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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53459409 No.53459409 [Reply] [Original]

My estimated earnings this month are 6 BAT. I'm in the third world. How the fuck is this happening?

>> No.53459476

They smelled your taint

>> No.53459678
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because theyre actually buying the BAT now after they got caught faking the brave initiated BAT buys on the tranny page

>> No.53459694

This probably has to do with Brendan getting vaxxed. That fucking jab traitor.

>> No.53459820

>caught faking the brave initiated BAT
Gemini OTC purchases, faggot
>they're lying about that!
Well this isn't going to be a productive argument to have then, is it

>> No.53459914
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BAT might do a 10x when search ads start. especially if they get an ad partner and have a huge inventory. you know it's only a matter of time. if DDG can do it then there is no reason that brave can't. even the paltry 1m BAT buys are clearly visible when they happen. they used to just do them straight on gemini but there isn't even enough supply there to do it anymore. the slippage they were getting was insanity. now brave has to have gemini go and get it for them from binance, which is by far the most liquid exchange for bat - and those ad purchases still stick out like a sore thumb.

and then if they do the keyword staking stuff on top of that, and add in some other bullshit with the wallet or something? this thing is a dark horse. don't tell anyone though (not that they would ever listen to you about your shitty browser coin anyways you deluded faggot)

>> No.53460067

Wait, Brendan actually got vaxxed? I don't believe that. He probably just said he did to soothe the NPCs. Have you interacted with the "tech bro" crowd? These guy would lynch you for not getting vaxxed.

>> No.53460261

The people calling it a shitty browser token either don’t pay attention enough to see the value or are too impatient to wait for them to build out the platform. BAT is never gonna go up on hype. It’s a utility token. I understand the OG batty frustration, but ITS DIFFERENT THIS TIME.

>> No.53460298
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What the fuck are they building now? Seems like a bunch of horseshit widgets. And delaying/canceling all the real features for years
Amazing idea. 2 weeks in Q1 2018. Not out
Sometime in 2020. It's fucking 2023. And now it's basically scrapped
>pay with bat
Sorry can't do that

Fuck this coin. 5 fucking years of accumulating to get shit on. I almost went all in on matic instead back in 2019

>> No.53460405

Be patient it’s cooming

>> No.53460467

It's a ticking time bomb really. The whole thing about the KYC means nothing. If anything it's bullish, now every BAT will be accounted for and they won't get hit by regulations. Just search ads alone would be big, but if they do the keyword NFT thing and the DEX rewards and stuff...That's going to be crazy. 2/3 of all money flowing through search engine into BAT? It will literally not even be possible for it not to moon.

>> No.53461535

>What the fuck are they building now?
search ads

>> No.53462498

I like this post.
Still gonna fud bat and keep stacking it tho hehe.

>> No.53462952

>Still gonna fud bat and keep stacking

>> No.53463457

And btw, everything Eich said about the vaccine, Pfizer and Moderna is all coming to fruition. Admittedly, Brendan and I both overestimated what the death toll would be at this point, but our synopsis cannot be ignored anymore.

>> No.53463560

people injected a rushed vax created with this nigger involved?

>> No.53463614

ok when are the going to not deliver on it? and say "not the best direction" and give us another thing they are "building"

bunch of fucking retards

>> No.53463706

Yes. Pfizer is working on developing a new strain of covid themselves. Maybe one their “vaccine” will actually work on?

>> No.53463908

first of all the guy in the project veritas video is a faggot diversity hire and his role in the company is not as important as you think

second, who the fuck cares dude. we all know covid is a fucking scam, its been 3 years. the ceo of a company should not be sitting around on twitter bitching about it while barely ever mentioning his company. get a fucking alt account for that. its embarrassing.

>> No.53464312

>who the fuck cares dude. we all know covid is a fucking scam
This. Like we all know that covid was genocidal operation orchestrated by elite globohomos to endlessly cull the population until they can exert absolute and total control over the remaining survivors, but like just get over it dude.

>> No.53464436

everything the government does is to exert absolute control over the people you fucking retard. instead of bitching about the covid scam people should be protesting about CBDC or exposing the climate scam, or the ukraine scam.

but no, lets just sit around and bitch about old shit that everyone already knows about

>> No.53464451

and anyways, my main point was that the ceo of a company shouldnt be doing that all day everyday on his public twitter account. it looks fucking retarded. only a person that has eichs cock in their mouth would deny that.

>> No.53465019

Half the US died in 2022. Brendan was right. I’m so glad there is a virology expert at Brave.

>> No.53465069

DESU, I never cared about the 600k people every year that died from heart disease. It’s basically a big scam to raise my insurance cost while you southern faggots eat pork. So maybe Covid is a scam because we should let a bunch of people die?

