential sharing.

>> No.53481406
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For a financial Institution to legally take or use KYC:
these 4 attributes MUST be adhered to by law.

1) The software entity is subject to the SAME obligations for data retention, customer due diligence, that the financial institution they are working with is. This would be according to the laws of each jurisdictional sector. i.e. The software provider must be licensed and regulated by the same laws that the Financial institutions they are working with are beholden to.

2) Contract of data sharing

3) Risk of transaction and customer due diligence still must be done by accepting financial institution

4) Ongoing monitoring still must be done by accepting financial institution


Everest empowers users, organizations, and projects to utilize True Identity, eKYC, and a full suite of financial services including on/off-ramps for fiat/crypto backed 1:1 by our legal and programmable stablecoin voucher.

In other words: ORE get fucked.

>> No.53481443

did that one OP actually deliver with the link earlier today?

>> No.53481672

Bad saying BTC would go 100k? Is that not shilling too? You idiots just don't have brains to think. Someone talking about their bag is shilling but saying BTC would go to 200k at EOY which will never happen is not shilling. Idiots

>> No.53481678

I'm not talking about BTC, I'm talking about no-compliance.

>> No.53481689

The mention of CDBCs makes me only think about privacy protocols. I think it's best people start using them. The likes of monero, railgun and secret network.

>> No.53481692
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>> No.53482159

Imagine it not being xrp, xlm, AND LINK.
All have different places and use cases.
It’s ez. I can’t imagine it different

>> No.53483066

Lol, they will though

>> No.53483132


>> No.53483151

This is 100% a Link fudder larping as a "muh xrp schizo" linker

>> No.53483414

Youre projecting your feelings, like the weakling you are. Imagine being so new you didnt realize that post is an interview quote. Damn you are thick. I can feel the tears streaming down your face, arms trembling as you write what you think are clever “gotcha” posts. The plight of the virgin newfag, has a nice ring to it…but still not as catchy as

Linkies, THE cuckolds of crypto. The few, the proud, THE cucked.

>> No.53483431

>that post is an interview quote
lmao no it isn't.
It's literally some faggot on reddit going "Sergey totally said this, trust me guyze"

>> No.53483513

i will only be buying more of the stink.

/biz/ discord. join for frens: Nwm4FcmzwT

>> No.53484022

Daily reminder that none of this will create buy pressure because the ccl will sell otc at extreme discounts to enterprise, baggies don't matter and smaller teams and node operators like linkpool either got in earlier to get 100k+ stacks or have already been subsidised (and dumped on you)

>> No.53484109

Fuddies already coming up with cope for when "it" happens.

>> No.53484267

>BNY Mellon
Was that the bank from Smartcon? Sergey were on the panel with some "big dudes" and one bank guy that seemed misplaced.

>> No.53484544

Yes, it was. The oldest bank in New York. If you look further into the participant banks in this pilot program, you will find more prior connections between them and link.

>> No.53484574

You'd be right if lobbying and the corporatocracy didn't exist.
This is the future we passively watched happen.

>> No.53484591

We are the normies now.
If we know, then everyone else already knows, too.

>> No.53484600
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I am disabused of all FUD, and see too clearly.

>> No.53484695
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>> No.53484786

>This is the future we passively watched happen.
only thing that happend was sergey dumped on us you midwit

>> No.53484821

I want you to understand that, if capitalism was filled with "rational actors" all reaching equilibrium between supply and demand, then there'd be ZERO FUCKING REASON FOR DAY TRADING IN A STOCK MARKET.
But, hey, keep on jerking off into oblivion, anon.

>> No.53484858

you really are fucking stupid arnt you?

>> No.53484866


>> No.53485083

Holy shit hahahahaha you have no clue about anything. You started crypto in ‘20 didnt you? Gooo gooo gaga we got ourselves a witttel baby hahahaha. Bitch ass

>> No.53485443

Good to know

>> No.53485567

This thread has been pretty funny. Not a single mention of chainlink, only mention of xrp like features, and companies working on this that are close with ripple...and these retards think its chainlink, based on some fantasy in their heads.

>> No.53485620

Bullish for HBAR

>> No.53485763
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ORE more like snore

>> No.53486748

These threads have gotten so predictable, they always end the same way, nobody changes anyones minds, and jeets start spamming their shitcoins because they know the only actual humans they can shill to on this board exist in link threads.


Paid/bots. Also ask yourself why people who fud link don't ever go after genuine scams like these.

>> No.53486828
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idk whos more delusional and schizo, stinky linkies or xrp bag holders

>> No.53486851

They call it an experiment. Still speculative. No guarantee they will use LINK. Also LINK whales would provide the liquidity for the network, not retail retards like yourselves. Same argument applies to XRP retards. You bagholders will never profit from dystopia like you hoped.

>> No.53486912

Everest isn't a scam, retard. Everest is Chainlink's only viable identity data provider.

>> No.53486924

It's literally Quant Overledger
Linkies BTFO again
Cope seethe dilate mald scorn cry stay mad

>> No.53487211

>Quant Overledger

>> No.53487308

Kek. Saved

>> No.53488103
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It is ok if the room temperature IQ think this