But Brendan needs to keep his personal opinions off Twitter. He is not a cult figure like Elon Musk.

>> No.53465484

So uhhh what happened to that roadmap we were supposed to get this week?

>> No.53465561
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Ummm uhhhh it’s cooming

>> No.53465856

seriously this coin is fucking retarded. where is the roadmap

>> No.53465973

#97 rank on CMC, lol
roadmap is not enough, this shitcoin needs a lot more

>> No.53466194

When the fuck are they getting an ad partner to buy inventory on Brave search? This is becoming embarrassing.

>> No.53466228

bat is about to moon

>> No.53466232

>about to moon
Yeah, for like 6 years.

>> No.53466253

I turned off my ads as they required me to KYC. Still good browser tho

>> No.53466254
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i actually just asked eich that because of this post >>53459914
and he just responded a minute ago. i guess they are working on a partner.

look at BATBTC and the volume in the past week relative to what it has been. its about to break out. somebody knows something. my guess is insider buying because people know whats in the roadmap

>> No.53466300

and by the way, i dont think they would ever even really bother attempting to get in bed with MSFT anyways. they cucked DDG and made them track users and shit, that big scandal that happened a year back with them. there are a lot of other ad partners that dont require tracking that im sure are chomping at the bit to sell their shit on brave search. brave is probably shopping around for the best deal. plus the ads are still in beta. i imagine they will choose a partner and roll it out with the main release of BAT search ads.

>> No.53466495

What narrative is BAT gonna moon off of?

>> No.53466602
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$40 EOY is back on the menu!

>> No.53466654

whatever they put in the roadmap. AI, keyword staking, who knows.

>> No.53466657
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Who knows. A.I., free money, Google bad, real-world crypto use case, web 6 something something new paradigm. Could be any or all of these. None of it matters. All that matters is token price goes up.

>implying any crypto requires a "narrative" to moon

that's where you're wrong. Chart just needs to look good and then degenerate gambler traders will 100x long it. Essentially just need some market makers to say "huh my meme lines on BAT look good" and we moon

>> No.53466662

are you stalking me?

>> No.53466688
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>> No.53466740
File: 83 KB, 1412x752, batbtc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the meme lines unironically do look good though, BATBTC is breaking out of its lifetime long downtrend just now, right as they are getting rid of vbat, releasing a new roadmap and about to release search ads and pivoting completely on BAT


>> No.53466750
File: 102 KB, 1406x668, batbtc2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zooming in a bit, the bottom is in. the vbat fud is out of the way, the volume looks good in the higher range its set, and the roadmap is coming out. sentiment is rock bottom on this coin too, only place to go from here is up.

>> No.53466845

Bat looks fantastic especially with the roadmap coming out anyway now. I picked up 5k today.

>> No.53466858

By the way the volume is really light right now, I bet people have price trigger alerts set in the breakout of that range. We could push it out of there right now with only about $5k. You guys wanna do it and see what happens? I can put in another $2k.

>> No.53466873

I’ll do 200. What time does the buy have to be in by?

>> No.53466893

shit I'll buy a few hundred bucks worth on coinbase

>> No.53466932
File: 34 KB, 348x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just looked at the orderbook on coinbase, theres a sell wall at $0.273 that we would stop us. that wouldn't quite get us out of the range, though it would be pretty close

i didnt do the math on whether bat hitting 0.273 would get us out of the range on BATBTC though. if it would then i will join you guys. the wall will get eaten naturally anyways though.

>> No.53466954

You do realize those orders are fake right?

>> No.53466961

could be real from market makers and day traders

>> No.53467005

holding 6k BAT, and using brave browser (no ads) what am i in for?

>> No.53467046

How does $1,000 sound?

>> No.53467049

>first of all the guy in the project veritas video is a faggot diversity hire and his role in the company is not as important as you think
Wrong. The only people they can get to do work this evil are black faggots. Nobody else in the world would something so evil as injecting babies with deadly experimental drugs.

>> No.53467137
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another chud thread. exactly as I thought.

>> No.53467164
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sounds like im going no where for a while...

>> No.53467222


>> No.53467224

They said on a CC they were having meetings with a partner. That was like 4 months ago?

Feeling desperate. Add the tracking so we can get a Bing deal?

>> No.53467233

Keyword staking is BS. They have always said they will never do it.

>> No.53467241

>Add the tracking so we can get a Bing deal?
that would bite us in the ass so hard.

>Keyword staking is BS. They have always said they will never do it.
well eich is saying that its still the plan, and even if they dont do it we should still get a huge pump from just search ads alone.

>> No.53467245

>Add the tracking so we can get a Bing deal?
Nope. There’s a difference between getting money and making money

>> No.53467252

i also suspect that they are going to add more utility for BAT. getting rid of vbat opens the door from an engineering standpoint and gives them more options.

>> No.53467280

i wonder if i can fund a 3rd world gf with dividend stock

>> No.53467288

When and where did Eich say that?

>> No.53467299

4 years ago in a meeting with Luke

>> No.53467347

Things have surrrreeee changed since Brendan got vaxxed.

>> No.53467348

you sure about that? the whole brave thing looks exactly like a cult to me

>> No.53467388

you are joking right? less than a week ago i messaged him quite extensively about it on twitter and posted the screenshots here. he said the revenue split from search is going to look like this

1/3 to nft keyword cluster owners (keyword staking)
1/3 to bat rewards users
1/3 to brave

the keyword clusters will be a secondary marketplace where you can purchase the rights to 1/3 of the ad revenue share in NFT form and the rewards are paid out to you in BAT. so for example if you think metaverse is going to be hot, you buy the rights to metaverse search terms and get a share of the revenue from the ads that are shown for it. the marketplace would function like decentralands secondary marketplace where land plots for the game are bought and sold in MANA - except in this example the land plots (the keyword NFT's) will pay you revenue in BAT as well as having an underlying value that fluctuates based on market demand due to how hot a certain trend is at the moment.

he also said that regulators are being faggots, so they might not be able to do it on-chain at first like they want. the keywords would basically be held by brave (vbat v2.0).

anyways, having an entire secondary marketplace for that would be pretty bullish for bat

>> No.53467395

It’s not a cult. Brendan spends 50% of his time shit posting on covid studies he will never understand.

>> No.53467406

He didn’t get vaxxed. I’ll kill you for saying that.
We are a cult. Name one project that isn’t a cult

>> No.53467420

I haven’t seen your screenshots.

>> No.53467422

Can you re-post the screenshots please?

Very interesting (if true)

>> No.53467444

Brendan is vaxed. He went crazy. Stole a bunch of Moderna vials from CVS and he prefers to inject into his penis. Inflammation and oozing are par for the course. He likes it.

>> No.53467483
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>> No.53467491
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he also answered my last question and said -

"decentraland is not a US company so they have dont have to comply with the same regs, also the land plots don't pay revs"

i didnt save that last reply from him and im too lazy but thats what he said

>> No.53467508

this was from january 17, so about 10 days ago. and from what it sounds like, he said that they are doing it but they just dont know exactly what regulations they will have to comply with. they wanna do it all on chain but they might not be able to if bat and/or nft's are deemed as securities.

>> No.53467545

and again, even if they scrap the entire NFT keyword thing and never do it, then search ads running through BAT will still make it pump.. and you also have to admit that them even considering doing this keyword shit is a good faith attempt from them to make BAT moon, so they aren't going to just let it die. they will think of something eventually. i think the main thing for them is to just get search ads running and start generating some revenue, THEN they can worry about making our shitcoin moon once they dont have to worry about running out of money and having to suck VC dick to survive.

>> No.53467580

This is good news. We need this shit to rocket like BNB.

>> No.53467600
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A token of a spyware browser that phones home 247. Enjoy your scam normies.

>> No.53467609

yeah i think its only a matter of time. they are on the brink of profitability especially once search ads roll out. once brave is making money, then whatever problems BAT had (has) arent so big anymore. then they have a lot of options and can throw some fire power at it. but even now they are still making a good faith effort at making it moon like i said.

yeah yeah fuck off parker nobody cares. go pay for pedo pics with xmr.

>> No.53467613


The plan is very bullish, but it's also quite challenging technically.

>> No.53467653

>but it's also quite challenging technically.
agreed. i think thats why initially they are most likely going to have to do it in a centralized manner like vBAT. it would basically just be a different creators dashboard or something where the share of your revenue for the ads is paid out to you every month on gemini or whatever. decentralizing it would be more difficult and a longer process, like themis. he did say in a previous convo we had about getting rid of KYC that the future of bat is on chain. i think they have other ideas for bat too with DEX rewards and some stuff with the wallet that they want to do on chain.

>> No.53467684

well not vBAT in the sense that the bat you earn isn't real. the rights to the keywords that you own would be virtual. vNFT's if you will. you wouldnt be able to trade them freely on chain. the bat would be real and get paid out to you in gemini.

>> No.53467719

That's pretty bullish. I thought just BAT rewards from search was good. This would be a game changer but I'm not going to get my hopes up. It's nice to see them brainstorming though.

>> No.53467726

Why do they suddenly wanna do all this stuff with BAT?

>> No.53467780

peter parker? you mean spiderman?

>> No.53467804

like i said, priority number 1 for them is to become profitable first. they want to do all this stuff with bat to make it moon obviously. i think eich and the others on the team have their bags packed, but theres a bigger reason from what i can tell. eich just wants to be right. its a matter of pride for him, like proving that he was right all along about covid and the vaccines. being right for him is everything. that much is obvious. being right for him involves making BAT a huge success. he wants the same thing every guy wants, status, in the form of adoration from people that were holding his coin that he made rich.

a lot of people seem to think that eich doesnt care if BAT ever moons. i think those people are dead wrong.

>> No.53467892

>he wants the same thing every guy wants, status, in the form of adoration from people that were holding his coin that he made rich.
I bet once bat starts to moon he completely drops all the covid shit and forgets why he ever even cared about it.

>> No.53467982

But can’t he just flip a switch and make BAT moon any time he wants?

>> No.53468089

>6 bat
>112.5 rub
Yeah, that's nothing, even for a 3 world country

>> No.53468345

All this is pretty bullish. I'll believe it when I see it. And even then I'll have to make sure I'm not dreaming.

t. 4 year bat holder

>> No.53468420

>6 BAT
>totaling barely a dollar and 60 cents
>he merely earned $1.60 in a whole fucking MONTH
whew might as well be a beggar in the streets and actually get more than $40 a day from passersby

>> No.53468434

What can that amount of money buy in Russia? In here, it's enough for a cup of coffee.

>> No.53468487

2 cups of coffe
or a pack of ciggies
a bit of fruit or veggies?
I dunno, shit is getting expensive lately but wages stay the same. It's what we get for tolerating the Poutine

>> No.53468730

>2 cups of coffe
You're very lucky. I bet those cups are as big as mugs compared to the tiny teacups that we use here.

>a pack of ciggies
Jesus, the cheapest pack here is around $3.

>> No.53468820

walls moved up boys. we can take the breakout for 20k.

>> No.53468829


>> No.53468949

I think I just bumped it back over .27 little buys matter. Nobody is even looking at this token

>> No.53469264

>alone on a friday night shilling some shitcoin

>> No.53469423

>friday night
Hmmm, is that what day it is? I haven't worked in 8 years

>> No.53469801


>> No.53470677

I’m making buys in increments of $100 but it’s not enough. I need your help.

>> No.53471115

I paid $8 for one Uber trip across town yesterday.

>> No.53471126

Money is a good distraction. Brendan will FINALLY update his bible collection and book a trip to Israel for the senpai.

At $40 I'm going to buy a house here with extreme noise insulation. Fucking third worlders are assholes.

>> No.53471142

Brendan wants to make it big so he can fund a company that will remove the vax from the immune system. This is of utmost importance since Brendan got vaccinated recently when he was drunk.

>> No.53471391

Good morning BAT brigade. This is Jimmy. My NDA expired when I left the company. I’m very short on time right now but please AMA. I’ll do my best to answer all your questions.

>> No.53471445

Is Brave dumping their bags on us?

>> No.53471466

Yes. They converted all the vBAT to BAT and will continue to dump on you guys

>> No.53471467

Hi, this is Jimmy. Not Turtles. I've never actually been to Galapagos. Anyway, I left Brave because Brendan got vaxxed and he started passing massive amounts of gas in the office. At first it was totally based but then the reality of the situation wafted into our conversations.

>> No.53471521

I haven’t been to HQ in years so I wouldn’t know anything about Brendan’s vaccine status or his flatulence. I’m a Florida man

>> No.53472221

>converted all the vBAT to BAT

that doesn't make any sense

>> No.53472848

i am brendan eich ama

>> No.53472993

when moon?

>> No.53473328

I knew it. Fucking scammers, SEC will hear about this!

What happened to the roadmap? It was supposed to be released this week.

>> No.53473428

How do you like your martinis?

>> No.53473732

What is your take on IA?

>> No.53473893

You just say the word Brendan and I’ll get the rope for the oligarchs. Plenty of big trees in these in these parts. Deep freezer, lye and shovels all ready to go ser.

>> No.53474946

There is no way Brendan isn’t pro Russia. He’s a contrarian in the spirit of being retarded.

>> No.53474969

Hi Jimbo why did you leave brave

>> No.53475509

I was on a country road trip the other day. Saw tons of Ukrainian flags. Was thinking about grabbing a Russian for my front porch. I really hope they blow this retarded place up.

>> No.53475819

Yeah, fighting for the right to be a democracy… really retarded!

>> No.53475989

>Meme coin
>Zero utility
>Minted by "proof-of-attention"

>> No.53476200

You’re more retarded than I thought. It worries me that you chose BAT. I must be retarded too.
I’m coming to Alberta

>> No.53476433

Don't you mean "going"? Stupid ESL. What's in Alberta?